Ponderal growth of Iambs from Suffolk and Ideal breeds / Crescimento ponderal de ovinos das raças Suffolk e Ideal do nascimento ao desmame
Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.)
; 38(1): 31-43, 1981.
em Pt
| ID: biblio-1465626
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The objective of this study was find out the expansion to ponder the Ideal race lambs and Suffolk since the birth until the weaning in 126 days of life. The experience comprehend the lambs born in 1976 to 1978. 395 Ideal race lambs, 184 male and 211 female and 97 Suffolk race lambs. 53 male and 44 female, were utilized. All lambs were simple lochia product. The lambs stayed in lactation over pastures of Digitaria decumbens Stent. The ewes received 300g/head/dey of triturated corn. The weight was effected 21 days each ove. The weight was ajusted by the method on minimum aquare showing in the born 3.5; 3.8; 3.5 and 3,6kg and in the weaning 16.7; 17.6; 18.2 and 19.8kg respectively to the Ideal lambs male and female and Suffolk mala and female. Very significant differences occurred between age and sex, the two breeds the interaction sex x year was significant for the Ideal, but didnt for the Suffolk breed.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o desenvolvimento ponderal de cordeiros das raças ideal e Suffolk do nascimento ao desmame num período de 126 dias. Os animais permaneceram em aleitamento sobre pastagens de Digiteria decumbens Stent., sob sistema de pastejo continuo. As ovelhas receberam, da parição ao desmame, 300gramas/cabeça/dia de rolo de milho triturado.As pesagens foram efetuadas a cada 21 dias, sendo os pesos ajustados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos, apresentando ao nascer 3,5; 3,8; 3,5 e 3.6kg e, ao desmame, 16,7; 17,8; 18,2 e 19,8kg respectivamente para ovinos fêmeas e machos ideal e suffolk. Nas duas raças em estudo ocorreram diferenças altamente significativas entre sexo e ano. A interação sexo x ano foi significativa para a raça ideal, mas no para a Suffolk.
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Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.)
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