Purpose: To investigate the role of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) and angiogenetic factor endothelin-1 (ET-1) expression in regulating hypoxia and placental development by routine histopathological methods. Methods: Twenty preeclamptic and normal placentas were used. Placenta tissue pieces were examined histopathologically after routine paraffin follow-ups. HIF-1α and ET-1 proteins were examined immunohistochemically, and placental tissues were examined ultrastructurally. Results: Increase in syncytial proliferation, endothelial damage in vessels, and increase in collagen were observed in preeclamptic placentas. As a result of preeclampsia, an increase was observed in HIF-1α and ET-1 protein levels in the placenta. Dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum and loss of cristae in mitochondria were observed in trophoblast cells in preeclamptic placental sections. Conclusion: High regulation of oxygen resulting from preeclampsia has been shown to be a critical determinant of placentagenesis and plays an important role in placental differentiation, changes in maternal and fetal blood circulation, trophoblastic invasion, and syncytial node increase. It has been thought that preeclampsia affects secretion by disrupting the endoplasmic reticulum structure and induces mitochondrial damage, and that ET-1 may potentially help in the induction of stress pathways as a result of hypoxia in preeclampsia.
Placenta/fisiopatologia , Doenças Placentárias , Pré-Eclâmpsia , Endotelinas , Subunidade alfa do Fator 1 Induzível por Hipóxia , Imuno-HistoquímicaResumo
Background: The brachycephalic dog breeds have been increasing in Brazil, and these animals are predisposed to present the brachycephalic dog syndrome, consisting of anatomical defects that lead to physiological changes and clinical signs such as wheezing, dyspnea, and hypoxia. Electrocardiography (ECG) is a simple test that can detect disturbances in the electrical activity of the heart, including changes present in hypoxia. The brachycephalic dog syndrome can lead to pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxia. Based on this, the present work aimed to evaluate the ECG of brachycephalic dogs in search of significant changes in heart rhythm, ECG waves, and cardiac axis. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-nine dogs were evaluated in this study, 19 brachycephalic and 10 mesaticephalic, after approval by an ethics committee the animals were selected. Electrocardiographic examinations were performed in 2 stages, at rest and immediately after a 3-min trot. The exam was performed with a computerized electrocardiograph, with a standard time of 5 min. The standard positioning for performing the examination was the right lateral decubitus position. To improve the electrical conductivity, 70% alcohol was used between the animal's skin and the electrodes. In statistical analysis, paired t test was performed for comparison of the same group before and after exercise and unpaired t test between groups at the same moments, considering P < 0.05 as significant. Nineteen brachycephalic animals were evaluated, 10 Pugs and 9 French Bulldogs, 9 males and 10 females. The mean age was 3.4 ± 1.8 years; and the mean weight was 12.5 kg ± 2.7 kg. In the control group, consisting of ten mesaticephalic animals, all were non-breed, three males and seven females; the mean age and weight in this group were 4.4 ± 1.5 years and 7.5 kg ± 0.5 kg, respectively. There was a significant increase in heart rate (bpm) after exercise in brachycephalic dogs (baseline: 119.3 ± 4.3; after exercise: 135.1 ± 4.9; P = 0.0005). The same occurred for P wave amplitude (mV) (baseline: 0.20 ± 0.01; after exercise: 0.22 ± 0.01; P = 0.0001). These differences were not found in the control group. There were no alterations in the duration of the P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval, and all were within normal values for the species in both groups. The R-wave amplitude remained unaltered and within normal values in both the control and brachycephalic groups. Discussion: The elevation in heart rate may be associated with the chemoreflex secondary to the increased demand for oxygenation during exercise and the hypoxia generated by it. The increase in P amplitude suggests right atrial overload. The P wave corresponds to the atrial depolarization and its amplitude corresponds to the electrical activity in the right atrium. Thus, it is possible to relate the increase in P amplitude and heart rate to the hypoxia caused by exercise in brachycephalic, since this hypoxia results in chemoreceptor activation that increases chronotropism and heart rate. Also, there may be increased pressure in the pulmonary trunk, this increased pressure occurs due to vasoconstriction generated as a reflex to hypoxia in the pulmonary alveoli, leading to a possible picture of acute pulmonary hypertension that, in a cascade effect, leads to hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle, increased strength of contractility and ejection affecting the tricuspid valve causing a reflux and consequent overload of the right atrium.
Animais , Cães , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Craniossinostoses/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipóxia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologiaResumo
Adaptation to extrauterine life brings about various changes, which initially are reflected in physiological alterations in the newborn puppy. Also, the newborn puppy's thermoregulating capacity is deficient, and many of the physiological processes for survival depend on this capacity. Severe modifications in body temperature can lead to hypothermia in a few hours. Hence, the first 24 to 72 h of life correspond to the highest risk time, in which the newborn can course with moderate to severe hypothermia because the shivering reflexes and vasoconstriction mechanisms are not yet developed in the newborn of this species. Temperature stabilization is reached up to the 18th day of age. However, the colostrum's adequate consumption could provide a high energy supply, contributing to a fast recovery of temperature and, consequently, to a high survival rate. This review aims to analyze the factors that affect thermoregulation of the newborn puppy, the physiological and behavioral responses, as well as to discuss the influence of the colostrum as an energy source and production of heat to face hypothermia, aside from discussing recent scientific findings of infrared thermography (IRT) used to assess the thermal response of the newborn puppy to cope with hypothermia.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Cães , Homeostase/fisiologia , Cães/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Comportamento/fisiologia , ColostroResumo
The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologiaResumo
Adaptation to extrauterine life brings about various changes, which initially are reflected in physiological alterations in the newborn puppy. Also, the newborn puppy's thermoregulating capacity is deficient, and many of the physiological processes for survival depend on this capacity. Severe modifications in body temperature can lead to hypothermia in a few hours. Hence, the first 24 to 72 h of life correspond to the highest risk time, in which the newborn can course with moderate to severe hypothermia because the shivering reflexes and vasoconstriction mechanisms are not yet developed in the newborn of this species. Temperature stabilization is reached up to the 18th day of age. However, the colostrum's adequate consumption could provide a high energy supply, contributing to a fast recovery of temperature and, consequently, to a high survival rate. This review aims to analyze the factors that affect thermoregulation of the newborn puppy, the physiological and behavioral responses, as well as to discuss the influence of the colostrum as an energy source and production of heat to face hypothermia, aside from discussing recent scientific findings of infrared thermography (IRT) used to assess the thermal response of the newborn puppy to cope with hypothermia.
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Cães , Colostro , Comportamento/fisiologia , Cães/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Homeostase/fisiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: The temperature gradients are dynamic and noninvasive monitoring techniques that provide information on peripheral blood flow and have been related to the prognosis of patients with circulatory shock. This study evaluated 47 elderly domestic cats temperature gradients, and we measured central (rectal) and peripheral (palmar, plantar and medial region of the radio) temperatures. Values found in this study are compatible with studies in young felines and differ from dogs and humans. The mean gradients found were 7.5°C for the central-peripheral; 5.6°C for the peripheral-environmental; 2.7°C for the skin-diff; and 0°C for the member-diff and the variables age and gender do not seem to influence these measurements. To the authors knowledge, there is no description of temperature gradients in elderly domestic cats, so this study pretends to clarify the vasoconstriction response in this group of animals.
RESUMO: Os gradientes de temperatura são técnicas de monitoração dinâmicas e não-invasivas que fornecem informações sobre o fluxo sanguíneo periférico, e têm sido relacionados ao prognóstico de paciente com choque circulatório. O presente estudo avaliou os gradientes de temperatura em 47 felinos domésticos idosos aferindo as temperaturas central (retal) e periférica (palmar, plantar e região medial do rádio). Os gradientes encontrados foram 7,5°C para o centro-periférico; 5,6°C para o periférico-ambiental; 2,7°C para o skin-diff; e 0°C para o member-diff. As variáveis idade e sexo não pareceram influenciar as mensurações. Não há, em conhecimento dos autores, descrição prévia dos gradientes de temperatura em felinos domésticos idosos, e por isso esse estudo pretende contribuir com o entendimento sobre a capacidade de resposta de vasoconstrição nesse grupo de animais.
The temperature gradients are dynamic and noninvasive monitoring techniques that provide information on peripheral blood flow and have been related to the prognosis of patients with circulatory shock. This study evaluated 47 elderly domestic cats' temperature gradients, and we measured central (rectal) and peripheral (palmar, plantar and medial region of the radio) temperatures. Values found in this study are compatible with studies in young felines and differ from dogs and humans. The mean gradients found were 7.5°C for the central-peripheral; 5.6°C for the peripheral-environmental; 2.7°C for the skin-diff; and 0°C for the member-diff and the variables age and gender do not seem to influence these measurements. To the authors' knowledge, there is no description of temperature gradients in elderly domestic cats, so this study pretends to clarify the vasoconstriction response in this group of animals.(AU)
Os gradientes de temperatura são técnicas de monitoração dinâmicas e não-invasivas que fornecem informações sobre o fluxo sanguíneo periférico, e têm sido relacionados ao prognóstico de paciente com choque circulatório. O presente estudo avaliou os gradientes de temperatura em 47 felinos domésticos idosos aferindo as temperaturas central (retal) e periférica (palmar, plantar e região medial do rádio). Os gradientes encontrados foram 7,5°C para o centro-periférico; 5,6°C para o periférico-ambiental; 2,7°C para o skin-diff; e 0°C para o member-diff. As variáveis idade e sexo não pareceram influenciar as mensurações. Não há, em conhecimento dos autores, descrição prévia dos gradientes de temperatura em felinos domésticos idosos, e por isso esse estudo pretende contribuir com o entendimento sobre a capacidade de resposta de vasoconstrição nesse grupo de animais.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Choque/diagnóstico , Choque/prevenção & controle , Pele/irrigação sanguínea , Vasoconstrição , Temperatura Corporal , TermômetrosResumo
The temperature gradients are dynamic and noninvasive monitoring techniques that provide information on peripheral blood flow and have been related to the prognosis of patients with circulatory shock. This study evaluated 47 elderly domestic cats' temperature gradients, and we measured central (rectal) and peripheral (palmar, plantar and medial region of the radio) temperatures. Values found in this study are compatible with studies in young felines and differ from dogs and humans. The mean gradients found were 7.5°C for the central-peripheral; 5.6°C for the peripheral-environmental; 2.7°C for the skin-diff; and 0°C for the member-diff and the variables age and gender do not seem to influence these measurements. To the authors' knowledge, there is no description of temperature gradients in elderly domestic cats, so this study pretends to clarify the vasoconstriction response in this group of animals.(AU)
Os gradientes de temperatura são técnicas de monitoração dinâmicas e não-invasivas que fornecem informações sobre o fluxo sanguíneo periférico, e têm sido relacionados ao prognóstico de paciente com choque circulatório. O presente estudo avaliou os gradientes de temperatura em 47 felinos domésticos idosos aferindo as temperaturas central (retal) e periférica (palmar, plantar e região medial do rádio). Os gradientes encontrados foram 7,5°C para o centro-periférico; 5,6°C para o periférico-ambiental; 2,7°C para o skin-diff; e 0°C para o member-diff. As variáveis idade e sexo não pareceram influenciar as mensurações. Não há, em conhecimento dos autores, descrição prévia dos gradientes de temperatura em felinos domésticos idosos, e por isso esse estudo pretende contribuir com o entendimento sobre a capacidade de resposta de vasoconstrição nesse grupo de animais.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Choque/diagnóstico , Choque/prevenção & controle , Pele/irrigação sanguínea , Vasoconstrição , Temperatura Corporal , TermômetrosResumo
O crack é uma potente droga ilícita que traz grave sintomatologia. A ingestão não é a forma habitual de utilização da droga, e sim pelo fumo. Quando o sistema nervoso é estimulado por essa substância ocorre vasoconstrição, aumento da pressão arterial, taquicardia e pode haver arritmias ventriculares, mas os efeitos no organismo são agravados quando ocorre a ingestão, devido a ação ionizante do suco gástrico no estômago. As consequências para o intestino podem ser de isquemia por conta da vasoconstrição e consequentemente necrose, por diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo. Esse artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um cão da raça Bull Terrier com três anos de idade que ingeriu duas pedras da droga acidentalmente e foi submetido ao tratamento clínico de suporte, medicamentos adsorventes, protetores gástricos e hepáticos, associado a fármacos anticonvulsivos, promovendo o restabelecimento de sua saúde.(AU)
Crack is a powerful and illegal drug which causes a severe symptomatology. Its ingestion is not the common way of its use, which is through smoking. When the nervous system is stimulated by this substance, there are vasoconstriction, increase of arterial pressure, tachycardia and there might be ventricular arrhythmia, but the effects on the organism are worse when there is drug ingestion, because of the stomach gastric juices ionizing action. The consequences for the stomach may be ischemia caused by vasoconstriction and, later then, necrosis caused by low blood irrigation. This paper has the goal to relate the case of a three-year-old Bull Terrier, who accidently ingested two rocks of the drug and was submitted to clinical support treatment, adsorbent drugs, gastric and hepatic protective drugs, associated to antiseizures drugs, providing the dogs health improvement.(AU)
El crack es una droga ilegal de gran alcance que trae síntomas graves. La ingestión no es la forma habitual de usar el medicamento, pero a través del humo. Cuando el sistema nervioso es estimulado por la sustancia se produce vasoconstricción, aumento de la presión sanguínea, taquicardia y arritmias ventriculares, pero los efectos en el cuerpo se agravan cuando la ingesta se produce por la acción ionizante de los jugos gástricos en el estómago. El efecto sobre la isquemia intestinal puede ser debido a la vasoconstricción y de este modo necrosis, por disminución del flujo sanguíneo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar el caso de un perro de raza Bull Terrier con tres años de edad que ingirió dos piedras de la droga accidentalmente y fue sometido a un tratamiento doctor de apoyo, adsorbentes medicamentos, protectores gástricos y hepáticos, asociados con los fármacos anticonvulsivos, promoviendo la restauración de su salud.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cocaína Crack/toxicidade , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Drogas Ilícitas , Intoxicação/veterinária , Overdose de Drogas/veterináriaResumo
O crack é uma potente droga ilícita que traz grave sintomatologia. A ingestão não é a forma habitual de utilização da droga, e sim pelo fumo. Quando o sistema nervoso é estimulado por essa substância ocorre vasoconstrição, aumento da pressão arterial, taquicardia e pode haver arritmias ventriculares, mas os efeitos no organismo são agravados quando ocorre a ingestão, devido a ação ionizante do suco gástrico no estômago. As consequências para o intestino podem ser de isquemia por conta da vasoconstrição e consequentemente necrose, por diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo. Esse artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um cão da raça Bull Terrier com três anos de idade que ingeriu duas pedras da droga acidentalmente e foi submetido ao tratamento clínico de suporte, medicamentos adsorventes, protetores gástricos e hepáticos, associado a fármacos anticonvulsivos, promovendo o restabelecimento de sua saúde.
Crack is a powerful and illegal drug which causes a severe symptomatology. Its ingestion is not the common way of its use, which is through smoking. When the nervous system is stimulated by this substance, there are vasoconstriction, increase of arterial pressure, tachycardia and there might be ventricular arrhythmia, but the effects on the organism are worse when there is drug ingestion, because of the stomach gastric juices ionizing action. The consequences for the stomach may be ischemia caused by vasoconstriction and, later then, necrosis caused by low blood irrigation. This paper has the goal to relate the case of a three-year-old Bull Terrier, who accidently ingested two rocks of the drug and was submitted to clinical support treatment, adsorbent drugs, gastric and hepatic protective drugs, associated to antiseizures drugs, providing the dogs health improvement.
El crack es una droga ilegal de gran alcance que trae síntomas graves. La ingestión no es la forma habitual de usar el medicamento, pero a través del humo. Cuando el sistema nervioso es estimulado por la sustancia se produce vasoconstricción, aumento de la presión sanguínea, taquicardia y arritmias ventriculares, pero los efectos en el cuerpo se agravan cuando la ingesta se produce por la acción ionizante de los jugos gástricos en el estómago. El efecto sobre la isquemia intestinal puede ser debido a la vasoconstricción y de este modo necrosis, por disminución del flujo sanguíneo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar el caso de un perro de raza Bull Terrier con tres años de edad que ingirió dos piedras de la droga accidentalmente y fue sometido a un tratamiento doctor de apoyo, adsorbentes medicamentos, protectores gástricos y hepáticos, asociados con los fármacos anticonvulsivos, promoviendo la restauración de su salud.
Animais , Cães , Cocaína Crack/toxicidade , Drogas Ilícitas , Intoxicação/veterinária , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Overdose de Drogas/veterináriaResumo
In dogs with congestive heart failure, the upregulated sympathetic tone causes vasoconstriction that impairs peripheral blood supply, therefore causing the accumulation of lactate. In this prospective cross-sectional study with a longitudinal component, blood lactate was quantified in 10 healthy and 34 myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) dogs to investigate its potential use as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker. While there were no differences in lactate concentration between control animals and stages B1 (3.31±0.62mmol/L) and B2 (3.32±0.46mmol/L) dogs, significant differences were found between healthy (2.50±0.69mmol/L) and both C (3.99±0.47mmol/L) and D (6.97±1.23mmol/L) animals. When a cut-off of 3.35mmol/L was used, lactate was able to distinguish dogs with normal and remodeled hearts with a sensitivity of 78.2% and specificity of 63.6%. Also, significant correlations existed between lactate and indicators of cardiac remodeling. Finally, animals with blood lactate <3.5mmol/L carried a better prognosis when compared with dogs in which lactate was >5.0mmol/L. Our results suggest that the progression of MMVD results in accumulation of lactate within the bloodstream, which is likely attributable to the impaired peripheral tissue perfusion. In MMVD dogs, blood lactate may be used as a surrogate for cardiac remodeling, and an increased concentration is associated with a worse prognosis regarding the time to evolve into congestive heart failure.(AU)
Em cães com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, o tônus simpático hiperregulado causa vasoconstrição e interfere com o suprimento sanguíneo periférico, resultando no acúmulo de lactato. Neste estudo prospectivo transversal com um componente longitudinal, o lactato sanguíneo foi quantificado em 10 cães saudáveis e 34 cães com doença mixomatosa da valva mitral (DMVM) para investigar seu potencial como biomarcador diagnóstico e prognóstico. Embora não tenham sido identificadas diferenças na concentração de lactato entre animais controle e cães com DMVM nos estágios B1 (3,31±0,62mmol/L) e B2 (3,32±0,46mmol/L), diferenças significativas foram constatadas entre os cães saudáveis (2,50±0,69mmol/L) e cães com DMVM estágio C (3,99±0,47mmol/L) ou D (6,97±1,23mmol/L). Quando utilizado o valor de corte de 3,35mmol/L, o lactato foi capaz de diferenciar cães com corações normais daqueles com corações remodelados com sensibilidade de 78,2% e especificidade de 63,6%. Além disso, correlações significativas foram encontradas entre o lactato e os indicadores de remodelamento cardíaco. Por fim, os animais com lactato sanguíneo <3,5mmol/L tiveram prognóstico melhor comparativamente aos cães com concentrações >5,0mmol/L. Nossos resultados sugerem que a progressão da DMVM resulta no acúmulo de lactato na corrente sanguínea, fato que é provavelmente atribuído à perfusão periférica prejudicada. Em cães com DMVM, o lactato sanguíneo pode ser utilizado como indicador de remodelamento cardíaco, cuja concentração elevada está associada com pior prognóstico relativo ao tempo para evoluir para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ácido Láctico/administração & dosagem , Cães/sangue , Hiperlactatemia/veterinária , Valva MitralResumo
In dogs with congestive heart failure, the upregulated sympathetic tone causes vasoconstriction that impairs peripheral blood supply, therefore causing the accumulation of lactate. In this prospective cross-sectional study with a longitudinal component, blood lactate was quantified in 10 healthy and 34 myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) dogs to investigate its potential use as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker. While there were no differences in lactate concentration between control animals and stages B1 (3.31±0.62mmol/L) and B2 (3.32±0.46mmol/L) dogs, significant differences were found between healthy (2.50±0.69mmol/L) and both C (3.99±0.47mmol/L) and D (6.97±1.23mmol/L) animals. When a cut-off of 3.35mmol/L was used, lactate was able to distinguish dogs with normal and remodeled hearts with a sensitivity of 78.2% and specificity of 63.6%. Also, significant correlations existed between lactate and indicators of cardiac remodeling. Finally, animals with blood lactate <3.5mmol/L carried a better prognosis when compared with dogs in which lactate was >5.0mmol/L. Our results suggest that the progression of MMVD results in accumulation of lactate within the bloodstream, which is likely attributable to the impaired peripheral tissue perfusion. In MMVD dogs, blood lactate may be used as a surrogate for cardiac remodeling, and an increased concentration is associated with a worse prognosis regarding the time to evolve into congestive heart failure.(AU)
Em cães com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, o tônus simpático hiperregulado causa vasoconstrição e interfere com o suprimento sanguíneo periférico, resultando no acúmulo de lactato. Neste estudo prospectivo transversal com um componente longitudinal, o lactato sanguíneo foi quantificado em 10 cães saudáveis e 34 cães com doença mixomatosa da valva mitral (DMVM) para investigar seu potencial como biomarcador diagnóstico e prognóstico. Embora não tenham sido identificadas diferenças na concentração de lactato entre animais controle e cães com DMVM nos estágios B1 (3,31±0,62mmol/L) e B2 (3,32±0,46mmol/L), diferenças significativas foram constatadas entre os cães saudáveis (2,50±0,69mmol/L) e cães com DMVM estágio C (3,99±0,47mmol/L) ou D (6,97±1,23mmol/L). Quando utilizado o valor de corte de 3,35mmol/L, o lactato foi capaz de diferenciar cães com corações normais daqueles com corações remodelados com sensibilidade de 78,2% e especificidade de 63,6%. Além disso, correlações significativas foram encontradas entre o lactato e os indicadores de remodelamento cardíaco. Por fim, os animais com lactato sanguíneo <3,5mmol/L tiveram prognóstico melhor comparativamente aos cães com concentrações >5,0mmol/L. Nossos resultados sugerem que a progressão da DMVM resulta no acúmulo de lactato na corrente sanguínea, fato que é provavelmente atribuído à perfusão periférica prejudicada. Em cães com DMVM, o lactato sanguíneo pode ser utilizado como indicador de remodelamento cardíaco, cuja concentração elevada está associada com pior prognóstico relativo ao tempo para evoluir para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ácido Láctico/administração & dosagem , Cães/sangue , Hiperlactatemia/veterinária , Valva MitralResumo
Previous studies performed in marine fish (I. conceptionis and G. laevifrons) showed that indomethacin blocked arterial contraction mediated by acetylcholine (ACh). The objective of this study was to determine if contraction induced by acetylcholine is mediated by the cyclooxygenase pathway in several arterial vessels in the Chilean frog Calyptocephalella gayi. Arteries from the pulmonary (PA), dorsal (DA), mesenteric (MA) and iliac (IA) regions were dissected from 6 adult specimens, and isometric tension studies were done using dose response curves (DRC) for ACh (10-13 to 10-3 M) in presence of a muscarinic antagonist (Atropine 10-5 M) and an unspecific inhibitor of cyclooxygenases (Indomethacin, 10-5M). All the studied arteries exhibited vasoconstriction mediated by ACh. This vasoconstriction was abolished in the presence of atropine in DA, MA and IA and attenuated in PA. Indomethacin abolished the vasoconstriction in MA and attenuated the response in PA, DA and IA. Similar to marine fish, C. gayi have an ACh-mediated vasoconstrictor pattern regulated by muscarinic receptors that activate a cyclooxygenase contraction pathway. These results suggest that the maintenance in vasoconstrictor mechanisms mediated by AChCOX vasoconstriction is conserved from fish to frogs.(AU)
Estudos feitos em peixes marinhos (I. conceptionis e G. laevifrons) têm demostrado que a indometacina bloqueia a contração arterial mediada por acetilcolina (ACh). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da via da ciclooxigenase na contração induzida por ACh em vasos arteriais da rã chilena Calyptocephalella gayi. Foram dissecadas regiões das artérias pulmonares (PA), dorsal (DA), mesentérica (MA) e ilíaca (IA) de seis espécimes adultos e realizados estudos de tensão isométrica utilizando curvas dose-resposta (CDR) de ACh (10-13 a 10-3 M) na presença de um antagonista muscarínico (atropina, 10-5 M) e um inibidor das ciclooxigenases (indometacina, 10-5 M). Todas as artérias evidenciaram uma resposta vasoconstritora mediada por ACh. Esta resposta vasoconstrictora foi suprimida na presença de atropina nas artérias DA, MA, IA e atenuada na PA. A indometacina suprimiu a vasoconstrição na artéria MA e atenuou a resposta nas artérias PA, DA e IA. Tal como os peixes marinhos, a C. gayi tem um padrão de vasoconstrição mediado por Ach que é regulado pelos receptores muscarínicos e pela ciclooxigenase. Estes resultados sugerem a conservação dos mecanismos vasoconstrictores mediados por AChCOX em peixes e rãs.(AU)
Animais , Anuros , Acetilcolina/farmacologia , Atropina/farmacologia , Indometacina/farmacologia , Vasoconstrição , Antagonistas Muscarínicos/farmacologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is an acute disease, secondary to intravascular administration of iodinated contrast media (ICM). The most important mechanisms of this nephropathy are intrarenal prolonged vasoconstriction, medular hypoxia, and ischemia associated with renal tubular damage due to contrast cytotoxicity. Owing to the limited information available in veterinary literature regarding these mechanisms this study aims to compare the renal effects of intravenous administration of two nonionic ICM of different osmolarities in groups of dogs with risk factors for CIN development, by using a B-mode, color, power- and pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasonography, and other laboratory tests, in order to indirectly estimate the nephrotoxic potential of each contrast. The following two groups were established according to the nonionic ICM used: the GIH group [11 dogs administered iohexol (low osmolarity)] and the GID group [seven dogs administered iodixanol (iso-osmolarity)]. Both the groups were administered the same dose (600mgI/kg/IV). The following renal aspects were evaluated before administration of ICM (baseline) and after 1h30min, 24h, and 48h: renal morphometry (length and volume), renal morphology, cortical echogenicity, renal perfusion, and intrarenal vascular resistance (resistive and pulsatility indices); in addition, urinalysis was performed, and urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase:creatinine ratio (GGT:C), urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPC), and serum creatinine were also measured. Both groups showed similar characteristics with respect to the length, volume, UPC ratio, urinalysis, and serum creatinine levels. No similarity was observed with respect to the pulsatility index (PI) in both the groups and there were no significant differences between baseline and 1h30min, 24h and 48h time points. With respect to the IR and urinary GGT:C, both groups showed no similarity, and significant increases were observed in the resistive index (RI) and urinary GGT:C only in the GIH group, 1h30min after contrast administration. In conclusion, RI can be used to monitor intrarenal hemodynamics, and along with the urinary GGT:C, revealed that iohexol had higher nephrotoxic potential than iodixanol. Thus, iodixanol is considered a favorable option for dogs with risk factors for CIN development.
RESUMO: A nefropatia induzida por contraste (NIC) é uma doença de caráter agudo, secundária à administração intravascular de meios de contraste iodado (MCI). Dentre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos desta enfermidade destacam-se a vasoconstrição intrarrenal prolongada, consequente redução da perfusão renal, hipóxia e isquemia medulares, associada ao dano tubular renal devido à citotoxicidade do contraste. Frente à existência de poucas informações relacionadas a estes mecanismos na literatura médico-veterinária, objetivaram-se comparar os efeitos renais da administração intravenosa de MCI não iônicos de diferentes osmolaridades, em grupos de cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC, por meio das avaliações ultrassonográficas modo B, Doppler colorido, de amplitude e pulsado, pareada aos exames laboratoriais, a fim de estimar indiretamente o potencial nefrotóxico de cada contraste. Constituíram-se dois grupos de acordo com o MCI utilizado: o grupo GIH [11 cães receberam iohexol (baixa osmolaridade)] e o grupo GID [sete cães receberam iodixanol (isosmolar)]. Administrou-se a dose de 600mgI/kg/IV em ambos. Avaliaram-se os seguintes aspectos renais antes da administração do MCI (momento basal) e após 1h30min, 24 horas e 48 horas: morfometria (comprimento e volume), morfologia, ecogenicidade cortical e perfusão renais e resistência vascular intrarrenal (índices hemodinâmicos de resistividade e pulsatilidade). Realizou-se ainda exame de urina e se mensuraram as razões gama-glutamil transferase:creatinina (GGT:C) e proteína:creatinina (RPC) urinárias e a concentração sérica de creatinina. Os grupos apresentaram comportamentos similares para comprimento, volume, RPC, exame de urina e creatinina sérica. Em relação ao índice de pulsatilidade (IP), os grupos apresentaram comportamentos não similares, mas sem diferenças significantes entre o momento basal e os demais. Para o índice de resistividade (IR) e a razão GGT:C urinária, os grupos revelaram comportamentos não similares e se constataram aumentos significantes do IR e da razão GGT:C urinária no período de 1h30min após a administração do contraste, somente para o grupo que recebeu iohexol. Concluiu-se que o IR pode ser utilizado para monitorar a hemodinâmica intrarrenal, visto que junto com a razão GGT:C urinária, demonstrou a existência de maior potencial nefrotóxico do iohexol, quando comparado ao iodixanol. Dessa forma, considera-se o uso do iodixanol, opção favorável para cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC.
A nefropatia induzida por contraste (NIC) é uma doença de caráter agudo, secundária à administração intravascular de meios de contraste iodado (MCI). Dentre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos desta enfermidade destacam-se a vasoconstrição intrarrenal prolongada, consequente redução da perfusão renal, hipóxia e isquemia medulares, associada ao dano tubular renal devido à citotoxicidade do contraste. Frente à existência de poucas informações relacionadas a estes mecanismos na literatura médico-veterinária, objetivaram-se comparar os efeitos renais da administração intravenosa de MCI não iônicos de diferentes osmolaridades, em grupos de cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC, por meio das avaliações ultrassonográficas modo B, Doppler colorido, de amplitude e pulsado, pareada aos exames laboratoriais, a fim de estimar indiretamente o potencial nefrotóxico de cada contraste. Constituíram-se dois grupos de acordo com o MCI utilizado: o grupo GIH [11 cães receberam iohexol (baixa osmolaridade)] e o grupo GID [sete cães receberam iodixanol (isosmolar)]. Administrou-se a dose de 600mgI/kg/IV em ambos. Avaliaram-se os seguintes aspectos renais antes da administração do MCI (momento basal) e após 1h30min, 24 horas e 48 horas: morfometria (comprimento e volume), morfologia, ecogenicidade cortical e perfusão renais e resistência vascular intrarrenal (índices hemodinâmicos de resistividade e pulsatilidade). Realizou-se ainda exame de urina e se mensuraram as razões gama-glutamil transferase:creatinina (GGT:C) e proteína:creatinina (RPC) urinárias e a concentração sérica de creatinina. Os grupos apresentaram comportamentos similares para comprimento, volume, RPC, exame de urina e creatinina sérica. Em relação ao índice de pulsatilidade (IP), os grupos apresentaram comportamentos não similares, mas sem diferenças significantes entre o momento basal e os demais. Para o índice de resistividade (IR) e a razão GGT:C urinária, os grupos revelaram comportamentos não similares e se constataram aumentos significantes do IR e da razão GGT:C urinária no período de 1h30min após a administração do contraste, somente para o grupo que recebeu iohexol. Concluiu-se que o IR pode ser utilizado para monitorar a hemodinâmica intrarrenal, visto que junto com a razão GGT:C urinária, demonstrou a existência de maior potencial nefrotóxico do iohexol, quando comparado ao iodixanol. Dessa forma, considera-se o uso do iodixanol, opção favorável para cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC.(AU)
Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is an acute disease, secondary to intravascular administration of iodinated contrast media (ICM). The most important mechanisms of this nephropathy are intrarenal prolonged vasoconstriction, medular hypoxia, and ischemia associated with renal tubular damage due to contrast cytotoxicity. Owing to the limited information available in veterinary literature regarding these mechanisms this study aims to compare the renal effects of intravenous administration of two nonionic ICM of different osmolarities in groups of dogs with risk factors for CIN development, by using a B-mode, color, power- and pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasonography, and other laboratory tests, in order to indirectly estimate the nephrotoxic potential of each contrast. The following two groups were established according to the nonionic ICM used: the GIH group [11 dogs administered iohexol (low osmolarity)] and the GID group [seven dogs administered iodixanol (iso-osmolarity)]. Both the groups were administered the same dose (600mgI/kg/IV). The following renal aspects were evaluated before administration of ICM (baseline) and after 1h30min, 24h, and 48h: renal morphometry (length and volume), renal morphology, cortical echogenicity, renal perfusion, and intrarenal vascular resistance (resistive and pulsatility indices); in addition, urinalysis was performed, and urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase:creatinine ratio (GGT:C), urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPC), and serum creatinine were also measured. Both groups showed similar characteristics with respect to the length, volume, UPC ratio, urinalysis, and serum creatinine levels. No similarity was observed with respect to the pulsatility index (PI) in both the groups and there were no significant differences between baseline and 1h30min, 24h and 48h time points. With respect to the IR and urinary GGT:C, both groups showed no similarity, and significant increases were observed in the resistive index (RI) and urinary GGT:C only in the GIH group, 1h30min after contrast administration. In conclusion, RI can be used to monitor intrarenal hemodynamics, and along with the urinary GGT:C, revealed that iohexol had higher nephrotoxic potential than iodixanol. Thus, iodixanol is considered a favorable option for dogs with risk factors for CIN development.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , Meios de Contraste , Rim/diagnóstico por imagem , Nefropatias/veterinária , Concentração Osmolar , Administração Intravenosa/veterinária , IodoResumo
A nefropatia induzida por contraste (NIC) é uma doença de caráter agudo, secundária à administração intravascular de meios de contraste iodado (MCI). Dentre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos desta enfermidade destacam-se a vasoconstrição intrarrenal prolongada, consequente redução da perfusão renal, hipóxia e isquemia medulares, associada ao dano tubular renal devido à citotoxicidade do contraste. Frente à existência de poucas informações relacionadas a estes mecanismos na literatura médico-veterinária, objetivaram-se comparar os efeitos renais da administração intravenosa de MCI não iônicos de diferentes osmolaridades, em grupos de cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC, por meio das avaliações ultrassonográficas modo B, Doppler colorido, de amplitude e pulsado, pareada aos exames laboratoriais, a fim de estimar indiretamente o potencial nefrotóxico de cada contraste. Constituíram-se dois grupos de acordo com o MCI utilizado: o grupo GIH [11 cães receberam iohexol (baixa osmolaridade)] e o grupo GID [sete cães receberam iodixanol (isosmolar)]. Administrou-se a dose de 600mgI/kg/IV em ambos. Avaliaram-se os seguintes aspectos renais antes da administração do MCI (momento basal) e após 1h30min, 24 horas e 48 horas: morfometria (comprimento e volume), morfologia, ecogenicidade cortical e perfusão renais e resistência vascular intrarrenal (índices hemodinâmicos de resistividade e pulsatilidade). Realizou-se ainda exame de urina e se mensuraram as razões gama-glutamil transferase:creatinina (GGT:C) e proteína:creatinina (RPC) urinárias e a concentração sérica de creatinina. Os grupos apresentaram comportamentos similares para comprimento, volume, RPC, exame de urina e creatinina sérica. Em relação ao índice de pulsatilidade (IP), os grupos apresentaram comportamentos não similares, mas sem diferenças significantes entre o momento basal e os demais. Para o índice de resistividade (IR) e a razão GGT:C urinária, os grupos revelaram comportamentos não similares e se constataram aumentos significantes do IR e da razão GGT:C urinária no período de 1h30min após a administração do contraste, somente para o grupo que recebeu iohexol. Concluiu-se que o IR pode ser utilizado para monitorar a hemodinâmica intrarrenal, visto que junto com a razão GGT:C urinária, demonstrou a existência de maior potencial nefrotóxico do iohexol, quando comparado ao iodixanol. Dessa forma, considera-se o uso do iodixanol, opção favorável para cães com fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da NIC.(AU)
Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is an acute disease, secondary to intravascular administration of iodinated contrast media (ICM). The most important mechanisms of this nephropathy are intrarenal prolonged vasoconstriction, medular hypoxia, and ischemia associated with renal tubular damage due to contrast cytotoxicity. Owing to the limited information available in veterinary literature regarding these mechanisms this study aims to compare the renal effects of intravenous administration of two nonionic ICM of different osmolarities in groups of dogs with risk factors for CIN development, by using a B-mode, color, power- and pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasonography, and other laboratory tests, in order to indirectly estimate the nephrotoxic potential of each contrast. The following two groups were established according to the nonionic ICM used: the GIH group [11 dogs administered iohexol (low osmolarity)] and the GID group [seven dogs administered iodixanol (iso-osmolarity)]. Both the groups were administered the same dose (600mgI/kg/IV). The following renal aspects were evaluated before administration of ICM (baseline) and after 1h30min, 24h, and 48h: renal morphometry (length and volume), renal morphology, cortical echogenicity, renal perfusion, and intrarenal vascular resistance (resistive and pulsatility indices); in addition, urinalysis was performed, and urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase:creatinine ratio (GGT:C), urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPC), and serum creatinine were also measured. Both groups showed similar characteristics with respect to the length, volume, UPC ratio, urinalysis, and serum creatinine levels. No similarity was observed with respect to the pulsatility index (PI) in both the groups and there were no significant differences between baseline and 1h30min, 24h and 48h time points. With respect to the IR and urinary GGT:C, both groups showed no similarity, and significant increases were observed in the resistive index (RI) and urinary GGT:C only in the GIH group, 1h30min after contrast administration. In conclusion, RI can be used to monitor intrarenal hemodynamics, and along with the urinary GGT:C, revealed that iohexol had higher nephrotoxic potential than iodixanol. Thus, iodixanol is considered a favorable option for dogs with risk factors for CIN development.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , Meios de Contraste , Rim/diagnóstico por imagem , Nefropatias/veterinária , Concentração Osmolar , Administração Intravenosa/veterinária , IodoResumo
Background: Scleractinian corals (stony corals) are the most abundant reef-forming cnidarians found in coral reefs throughout the world. Despite their abundance and ecological importance, information about the diversity of their toxins and their biological activities is very scarce. In this study, the chemical composition and the biological activities of the aqueous extracts of Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea, three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean, have been assessed for the first time. Methods: Toxicity of the extracts was assessed in crickets; the presence of cytolysins was detected by the hemolysis assay; the vasoconstrictor activity was determined by the isolated rat aortic ring assay; the nociceptive activity was evaluated by the formalin test. The presence of phospholipases A2 (PLA2), serine proteases, and hyaluronidases was determined by enzymatic methods. Low-molecular-weight fractions were obtained by gel filtration chromatography and ultrafiltration. Results: Extracts from the three species were toxic to crickets, induced hemolysis in human and rat erythrocytes, produced vasoconstriction on isolated rat aortic rings, and presented phospholipase A2 and serine-protease activity. Despite the fact that these corals are not considered to be harmless to humans, the extracts generated significant nociceptive responses. The matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis of the low-molecular-weight fractions revealed the presence of peptides within a mass range of 3000 to 6000 Da. These fractions were toxic to crickets and two of them induced a transitory vasoconstrictor effect on isolated rat aortic rings. Conclusion: This study suggests that scleractinian corals produce low-molecular-weight peptides that are lethal to crickets and induce vasoconstriction.(AU)
Animais , Vasoconstrição , Cnidários/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bancos de Espécimes Biológicos , Dor Nociceptiva , Hemólise , Equilíbrio EcológicoResumo
Scleractinian corals (stony corals) are the most abundant reef-forming cnidarians found in coral reefs throughout the world. Despite their abundance and ecological importance, information about the diversity of their toxins and their biological activities is very scarce. In this study, the chemical composition and the biological activities of the aqueous extracts of Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea, three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean, have been assessed for the first time. Methods: Toxicity of the extracts was assessed in crickets; the presence of cytolysins was detected by the hemolysis assay; the vasoconstrictor activity was determined by the isolated rat aortic ring assay; the nociceptive activity was evaluated by the formalin test. The presence of phospholipases A2 (PLA2), serine proteases, and hyaluronidases was determined by enzymatic methods. Low-molecular-weight fractions were obtained by gel filtration chromatography and ultrafiltration. Results: Extracts from the three species were toxic to crickets, induced hemolysis in human and rat erythrocytes, produced vasoconstriction on isolated rat aortic rings, and presented phospholipase A2 and serine-protease activity. Despite the fact that these corals are not considered to be harmless to humans, the extracts generated significant nociceptive responses. The matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis of the low-molecular-weight fractions revealed the presence of peptides within a mass range of 3000 to 6000 Da. These fractions were toxic to crickets and two of them induced a transitory vasoconstrictor effect on isolated rat aortic rings. Conclusion: This study suggests that scleractinian corals produce low-molecular-weight peptides that are lethal to crickets and induce vasoconstriction.(AU)
Antozoários/classificação , Antozoários/microbiologia , Antozoários/química , BiotaResumo
Scleractinian corals (stony corals) are the most abundant reef-forming cnidarians found in coral reefs throughout the world. Despite their abundance and ecological importance, information about the diversity of their toxins and their biological activities is very scarce. In this study, the chemical composition and the biological activities of the aqueous extracts of Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea, three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean, have been assessed for the first time. Methods: Toxicity of the extracts was assessed in crickets; the presence of cytolysins was detected by the hemolysis assay; the vasoconstrictor activity was determined by the isolated rat aortic ring assay; the nociceptive activity was evaluated by the formalin test. The presence of phospholipases A2 (PLA2), serine proteases, and hyaluronidases was determined by enzymatic methods. Low-molecular-weight fractions were obtained by gel filtration chromatography and ultrafiltration. Results: Extracts from the three species were toxic to crickets, induced hemolysis in human and rat erythrocytes, produced vasoconstriction on isolated rat aortic rings, and presented phospholipase A2 and serine-protease activity. Despite the fact that these corals are not considered to be harmless to humans, the extracts generated significant nociceptive responses. The matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis of the low-molecular-weight fractions revealed the presence of peptides within a mass range of 3000 to 6000 Da. These fractions were toxic to crickets and two of them induced a transitory vasoconstrictor effect on isolated rat aortic rings. Conclusion: This study suggests that scleractinian corals produce low-molecular-weight peptides that are lethal to crickets and induce vasoconstriction.