Energy and protein ingredients for use in piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens) diets: nutritive value and intestinal morphometry / Ingredientes energéticos e proteicos para uso em dietas da piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens): valor nutricional e morfometria intestinal
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.)
; 47: e633, 2021. tab, graf
em En
| ID: biblio-1465494
Biblioteca responsável:
Localização: BR68.1
The apparent digestibility coefficients for crude protein (ADCCP), dry matter (ADCDM), and gross energy (ADCGE) of ingredients were determined for piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Test diets were formulated to contain 69.5% of reference diet, 0.5% of chromium oxide, and 30% of test ingredients. The protein ingredients evaluated were tilapia processing residue meal (TPRM), feather and poultry blood meal (FPBM), poultry by-product meal (PBM), meat and bone meal (MBM), cottonseed meal (CM), corn gluten meal (CGM), and soybean meal (SM); the energy ingredients tested were corn (C), corn germ meal (CGRM), rice meal (RM), wheat bran (WB), and sorghum (S). Groups of 30 piaparas were fed twice daily during five days with test diets. Intestinal morphometry of fish were also evaluated. Digestibility coefficients of protein and energy ingredients were highest for soybean meal (ADCDM = 85.8%; ADCCP = 95.2%; and ADCGE = 87.2%) and corn (ADCDM = 94.5%; ADCCP = 76.2%; and ADCGE = 89.3%), respectively. Of the energy test ingredients analyzed, corn had the highest digestibility coefficients and induced beneficial changes on intestinal morphology compared to sorghum and corn germ meal. All protein ingredients showed potential for use in piapara diets, except meat and bone meal and feather and blood meal.
Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta (ADCCP), matéria seca (ADCDM) e energia bruta (ADCGE) de ingredientes foram determinados para a piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens). Dietas testes foram formuladas contendo 69,5% da dieta referência, 0,5% de óxido de cromo e 30% do ingrediente teste. Os alimentos proteicos avaliados foram farinha do resíduo de processamento da tilapia (TPRM), farinha de penas e sangue de aves (FPBM), farinha de vísceras de aves (PBM), farinha de carne e ossos (MBM), farelo de algodão (CM), glúten de milho (CGM) e farelo de soja (SM); os alimentos energéticos testados foram milho (C), gérmen de milho (CGRM), farelo de arroz (RM), farelo de trigo (WB) e sorgo (S). Grupos de 30 piaparas foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia durante cinco dias com as dietas testes. Também foi avaliada a morfometria intestinal dos peixes. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos ingredientes proteicos e energéticos foram mais altos para o farelo de soja (ADCDM = 85,8%; ADCCP = 95,2%; e ADCGE = 87,2%) e milho (ADCDM = 94,5%; ADCCP = 76,2%; e ADCGE = 89,3%), respectivamente. Dentre os ingredientes energéticos, o milho apresentou os maiores coeficientes e induziu alterações morfométricas intestinais benéficas, quando comparado ao sorgo e gérmen de milho. Todos os ingredientes proteicos apresentaram potencial uso em dietas para a piapara com exceção da farinha de carne e ossos e farinha de penas e sangue de aves.
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Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.)
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