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Sci. agric ; 80: e20220224, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1450487


Most commercial apple orchards are established on either Marubakaido (Malus prunifolia Borkh.) (high vigor), M-9 (Malus pumila) (low vigor), or a combination of both rootstocks through the intergrafting technique. The Geneva® Series rootstocks were developed as an alternative to orchards modernization. The vigor of rootstocks influences the anatomical xylem formation and, therefore, the canopy cultivar's hydraulic conductivity. When affected by embolism, hydraulic conductivity harms plant metabolism, reducing crop yield and fruit quality. This study aimed to evaluate four Geneva® Series rootstocks with potential use in southern Brazil, in terms of hydraulic conductivity (K) and percentage loss of conductance (PLC), during the winter period in two different years. The G.213 rootstock presented the best performance for the variables analyzed; however, higher values of xylem functionality loss were observed in G.814.

Malus , Vazão de Água
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023021, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509897


Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) production in Mexico has generated particular interest in understanding the bases of the development of this species. As a result, alliances have emerged between scientific, governmental, industrial, and productive sectors and other organisms involved with this species nationally and internationally. We must recognize that thanks to specific anatomical characteristics, water buffaloes present a low incidence of complications during calving, though they are not exempt from obstetric and perinatological problems that can end in morbidity and mortality for mother and/or offspring, with losses for both branches of dual-purpose production systems: calves-milk and meat, and draft animals. This article analyzes scientific advances related to water buffalo production in Mexico, including productivity, thermoregulation, behavior, and physiology, and key subthemes like obstetric and perinatological handling, imprinting, milking, and dual-purpose production systems. It highlights features inherent to milk production and the neurophysiological and metabolic processes involved in obtaining meat and milk. Finally, it presents a brief overview of current legislation and summarizes key areas of opportunity.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , México
Acta amaz ; 53(2): 84-92, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428844


The peculiar characteristics of mining waste substrates represent a significant challenge for environmental rehabilitation. Here, we evaluated the revegetation potential of Paspalum cinerascens on substrates from mining areas of Serra dos Carajás, a region harboring a large mine complex in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Paspalum cinerascens is a native grass widely distributed in the canga ecosystem, a vegetation type covering iron ore reserves. Seeds of P. cinerascens harvested in canga were germinated in sterilized quartzite sand and the seedlings grown in controlled conditions for 90 days. The seedlings were then cultivated in canga topsoil (control, without fertilization) and mining waste substrate with half and complete fertilization currently applied at the beginning of mineland rehabilitation in Serra dos Carajás. Regardless of fertilization, plants grown in the mining waste substrate did not differ in carbon assimilation, tillering rate and root biomass, despite higher leaf nutrient content and lower root: shoot ratio when compared to plants in canga topsoil. Compared to the control, complete fertilization led to significantly taller plants, higher shoot biomass and reduced water use efficiency. Half fertilization led to higher phosphorus and water use efficiency and stomatal density. Our results confirmed that P. cinerascens has adaptive traits to grow and thrive in the harsh environmental conditions of post iron ore mining, and can be used in rehabilitation processes. Moreover, half fertilization led to plants with optimized water loss in exchange for carbon without significant costs to plant growth, an interesting trait for rehabilitation in areas experiencing water restrictions.(AU)

As características peculiares dos substratos de remanescentes da mineração (estéril de mina) representam um desafio para a recuperação ambiental. Neste estudo avaliamos o potencial de uso de Paspalum cinerascens para revegetação de estéril de mina na Serra dos Carajás, Pará (Brasil). Paspalum cinerascens é uma gramínea nativa amplamente distribuída nas cangas, vegetação típica dos campos rupestres que cobrem reservas de minério de ferro. As plantas de P. cinerascens foram cultivadas em topsoil de canga (controle) e em estéril de mina com meio e completo regime de fertilização atualmente empregado para revegetação das áreas mineradas na Serra dos Carajás. Foram utilizadas sementes coletadas nas cangas e as plantas foram cultivadas em condições controladas por 90 dias. Independentemente da fertilização, plantas cultivadas em estéril de mina não apresentaram diferenças significativas na assimilação de carbono, perfilhamento ou biomassa radicular, apesar de valores mais elevados de nutrientes foliares e menor razão raiz: parte aérea quando comparadas às plantas em topsoil de canga. A fertilização completa resultou em plantas mais altas, maior biomassa aérea e menor eficiência no uso da água. Metade da fertilização aumentou a densidade estomática, a eficiência de uso da água e de fósforo. Esses resultados confirmaram que P. cinerascens possui características adaptativas para crescer e prosperar em condições ambientais adversas remanescentes da mineração, sendo indicada para uso em processos de recuperação de áreas degradadas na Serra dos Carajás. Além disso, o uso de metade do regime de fertilização otimiza o uso da água pelas plantas sem perdas significativas de crescimento, uma característica desejável para recuperação de áreas com restrições hídricas.(AU)

Recursos Hídricos , Poaceae/fisiologia , Brasil , Irrigação Agrícola
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 329-342, jan.-fev. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418826


Citrus fruit have a lengthy post-harvest lifetime, however owing to water loss, they lose firmness and luster on the skin after being picked. In light of the foregoing, this study aimed to assess the effects of coatings on the post-harvest conservation of 'Natal CNPMF 112' oranges under refrigerated settings using aqueous and alcoholic propolis extracts and carnauba wax. Fruit of 'Natal CNPMF 112' orange tree grafted on 'Rangpur' lime were treated with carnauba wax (100%) and alcoholic and aqueous propolis extracts (30%). The experimental design was totally randomized, with the plots consisting of the coatings plus the control (distilled water), and the subplots separated by the storage time (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) at 12 ºC ± 2, with the exception of weight loss, which was assessed at three-day intervals (0 to 30 days). Loss of fruit mass, average fruit mass, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, maturity index, pH, and technical index were all examined. According to the findings, the alcoholic extract of propolis produced decreased fruit mass loss, a high maturity index, and balanced acidity. The coatings used in the postharvest conservation of refrigerated 'Natal CNPMF 112' oranges had no effect on the other parameters. As a result, propolis alcoholic extract is suggested for the preservation of 'Natal CNPMF 112' orange.

Os frutos cítricos apresentam prolongado período pós-colheita, no entanto, devido à perda de água, após colhidos, perdem a firmeza e ficam com pouco brilho na casca. Face ao exposto, objetivou-se neste trabalho determinar os efeitos dos revestimentos na conservação pós-colheita da laranja 'Natal CNPMF 112' com utilização de extratos de própolis aquoso e alcoólico e a cera de carnaúba em condição refrigerada. Frutos da laranjeira 'Natal CNPMF 112', enxertada em limoeiro 'Cravo', foram tratados com cera de carnaúba (100%) e extratos de própolis alcoólico e aquoso (30%). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas constituídas pelos revestimentos mais a testemunha (água destilada), e as subparcelas pelo período de armazenamento (0, 10, 20 e 30 dias) a 12 ºC ± 2, com exceção para perda de massa, a qual foi avaliada a intervalos de três dias (0 a 30 dias). Avaliaram-se: perda de massa dos frutos, massa média dos frutos, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ácido ascórbico, índice de maturação, pH e índice tecnológico. Conforme os resultados, observou-se que o extrato alcoólico de própolis promoveu menor perda de massa do fruto, bom índice de maturação e acidez equilibrada. As demais características não foram afetadas pelos revestimentos utilizados na conservação pós-colheita da laranja 'Natal CNPMF 112' refrigerada. Portanto, recomenda-se o extrato alcoólico de própolis para a conservação da laranja 'Natal CNPMF 112'.

Própole , Citrus sinensis , Armazenamento de Alimentos , Filmes Comestíveis
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e63386, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427183


The increasing losses of original features of many riverine environments and the consequent decline of native aquatic species are now a widely recognized problem. The main river basins of South America have been undergoing constant changes in their communities of fish, with native migratory species disappearing and the rising of sedentary exotic ones. However, few studies report experiments that qualify and/or quantify this correlation. Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the predation mortality of two species of fish larvae (native and non-native) regarding their habitat features. The hypothesis that natural features of habitat (aquatic vegetation and water turbidity) controls the survival rates of fish larvae was tested. The experiments highlight the importance of community structure on population dynamics. The native fish larvae showed to be more adapted than the non-native to using the aquatic plants for refuge. The habitat complexity can be closely related to the persistence of native migratory fish species.(AU)

Animais , Biodiversidade , Peixes/fisiologia , Flora Aquática , Ecossistema , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07146, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422298


ABSTRACT: This study discusses the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological characteristics of two outbreaks of ocular infection in ostriches (Struthio camelus) caused by the trematode Philophthalmus sp. The outbreaks occurred in the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. Ostrich farming was categorized as semi-intensive farming with free access to the weir and river. The clinical symptoms for infection included nictitating membrane inflammation, epiphora (tearing), eyelid edema, ocular congestion, eyeball destruction, emaciation, and death, and the infection period ranged from 8 to 16 months. Macroscopically, thickening of the eyelids and conjunctiva were observed, with orange parasites infestation. Histologically, the lesions were characterized as lymphoplasmacytic and heterophilic, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, chronic conjunctivitis associated with hyperplasia and ectasia of the Harderian gland, and numerous parasites. The parasites were oval and flattened with an oral suction cup, acetabulum, and thick cuticle containing spicules. The diagnosis of philophthalmiasis was based on epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings associated with the morphological characteristics of the parasites present in the conjunctival sacs which were similar to the trematode Philophthalmus sp. Philophthalmiasis can occur in ostriches raised on urban and rural properties in Northeastern Brazil, probably associated with the contact of birds with contaminated water, and is characterized by severe conjunctivitis that can result in the loss of the eyeball and death of the animals.

RESUMO: Descrevem-se as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e patológicas de dois surtos de infecção ocular pelo trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. em avestruzes ocorridos nos estados do Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte no Nordeste do Brasil. As propriedades tinham em comum, a criação semi-intensiva e livre acesso a açude e rio. Os sinais clínicos incluíam protrusão da membrana nictante, lacrimejamento, edema palpebral, congestão ocular, destruição do globo ocular, emagrecimento e morte. A evolução clínica variou de oito a 16 meses. Macroscopicamente, observou-se espessamento das pálpebras e conjuntivas associado a numerosas estruturas parasitárias alaranjadas. No segundo surto, as lesões eram mais graves e consistiam em perda do globo ocular direito e anexos. Histologicamente, as lesões caracterizavam-se por conjuntivite linfoplasmocítica e heterofílica, multifocal a coalescente, moderada, crônica associada a hiperplasia e ectasia da glândula de Harderian e numerosas estruturas parasitárias. Os parasitas eram ovalados, achatados com ventosa oral e acetábulo e cutícula espessa contendo espículas. O diagnóstico de filoftalmíase foi realizado com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos associadas as características morfológicas dos parasitas presentes nos sacos conjuntivais compatíveis com o trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. A filoftalmíase pode ocorrer em avestruzes criados em propriedades urbanas e rurais no Nordeste do Brasil, provavelmente associado ao contato das aves com água contaminada e caracteriza-se por quadros de conjuntivite grave que pode resultar com a perda do globo ocular e morte dos animais.

Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 139-143, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509624


Bone fractures are a frequent cause of limp in cattle, being pre-existing bone lesions among the predisposing factors. However, there is scant information about the natural occurrence of bone disease. This report aimed to describe an outbreak of spontaneous fractures associated with hypocuprosis in pen-backgrounded calves. Hind limp and irreversible recumbency were noticed in 9-month-old calves of a dairy farm from Córdoba province (Argentina). The issue was only evident in males fed a diet composed (DM) of 57% wet corn, 24% dry corn distiller grains, and 19% corn silage. No mineral mix was supplied. Accumulated morbidity and fatality rates were 5.8 and 100%, respectively. Two autopsies were performed, observing multiple femoral and rib fractures. Severe hypocupremia, very low copper levels in the liver and plasma, deficient dietary copper levels, normocalcemia, marginal hypophosphatemia, and high sulfate concentrations in the water supply were determined. Except for the decreased bone quantity and the multiple fractures, no bone lesion was observed, confirming osteoporosis as the pathological diagnosis, and hypocuprosis as the etiology.(AU)

Animais , Osteoporose/veterinária , Bovinos/lesões , Fraturas Espontâneas/diagnóstico , Argentina
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469241


Abstract Gastrointestinal (GI) Parasitic infection is a hot issue for cattle management. There is variation of GI parasites effects in sex, age of cattle, drinking water condition, nutrition, and severity of infection. Studies on prevalence of GI parasites among cattle population in Dir Lower are lacking. A total of 40 farms were selected randomly in six tehsil namely Tehsil Adenzai, Tehsil Timergara, Tehsil Balambat, Tehsil Munda ,Tehsil Lalqala, Tehsil Khall. Freshly cattle fecal samples were collected randomly from the selected farms during March 2018 till December 2018. Out of 314 buffaloes and cattle examined 58.59% (184/314) were positive for eggs, cyst/oocyst of one or more species of GI Parasites. The prevalence of parasitic infection was higher in Buffaloes 63.55% (75/118) as compared to Cow 55.61% (109/196) but the difference was not significant (p>0.05) Entamoeba,spp, Moniezia spp, Haemonchus spp and Coccidian spp were found in this study. The non-treated animals indicated the highest percentage of infection in cow 57.71% (101/175) and buffalo 68.13% (62/91).GI parasite prevalence in female animal were higher female cow 62.58% (87/139) and female buffalo 77.33% (58/75) as compared to male. But the difference is non-significant (p> 0.05) Yearling calves had the lower rate of GI parasitic infection than adults. Future investigations are necessary to evaluate the economic loss due to GI parasites in cattles.

Resumo A infecção gastrointestinal (GI) parasitária é um assunto importante para o manejo do gado. Existem variações nos efeitos dos parasitas GI quanto a sexo, idade do gado, condição da água potável, nutrição e gravidade da infecção. Faltam estudos sobre a prevalência de parasitas GI entre a população de gado em Lower Dir. Um total de 40 fazendas foi selecionado aleatoriamente em seis tehsil, nomeadamente Tehsil Adenzai, Tehsil Timergara, Tehsil Balambat, Tehsil Munda, Tehsil Lalqala, Tehsil Khall. Amostras fecais de gado fresco foram coletadas aleatoriamente das fazendas selecionadas de março de 2018 até dezembro de 2018. Dos 314 búfalos e bovinos examinados, 58,59% (184/314) foram positivos para ovos, cisto/oocisto de uma ou mais espécies de parasitas GI. A prevalência de infecção parasitária foi maior em Buffaloes 63,55% (75/118) em comparação com vaca 55,61% (109/196), mas a diferença não foi significativa (p > 0,05). Entamoeba spp, Moniezia spp, Haemonchus spp e Coccidian spp foram encontrados neste estudo. Os animais não tratados indicaram a maior porcentagem de infecção em vacas 57,71% (101/175) e búfalos 68,13% (62/91). A prevalência do parasita GI em fêmeas foi maior em vacas fêmeas 62,58% (87/139) e búfalas 77,33% (58/75) em comparação ao masculino. Mas a diferença não é significativa (p > 0,05). A modelagem linear geral mostrou que o tratamento do animal estava significativamente relacionado com a prevalência de parasitas GI. Bezerros de um ano tiveram a maior taxa de infecção parasitária gastrointestinal. Futuras investigações são necessárias para avaliar a perda econômica devido aos parasitas GI em bovinos.

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 109-122, mar. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426380


O dejeto de suíno (DLS) é usado como fertilizante cujos nutrientes são perdidos por erosão e contaminam o ambiente se o dejeto é usado inadequadamente. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de DLS nosolo e na erosão, num Nitossolo Bruno. Os tratamentos, 0; 50; 100; e 200 m³ ha-1de DLS foram aplicados superficialmente após a semeadura uma vez em cada um dos cinco cultivos, e na palhada do último cultivo, totalizando 0, 250, 500 e 1000 m³ ha-1, na aveia (Avena strigosa), milho (Zea mays), nabo (Raphanus sativus L.) e soja (Glycine max), e nos resíduos de aveia. A chuva simulada (65 mm h-1e 75 minutos) foi aplicada três vezes no milho e quatro vezes no nabo, na soja, e nos resíduos, com um simulador debraços rotativos. Antes e depois da pesquisa, determinou-se o teor de K, Ca e Mg no solo. As chuvas aplicadas em cada momento compuseram um teste (T). O T1 ocorreu após a aplicação do DLS e os demais testes em intervalos que variaram entre 14 e 70 dias, em função do clima. Durante o escoamento, em intervalos de cincominutos coletaram-se amostras de enxurrada para determinar as perdas de água e o teor de K, Ca e Mg na água. O DLS não influenciou o teor dos nutrientes no solo. O teore as perdas totais dos nutrientes foram maiores com 1000 m3ha-1de DLS do que na ausência do dejeto. Com o aumento de escoamento, diminuiu o teor na enxurrada e aumentou a perda total, a qual aumentou também com o aumento de teor dos nutrientes na enxurrada. Recomenda-se aplicar menos do que 500 m3ha-1de DLS total no solo, mesmo em aplicações intervalares, devido à elevada perda de K, Ca e Mg pela erosão hídrica.(AU)

Pigg slurry (PS) is used as a fertilizer whose nutrients are lost through erosion and contaminate the environment if the manure is used inappropriately. The objective was to evaluate the effect of PS on soil and erosion, in a Alfisol soil. The treatments, 0; 50; 100; and 200 m³ ha-1of PS were applied superficially after sowing once in each of the five crops, and in the straw of the last crop, totaling 0, 250, 500 and 1000 m³ ha-1, in oat (Avena strigosa), corn (Zea mays), turnip (Raphanus sativusL.) and soybean (Glycine max), and in oat residues. The simulated rain (65 mm h-1and 75 minutes) was applied three times to corn and four times to turnip, soybeans, and residues, with a rotating arms simulator. Before and after the research, the content of K, Ca and Mg in thesoil was determined. The rainfall applied at each moment made up a test (T). T1 occurred after the application of the PS and the other tests at intervals that varied between 14 and 70 days, depending on the weather. During the runoff, at five-minute intervals, runoff samples were collected to determine water losses and the content of K, Ca and Mg in the water. The PS did not influence the nutrient content in the soil. The content and total losses of nutrients were higher with 1000 m3ha-1of PS than in theabsence of manure. With the increase in runoff, the content inthe runoff decreased and the total loss increased, which also increased with the increase in the nutrient content in the runoff. It is recommended to apply less than 500 m3ha-1of total PS inthe soil, even in interval applications, due to the high loss of K, Ca and Mg by water erosion.(AU)

24444 , Análise do Solo , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Potássio/análise , Suínos/fisiologia , Erosão Hídrica , Cálcio/análise , Magnésio/análise
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242677, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360196


Gastrointestinal (GI) Parasitic infection is a hot issue for cattle management. There is variation of GI parasites effects in sex, age of cattle, drinking water condition, nutrition, and severity of infection. Studies on prevalence of GI parasites among cattle population in Dir Lower are lacking. A total of 40 farms were selected randomly in six tehsil namely Tehsil Adenzai, Tehsil Timergara, Tehsil Balambat, Tehsil Munda ,Tehsil Lalqala, Tehsil Khall. Freshly cattle fecal samples were collected randomly from the selected farms during March 2018 till December 2018. Out of 314 buffaloes and cattle examined 58.59% (184/314) were positive for eggs, cyst/oocyst of one or more species of GI Parasites. The prevalence of parasitic infection was higher in Buffaloes 63.55% (75/118) as compared to Cow 55.61% (109/196) but the difference was not significant (p>0.05) Entamoeba,spp, Moniezia spp, Haemonchus spp and Coccidian spp were found in this study. The non-treated animals indicated the highest percentage of infection in cow 57.71% (101/175) and buffalo 68.13% (62/91).GI parasite prevalence in female animal were higher female cow 62.58% (87/139) and female buffalo 77.33% (58/75) as compared to male. But the difference is non-significant (p> 0.05) Yearling calves had the lower rate of GI parasitic infection than adults. Future investigations are necessary to evaluate the economic loss due to GI parasites in cattle's.

A infecção gastrointestinal (GI) parasitária é um assunto importante para o manejo do gado. Existem variações nos efeitos dos parasitas GI quanto a sexo, idade do gado, condição da água potável, nutrição e gravidade da infecção. Faltam estudos sobre a prevalência de parasitas GI entre a população de gado em Lower Dir. Um total de 40 fazendas foi selecionado aleatoriamente em seis tehsil, nomeadamente Tehsil Adenzai, Tehsil Timergara, Tehsil Balambat, Tehsil Munda, Tehsil Lalqala, Tehsil Khall. Amostras fecais de gado fresco foram coletadas aleatoriamente das fazendas selecionadas de março de 2018 até dezembro de 2018. Dos 314 búfalos e bovinos examinados, 58,59% (184/314) foram positivos para ovos, cisto/oocisto de uma ou mais espécies de parasitas GI. A prevalência de infecção parasitária foi maior em Buffaloes 63,55% (75/118) em comparação com vaca 55,61% (109/196), mas a diferença não foi significativa (p > 0,05). Entamoeba spp, Moniezia spp, Haemonchus spp e Coccidian spp foram encontrados neste estudo. Os animais não tratados indicaram a maior porcentagem de infecção em vacas 57,71% (101/175) e búfalos 68,13% (62/91). A prevalência do parasita GI em fêmeas foi maior em vacas fêmeas 62,58% (87/139) e búfalas 77,33% (58/75) em comparação ao masculino. Mas a diferença não é significativa (p > 0,05). A modelagem linear geral mostrou que o tratamento do animal estava significativamente relacionado com a prevalência de parasitas GI. Bezerros de um ano tiveram a maior taxa de infecção parasitária gastrointestinal. Futuras investigações são necessárias para avaliar a perda econômica devido aos parasitas GI em bovinos.

Parasitos/parasitologia , Gado/parasitologia , Paquistão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 855, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434506


Background: We report the case of 3 cows, 1 ewe, and 1 doe, with chronic mastitis and which underwent a mastectomy. All animals had a history of mastitis, edema with purulent secretion in the udder region, areas of abscess formation, fibrosis, hypogalactia, and agalactia. The animals had already been treated with systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs without response. The objective of this work is to describe the surgical and clinicopathological aspects of performing a radical mastectomy in the field in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and a partial mastectomy in a doe, with both procedures performed successfully and considered efficient to maintain the survival of the affected animals, in addition to being economically viable. Cases: In all animals reported in the study, a general and a specific clinical examination were performed, where on palpation of the udder were observed an increase in the region of the mammary apparatus, fluid fluctuation, areas of fibrosis with increased stiffness, and loss of udder functionality. In the case of the doe, there was a functional teat, which was preserved during the surgical procedure. Radical mastectomy was performed in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and the doe underwent a partial mastectomy, with preservation of the functional teat. All animals have fasted for food and water for 48 h. In cows, the anesthetic protocol consisted of 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.15 mg/kg, intramuscularly (IM)], followed by an epidural block in the lumbosacral region with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [10 mL]. The midazolam hydrochloride [0.1 mg/kg, intravenously (IV)] and 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.05 mg/kg, IM] were administered to the ewe and the doe, also associated with lumbosacral epidural anesthesia with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [5 mL]. The animals were positioned in the right lateral decubitus position and the entire abdominal and udder region were shaved and sanitized for the surgical procedures of radical mastectomy and partial mastectomy, with the use of degerming and topical povidone-iodine. The postoperative period consisted of penicillin-based antibiotic therapy associated with streptomycin [24,000 IU/kg, IM, 10 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [2 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in cows; enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg, IM, 7 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 5 consecutive days] in the ewe; oxytetracycline [10 mg/kg, IM, 5 applications on alternate days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in the doe. In all animals, the cleaning of the surgical wound was performed daily with 10% topical Povidone-iodine and Permethrin ointment, for 14 days, when the stitches were removed. Discussion: The choice of the surgical procedure resulted in improvement of the clinical conditions and increased survival of all animals, and in the case of the doe, partial mastectomy contributed to the preservation of the functional teat, preserving its productive capacity. All anesthetic protocols used and the anatomical positioning of the animals were satisfactory for performing the procedures. Although they are techniques described in the literature with great blood loss, especially in cows, blood transfusion was not required in any of the animals. The stitches were removed 14 days after the surgical procedures, and the surgical wound was completely healed.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ovinos/cirurgia , Edema/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Mastectomia/veterinária , Mastite/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 872, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434863


Background: The abomasum is glandular and has a bagpipe shape, with a capacity of 1 to 2 liters. It has a very acidic content with a pH ranging from 1.5 to 3, and although disturbances in this organ are uncommon in small ruminants, abomasal emptying defect is probably the most common abomasal problem in goats. The etiology of an abomasal emptying defect is unknown, however, abomasal impaction is the main cause of this condition. Since this disorder is associated with poor prognosis and information in goats is scarce, the aim of this report is to describe the success of abomasotomy as a treatment for abomasal impaction in goats, as well as to describe the clinical and laboratory aspects of this disease. Case: A 8-month-old male Anglo-Nubian goat, weighing 33 kg, presented with apathy and decreased appetite for 4 days due to digestive disorder. According to history, the diet consisted of crushed hay ad libitum and 300 g of ration bran. Clinical findings were apathy, pale mucous membranes, ruminal hypomotility, decreased fecal output, tense abdomen with distention of the ventral quadrants and loss of rumen stratification. The increase in chloride ion concentration (67 mEq/L) observed in the ruminal fluid analysis was indicative of abomasal-ruminal reflux, compatible with metabolic acidosis, as well as the dense hyperechogenic content in the ventral field of the left and right abdomen corresponding to the location of the entire abomasum on transabdominal ultrasound. Thus, clinical, laboratory and ultrasound findings were indicative of impaction of the abomasum, and the goat underwent exploratory laparotomy through the left flank, which revealed a distended and compacted abomasum. Differently from reports in the literature, due to severe distension of the abomasum, abomasotomy through the right flank was chosen to reverse the condition, followed by constant monitoring and supportive therapy with antimicrobial and analgesic medication. The goat defecated normally on the second postoperative day, however, on auscultation, there was persistence of abomasal emptying failure, suggesting a situation of posterior functional stenosis. With the suspicion of type III vagal indigestion, the atropine test, along with radiographic examination of the chest and abdomen were performed, and did not reveal any changes. In order to restore abomasal motility, intensive therapy with prokinetic drugs (bromopride, metoclopramide and promethazine) was associated, and on the fifth day the animal returned to normal appetite, abomasal motility and fecal production. The goat was discharged after 14 days of intensive care with recommendations to provide good quality food and water. Discussion: Abomasal impaction is rarely reported in goats, commonly resulting in animal death before or even a few days after surgical correction. The diagnosis of abomasal impaction was based on clinical, laboratory and ultrasound findings, and should be differentiated from other diseases that progress with abdominal distention and gradual weight loss, such as functional stenosis; duodenal obstruction; vagal nerve disorder; abomasite; generalized peritonitis, and granuloma associated with Actinobacillus lignieresii. Surgical correction by right paralombar access associated with visceral emptying and supportive therapy of impaction abomasal was performed and considered successful, without relapses and secondary complications long-term.

Animais , Masculino , Abomaso/cirurgia , Abomaso/patologia , Cabras/cirurgia , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-75322E, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447891


The aim was to evaluate the effect of replacing ground corn with spineless cactus from two species Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) and Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) in a total mixed ration for finishing lambs evaluating its effects on intake, ingestive behavior, performance, carcass traits, commercial cuts and physiochemical composition of the meat. Eighteen crossbred lambs with average body weight of 15.0 ± 2.32 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments (OEM and Gigante spineless cactus and ground corn as control treatment) and six replications. Spineless cactus species replacing ground corn in lambs diets does not change the intake of dry matter (DMI), crude protein and neutral detergent fiber or time (min/d) of ingestion, rumination and idleness, or final body weight gain. Lambs fed with ground corn and "Gigante" cactus presented a higher total weigh gain (TWG) and average daily weight gain (ADG) when compared to OEM spineless specie. Ground corn diet promoted better hot and cold carcass yield in lambs receiving spineless cactus, regardless of species. Feed and total costs (kg/lamb) were higher for the ground corn diet. The replacement of ground corn with spineless cactus did not change moisture, protein, and ash meat contents, as well as water holding capacity, cooking loss, shear force, and a* color intensity. However, there was an effect for the meat lipid content, b* and L* color intensity and color index, where the species of cactus Gigante on ground corn presented the highest lipid content and yellowness (b*) intensity and lower L* color compared to OEM. Spineless cactus species Gigante can replace ground corn as a source of energy in diets for finishing lambs because it significantly improves the financial income for the producer without changing the ADG, DMI, ingestive behavior and yield of commercial cuts.

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho moído por duas espécies de palma forrageira, Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) e espécie Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) em uma ração completa para terminação de cordeiros avaliando seus efeitos sobre consumo, comportamento ingestivo, desempenho, características de carcaça, cortes comerciais e composição físico-química da carne. Foram utilizados dezoito cordeiros sem padrão racial definido com peso corporal médio de 15,0 ± 2,32 kg e foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (OEM e palma Gigante e grão de milho como controle) e seis repetições. As duas espécies de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros não modificaram o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro nem o tempo (min/dia) de ingestão, ruminação e ócio ou ganho corporal final. Cordeiros alimentados com milho moído e palma Gigante apresentaram maior ganho de peso total (GPT) e médio diário (GMD) em relação à espécie OEM. A dieta com milho moído promoveu melhor rendimento de carcaça quente e fria comparando cordeiros recebendo palma forrageira, independente da espécie. Os custos com ração e total (kg/cordeiro) foram maiores para a dieta com milho moído. A substituição do milho moído pela palma forrageira não alterou os teores de umidade, proteína e cinzas da carne, bem como a capacidade de retenção de água, perda por cozimento, força de cisalhamento e intensidade de cor a*. No entanto, houve efeito para o teor de lipídios da carne, índice de intensidade de cor b* e L*, sendo que a espécie de palma Gigante e o milho grão moído apresentou o maior teor de lipídios e intensidade de amarelo (b*) e menor cor L* em relação ao OEM. A espécie palma forrageira Gigante pode substituir o milho moído como fonte de energia em dietas para cordeiros em terminação, pois melhora significativamente o rendimento financeiro do produtor sem alterar o GMD, CMS, comportamento ingestivo e rendimento dos cortes comerciais.

Animais , Ovinos , Zea mays , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 317-328, jan.-fev. 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418825


Cryptosporidium protozoa genus are parasites that cause acute enteric disease in young and immunocompromised animals, resulting in anorexia, loss and decrease in weight gain, and, in severe cases, death. Therefore, this study aimed: i) to determine the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in calves with clinical diarrhea in different regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil; ii) to evaluate the risk factors involved with the frequency of infection. iii) to determine the species most involved with the disease in the region. For this, 425 samples were collected in 141 dairy farms, from animals with ages ranging from 0 to 150 days. For this purpose, the samples were submitted to the modified Ziehl-Neelsen technique, with molecular analysis of the positive samples being performed. It was observed 62.1% occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in this sampling, especially between 8 to 15 days. Regarding the risk factors evaluated, such as age, management, facilities, water source and Koppen climate (CFA and CFB), none showed statistical significance. Samples positive by the Ziehl-Neelsen technique (32 samples) were randomly selected for molecular diagnosis. Of these, 10 were sequenced, allowing the identification of Crypstosporidium parvum in 6 samples. However, this study proves the existence and high occurrence of the protozoan in different regions of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Os protozoários do gênero Cryptosporidium são parasitas que causam doença entérica aguda em animais jovens e imunocomprometidos, resultando em anorexia, perda e diminuição do ganho de peso e, em casos graves, morte. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em bezerros com diarreia clínica em diferentes regiões de Santa Catarina, Brasil; bem como avaliar os fatores de risco envolvidos com a frequência de infecção. Além disso, com um número seleto de amostras, buscou-se determinar as espécies mais envolvidas com a doença na região por meio de técnicas moleculares. Para isso, foram coletadas 425 amostras em 141 fazendas leiteiras, de animais com idade variando de 0 a 150 dias. Observou-se 62,1% de ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. nesta amostragem, principalmente entre 8 a 15 dias. Em relação aos fatores de risco avaliados, como idade, manejo, instalações, fonte hídrica e clima de Koppen (CFA e CFB), nenhum apresentou significância estatística. No entanto, este estudo comprova a existência e alta ocorrência do protozoário em diferentes regiões do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Criptosporidiose , Diarreia/veterinária
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 95-102, mar. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426359


Objetivou-se avaliar métodos alternativos de restrição alimentar qualitativa e quantitativa em comparação à técnica convencional de muda forçada em codornas japonesas para o segundo ciclo de produção. O período de muda forçada teve duração de 10 dias e dois períodos de 21 dias de pós-muda. Foram utilizadas 72 codornas japonesas fêmeas, emfinal de produção com 72 semanas deidade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições cada, com seiscodornas por repetição. Os tratamentos experimentais foram:T1 ­aves submetidas a três dias de jejum com posterior fornecimento de ração de postura à vontade por setedias; T2 ­aves que receberam alimentação controlada (10 g/ave/dia) por 10 dias; T3 ­aves que receberam farelo de arroz à vontade por 10 dias. Durante todo o experimento todasas aves foram submetidas a iluminação natural com média de 12 horas de luz diária e água a vontade e após os 10 dias de muda foi fornecido ração de postura a vontade. A utilização do T2 (10 g/ave/dia de ração de postura) e de farelo de arroz como alimentoalternativo no programa de muda forçada foi viável. Mesmo a perda de peso sendo abaixo do recomentado, as aves que receberam 10 g de ração ave/dia e farelo de arroz à vontade apresentaram resultados de desempenho e qualidade do ovo pós muda semelhantes àsaves que ficaram em jejum, além de possibilitar melhores condições de bem-estar animal.(AU)

The objective was to evaluate alternative methods of qualitative and quantitative feed restriction compared to theconventional technique of forced moulting in Japanese quails for the second production cycle. The forced moulting period lasted 10 days and two 21-day post-molt periods. 72 female Japanese quails were used, at the end of production at 72 weeks of age. Thebirds were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications each, with sixquails per replicate. The experimental treatments were: T1 ­birds submitted to three days of fasting with subsequent provision of layingfeed ad libitum for sevendays; T2 ­birds that received controlled feeding (10 g/bird/day) for 10 days; T3 ­birds that received rice bran ad libitum for 10 days. Throughout the experiment, all birds were submitted tonatural lighting with an average of12hours of daily light and water ad libitum and after 10 days of molting, laying feed was provided ad libitum. The use of T2 (10 g/bird/day of laying ration) and ricebran as an alternativefood in the forced molt program was feasible. Even the weight loss being below the recommended, the birds that received 10 g of poultry feed/day and rice bran ad libitum showed similar post-moult performance and egg quality results to birds that were fasted, in addition to enabling better conditions. of animal welfare.(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Ovos/análise , Farinha/análise , Dietoterapia/métodos
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(4): 1403-1422, jul.-ago. 2022. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369662


Since the mid-16th century, the Tietê River has been an important route for the territorial occupation and exploitation of natural resources in the interior of São Paulo and Brazil. Currently, the Tietê River is well known for environmental problems related to water pollution and contamination. However, little attention has been focused on water erosion, which is a serious issue that affects the soils and waters of the hydrographic basin. Thus, this work aimed to estimate soil loss caused by water erosion in this basin, which has an area of approximately 72,000 km², using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The RUSLE parameter survey and soil loss calculation were performed using geoprocessing techniques. The RUSLE estimated an average soil loss of 8.9 Mg ha-1 yr-1 and revealed that 18% of the basin's territory presents high erosion rates. These are priority zones for conservation practices to reduce water erosion and ensure long-term soil sustainability. The estimated sediment transport was 1.3 Mg ha-1 yr-1, whereas the observed sedimentation, which was calculated based on data from the fluviometric station, was 0.8 Mg ha-1 yr-1. Thus, the results were equivalent considering the large size of the study area and can be used to assist in managing the basin. Estimating soil losses can help in the planning of sustainable management of the Tietê River Hydrographic Basin and highlights the importance of minimizing water erosion, thus helping to prevent additional pollution and contamination with sediments, agrochemicals, and fertilizers.(AU)

Desde meados do século 16, o rio Tietê tem sido uma importante rota de ocupação territorial e exploração dos recursos naturais do interior de São Paulo e do Brasil. Atualmente, o Rio Tietê é bastante conhecido pelos problemas ambientais relacionados à poluição e contaminação das águas. No entanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada à erosão hídrica, que é um problema sério que afeta os solos e as águas da bacia hidrográfica. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as perdas de solo causadas pela erosão hídrica nesta bacia, que tem uma área de aproximadamente 72.000 km², utilizando a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo Revisada (RUSLE). O levantamento dos parâmetros RUSLE e o cálculo das perdas de solo foram realizados utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. O RUSLE estimou uma perda média de solo de 8,9 Mg ha-1 ano-1 e revelou que 18% do território da bacia apresenta altas taxas de erosão. Estas são zonas prioritárias para práticas de conservação para reduzir a erosão hídrica e garantir a sustentabilidade do solo a longo prazo. O transporte de sedimentos estimado foi de 1,3 Mg ha-1 ano-1, enquanto a sedimentação observada, calculada com base nos dados da estação fluviométrica, foi de 0,8 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Assim, os resultados foram equivalentes considerando a grande extensão da área de estudo e podem ser utilizados para auxiliar na gestão da bacia. A estimativa das perdas de solo pode auxiliar no planejamento do manejo sustentável da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Tietê e destacar a importância de minimizar a erosão hídrica, auxiliando na prevenção de poluição adicional e contaminação por sedimentos, agroquímicos e fertilizantes.(AU)

Bacias Hidrográficas , Erosão Hídrica , Transporte de Sedimentos , Recursos Naturais
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(4): 1497-1516, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369719


The use of marginal quality water can be a viable alternative in regions with water scarcity when associated with an adequate irrigation management strategy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological and biochemical responses of 'Sugar Baby' mini watermelon as a function of irrigation management and salinity of the nutrient solution (ECsol). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia, in the municipality of Cruz das Almas - BA, in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The plants were grown under two types of irrigation management (conventional drip - CD and pulse - PD) and four saline levels of the fertigation nutrient solution (2.5 - control; 4.5; 5.5; 6.5 dS m-1). At 65 days after cultivation, the following variables were evaluated: chlorophyll a and b content, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and organic and inorganic solutes content. The treatments did not influence the levels of chlorophyll a and b. Salinity decreased the quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion due to the increased quantum yield of unregulated energy loss. Irrigation management and water salinity did not affect carbohydrate content in mini watermelons leaves. However, soluble proteins were higher in the CD than in PD and decreased with increasing salinity in both managements. Salinity increased free amino acids in CD but did not change the content of these solutes in PD. Free proline was only influenced by the management system and was higher in CD than in PD. Sodium, chloride, and sodium to potassium ratio increased with ECsol, but these increases were more pronounced in PD. Salinity increased potassium content in PD and reduced in CD. The CD led to lower absorption of toxic ions, reducing the effects of salinity on the mini watermelon.(AU)

A utilização de água da qualidade marginal pode ser uma alternativa viável em regiões com escassez hídrica, quando associada a estratégias de manejo de irrigação adequadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas da minimelancia 'Sugar Baby' em função dos manejos de irrigação e da salinidade da solução nutritiva (CEsol). O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, no município de Cruz das Almas, BA, Brasil, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizados com quatro repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas sob dois tipos de manejo de irrigação (gotejamento convencional - GC e por pulsos ­ GP) e quatro níveis salinos da solução nutritiva de fertirrigação (2,5 - controle; 4,5; 5,5; 6,5 dS m-1). Aos 65 dias após semeadura, foram avaliadas as variáveis: teores de clorofilas a e b, fluorescência da clorofila a e teores de solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos. Os tratamentos não influenciaram os teores de clorofila a e b. A salinidade diminuiu o rendimento quântico da conversão de energia fotoquímica com aumento na dissipação de energia não regulada, sendo que ambos são vias competitivas de energia entre si. O tipo de manejo e a salinidade não afetaram os teores de carboidratos nas folhas de minimelancia. Entretanto, as proteínas solúveis foram maiores no GC que no GP e diminuíram com o incremento da salinidade em ambos os manejos. A salinidade aumentou os aminoácidos livres no GC, mas não alterou o conteúdo destes solutos no GP. Os teores de prolina livre só foram influenciados pelo tipo de manejo, sendo maiores no GC que no GP. Os íons sódio e cloreto e a razão sódio/potássio aumentaram com a CEsol, sendo esses aumentos mais pronunciados no GP. A salinidade aumentou os teores de potássio no GP e diminuiu no GC. O GC levou a uma menor absorção de íons tóxicos, atenuando os efeitos da salinidade sobre a minimelancia.(AU)

Fotoquímica , Plantas , Águas Salinas , Substâncias Tóxicas
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e267343, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403835


It has long been hypothesized that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may play an essential role in root-to-shoot long-distance signaling during drought conditions. Thus, to better understand the involvement of H2O2 in drought signaling, two experiments were carried out using tomato plants. In the first experiment, a split-root scheme was used, while in the second experiment, the tomato plants were grown in a single pot and subjected to drought stress. In both experiments, H2O2 and catalase were applied together with irrigation. Control plants continued to be irrigated according to the water loss. In the split-root experiment, it was verified that the application of H2O2 to roots induced a clear reduction in plant transpiration compared to untreated or catalase-treated plants. In the second experiment, we observed that H2O2-treated plants exhibited similar transpiration when compared to untreated and catalase-treated plants under drought stress. Similarly, no difference in water use efficiency was observed. Thus, we conclude that the increase in H2O2 in the root system can act as a long-distance signal leading to reduced transpiration even when there is no water limitation in the shoot. But it has little effect when there is a reduction in the shoot water potential.

Tem sido hipotetizado que o peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) pode desempenhar um papel essencial na sinalização de longa distância entre a raiz e a parte aérea sob condições de seca. Assim, para melhor entender o envolvimento do H2O2 na sinalização da seca, dois experimentos foram realizados com plantas de tomate. No primeiro, foi utilizado o esquema de raízes divididas, enquanto no segundo, os tomateiros foram cultivados em um único vaso e submetidos ao déficit hídrico. Em ambos os experimentos, o H2O2 e a catalase foram aplicados juntamente com a irrigação. As plantas do grupo controle continuaram a ser irrigadas de acordo com a perda de água. No experimento de raiz dividida, verificou-se que a aplicação de H2O2 nas raízes induziu uma clara redução na transpiração da planta em comparação com plantas não tratadas ou tratadas com catalase. No segundo experimento, observamos que plantas tratadas com H2O2 apresentaram transpiração semelhante quando comparadas com plantas não tratadas e tratadas com catalase sob seca. Da mesma forma, não foi observada diferença na eficiência do uso da água. Assim, concluímos que o aumento do H2O2 no sistema radicular pode atuar como um sinal de longa distância levando à redução da transpiração mesmo quando não há limitação hídrica na parte aérea. Mas tem pouco efeito quando há redução do potencial hídrico da parte aérea.

Solanum lycopersicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peróxido de Hidrogênio
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54682, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370433


The physicochemical characteristics of the meat from lambs fed diets containing whole or disintegrated cottonseed, associated or not with calcium lignosulfonate (LignoCaSO3), were evaluated. Thirty non-castrated Dorper x Santa Inês lambs, with an average of 24.9 ± 3.6 kg and four months of age were confined for 60 days in collective stalls and distributed in a completely randomized design with six replications. After slaughter, by means of contrasts, the averages of the parameters of the semimembranous and semitendinosus muscles were analyzed. The cottonseed increased cooking loss and ash, and reduced muscle weight, water holding capacity and red intensity. The disintegration of the cottonseed reduced the shear force in diets without LignoCaSO3, increased the protein and the loss by cooking and reduced the pH in the diets with the additive. The luminosity values increased with the disintegration of the cottonseed in diets with and without LignoCaSO3. The addition of LignoCaSO3increased the weight of the muscle, protein, ash, pH, shear strength and the intensity of red. Moisture, lipids and yellow intensity were not influenced by the diets. Even changing the physical-chemical characteristics, the cottonseed with or without LignoCaSO3does not change the quality of the meat.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Carne
Sci. agric ; 79(3): e20200340, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290198


Bos taurus indicus temperament is variable and affects beef tenderization. Our objective was to investigate temperament and performance of non­castrated Nellore and identify groups based on Longissimus lumborum (LL) pH decline as well as beef characteristics produced by those groups. We investigated 94 animals with a subset of carcasses (n = 24) selected based on LL pH at 24 h postmortem (pm) to represent two groups: resistant to pH decline (> 5.8 called pH­Res; n = 10) and normal (< 5.7 called pH­Nor; n = 14). Steaks were fabricated from the LL muscle and randomly assigned to aging (2, 7, 14, and 21 days). Sarcomere length, cooking loss, myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI), and Warner­Bratzler shear force (WBSF) were determined. Data on temperament were investigated in a multivariate approach, while beef data were compared between groups using the analysis of variance. Rectal temperature at the beginning of the finishing phase and total weight gain were greater and related to animals in the pH­Res group (p < 0.01 and p = 0.03, respectively). Temperature and pH decline curves, sarcomere length, and cooking loss revealed that pH­Res produced beef with lower quality compared to the pH­Nor group. Results for MFI and WBSF did not show differences between groups within each time pm; however, overall steaks from pH­Res were tougher (p = 0.06). Incidence of LL pH between 5.8 and 5.9 at 24 h pm did not compromise the tenderization rate or extension; however, it affected the water holding capacity in this population of Nellore cattle.(AU)

Temperamento/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne Vermelha/análise , Análise Multivariada , Análise de Variância , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio