Eggs are foods with almost perfect proteins, while also containing nutrients with high biological value. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphological structure, physical-chemical, nutritional, and microbiological parameters of commercial and free-range eggs sold in the municipality of Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil. The two types of eggs were also compared to check for any differences in quality. The evaluations were conducted on variables such as Haugh unit, weight loss, egg width and length, specific gravity, yolk and albumen dimensions, pH, among others. A total of 240 eggs were purchased in the Brazilian municipality of Santarém (2º45'06" S and 54º70'09" W). A statistical study was also performed using the BIOESTAT 5.0 statistical program. A comparison of the industrial and free-range eggs and their various parameters is given in the tables along with the coefficient of variation. The results obtained were satisfactory and showed that the quality of eggs is affected more by environmental factors than by the source from which they are obtained. The results were also compared to previously published literature, and it was determined that this study offers a better foundation for the nutritional examination of egg quality.(AU)
Animais , Comércio/métodos , Ovos/análise , BrasilResumo
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
An experiment was carried out with Japanese quails in the initial laying phase, from 43 to 168 days of age, to determine the nutritional requirement of digestible methionine + cystine for this period. 375 quails were used, being fifteen quails used per experimental unit. A total of 5 treatments (0.60, 0.75, 0.90, 1.05 and 1.20% digestible methionine + cystine) were used in a completely randomized design with 5 replicates each. The performance parameters evaluated were feed intake (g / bird), body weight (g), egg weight (g), laying rate (%), egg mass (g ), feed conversion by mass and dozen eggs (g.g-1 of eggs, of eggs), viability (%) and the body chemical composition (%). The egg quality parameters were: % of component (yolk, albumen and shell relative to egg weight), specific gravity (g mL-1 ), Haugh unit, yolk index, shell weight per surface area and thickness of the shell (mm). Quadratic effect was found on the performance parameters evaluated (P0.05). The nutritional recommendation of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quails at laying phase is 0.90% from the maximum point obtained for the egg mass, egg weight and laying rate, corresponding to daily intake of 241.54 mg of digestible methionine + cystine / day, respectively.
Foi desenvolvido um experimento com codornas japonesas na fase inicial de postura, de 43 a 168 dias de idade, com o objetivo de determinar a exigência nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para este período. Foram utilizadas 375 codornas, sendo 15 aves por unidade experimental. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) totalizando 5 tratamentos (0,60; 0,75; 0,90; 1,05 e 1,20 % de metionina + cistina digestível) com 5 repetições cada. As variáveis de desempenho avaliadas foram, consumo de ração (g/ave), peso corporal (g), peso do ovo (g), taxa de postura (%), produção de massa de ovos (g ovos.ave. dia-1), conversão alimentar por massa e dúzia de ovos (g.g-1 de ovos, de ovos), viabilidade (%) e a composição química corporal (%). As variáveis de qualidade dos ovos foram, percentagem do componente (gema, albúmen e casca em relação ao peso do ovo), gravidade específica (g mL.-1), unidade Haugh, índice de gema e peso da casca por superfície de área. Foi encontrado efeito quadrático sobre as variáveis de desempenho avaliadas (P0,05). A recomendação nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para codornas japonesas na fase de postura é de 0,90% a partir do ponto de máxima obtido para as variáveis massa de ovos, peso de ovos e taxa de postura, correspondendo ao consumo diário de 241,54 mg de metionina + cistina digestível / dia, respectivamente.
Animais , Composição Corporal , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cistina/administração & dosagem , Ovos/análise , Metionina/administração & dosagem , Oviposição/fisiologiaResumo
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of amylin, a pancreatic hormone polypeptide, on egg quality traits in laying hens. A total of 40 birds (14 wk of age) were randomly divided into two treatments with two replicates, 10 birds in each replicate. Twenty birds were subcutaneously injected with amylin at 75 µg/kg every other day (treatment 1), and the remaining animals (20 hens) were given only water as the control group (treatment 2). Eggs collected from the two groups (140 eggs per group) were examined for several quality performance traits such as egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, eggshell ash, eggshell weight, Haugh unit (HU), albumen index, yolk index, yolk color, and albumen height. The results indicated that amylin had a positive effect on some egg quality traits in laying hens. Specific gravity, eggshell thickness, eggshell weight, HU, albumen index, yolk index, and albumen height, which are all considered as important quality parameters from the consumer point of view, especially HU, were relatively improved in the amylin treatment group. These results showed that the injection of 75 µg/kg amylin has a significant effect on some egg quality traits. Considering that egg quality characteristics are crucial for the egg industry, this study can be a reference for the detailed investigation of the use of amylin in the different stages of egg production.
Animais , Galinhas , Polipeptídeo Amiloide das Ilhotas PancreáticasResumo
The present study intended to identify the effects of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on production performance and parameters related to the quality of layers' eggs. Effects of yeast on immune titers after routine vaccinations against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis were also studied. Fayoumi chicken (n=288) were divided in four groups (72 in each), and Black Australorp (n=288) in four groups (72 in each). Both had 12 weeks of age and were kept in 08 groups (3 replicates per treatment). Hens were fed a controlled diet along with the addition of 0.5g, 1.0 g, and 1.5 g of S. cerevisiae per kg of feed, till 25 weeks of age. Feed intake and egg production were measured on a daily basis, while body weight gain and egg weight were measured weekly. Egg quality parameters were evaluated by picking 5 eggs from every group weekly. Birds were vaccinated for Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis (IB) at the 18th week. Subsequently, 10 days after vaccination, antibody titers were determined by Hemagglutination Inhibition and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for both diseases. Results showed no significant effect of S. cerevisiae on layers' weight gain and feed intake. However, egg production was increased in the experimental group. Moreover, yeast supplementation impacted positively on birds' immune system. In conclusion, probiotic supplementation improved birds' egg production and immunity.(AU)
Animais , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/imunologia , Ovos/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Probióticos/efeitos adversosResumo
The growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) gene plays a vital role in the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in laying hens. However, its messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression levels in preovulatory ovarian follicles of indigenous chickens remain poorly understood. The study aimed to identify the association between egg weight and egg quality traits, ovarian follicles morphology, and mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in pre-ovulatory ovarian follicles of the South African Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The correlation results showed that egg weight (EW) had a positively high significant correlation (p<0.01) with egg width (EWD), yolk weight (YW), shell surface area (SSA), albumen weight (AW), albumen ratio (AR) and egg volume (EV), and a positive significant correlation (p<0.05) with egg length (EL). The Student's T-test results revealed that the numbers of large yellow follicles were significantly lower (p<0.05) than those of small yellow follicles. ANOVA findings showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the average weight of the large yellow follicles. The quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) findings indicated that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in preovulatory ovarian follicles of the Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The mRNA expression was more abundant in F1 and F4 than in other ovarian follicles.(AU)
Animais , Ovos/análise , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , RNA Mensageiro/genética , Fator 9 de Diferenciação de CrescimentoResumo
Three hundred hatching eggs from two layer breeder flocks (Hy-Line Brown and hy-Line W-36; 150 each) were obtained at three different periods of laying cycle (early, middle and late stages). The hatching eggs were randomly taken to assess the impact of chicken strain, age, and hatching time on some eggshell measurements and structures. Results indicate that egg weight, shell percentage and shell thickness were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Increasing rate of calcium absorption and utilization by the embryos during the embryonic stage clearly reflects the decrease occurred in eggshell strength. The differences of eggshell breaking strength during incubation time periods were 0.41 and 0.55 kg/cm2, the differences due to the incubation time may be due to the higher demand for calcium utilization in the late incubation period (18 days), observed on the10th day of incubation. Brown eggs recorded significant higher calcium percentage in eggshell compared to the white ones. The brown breeder hens recorded significant higher total pores per egg compared to the white egg. Concerning eggshell ultrastructure, total thickness of the brown eggshell was significantly higher than those of the white eggshell by about 3.7%. All parameters, except for total thickness, were significantly affected by the interaction between strain and breeder age. Finally, we conclude that some traits including egg weight, shell percentage, shell thickness, calcium percentages in eggshell, and total pores per egg were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Eggshell ultrastructure of brown egg was better compared to the white ones.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/genética , Casca de Ovo/ultraestruturaResumo
This study described changes in the serum biochemistry, morphology of genital organs, long bone, and eggshell during the daily egg formation cycle in Japanese quails. Sixty quails (18-wk) were distributed in 6 groups according to hours post-oviposition (POV): 0 hr POV (16h00), 2 hrs POV (egg in magnum), and 4, 8, 14, and 20 hrs POV (egg in uterus). The magnum had higher relative weight before the next ovulation (20 and 0 hr POV), and its tubular glands showed functional variation through periods: abundant eosinophilic, PAS+, and negative Alcian blue secretion at 0 and 2 hrs, empty glands aspect at 4 hrs, and filled again at 20 hrs POV. Serum albumin and total Ca had the highest value in the 2 hrs group, and the lowest in 8 and 14 hrs groups. Egg-cycle period affected the Ca% of the medullar bone of the femur and tibiotarsus, with the lowest mean at 14 hrs POV (06h00), and the highest mean after oviposition (0 hr POV), showing the recovery of Ca stores in long bones for the next egg cycle. Analysis of the eggshell using scanning electron microscopy evidenced that palisade layer formation starts during the night (814 hrs POV), and most parts are secreted during the day period. In conclusion, eggshell secretion in light periods, high magnum activity and medullary bone Ca deposition during midday and afternoon, as well as the ovulation/oviposition in the afternoon, are the main characteristics of the distinct physiological aspects of the egg cycle in quails.(AU)
Animais , Bioquímica/métodos , Ovos/análise , Coturnix/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas/químicaResumo
As poedeiras criadas em sistema degaiolas tem seu bem-estar afetado devido ao menor espaço disponível para elas, o que vai de encontro da crescente pressão por grande parte de consumidores preocupados com as condições em que essas aves são criadas. A consequência dessa menor densidade de alojamento sobre a produtividade, e a qualidade de vida da ave e dos ovos por elas produzidos deve ser avaliada. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a produção, qualidade de ovos, e bem-estar de galinhas poedeiras criadas em diferentes densidades de alojamentos em gaiolas. Às 28 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, 120 poedeiras leves da linhagem Novogen White, após debicagem, em 24 gaiolas com dimensões de 45 cm x 50cm, em três diferentes densidades de alojamento: 562,5 cm² /ave (quatro aves/gaiola), 450 cm² /ave (cinco aves/gaiola) e 375 cm² /ave(seis aves/gaiola), com 8 repetições cada. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas e isoenergéticas, formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. O período experimental será compreendido por seis ciclos de 28 dias cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso do ovo, índice de gema, unidade Haugh, pigmentação da gema, porcentagem dos componentes dos ovos e espessura de casca (em milímetros). Quando as aves atingiram 44 semanas de idade, foi realizada a medição do escore de penas. Foram avaliadas 40 galinhaspor tratamento, em quatro regiões: peito, dorso, asas e posterior. Essa análise consiste emcategorizar as aves de acordo com três diferentes escores, de acordo com o tamanho da área de ausência de penas em cada região. Espera-se que a redução da densidade de alojamento das galinhas nas gaiolas propicie maior produção com melhor qualidade dos ovos, promovendo também melhor bem-estar das aves.(AU)
The well-beingof laying hens raised in cages is affected due to the smaller space available for them,which is in line with the growing pressure from a large number of consumers concerned about the conditions in which these birds are raised.The consequence of thislower housing density on productivity and the quality of life of the bird andthe eggs produced by them must be evaluated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the production, egg quality, and welfare of laying hens reared in different housing densities in cages. At 28 weeks of age, 120 light Novogen White laying hens were distributed, after beak trimming, in24 cages measuring 45 cm x 50 cm, in three different housing densities: 562.5 cm²/bird (four birds/cage), 450 cm²/bird (five birds/cage) and 375 cm²/bird (six birds/cage), with 8 repetitions each. The experimental diets were isoproteic and isoenergetic, based on corn and soybean meal. The trial period will comprise six cycles of 28 days each. The variables analyzed were: egg weight, yolk index, Haugh unit, yolk pigmentation, percentage of egg components and shell thickness (in millimeters). When the birds reached 44 weeks of age, the feather score was measured. Forty chickens per treatment were evaluated in four regions: chest, back, wings and hindquarters. This analysis consists of categorizing the birds according to three different scores, according to thesize of the area without feathers in each region. It is expected that the reduction in the hen housing density in the cages will lead to higher production with better egg quality, also promoting better hen welfare.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
Abstract Galaxias maculatus aquaculture objectives is to produce millions of eggs. Wild females are small (2 g), have quick sexual maturity and low mean fecundity (500 eggs/female), requiring larger fishes with higher fecundity. This study aim is to evaluate experimentally the effect of the levels of protein, lipid and dietary energy on weight increases in adults. Five independent experiments were performed at different sequential time periods at the UCT hatchery, Chile. Specimens were obtained from a) Crystalline sea return specimen catches in the Tolten estuary (4 -6 cm, 0.3-0.4 g.). b) Hatchery cultured fish. Fish were fed by hand ad libitum. In experiments 1 to 4, pelleted diets were prepared with 3 to 5 levels of protein (treatments 27 up to 57%), crumble size, three 100 L fibre ponds replicates. In experiment 5 the effect of two lipid levels (8 and 21%) was evaluated with commercial extruded Salmon Nutra Starter isoproteic crumble 1 diet at 63%, replicated in 4 ponds. The results show: A tendency to increased weight in all sizes with an increased protein level in the pelleted diet.A maximal adult growth is obtained with a diet containing a minimum of 37% crude protein, with 40% the optimal value. A higher % protein in the diet or growth in weight lower feed conversion ratio. The feed conversion ratio in the extruded diet reaches up to 0.5 and in the pelleted vary from 0.7 to 1.5. Fish 0.6 g fed with 63% protein, extruded commercial diet with two different lipid levels (8 and 21%, 20.40 and 23.84 MJ kg-1, PE/TE 0.62 and 0.71) increased weight the first month 67 and 105% each. It has been established that high-energy diets with optimal levels of protein and lipid are a good short-term solution to obtain G. maculatus of higher weight.
Resumo O objetivo da aquicultura de Galaxias maculatus é produzir milhões de ovos. As fêmeas selvagens são pequenas (2 g) e têm maturidade sexual rápida e fecundidade média baixa (500 ovos/fêmea), necessitando de peixes maiores e com fecundidade superior. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar experimentalmente o efeito dos níveis de proteínas, lipídios e energia da dieta sobre o aumento de peso em adultos. Cinco experimentos independentes foram realizados em diferentes períodos sequenciais de tempo no incubatório UCT, Chile. Os espécimes foram obtidos a partir de: a) capturas de espécimes de retorno do mar cristalino no estuário de Tolten (4-6 cm, 0,3-0,4 g); b) peixes de cultura em incubatório. Os peixes foram alimentados à mão ad libitum. Nos experimentos de 1 a 4, dietas peletizadas foram preparadas com três a cinco níveis de proteína (tratamentos 27 a 57%), tamanho do crumble, três repetições de tanques de fibra de 100 L. No experimento 5, o efeito de dois níveis de lipídios (8 e 21%) foi avaliado com dieta comercial isoproteica crumble 1 de Salmon Nutra Starter extrusada a 63%, replicada em quatro tanques. Os resultados mostram: uma tendência ao aumento de peso em todos os tamanhos, com um aumento do nível de proteína na dieta peletizada; um crescimento adulto máximo com uma dieta contendo um mínimo de 37% de proteína bruta, com 40% do valor ideal; uma porcentagem maior de proteína na dieta ou crescimento em peso com menor taxa de conversão alimentar. A taxa de conversão alimentar na dieta extrusada chega a 0,5, e na peletizada varia de 0,7 a 1,5. Peixes de 0,6 g alimentados com 63% de proteína e dieta comercial extrusada com dois níveis lipídicos diferentes (8 e 21%; 20,40 e 23,84 MJ kg-1; PE / TE 0,62 e 0,71) aumentaram de peso no primeiro mês em 67 e 105% cada, respectivamente. Foi estabelecido que dietas de alta energia com níveis ótimos de proteínas e lipídios são uma boa solução de curto prazo para obter G. maculatus de peso mais alto.
Macrobrachium amazonicum is a species of freshwater shrimp of great importance for aquaculture and to know its reproductive potential, through the study of its fertility is necessary. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of two different diets on the reproductive performance of the species, whether or not adopting the ablation procedure. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with two types of feed (inert and fresh) and two conditions (ablated and non-ablated females), using six replicates per treatment. After 10 days of spawning, the eggs were removed and counted in their entirety. For each female, three spawns were obtained, totaling 72 samples. The fertility rate, the interval between spawning and the weight gain of the females were analyzed. There was no interaction between the studied factors, except for weight gain, in which ablated females that received fresh feed gained up to three times more weight than non-ablated females. Females that received fresh feed obtained higher fertility (1,373.9 eggs) than those that received only inert feed (1,084.1 eggs). The interval between spawns was 1.6 days shorter in ablated females.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Palaemonidae/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar métodos alternativos de restrição alimentar qualitativa e quantitativa em comparação à técnica convencional de muda forçada em codornas japonesas para o segundo ciclo de produção. O período de muda forçada teve duração de 10 dias e dois períodos de 21 dias de pós-muda. Foram utilizadas 72 codornas japonesas fêmeas, emfinal de produção com 72 semanas deidade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições cada, com seiscodornas por repetição. Os tratamentos experimentais foram:T1 aves submetidas a três dias de jejum com posterior fornecimento de ração de postura à vontade por setedias; T2 aves que receberam alimentação controlada (10 g/ave/dia) por 10 dias; T3 aves que receberam farelo de arroz à vontade por 10 dias. Durante todo o experimento todasas aves foram submetidas a iluminação natural com média de 12 horas de luz diária e água a vontade e após os 10 dias de muda foi fornecido ração de postura a vontade. A utilização do T2 (10 g/ave/dia de ração de postura) e de farelo de arroz como alimentoalternativo no programa de muda forçada foi viável. Mesmo a perda de peso sendo abaixo do recomentado, as aves que receberam 10 g de ração ave/dia e farelo de arroz à vontade apresentaram resultados de desempenho e qualidade do ovo pós muda semelhantes àsaves que ficaram em jejum, além de possibilitar melhores condições de bem-estar animal.(AU)
The objective was to evaluate alternative methods of qualitative and quantitative feed restriction compared to theconventional technique of forced moulting in Japanese quails for the second production cycle. The forced moulting period lasted 10 days and two 21-day post-molt periods. 72 female Japanese quails were used, at the end of production at 72 weeks of age. Thebirds were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications each, with sixquails per replicate. The experimental treatments were: T1 birds submitted to three days of fasting with subsequent provision of layingfeed ad libitum for sevendays; T2 birds that received controlled feeding (10 g/bird/day) for 10 days; T3 birds that received rice bran ad libitum for 10 days. Throughout the experiment, all birds were submitted tonatural lighting with an average of12hours of daily light and water ad libitum and after 10 days of molting, laying feed was provided ad libitum. The use of T2 (10 g/bird/day of laying ration) and ricebran as an alternativefood in the forced molt program was feasible. Even the weight loss being below the recommended, the birds that received 10 g of poultry feed/day and rice bran ad libitum showed similar post-moult performance and egg quality results to birds that were fasted, in addition to enabling better conditions. of animal welfare.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Ovos/análise , Farinha/análise , Dietoterapia/métodosResumo
The objective was to evaluate the performance, physical egg quality (weight and gravity), and economic index of laying hens reared in cage and cage-free systems. A total of 312 40-week-old Hy-line brown laying hens were distributed in a fully randomized design, split into two treatments (cage-free and cage) with 12 replicates in each system. We housed 144 birds in galvanized-wire cages (12 birds each) and 168 birds in a cage-free system in boxes with wood shaving bedding (14 birds each). The experiment lasted 112 days and divided into four 28-day periods. Regarding performance, feed intake (g) and feed conversion (g/g) of birds reared in the cage-free system were higher (p<0.0001) than the cage system, but no differences were observed (p>0.05) for the other performance parameters and also for egg quality. As for economic index, egg production in the cage-free system was higher (p<0.0001) than the cage system. In conclusion, birds reared in the cage-free system have higher feed consumption but worse feed conversion, increasing egg production cost compared to caged birds; however, there are no changes in egg production and physical quality.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho, qualidade de ovos e índice econômico de poedeiras semipesadas criadas em sistemas cage-free e em gaiolas. Foram utilizadas 312 poedeiras da linhagem Hy Line Brown, com 40 semanas de idade, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado (DIC), em dois tratamentos (cage-free e gaiolas) com 12 repetições em cada sistema, sendo 144 aves alojadas em gaiolas de arame galvanizado com 12 aves em cada gaiola e 168 aves alojadas em sistema cage-free, em boxes sobre cama de maravalha com 14 aves em cada repetição. O experimento teve duração de 112 dias, divididos em quatro períodos de 28 dias. Nos parâmetros de desempenho, o consumo de ração (g/aves/dia) e a conversão alimentar (g/g) foi maior (P<0,0001) nas aves criadas no sistema cage-free comparado ao sistema de gaiolas, não sendo observado diferença (P>0,05) nos demais parâmetros de desempenho e também na qualidade de ovos. No índice econômico, a produção de ovos em sistema cage-free apresentou maior valor (P<0,0001) em relação ao sistema de gaiola. Conclui-se que as aves criadas em sistema cage-free apresentam maior consumo de ração, pior conversão alimentar ocasionando um maior custo nos ovos em relação às aves criadas em gaiolas, no entanto não há alteração na produção e qualidade dos ovos.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Ovos/análise , Fatores Econômicos , Bem-Estar do Animal/economiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different levels of dietary fiber on the performance and egg quality of laying hens at pre-laying and laying peak periods. The experimental period was divided into three periods: pre-laying (16 to 19 weeks of age), the start of laying (20 to 22 weeks of age) and laying peak (23 to 28 weeks of age). The experimental design was completely randomized with treatments constituted by five levels of fiber (2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, and 4.00%) in the diets, with five replicates (pens) of six birds each, totalling 180 hens. Performance and egg quality results were evaluated by polynomial regression at 5%. Fiber levels were not influenced (p >0.05) the first laying of the hens. However, levels above 2.50% of fiber provided worst (p <0.05) performance results, regardless of the period evaluated. Shortly after the start of laying, higher levels of fiber also caused a linear reduction (p <0.05) on egg weight and percentages of yolk and albumen, and an increase (p <0.05) on eggshells. Higher fiber levels caused a linear reduction (p <0.05) in the quality of the eggs, regardless of the period evaluated. It was concluded that the fiber levels did not influence the start period of the laying. Both pre-laying and start of the laying, levels above 2.5% of fiber caused a gradual worsening in performance. From the start of laying up to laying peak, levels above 2.5% of fiber also caused a gradual worsening in egg quality.(AU)
Animais , Fibras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Abstract Galaxias maculatus aquaculture objectives is to produce millions of eggs. Wild females are small (2 g), have quick sexual maturity and low mean fecundity (500 eggs/female), requiring larger fishes with higher fecundity. This study aim is to evaluate experimentally the effect of the levels of protein, lipid and dietary energy on weight increases in adults. Five independent experiments were performed at different sequential time periods at the UCT hatchery, Chile. Specimens were obtained from a) Crystalline sea return specimen catches in the Tolten estuary (4 -6 cm, 0.3-0.4 g.). b) Hatchery cultured fish. Fish were fed by hand ad libitum. In experiments 1 to 4, pelleted diets were prepared with 3 to 5 levels of protein (treatments 27 up to 57%), crumble size, three 100 L fibre ponds replicates. In experiment 5 the effect of two lipid levels (8 and 21%) was evaluated with commercial extruded Salmon Nutra Starter isoproteic crumble 1 diet at 63%, replicated in 4 ponds. The results show: A tendency to increased weight in all sizes with an increased protein level in the pelleted diet.A maximal adult growth is obtained with a diet containing a minimum of 37% crude protein, with 40% the optimal value. A higher % protein in the diet or growth in weight lower feed conversion ratio. The feed conversion ratio in the extruded diet reaches up to 0.5 and in the pelleted vary from 0.7 to 1.5. Fish 0.6 g fed with 63% protein, extruded commercial diet with two different lipid levels (8 and 21%, 20.40 and 23.84 MJ kg-1, PE/TE 0.62 and 0.71) increased weight the first month 67 and 105% each. It has been established that high-energy diets with optimal levels of protein and lipid are a good short-term solution to obtain G. maculatus of higher weight.
Resumo O objetivo da aquicultura de Galaxias maculatus é produzir milhões de ovos. As fêmeas selvagens são pequenas (2 g) e têm maturidade sexual rápida e fecundidade média baixa (500 ovos/fêmea), necessitando de peixes maiores e com fecundidade superior. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar experimentalmente o efeito dos níveis de proteínas, lipídios e energia da dieta sobre o aumento de peso em adultos. Cinco experimentos independentes foram realizados em diferentes períodos sequenciais de tempo no incubatório UCT, Chile. Os espécimes foram obtidos a partir de: a) capturas de espécimes de retorno do mar cristalino no estuário de Tolten (4-6 cm, 0,3-0,4 g); b) peixes de cultura em incubatório. Os peixes foram alimentados à mão ad libitum. Nos experimentos de 1 a 4, dietas peletizadas foram preparadas com três a cinco níveis de proteína (tratamentos 27 a 57%), tamanho do crumble, três repetições de tanques de fibra de 100 L. No experimento 5, o efeito de dois níveis de lipídios (8 e 21%) foi avaliado com dieta comercial isoproteica crumble 1 de Salmon Nutra Starter extrusada a 63%, replicada em quatro tanques. Os resultados mostram: uma tendência ao aumento de peso em todos os tamanhos, com um aumento do nível de proteína na dieta peletizada; um crescimento adulto máximo com uma dieta contendo um mínimo de 37% de proteína bruta, com 40% do valor ideal; uma porcentagem maior de proteína na dieta ou crescimento em peso com menor taxa de conversão alimentar. A taxa de conversão alimentar na dieta extrusada chega a 0,5, e na peletizada varia de 0,7 a 1,5. Peixes de 0,6 g alimentados com 63% de proteína e dieta comercial extrusada com dois níveis lipídicos diferentes (8 e 21%; 20,40 e 23,84 MJ kg-1; PE / TE 0,62 e 0,71) aumentaram de peso no primeiro mês em 67 e 105% cada, respectivamente. Foi estabelecido que dietas de alta energia com níveis ótimos de proteínas e lipídios são uma boa solução de curto prazo para obter G. maculatus de peso mais alto.
Animais , Feminino , Osmeriformes , Chile , Dieta/veterinária , LipídeosResumo
This study aimed to determine the efficacy and parasite resistance of levamisole (LV) and ivermectin (IVM) in beef cattle naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, as well as the effect on the liveweight gain in a tropical wet region of Oaxaca, Mexico. From November 2019 to January 2020, sixty-six grazing calves were randomly allocated into three groups of twenty-two animals each, treated with LV or IVM or an untreated control group (day 0). Feces were collected 1 day before treatment and 15 days after treatment. The liveweight gain from each animal was recorded at days 0, 15, 30 and 45 post treatment. The LV group presented the highest reduction of eggs per gram (EPG) of feces, followed by the IVM group. Resistance to IVM was detected, although LV resistance was also suspected. The IVM group had significantly higher effective treatment at 93.5%, resulting in an increase (P<0.05) of liveweight gain of 16.1kg, followed by the LV group (92.4%) with 17.1kg, compared to the untreated control group. A signiï¬cant (P < 0.05) negative correlation was observed between EPG and weight gain for the LV (r = -0.46) and IVM groups (r = -0.32). LV and IVM showed a lack of efficacy against gastrointestinal nematodes, as well as an adequate capacity for EPG reduction but with IVM resistance and detrimental effects on growth performance in grazing beef cattle.
Os nematódeos gastrointestinais do gado de pastoreio causam perdas econômicas substanciais em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a eficácia e a resistência parasitária do levamisol (LV) e da ivermectina (IVM) em bovinos de corte naturalmente infectados com nematódeos gastrointestinais, bem como o efeito no ganho de peso vivo, em uma região tropical úmida de Oaxaca, México. De novembro de 2019 a janeiro de 2020, 66 bezerros de pasto foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 22 animais cada um, tratados com LV ou IVM, ou em um grupo controle sem tratamento (dia 0). As fezes foram coletadas 1 dia antes do tratamento e 15 dias após o tratamento. O ganho de peso vivo de cada animal foi registrado nos dias 0, 15, 30 e 45 pós-tratamento. O grupo do LV apresentou a maior redução de ovos por grama de fezes (EPG), seguido pelo grupo IVM. A resistência à IVM foi detectada, embora também se suspeitasse de resistência ao LV. O grupo IVM teve um tratamento eficaz significativamente maior, com 93,5%, resultando em um aumento (P < 0,05) do ganho de peso vivo de 16,1kg, seguido pelo grupo LV (92,4%), com 17,1kg, em comparação com o grupo controle sem tratamento. Foi observada uma correlação negativa (P < 0,05) entre o EPG e o ganho de peso para os grupos LV (r = -0,46) e IVM (r = -0,32). LV e IVM mostraram falta de eficácia contra nematódeos gastrointestinais, assim como uma capacidade adequada de redução de EPG, mas com resistência IVM e efeitos prejudiciais no desempenho de crescimento em gado de corte em pastagem.
Animais , Bovinos , Resistência a Medicamentos , Aumento de Peso , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Anti-Helmínticos , Nematoides/patogenicidade , MéxicoResumo
Doxiciclinaé um fármaco do grupo das tetraciclinas indicado para tratamento de diferentes doenças, em principal a coriza infecciosa. Entretanto, antimicrobianos do grupo das tetraciclinas tem capacidade de se ligarem e indisponibilizar minerais importantes para a formação dos ovos. O objetivo do projeto foi de avaliar a interferência da doxiciclina na qualidade de ovos comerciais. Realizou-se um estudo com 100 poedeiras Dekalb Brown®onde se avaliou a cor da gema, unidade Haugh, cor da casca, peso e espessura da casca. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizadosem um esquema fatorial 2x2, resultando nos tratamentos: sem doxiciclina ao 5° dia; com doxiciclina ao 5° dia; sem doxiciclina ao 10° dia; com doxiciclina ao 10° dia. Coletou-se 4 ovos por repetição,totalizando 48 ovos analisado por tratamento em cada um dos períodos analisados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de qualidade interna dos ovos (cor da gema e unidade Haugh). Para as variáveis de qualidade de casca, houve uma redução significativa dos níveis de amarelo com o uso de doxiciclina por 10 dias, além da redução do peso da casca e da espessura apical e equatorial da casca, principalmente no 10º dia e com o uso de doxiciclina. Conclui-se que o uso da doxiciclina não interfere na qualidade interna dos ovos, porém confere tonalidade acinzentada as cascas, e redução de peso e espessura das mesmas.(AU)
Doxycycline is a drug from the tetracycline group indicated for the treatment of different diseases, mainly infectious coryza. However, antimicrobials from the tetracycline group can bind and make minerals important for egg formation unavailable. The aim of this project is evaluated interference of doxycycline in quality of commercial egg. A study had carried out with 100 Dekalb Brown®laying hens where evaluated the yolk color, Haugh unit,color eggshell, weight and thickness eggshell. The delimitation had completely randomized in a 2x2 factorial scheme, resulting in treatments: without doxycycline at day 5; with doxycycline a day 5; without doxycycline at day 10; with doxycycline at day 10. Four eggs had gathered per replicate, totaling 48 eggs analyzed per treatment in each of the analyzed periods. No significant differences were found between treatments for internal egg quality variables (yolk color and Haugh unit). For the shell quality variables, there was a significant reduction in yellow levels with the use of doxycycline for 10 days, in addition to a reduction in shell weight and apical and equatorial shell thickness, mainly on the 10th day and with the use of doxycycline. It is concluded that the use of the doxycycline does not interfere in the internal quality of the eggs, but it gives a greyish tonality to the eggshells, and reduces their weight and thickness.(AU)
La doxiciclina es un fármaco del grupo de las tetraciclinas indicado para el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, principalmente el coriza infeccioso. Sin embargo, los antimicrobianos del grupo de las tetraciclinas tienen la capacidad de unirse y hacer que minerales importantes para la formación de huevos no estén disponibles. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la interferencia de la doxiciclina en la calidad del huevo comercial. Se realizó un estudio con 100 gallinas ponedoras Dekalb Brown®donde se evaluó el color de la yema, unidad Haugh, color del cascarón, peso y grosor del cascarón. La delimitación tuvo completamente al azar en un esquema factorial 2x2,resultando tratamientos: sin doxiciclina en el día 5; con doxiciclina al día 5; sin doxiciclina el día 10; con doxiciclina el día 10. Se habían recolectado cuatro huevos por réplica, totalizando 48 huevos analizados por tratamiento en cada uno de los períodos analizados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para las variables de calidad interna del huevo (color de la yema y unidad Haugh). Para las variables de calidad de la cáscara, hubo una reducción significativa de los nivelesde amarillo con el uso de doxiciclina durante 10 días, además de una reducción del peso de la cáscara y del espesor apical y ecuatorial de la cáscara, principalmente al décimo día y con el uso de doxiciclina. Se concluye que el uso de la doxiciclina no interfiere en la calidad interna de los huevos, pero da una tonalidad grisácea a las cáscaras, y reduce su peso y grosor.(AU)
Animais , Doxiciclina/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Galinhas , Casca de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Gema de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologiaResumo
We assessed the extent to which CO2 levels altered different hatching and chick parameters. In Experiments 1 and 2, a total of 16,184 eggs from Cobb 500 breeders were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON, Exp.1 and 2); (b) increasing CO2 levels during the first 10 days of incubation until 0.7% (V7000, Exp. 1) and (c) until 0.8% (V8000, Exp. 2). High levels of CO2 improved hatchability, possibly due to lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal and external pipping in experiment V8000 started later than in CON; nevertheless, the hatch still occurred before in V8000 as a result of the shorter durations of external pipping and hatch. In Experiment 3, a total of 12,138 eggs from Cobb 500 were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON); (b) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% with ventilation (V10000); and (c) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% without ventilation (NV10000). Hypercapnic conditions led to better hatchability and lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal pipping started earlier in NV10000, but only V10000 differed from CON in terms of the average time for hatch. Hypercapnic groups also showed shorter durations of external pipping and hatch when compared to CON. Post-hatch analysis revealed no differences among incubation conditions in terms of body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality by sudden death syndrome, and production factor. Nevertheless, V10000 showed a lower mortality by ascites and a better viability when compared to CON, while NV10000 presented a higher mortality by other causes. Altogether, our findings indicate that in addition to not being detrimental to embryo survival, high CO2 levels reduce embryonic mortality at 18-21 days of incubation and increase hatchability.(AU)
Animais , Embrião de Galinha/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mortalidade Fetal , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Galaxias maculatus aquaculture objectives is to produce millions of eggs. Wild females are small (2 g), have quick sexual maturity and low mean fecundity (500 eggs/female), requiring larger fishes with higher fecundity. This study aim is to evaluate experimentally the effect of the levels of protein, lipid and dietary energy on weight increases in adults. Five independent experiments were performed at different sequential time periods at the UCT hatchery, Chile. Specimens were obtained from a) Crystalline sea return specimen catches in the Tolten estuary (4 -6 cm, 0.3-0.4 g.). b) Hatchery cultured fish. Fish were fed by hand ad libitum. In experiments 1 to 4, pelleted diets were prepared with 3 to 5 levels of protein (treatments 27 up to 57%), crumble size, three 100 L fibre ponds replicates. In experiment 5 the effect of two lipid levels (8 and 21%) was evaluated with commercial extruded Salmon Nutra Starter isoproteic crumble 1 diet at 63%, replicated in 4 ponds. The results show: A tendency to increased weight in all sizes with an increased protein level in the pelleted diet.A maximal adult growth is obtained with a diet containing a minimum of 37% crude protein, with 40% the optimal value. A higher % protein in the diet or growth in weight lower feed conversion ratio. The feed conversion ratio in the extruded diet reaches up to 0.5 and in the pelleted vary from 0.7 to 1.5. Fish 0.6 g fed with 63% protein, extruded commercial diet with two different lipid levels (8 and 21%, 20.40 and 23.84 MJ kg-1, PE/TE 0.62 and 0.71) increased weight the first month 67 and 105% each. It has been established that high-energy diets with optimal levels of protein and lipid are a good short-term solution to obtain G. maculatus of higher weight.
O objetivo da aquicultura de Galaxias maculatus é produzir milhões de ovos. As fêmeas selvagens são pequenas (2 g) e têm maturidade sexual rápida e fecundidade média baixa (500 ovos/fêmea), necessitando de peixes maiores e com fecundidade superior. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar experimentalmente o efeito dos níveis de proteínas, lipídios e energia da dieta sobre o aumento de peso em adultos. Cinco experimentos independentes foram realizados em diferentes períodos sequenciais de tempo no incubatório UCT, Chile. Os espécimes foram obtidos a partir de: a) capturas de espécimes de retorno do mar cristalino no estuário de Tolten (4-6 cm, 0,3-0,4 g); b) peixes de cultura em incubatório. Os peixes foram alimentados à mão ad libitum. Nos experimentos de 1 a 4, dietas peletizadas foram preparadas com três a cinco níveis de proteína (tratamentos 27 a 57%), tamanho do crumble, três repetições de tanques de fibra de 100 L. No experimento 5, o efeito de dois níveis de lipídios (8 e 21%) foi avaliado com dieta comercial isoproteica crumble 1 de Salmon Nutra Starter extrusada a 63%, replicada em quatro tanques. Os resultados mostram: uma tendência ao aumento de peso em todos os tamanhos, com um aumento do nível de proteína na dieta peletizada; um crescimento adulto máximo com uma dieta contendo um mínimo de 37% de proteína bruta, com 40% do valor ideal; uma porcentagem maior de proteína na dieta ou crescimento em peso com menor taxa de conversão alimentar. A taxa de conversão alimentar na dieta extrusada chega a 0,5, e na peletizada varia de 0,7 a 1,5. Peixes de 0,6 g alimentados com 63% de proteína e dieta comercial extrusada com dois níveis lipídicos diferentes (8 e 21%; 20,40 e 23,84 MJ kg-1; PE / TE 0,62 e 0,71) aumentaram de peso no primeiro mês em 67 e 105% cada, respectivamente. Foi estabelecido que dietas de alta energia com níveis ótimos de proteínas e lipídios são uma boa solução de curto prazo para obter G. maculatus de peso mais alto.
Animais , Dieta Rica em Proteínas , Gorduras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Osmeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagemResumo
Galaxias maculatus aquaculture objectives is to produce millions of eggs. Wild females are small (2 g), have quick sexual maturity and low mean fecundity (500 eggs/female), requiring larger fishes with higher fecundity. This study aim is to evaluate experimentally the effect of the levels of protein, lipid and dietary energy on weight increases in adults. Five independent experiments were performed at different sequential time periods at the UCT hatchery, Chile. Specimens were obtained from a) Crystalline sea return specimen catches in the Tolten estuary (4 -6 cm, 0.3-0.4 g.). b) Hatchery cultured fish. Fish were fed by hand ad libitum. In experiments 1 to 4, pelleted diets were prepared with 3 to 5 levels of protein (treatments 27 up to 57%), crumble size, three 100 L fibre ponds replicates. In experiment 5 the effect of two lipid levels (8 and 21%) was evaluated with commercial extruded Salmon Nutra Starter isoproteic crumble 1 diet at 63%, replicated in 4 ponds. The results show: A tendency to increased weight in all sizes with an increased protein level in the pelleted diet.A maximal adult growth is obtained with a diet containing a minimum of 37% crude protein, with 40% the optimal value. A higher % protein in the diet or growth in weight lower feed conversion ratio. The feed conversion ratio in the extruded diet reaches up to 0.5 and in the pelleted vary from 0.7 to 1.5. Fish 0.6 g fed with 63% protein, extruded commercial diet with two different lipid levels (8 and 21%, 20.40 and 23.84 MJ kg-1, PE/TE 0.62 and 0.71) increased weight the first month 67 and 105% each. It has been established that high-energy diets with optimal levels of protein and lipid are a good short-term solution to obtain G. maculatus of higher weight.(AU)
O objetivo da aquicultura de Galaxias maculatus é produzir milhões de ovos. As fêmeas selvagens são pequenas (2 g) e têm maturidade sexual rápida e fecundidade média baixa (500 ovos/fêmea), necessitando de peixes maiores e com fecundidade superior. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar experimentalmente o efeito dos níveis de proteínas, lipídios e energia da dieta sobre o aumento de peso em adultos. Cinco experimentos independentes foram realizados em diferentes períodos sequenciais de tempo no incubatório UCT, Chile. Os espécimes foram obtidos a partir de: a) capturas de espécimes de retorno do mar cristalino no estuário de Tolten (4-6 cm, 0,3-0,4 g); b) peixes de cultura em incubatório. Os peixes foram alimentados à mão ad libitum. Nos experimentos de 1 a 4, dietas peletizadas foram preparadas com três a cinco níveis de proteína (tratamentos 27 a 57%), tamanho do crumble, três repetições de tanques de fibra de 100 L. No experimento 5, o efeito de dois níveis de lipídios (8 e 21%) foi avaliado com dieta comercial isoproteica crumble 1 de Salmon Nutra Starter extrusada a 63%, replicada em quatro tanques. Os resultados mostram: uma tendência ao aumento de peso em todos os tamanhos, com um aumento do nível de proteína na dieta peletizada; um crescimento adulto máximo com uma dieta contendo um mínimo de 37% de proteína bruta, com 40% do valor ideal; uma porcentagem maior de proteína na dieta ou crescimento em peso com menor taxa de conversão alimentar. A taxa de conversão alimentar na dieta extrusada chega a 0,5, e na peletizada varia de 0,7 a 1,5. Peixes de 0,6 g alimentados com 63% de proteína e dieta comercial extrusada com dois níveis lipídicos diferentes (8 e 21%; 20,40 e 23,84 MJ kg-1; PE / TE 0,62 e 0,71) aumentaram de peso no primeiro mês em 67 e 105% cada, respectivamente. Foi estabelecido que dietas de alta energia com níveis ótimos de proteínas e lipídios são uma boa solução de curto prazo para obter G. maculatus de peso mais alto.(AU)