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Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468884


Unavailability of probiotics in fish digestive system fingerlings is unable to digest and absorb their food properly. The current research was conducted to investigate the influence of probiotics added Linseed meal based (LMB) diet on hematology and carcass composition of Labeo rohita juveniles. Hematological parameters are essential diagnostics used to estimate the health status of fish. The usage of probiotics for fish health improvement is becoming common due to the higher demand for environment-friendly culture system in water. Linseed meal was used as a test ingredient to prepare six experimental test diets by adding probiotics (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 g/kg) and 1% indigestible chromic oxide for seventy days. According to their live wet weight, five percent feed was given to fingerlings twice a day. Fish blood and carcass samples (Whole body) were taken for hematological and carcass analysis at the end of the experiment. The highest carcass composition (crude protein; 18.72%, crude fat; 8.80% and gross energy; 2.31 kcal/g) was observed in fish fed with test diet II supplemented with probiotics (2 g/kg). Moreover, maximum RBCs number (2.62× 106mm-3), WBCs (7.84×103mm-3), PCV (24.61), platelets (63.85) and hemoglobin (7.87) had also been reported in the fish fingerlings fed on 2 g/kg of probiotics supplemented diet. Results indicated that probiotics supplementation has a critical role in improvement of fingerlings' body composition and hematological indices. Present findings showed that probiotics supplementation at 2 g/kg level in linseed by-product-based diet was very useful for enhancing the overall performance of L. rohita fingerlings.

A indisponibilidade de probióticos em alevinos do sistema digestivo de peixes faz com que ele seja incapaz de digerir e absorver seus alimentos adequadamente. A presente pesquisa foi conduzida para investigar a influência de probióticos adicionados à dieta à base de farelo de linhaça (LMB) na hematologia e na composição da carcaça de juvenis de Labeo rohita. Os parâmetros hematológicos são diagnósticos essenciais usados para estimar o estado de saúde dos peixes. O uso de probióticos para a melhoria da saúde dos peixes está se tornando comum devido à maior demanda por sistemas de cultivo em água que não agridam o meio ambiente. Farinha de linhaça foi usada como ingrediente para preparar seis dietas de teste experimentais adicionando probióticos (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 g/kg) e 1% de óxido crômico indigestível por 70 dias. De acordo com seu peso úmido vivo, 5% de alimento eram dados aos alevinos duas vezes ao dia. Amostras de sangue e carcaça de peixes (corpo inteiro) foram coletadas para análise hematológica e de carcaça no final do experimento. A maior composição da carcaça (proteína bruta, 18,72%; gordura bruta, 8,80%; e energia bruta, 2,31 kcal/g) foi observada em peixes alimentados com a dieta teste II suplementada com probióticos (2 g/kg). Além disso, os números máximos de RBCs (2,62×106 mm-3), WBCs (7,84×103 mm-3), PCV (24,61), plaquetas (63,85) e hemoglobina (7,87) também foram relatados em alevinos alimentados com 2 g/kg de dieta suplementada com probióticos. Os resultados indicaram que a suplementação de probióticos tem um papel crítico na melhoria da composição corporal dos alevinos e índices hematológicos. As descobertas atuais mostraram que a suplementação de probióticos no nível de 2 g/kg em dieta à base de subproduto de linhaça foi muito útil para melhorar o desempenho geral de alevinos de L. rohita.

Animais , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cyprinidae/sangue , Dieta/veterinária , Probióticos/administração & dosagem
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210225, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436810


The objectives were to evaluate the effects of monensin and virginiamycin, alone or combined, on supplemented Nellore cattle grazing tropical grass during the rainy season. Two experiments were conducted simultaneously to evaluate intake, digestibility, CH4 emissions, blood parameters, performance, and carcass characteristics (Exp. 1), and ruminal fermentation and relative abundance of ruminal microorganisms (Exp. 2). Animals (n = 92 Exp. 1 and n = 12 Exp. 2) were distributed in a completely randomized design and allocated in twelve paddocks composed of Urochloa brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Xaraés. A protein-energetic supplementation of 3 g/kg of BW per day was provided to all animals. Supplements were: without additives (WA), monensin alone at 80 mg/kg of product (MN), virginiamycin alone at 150 mg/kg of product (VM), and monensin (80 mg/kg of product) combined with virginiamycin (150 mg/kg of product; MNVM). Treatments did not affect intakes of total dry matter (DM), supplement DM, and nutrients. However, the intakes of forage DM and crude protein decreased in cattle fed MNVM compared with animals fed WA, MN, and VM. Total volatile fatty acids increased in animals fed VM. Ruminal NH3-N decreased, and pH increased in animals fed MN, VM, and MNVM. Relative abundance of total F. succinogenes and S. ruminantium decreased and R. flavefaciens increased in animals fed MN and VM at d 118. Treatments had no effect on enteric CH4 emissions. The average daily gain (ADG) and total gain were greater in cattle fed MNVM than in cattle fed MN. Combination of monensin and virginiamycin altered the rumen microbial populations but did not decrease enteric CH4 emissions. However, it decreased forage dry matter intake without altering the ADG and total weight gain, leading to an increase in feed efficiency. Results from this study indicate an advantage in including feed additives combined in the diet of supplemented Nellore cattle grazing tropical grass during the rainy season.

Animais , Bovinos , Monensin/administração & dosagem , Virginiamicina/administração & dosagem , Estação Chuvosa , Dieta/veterinária , Aditivos Alimentares
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-10, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765461


Unavailability of probiotics in fish digestive system fingerlings is unable to digest and absorb their food properly. The current research was conducted to investigate the influence of probiotics added Linseed meal based (LMB) diet on hematology and carcass composition of Labeo rohita juveniles. Hematological parameters are essential diagnostics used to estimate the health status of fish. The usage of probiotics for fish health improvement is becoming common due to the higher demand for environment-friendly culture system in water. Linseed meal was used as a test ingredient to prepare six experimental test diets by adding probiotics (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 g/kg) and 1% indigestible chromic oxide for seventy days. According to their live wet weight, five percent feed was given to fingerlings twice a day. Fish blood and carcass samples (Whole body) were taken for hematological and carcass analysis at the end of the experiment. The highest carcass composition (crude protein; 18.72%, crude fat; 8.80% and gross energy; 2.31 kcal/g) was observed in fish fed with test diet II supplemented with probiotics (2 g/kg). Moreover, maximum RBCs number (2.62× 106mm-3), WBCs (7.84×103mm-3), PCV (24.61), platelets (63.85) and hemoglobin (7.87) had also been reported in the fish fingerlings fed on 2 g/kg of probiotics supplemented diet. Results indicated that probiotics supplementation has a critical role in improvement of fingerlings' body composition and hematological indices. Present findings showed that probiotics supplementation at 2 g/kg level in linseed by-product-based diet was very useful for enhancing the overall performance of L. rohita fingerlings.(AU)

A indisponibilidade de probióticos em alevinos do sistema digestivo de peixes faz com que ele seja incapaz de digerir e absorver seus alimentos adequadamente. A presente pesquisa foi conduzida para investigar a influência de probióticos adicionados à dieta à base de farelo de linhaça (LMB) na hematologia e na composição da carcaça de juvenis de Labeo rohita. Os parâmetros hematológicos são diagnósticos essenciais usados para estimar o estado de saúde dos peixes. O uso de probióticos para a melhoria da saúde dos peixes está se tornando comum devido à maior demanda por sistemas de cultivo em água que não agridam o meio ambiente. Farinha de linhaça foi usada como ingrediente para preparar seis dietas de teste experimentais adicionando probióticos (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 g/kg) e 1% de óxido crômico indigestível por 70 dias. De acordo com seu peso úmido vivo, 5% de alimento eram dados aos alevinos duas vezes ao dia. Amostras de sangue e carcaça de peixes (corpo inteiro) foram coletadas para análise hematológica e de carcaça no final do experimento. A maior composição da carcaça (proteína bruta, 18,72%; gordura bruta, 8,80%; e energia bruta, 2,31 kcal/g) foi observada em peixes alimentados com a dieta teste II suplementada com probióticos (2 g/kg). Além disso, os números máximos de RBCs (2,62×106 mm-3), WBCs (7,84×103 mm-3), PCV (24,61), plaquetas (63,85) e hemoglobina (7,87) também foram relatados em alevinos alimentados com 2 g/kg de dieta suplementada com probióticos. Os resultados indicaram que a suplementação de probióticos tem um papel crítico na melhoria da composição corporal dos alevinos e índices hematológicos. As descobertas atuais mostraram que a suplementação de probióticos no nível de 2 g/kg em dieta à base de subproduto de linhaça foi muito útil para melhorar o desempenho geral de alevinos de L. rohita.(AU)

Animais , Cyprinidae/sangue , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Probióticos/administração & dosagem
Sci. agric. ; 79(2)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762540


ABSTRACT: The high moisture content of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The coensiling with wholeplant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers grains (WPMS + DDGS), and wholeplant maize (WPM) coensiled with WDGS (WPM WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p 0.05) compared to the WPMS + SOM and WPMWDGS diets. However, the rapidly fermentable fraction, as well as the progressively fermentable fraction of the diet dry matter, was not different (p > 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGSbased diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p 0.05) compared to lambs consuming the DDGS and WPMSbased diets. However, the feed conversion ratio was not affected by diet differences (p > 0.05). In conclusion, coensiling WDGS with wholeplant maize provides the opportunity for the longterm storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Sci. agric ; 79(02): 1-9, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1498025


The high moisture content of wet distillers' grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The co–ensiling with whole–plant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers' grains (WPMS + DDGS), and whole–plant maize (WPM) co–ensiled with WDGS (WPM – WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGS–based diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p 0.05). In conclusion, co–ensiling WDGS with whole–plant maize provides the opportunity for the long–term storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Silagem/efeitos adversos
Sci. agric ; 79(2): e20200122, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290183


The high moisture content of wet distillers' grains with solubles (WDGS) has limited its feeding value despite the relatively high nutritive value. The co­ensiling with whole­plant maize, as a complementary feed, was evaluated for growing lambs by formulating diets whose contents were: whole plant maize silage (WPMS) + sunflower oilcake meal (SOM) (control, WPMS + SOM), whole plant maize silage + dried distillers' grains (WPMS + DDGS), and whole­plant maize (WPM) co­ensiled with WDGS (WPM ­ WDGS). Rumen fermentation parameters and in situ degradability of the diets were evaluated using three cannulated Merino wethers in a cross over 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment that lasted 39 days. Concurrently, feed intake and growth performance of South Africa Mutton Merino lambs (29.7 ± 3.6 kg) were evaluated over 45 days. The WPMS + DDGS diet had a lower rate of dry matter degradation (p < 0.05) compared to the WPMS + SOM and WPM­WDGS diets. However, the rapidly fermentable fraction, as well as the progressively fermentable fraction of the diet dry matter, was not different (p > 0.05). No differences in rumen volatile fatty acid, ammonia nitrogen concentration nor rumen pH of the wethers as a result of diet differences were observed. Lambs consuming the WDGS­based diet had a lower average daily intake and average daily gain (p < 0.05) compared to lambs consuming the DDGS and WPMS­based diets. However, the feed conversion ratio was not affected by diet differences (p > 0.05). In conclusion, co­ensiling WDGS with whole­plant maize provides the opportunity for the long­term storage and utilization of WDGS in lamb feeding.

Silagem/análise , Ovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/análise , Grão Comestível
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1895, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414923


Background: Buffalo breeding is common in many countries. Buffalo's milk is used in the production of mozzarella, yoghurt, ice cream, and various dairy desserts; meat is preferred in sausage production. The female buffaloes are bred to benefit from their milk and to obtain offspring. These animals, which are not suitable for feeding in barns, generally live in pastures, especially on wet land, and are very difficult to follow. Therefore, diseases occur randomly in slaughterhouses. Studies on genital system problems are very limited. Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are animals with economic value as many buffalo products are provided. In this respect, inspection and control of female genital disorders is fundamental to ensure good reproductive performance of female buffaloes. The aim of the study was to investigate pathomorphological lesions occurring in the ovaries of water buffaloes which were sent to slaughterhouses. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 198 ovaries of water buffaloes were collected from various slaughterhouses located in Adapazari, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Samsun and Trabzon cities of Turkey. After macroscopic examination; tissue samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, processed routinely and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). As a histochemical staining, Masson's trichrome staining was applied to characterize the lesions. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on 10 % neutral formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded, 4-6-µm-thick sections from ovaries using progesterone receptor (PR) with streptavidin-biotin complex peroxidase (StrepABC-P) method. Histopathologically, follicular cysts (n:147) and luteal cysts (n:22) were seen. While the cyst lumens were sometimes surrounded by granulosa and/or luteal cells, most of them were limited by the connective tissue capsule structure. This capsule structure was shown in blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Hemorrhage was observed in some cystic corpus luteum, diagnosed as corpus hemorrhagicum. In addition, cysts giving papillary extension into the lumen and inflammation of some ovaries were observed. Immunohistochemically, the staining with PR antibody in ovarian cysts showed no immunolabelling around the follicular cyst, while the nuclei of some of the luteal cells forming the luteal cyst had strongly nuclear positivity and slightly cytoplasmic positivity. In the biochemical examination of the fluids obtained from cystic ovaries (n: 37), the average of estradiol was 2.84 ng/mL (min: 0.01 ng/mL, max: 4.30 ng/mL) and progesterone average is 49.09 ng/mL (min: 1.88 ng/mL, max: 254.2 ng/mL). Discussion: Ovarian cysts in buffaloes seem to be among the serious fertility problems as in cattle. Although the exact cause of ovarian cyts has not been determined yet, it is known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted in cyst formation in general. In this study, the mean estradiol value was within the standard range but close to the lower limit; progesterone value was above the limit. The increase in progesterone level was compatible with the pathogenesis of cyst genesis. Beside this result, staining with PR was positive in the luteal cells that formed the luteal cyst immunohistochemically. In addition, although the hemorrhages observed in the corpus luteum are considered physiological, it should not be forgotten that they can be vital if they rupture. All these results show us the animals sent for slaughtering mostly have serious genital problems threatening their fertility.

Animais , Feminino , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovário/lesões , Búfalos/lesões , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/prevenção & controle
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2139, out. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438363


The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding and agonistic behavior of Quarter Horses kept in different types of stalls in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais. A completely randomized design with two treatments (two types of stalls) and seven replicates (seven days of evaluation) was used. Four Quarter Horse mares and four stallions were used per treatment. Behavioral observations were made at 10-minute intervals for 24 hours. The stall environment was characterized by the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, and black globe temperature for subsequent estimation of the wet-bulb globe temperature. Feeding behavior variables included: time spent eating concentrate and time spent eating roughage (hours), bite rate (bites/min), and the number of daily bites (bites/day). Zinc-roofed stalls had higher air temperatures than clay-roofed stalls and the external environment, averaging 28.2, 27.0, and 27.4 ºC, respectively, while relative humidity was significantly lower in the external environment (65.80%). Horses housed in zinc-roofed stalls had longer feeding times (8.32 h) than animals kept in clay-roofed stalls (7.22 h). Approximately 94% of the total feeding time was spent eating roughage and 73% of the time was spent resting and walking, regardless of the covering type. Although environmental variables showed thermal discomfort, the roofing material did not alter the feeding behavior of stabled horses in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, suggesting an adaptation to the studied conditions. The feeding frequency should be increased to avoid a long resting time.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Cavalos , Brasil
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 1-5, out. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484367


The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding and agonistic behavior of Quarter Horses kept in different types of stalls in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais. A completely randomized design with two treatments (two types of stalls) and seven replicates (seven days of evaluation) was used. Four Quarter Horse mares and four stallions were used per treatment. Behavioral observations were made at 10-minute intervals for 24 hours. The stall environment was characterized by the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, and black globe temperature for subsequent estimation of the wet-bulb globe temperature. Feeding behavior variables included: time spent eating concentrate and time spent eating roughage (hours), bite rate (bites/min), and the number of daily bites (bites/day). Zinc-roofed stalls had higher air temperatures than clay-roofed stalls and the external environment, averaging 28.2, 27.0, and 27.4 ºC, respectively, while relative humidity was significantly lower in the external environment (65.80%). Horses housed in zinc-roofed stalls had longer feeding times (8.32 h) than animals kept in clay-roofed stalls (7.22 h). Approximately 94% of the total feeding time was spent eating roughage and 73% of the time was spent resting and walking, regardless of the covering type. Although environmental variables showed thermal discomfort, the roofing material did not alter the feeding behavior of stabled horses in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, suggesting an adaptation to the studied conditions. The feeding frequency should be increased to avoid a long resting time.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Equidae , Temperatura
Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(3): 657-664, July-Sept. 2021. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762641


Vegetation cover may show diversity and composition patterns of the soil invertebrate community, as a function of litter quantity and quality in a specific habitat. The objective of this work was to characterize the distribution of edaphic fauna in different monocultures. The study was carried out at Chapada Grande farm in Regeneração, PI. Four monoculture areas were chosen: no-tillage soybean, eucalyptus, pasture, and a preserved native cerrado forest. Soil fauna was collected in a dry and wet period by pitfall traps containing 4% formaldehyde. The edaphic fauna was evaluated by the number of individuals per trap per day, average richness and richness, Shannon diversity index and Pielou uniformity index. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The highest number of individuals per day trap and of average richness were registered in the pasture, eucalyptus and forest areas in both periods, while soybean showed lower values with predominance of Coleoptera and Formicidae groups. The pasture and forest areas showed of higher Shannon index values in the two evaluated seasons, probably due to higher contributions organic residues in the soil that favors the shelter, feeding and reproduction conditions. Regarding the Pielou index, the soybean system showed higher values in this variable. The Aranae, Coleoptera, Formicidae and Diptera groups predominated in the humid period, while Coleoptera and Formicidae predominated in the dry period. Systems that generate greater accumulation of residues harbor a greater diversity of invertebrates of the edaphic fauna. Seasonality had an effect on all variables analyzed and the wet period showed more expressive values.(AU)

A cobertura vegetal pode mostrar padrões de diversidade e composição da comunidade de invertebrados do solo, em função da quantidade e qualidade da serapilheira em determinado habitat específico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a distribuição da fauna edáfica em diferentes monocultivos. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda Chapada Grande no município de Regeneração, PI. Foram escolhidas quatro áreas de monocultivos: soja em sistema de plantio direto, eucalipto, pastagem, além de uma mata nativa de cerrado preservada. Foram realizadas coletas da fauna do solo, em período seco e úmido, por meio de armadilhas do tipo pitfall contendo 4% de formol. A fauna edáfica foi avaliada pelo número de indivíduos por armadilha por dia, riqueza e riqueza média, índice de diversidade de Shannon e índice de uniformidade de Pielou. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise multivariada de Componentes Principais (ACP). O maior número de indivíduos por armadilha dia e de riqueza média foram registrados nas áreas pastagem, eucalipto e mata nos dois períodos, enquanto que a soja mostrou valores inferiores com predomínio dos grupos Coleoptera e Formicidae. As áreas de pastagem e mata mostraram maiores valores de índice de Shannon nas duas épocas avaliadas provavelmente em função de maiores aportes de resíduos orgânicos no solo que favorece as condições de abrigo, alimentação e reprodução. Em relação ao índice de Pielou o sistema com soja mostrou maiores valores nessa variável. Os grupos Araneae, Coleoptera, Formicidae e Diptera predominaram no período úmido, enquanto Coleoptera e Formicidae se destacaram no período seco. Sistemas que geram maior acúmulo de resíduos abrigam uma maior diversidade de invertebrados da fauna edáfica. A sazonalidade apresentou efeito sobre todas as variáveis analisadas sendo que o período úmido mostrou valores mais expressivos.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Fauna , 24444 , Pradaria , Brasil
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1773-1784, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501958


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of including wet brewery waste (WBW) as the exclusive dietary roughage source on the characteristics of carcass and non-carcass components of feedlot-finished lambs. Thirty-two non-castrated male lambs weaned at 50 days of age, resulting from the cross between the Texel and Ile de France breeds, were used. The diet was constituted by roughage (WBW) and a concentrate composed of crushed maize, soybean meal, limestone and common salt. Treatments consisted of four levels of WBW as the roughage source in the diet (% dry matter), namely, 31, 44, 57 and 70%. Lambs were slaughtered upon reaching 34 kg live weight. The treatments resulted in a linear decrease in hot and cold carcass weights and yields, carcass compactness index, conformation, degree of fatness and rib-eye area. Among the primal cuts, the absolute weights of pallet, ribs and legs decreased as the WBW level was increased. As to the non-carcass components, only the total gastrointestinal content increased linearly with WBW. The increasing levels of WBW led to greater fasting losses and reduced carcass weights and yields. There was also a reduction in the degree of fatness, carcass compactness, carcass conformation index and rib-eye area Wet brewery waste at the concentration of 31% as the roughage source in the diet of finishing lambs in the feedlot provides better carcass traits.

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria (RUC) como fonte exclusiva de volumoso sobre as características da carcaça e dos componentes não-carcaça de cordeiros terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros, machos, não castrados, desmamados com 50 dias de idade e provenientes de cruzamento entre as raças Texel e Ile de France. A dieta foi composta por volumoso, sendo este o RUC, e por concentrado composto de milho desintegrado, farelo de soja, calcário calcítico e sal comum. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro teores de RUC como volumoso da dieta (% da MS), sendo: 31, 44, 57 e 70%. Os cordeiros foram abatidos quando atingiram 34 kg de peso vivo. Os tratamentos exerceram influência negativa de maneira linear decrescente sobre os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça quente e fria, índice de compacidade de carcaça, conformação, estado de engorduramento e área de olho de lombo. Entre os cortes comerciais, a medida que aumentou o nível de RUC diminuíram os pesos absolutos de paleta, costilhar e perna. Quando avaliados os componentes não-carcaça, verificou-se que apenas o conteúdo gastrointestinal total aumentou linearmente com a elevação do teor de RUC. O aumento da inclusão de RUC levou a maiores perdas por jejum e reduziu os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça. Também ocorreu redução no estado de engorduramento, no índice de compacidade e conformação da carcaça, bem como da área de olho de lombo. O teor de 31% de RUC como alimento volumoso na terminação de cordeiros em confinamento proporcionou melhores características na carcaça dos animais.

Masculino , Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1773-1784, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765838


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of including wet brewery waste (WBW) as the exclusive dietary roughage source on the characteristics of carcass and non-carcass components of feedlot-finished lambs. Thirty-two non-castrated male lambs weaned at 50 days of age, resulting from the cross between the Texel and Ile de France breeds, were used. The diet was constituted by roughage (WBW) and a concentrate composed of crushed maize, soybean meal, limestone and common salt. Treatments consisted of four levels of WBW as the roughage source in the diet (% dry matter), namely, 31, 44, 57 and 70%. Lambs were slaughtered upon reaching 34 kg live weight. The treatments resulted in a linear decrease in hot and cold carcass weights and yields, carcass compactness index, conformation, degree of fatness and rib-eye area. Among the primal cuts, the absolute weights of pallet, ribs and legs decreased as the WBW level was increased. As to the non-carcass components, only the total gastrointestinal content increased linearly with WBW. The increasing levels of WBW led to greater fasting losses and reduced carcass weights and yields. There was also a reduction in the degree of fatness, carcass compactness, carcass conformation index and rib-eye area Wet brewery waste at the concentration of 31% as the roughage source in the diet of finishing lambs in the feedlot provides better carcass traits.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria (RUC) como fonte exclusiva de volumoso sobre as características da carcaça e dos componentes não-carcaça de cordeiros terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros, machos, não castrados, desmamados com 50 dias de idade e provenientes de cruzamento entre as raças Texel e Ile de France. A dieta foi composta por volumoso, sendo este o RUC, e por concentrado composto de milho desintegrado, farelo de soja, calcário calcítico e sal comum. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro teores de RUC como volumoso da dieta (% da MS), sendo: 31, 44, 57 e 70%. Os cordeiros foram abatidos quando atingiram 34 kg de peso vivo. Os tratamentos exerceram influência negativa de maneira linear decrescente sobre os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça quente e fria, índice de compacidade de carcaça, conformação, estado de engorduramento e área de olho de lombo. Entre os cortes comerciais, a medida que aumentou o nível de RUC diminuíram os pesos absolutos de paleta, costilhar e perna. Quando avaliados os componentes não-carcaça, verificou-se que apenas o conteúdo gastrointestinal total aumentou linearmente com a elevação do teor de RUC. O aumento da inclusão de RUC levou a maiores perdas por jejum e reduziu os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça. Também ocorreu redução no estado de engorduramento, no índice de compacidade e conformação da carcaça, bem como da área de olho de lombo. O teor de 31% de RUC como alimento volumoso na terminação de cordeiros em confinamento proporcionou melhores características na carcaça dos animais.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Dieta/veterinária
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 42: e46547, out. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26664


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of three breeding systems on the organoleptic quality and the physico-chemical composition of kids goat meat. Were used thirty newborn baby goats of 3.35 kg ± 0.65 kg crossed Parda Alpina x Undefined Race (SPRD) submitted to three breeding systems: Traditional system-TS; Intensive Feeding System without Concentrate- IS and Intensive Feeding System with Concentrate- IS+C. When the goats reached 12 kg, the animals were slaughtered and chemical and physical analyzes were performed in the evaluation of the meat and sensorial. The experimental design was completely randomized, submitted to analysis of variance and compared by the Tukey test and Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsh at 5%. All analyzed variables were also submitted to Pearson correlation. The meat of the goats submitted to IS+C and IS presented higher intramuscular fat content and better flavor and aroma scores. A of Goats that used concentrated ration (TS and IS+C) showed a more intense red color in the meat than the animals that did not receive concentrate in their diets, besides presenting higher lipid contents in their composition, better scores for these two organoleptic characteristics. The chemical composition of goat meat in both breeding systems indicates that it is low in fat and high in moisture and therefore classified as very tender and juicy. The meat obtained from the IS+C, in general, presented better attributes than the others, believing it in the markets of meat of high quality.(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Cabras/classificação , Bem-Estar do Animal , Aleitamento Materno
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 42: e46547, out. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459917


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of three breeding systems on the organoleptic quality and the physico-chemical composition of kids goat meat. Were used thirty newborn baby goats of 3.35 kg ± 0.65 kg crossed Parda Alpina x Undefined Race (SPRD) submitted to three breeding systems: Traditional system-TS; Intensive Feeding System without Concentrate- IS and Intensive Feeding System with Concentrate- IS+C. When the goats reached 12 kg, the animals were slaughtered and chemical and physical analyzes were performed in the evaluation of the meat and sensorial. The experimental design was completely randomized, submitted to analysis of variance and compared by the Tukey test and Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsh at 5%. All analyzed variables were also submitted to Pearson correlation. The meat of the goats submitted to IS+C and IS presented higher intramuscular fat content and better flavor and aroma scores. A of Goats that used concentrated ration (TS and IS+C) showed a more intense red color in the meat than the animals that did not receive concentrate in their diets, besides presenting higher lipid contents in their composition, better scores for these two organoleptic characteristics. The chemical composition of goat meat in both breeding systems indicates that it is low in fat and high in moisture and therefore classified as very tender and juicy. The meat obtained from the IS+C, in general, presented better attributes than the others, believing it in the markets of meat of high quality.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Cabras/classificação , Carne/análise , Aleitamento Materno
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 21: e, 23 mar. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473778


This study aimed to assess the ingestive behavior and feeding preference of goats reared in degraded Caatinga (dry tropical forest) during three seasons: transition (rainy-dry), dry, and rainy seasons. The experiment was carried out at the UFPB Experimental Station in São João do Cariri, PB, Brazil. Six male goats kept on pasture with an area of 3.2 hectares were used. The animals were assessed through continuous visual observation. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments (rainy-dry, dry, and rainy seasons) and six replications (animals). Means were submitted to the Tukey test at a 5% level. The time spent by animals during the transition season (rainy-dry) had to cite in the article page. similarities for the selected grasses, herbaceous/sub-shrub plants, litter, and shrub/ tree plants, except for bromeliads and cacti. The animals spent longer grazing time consuming grasses at the rainy season. During this season, marmeleiro (Croton hemiargyreus Mill. Arg.) was the most selected species in relation to catingueira (Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tul.) and pereiro (Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart.). The time spent for grazing activity during the transition season (rainy-dry) was longer than the rainy and dry season. Goats reared extensively in the Caatinga have high plasticity in their eating habits and can behave as grazing or browsing animals.

Este estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento ingestivo e a preferência alimentar de caprinos criados em Caatinga (Floresta Tropical Seca) degradada em três épocas do ano: transição (chuva-seca), seca e chuva. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Estação Experimental pertencente à UFPB em São João do Cariri-PB, Brasil. Foram utilizados seis caprinos machos mantidos em pastagem com área de 3,2 hectares. A avaliação dos animais foi feita por meio de observação visual e ininterrupta. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (época de chuva-seca, seco e chuvoso) e seis repetições (animais). As médias foram submetidas ao Teste de Tukey em nível de 5%. Na época de transição (chuva-seca), o tempo gasto pelos animais apresentou semelhanças para gramíneas, herbáceas/subarbustivas, serapilheira, arbustivos/arbóreos selecionados, com exceção das bromélias e cactáceas. Na estação chuvosa, os animais despenderam maior tempo de pastejo consumindo gramíneas. Nessa mesma época, o marmeleiro (Croton hemiargyreus Mill. Arg.) foi a espécie mais selecionada em relação à catingueira (Caesalpinia pyramidalis) e ao pereiro (Aspidosperma pyrifolium). O tempo despendido para atividade de pastejo na época de transição (chuva-seca) foi superior à época chuvosa e seca. Os caprinos, em criação extensiva na Caatinga, apresentam alta plasticidade no hábito alimentar podendo comportarse como animais pastejadores ou ramoneadores.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Croton , Ingestão de Alimentos , Poaceae , Ruminantes , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , Pastagens , Zona Semiárida
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 21: e-52435, Mar. 13, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32239


This study aimed to assess the ingestive behavior and feeding preference of goats reared in degraded Caatinga (dry tropical forest) during three seasons: transition (rainy-dry), dry, and rainy seasons. The experiment was carried out at the UFPB Experimental Station in São João do Cariri, PB, Brazil. Six male goats kept on pasture with an area of 3.2 hectares were used. The animals were assessed through continuous visual observation. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments (rainy-dry, dry, and rainy seasons) and six replications (animals). Means were submitted to the Tukey test at a 5% level. The time spent by animals during the transition season (rainy-dry) had to cite in the article page. similarities for the selected grasses, herbaceous/sub-shrub plants, litter, and shrub/ tree plants, except for bromeliads and cacti. The animals spent longer grazing time consuming grasses at the rainy season. During this season, marmeleiro (Croton hemiargyreus Mill. Arg.) was the most selected species in relation to catingueira (Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tul.) and pereiro (Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart.). The time spent for grazing activity during the transition season (rainy-dry) was longer than the rainy and dry season. Goats reared extensively in the Caatinga have high plasticity in their eating habits and can behave as grazing or browsing animals.(AU)

Este estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento ingestivo e a preferência alimentar de caprinos criados em Caatinga (Floresta Tropical Seca) degradada em três épocas do ano: transição (chuva-seca), seca e chuva. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Estação Experimental pertencente à UFPB em São João do Cariri-PB, Brasil. Foram utilizados seis caprinos machos mantidos em pastagem com área de 3,2 hectares. A avaliação dos animais foi feita por meio de observação visual e ininterrupta. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (época de chuva-seca, seco e chuvoso) e seis repetições (animais). As médias foram submetidas ao Teste de Tukey em nível de 5%. Na época de transição (chuva-seca), o tempo gasto pelos animais apresentou semelhanças para gramíneas, herbáceas/subarbustivas, serapilheira, arbustivos/arbóreos selecionados, com exceção das bromélias e cactáceas. Na estação chuvosa, os animais despenderam maior tempo de pastejo consumindo gramíneas. Nessa mesma época, o marmeleiro (Croton hemiargyreus Mill. Arg.) foi a espécie mais selecionada em relação à catingueira (Caesalpinia pyramidalis) e ao pereiro (Aspidosperma pyrifolium). O tempo despendido para atividade de pastejo na época de transição (chuva-seca) foi superior à época chuvosa e seca. Os caprinos, em criação extensiva na Caatinga, apresentam alta plasticidade no hábito alimentar podendo comportarse como animais pastejadores ou ramoneadores.(AU)

Animais , Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Alimentar , Ruminantes , Poaceae , Croton , Zona Semiárida , Pastagens , Estação Seca , Estação Chuvosa
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 289-292, Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135619


Gastric emptying and plasma glucose were evaluated in young and adult dogs, fed with dry and wet food, submitted to different periods of pre-anesthetic fasting (6, 8, and 12 hours). Forty healthy dogs were selected, which were segmented into four groups according to the age group and type of diet. It was evaluated the gastric emptying by ultrasound and serum glycemia. Only 17.5% presented complete gastric emptying, and no significant differences were found between the 6 and 8-hour fasting evaluations, or between the age groups and the diets, considering significance level p<0.05. Mean plasma glucose values from the groups indicated normal glycemia at all times of evaluation. A significant difference was found between the means of glycemia in young and adult dogs, with the 8-hour fasting with wet diet (p=0.03) and with 12 hours with dry diet (p=0.04). Healthy young and adult dogs, in physiological equilibrium, maintain average values of plasma glucose despite prolonged periods of pre-anesthetic fasting, which may be necessary, since 8-hour fasting for solid food is not enough to provide complete gastric emptying.(AU)

Avaliou-se o esvaziamento gástrico e a glicemia plasmática em cães jovens e adultos, alimentados com ração seca e úmida, submetidos a diferentes períodos de jejum pré-anestésico (6, 8 e 12 horas). Foram selecionados 40 cães hígidos, os quais foram segmentados em 4 grupos de acordo com a faixa etária e o tipo de dieta administrada. Foi avaliado o esvaziamento gástrico por ultrassonografia e a glicemia sérica. Apenas 17,5% apresentaram completo esvaziamento gástrico, não sendo encontradas diferenças significativas entre as avaliações com 6 e 8 horas de jejum, ou entre as faixas etárias e dietas, considerando nível de significância p<0,05. Os valores médios da glicose plasmática dos grupos indicaram normoglicemia em todos os momentos de avaliação. Foi encontrada diferença significativa entre as médias da glicemia dos cães jovens e adultos, no período de 8 horas de jejum com dieta úmida (p=0,03) e com 12 horas nos animais com dieta seca (p=0,04). Conclui-se que cães hígidos jovens e adultos, em equilíbrio fisiológico, mantêm valores normais de glicemia plasmática apesar de períodos prolongados de jejum pré-anestésico, os quais podem ser necessários, tendo em vista que 8 horas de jejum alimentar de sólidos não é suficiente para proporcionar completo esvaziamento gástrico.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Glicemia/análise , Jejum , Esvaziamento Gástrico , Hipoglicemia/veterinária , Anestesia/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 289-292, Apr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29443


Gastric emptying and plasma glucose were evaluated in young and adult dogs, fed with dry and wet food, submitted to different periods of pre-anesthetic fasting (6, 8, and 12 hours). Forty healthy dogs were selected, which were segmented into four groups according to the age group and type of diet. It was evaluated the gastric emptying by ultrasound and serum glycemia. Only 17.5% presented complete gastric emptying, and no significant differences were found between the 6 and 8-hour fasting evaluations, or between the age groups and the diets, considering significance level p<0.05. Mean plasma glucose values from the groups indicated normal glycemia at all times of evaluation. A significant difference was found between the means of glycemia in young and adult dogs, with the 8-hour fasting with wet diet (p=0.03) and with 12 hours with dry diet (p=0.04). Healthy young and adult dogs, in physiological equilibrium, maintain average values of plasma glucose despite prolonged periods of pre-anesthetic fasting, which may be necessary, since 8-hour fasting for solid food is not enough to provide complete gastric emptying.(AU)

Avaliou-se o esvaziamento gástrico e a glicemia plasmática em cães jovens e adultos, alimentados com ração seca e úmida, submetidos a diferentes períodos de jejum pré-anestésico (6, 8 e 12 horas). Foram selecionados 40 cães hígidos, os quais foram segmentados em 4 grupos de acordo com a faixa etária e o tipo de dieta administrada. Foi avaliado o esvaziamento gástrico por ultrassonografia e a glicemia sérica. Apenas 17,5% apresentaram completo esvaziamento gástrico, não sendo encontradas diferenças significativas entre as avaliações com 6 e 8 horas de jejum, ou entre as faixas etárias e dietas, considerando nível de significância p<0,05. Os valores médios da glicose plasmática dos grupos indicaram normoglicemia em todos os momentos de avaliação. Foi encontrada diferença significativa entre as médias da glicemia dos cães jovens e adultos, no período de 8 horas de jejum com dieta úmida (p=0,03) e com 12 horas nos animais com dieta seca (p=0,04). Conclui-se que cães hígidos jovens e adultos, em equilíbrio fisiológico, mantêm valores normais de glicemia plasmática apesar de períodos prolongados de jejum pré-anestésico, os quais podem ser necessários, tendo em vista que 8 horas de jejum alimentar de sólidos não é suficiente para proporcionar completo esvaziamento gástrico.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Glicemia/análise , Jejum , Esvaziamento Gástrico , Hipoglicemia/veterinária , Anestesia/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-746061


Abstract Vegetation cover may show diversity and composition patterns of the soil invertebrate community, as a function of litter quantity and quality in a specific habitat. The objective of this work was to characterize the distribution of edaphic fauna in different monocultures. The study was carried out at Chapada Grande farm in Regeneração, PI. Four monoculture areas were chosen: no-tillage soybean, eucalyptus, pasture, and a preserved native cerrado forest. Soil fauna was collected in a dry and wet period by pitfall traps containing 4% formaldehyde. The edaphic fauna was evaluated by the number of individuals per trap per day, average richness and richness, Shannon diversity index and Pielou uniformity index. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The highest number of individuals per day trap and of average richness were registered in the pasture, eucalyptus and forest areas in both periods, while soybean showed lower values with predominance of Coleoptera and Formicidae groups. The pasture and forest areas showed of higher Shannon index values in the two evaluated seasons, probably due to higher contributions organic residues in the soil that favors the shelter, feeding and reproduction conditions. Regarding the Pielou index, the soybean system showed higher values in this variable. The Aranae, Coleoptera, Formicidae and Diptera groups predominated in the humid period, while Coleoptera and Formicidae predominated in the dry period. Systems that generate greater accumulation of residues harbor a greater diversity of invertebrates of the edaphic fauna. Seasonality had an effect on all variables analyzed and the wet period showed more expressive values.

Resumo A cobertura vegetal pode mostrar padrões de diversidade e composição da comunidade de invertebrados do solo, em função da quantidade e qualidade da serapilheira em determinado habitat específico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a distribuição da fauna edáfica em diferentes monocultivos. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda Chapada Grande no município de Regeneração, PI. Foram escolhidas quatro áreas de monocultivos: soja em sistema de plantio direto, eucalipto, pastagem, além de uma mata nativa de cerrado preservada. Foram realizadas coletas da fauna do solo, em período seco e úmido, por meio de armadilhas do tipo pitfall contendo 4% de formol. A fauna edáfica foi avaliada pelo número de indivíduos por armadilha por dia, riqueza e riqueza média, índice de diversidade de Shannon e índice de uniformidade de Pielou. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise multivariada de Componentes Principais (ACP). O maior número de indivíduos por armadilha dia e de riqueza média foram registrados nas áreas pastagem, eucalipto e mata nos dois períodos, enquanto que a soja mostrou valores inferiores com predomínio dos grupos Coleoptera e Formicidae. As áreas de pastagem e mata mostraram maiores valores de índice de Shannon nas duas épocas avaliadas provavelmente em função de maiores aportes de resíduos orgânicos no solo que favorece as condições de abrigo, alimentação e reprodução. Em relação ao índice de Pielou o sistema com soja mostrou maiores valores nessa variável. Os grupos Araneae, Coleoptera, Formicidae e Diptera predominaram no período úmido, enquanto Coleoptera e Formicidae se destacaram no período seco. Sistemas que geram maior acúmulo de resíduos abrigam uma maior diversidade de invertebrados da fauna edáfica. A sazonalidade apresentou efeito sobre todas as variáveis analisadas sendo que o período úmido mostrou valores mais expressivos.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(1): 255-268, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501707


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different amounts of incubated samples on the kinetic parameters of in vitro fermentation of roughage and concentrated food used for feeding ruminants. Samples were prepared using 200, 300, 400, and 500 mg of air-dried roughage and concentrated sample, ground to 1 mm, and placed in 120 mL glass flasks. Next, inoculum and McDougal solution were added, and the readings were obtained using a semi-automated pressure transducer up to 96 h after the beginning of the incubations. Gas production of the non-fibrous fraction increased linearly (P < 0.05) for sugarcane, Marandu grass silage, corn silage, dried corn distillers' grains with solubles, dried brewer's yeast, bean residue, wet brewer's grains, sunflower meal, and Jatropha meal; quadratically (P < 0.05) for Napier grass silage and cottonseed meal; and cubically (P < 0.05) for castor meal and soybean meal. The degradation rate of the non-fibrous fraction reduced linearly (P < 0.05) for sugarcane, Napier grass silage, and castor meal; quadratically (P < 0.05) for Marandu grass silage; and cubically (P < 0.05) for corn silage, soybean meal, dried corn distillers' grains with solubles, bean residue, and cottonseed meal. Gas production of the fibrous fraction increased linearly (P < 0.05) for Napier grass silage, Marandu grass silage, corn silage, dried corn distillers' grains with solubles, bean residue, wet brewer’s grain, cottonseed meal, and sunflower meal; quadratically ( < 0.05) for Jatropha meal; and cubically (P < 0.05) for sugarcane, castor meal, and soybean meal. The degradation rate of the fibrous fraction increased linearly (P < 0.05) for Napier grass silage, dried corn distillers’ grains with solubles, dried brewer’s yeast, wet brewer’s grains; quadratically (P < 0.05) for corn silage and castor meal; and cubically (P < 0.05) for sugarcane, Marandu grass silage, and bean residue. The lag time reduced linearly (P < 0.05)...

Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de diferentes quantidades de amostras incubadas sobre os parâmetros cinéticos de fermentação in vitro de alimentos concentrados e volumosos disponíveis para alimentação de ruminantes. O preparo das amostras foi realizado utilizando 200, 300, 400 e 500 mg de amostra seca ao ar, moída a 1 mm, alocadas em frascos de vidro com capacidade de 120 mL, e adicionados inóculo e solução McDougal, seguidos das leituras, por meio de um transdutor de pressão semi-automatizado, até 96 horas após o inicio das incubações. A produção de gases da fração não-fibrosa apresentou comportamento linear crescente (P < 0,05) para a cana-de-açúcar, silagem de capim marandu, silagem de milho, grão seco da destilaria do milho, resíduo de cervejaria desidratado, resíduo de feijão, resíduo úmido de cervejaria, torta de girassol e farelo de pinhão manso, quadrático (P < 0,05) para silagem de capim napier e torta de algodão, e cúbico (P < 0,05) para farelo de mamona e farelo de soja. A taxa de degradação da fração não-fibrosa apresentou redução linear (P < 0,05) para a cana-de-açúcar, silagem de capim napier e farelo de mamona, quadrático (P < 0,05) para a silagem de capim marandu, e cúbico (P < 0,05) para a silagem de milho, farelo de soja, grão seco da destilaria do milho, resíduo de feijão e torta de algodão. A produção de gases da fração fibrosa apresentou comportamento linear crescente (P < 0,05) para a silagem de capim napier, silagem de capim marandu, silagem de milho, grão seco da destilaria do milho, resíduo de feijão, resíduo úmido de cervejaria, torta de algodão e torta de girassol, quadrático (P < 0,05) para farelo de pinhão manso, e cúbico (P < 0,05) para a cana-de-açúcar, farelo de mamona, farelo de soja. A taxa de degradação da fração fibrosa apresentou comportamento linear decrescente (P < 0,05) para a silagem de capim napier, grão seco da destilaria do milho, resíduo...

Animais , Amostras de Alimentos , Cinética , Fermentação , Gases , Ração Animal , Ruminantes