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Comparison of three different strategies to treat sciatic nerve regeneration: an experimental study
Smaniotto, Pedro Henrique; Camargo, Cristina Pires; Kubrusly, Marcia Saldanha; Gemperli, Rolf.
  • Smaniotto, Pedro Henrique; Universidade de São Paulo. Medical School. São Paulo. BR
  • Camargo, Cristina Pires; Universidade de São Paulo. Medical School. Microsurgery and Plastic Surgery Laboratory. São Paulo. BR
  • Kubrusly, Marcia Saldanha; Universidade de São Paulo. Medical School. Transplantation and Liver Surgery. São Paulo. BR
  • Gemperli, Rolf; Universidade de São Paulo. Medical School. Plastic Surgeon Division. São Paulo. BR
Acta cir. bras ; 37(5): e370501, 2022. tab, ilus
Article em En | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393760
Biblioteca responsável: BR68.1
Localização: BR68.1


To compare the effect of vein conduit filled with adipose tissue stem cells (ASC) on peripheral nerve injury regeneration.


We analyzed 30 male Wistar rats surgically submitted to a 5-mm gap on the sciatic nerve. Then, the animals were divided into three groups nerve autografting (AG, n=10), autogenous inverted glycerol-conserved vein (VG, n=10), and autogenous inverted glycerol-conserved vein + ASC (VASCG, n=10). The study endpoints were neuromotor functional analysis, gastrocnemius muscle weight, and sciatic nerve graft histomorphometry analysis. In the histologic analysis, we added a control group (naïve nerve).


Regarding functional analysis (Walking tract- score), the findings at week 3 showed a difference between the AG and the VG (-96.6 vs. -59.6, p=0.01, respectively) and between the VG and the inverted vein + VASCG (-59.9 vs. -88.92, p=0.02). At week 12, this study showed a difference between the AG and the VG (-64.8 vs. -47.3, p=0.004, respectively), and also a difference between the VG and the VASCG (-47.3 vs. -57.4, p=0.02, respectively). There was no difference in the histomorphometry analysis (nerve diameter, Schwann cells counting). The gastrocnemius muscles on the intervention side were more atrophic when compared to the gastrocnemius muscles on the control side.


Our results suggested better functional recovery in the inverted vein group when compared to control group, and inverted vein + ASC group.

Texto completo: 1 Base de dados: VETINDEX Idioma: En Revista: Acta cir. bras Ano de publicação: 2022 Tipo de documento: Article

Texto completo: 1 Base de dados: VETINDEX Idioma: En Revista: Acta cir. bras Ano de publicação: 2022 Tipo de documento: Article