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Caracterização de unidades produtoras de leite no município de Quixeramobim, região sertão central do Ceará, Brasil / Characterization of milk producing units in the municipality of Quixeramobim, Ceará Region Central Hinterland, Brazil
Alves, Wendell Fellipe de Souza; Morais, Jasiel Santos de; Kunkel, Daniela; Almeida, Paola Sena; Lopes, Glauciany Soares; Silva Filho, Manoel Lopes da.
  • Alves, Wendell Fellipe de Souza; Universidade Federal do Piauí. Bom Jesus. BR
  • Morais, Jasiel Santos de; Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Recife. BR
  • Kunkel, Daniela; Universidade Federal do Piauí. Bom Jesus. BR
  • Almeida, Paola Sena; Universidade Federal do Piauí. Bom Jesus. BR
  • Lopes, Glauciany Soares; Universidade Federal do Piauí. Bom Jesus. BR
  • Silva Filho, Manoel Lopes da; Universidade Federal do Piauí. Bom Jesus. BR
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 26(1): 28-30, 2016.
Article em Pt | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472234
Biblioteca responsável: BR68.1
Localização: BR68.1
The objective was to characterize the dairy farms in the municipality of Quixeramobim-CE. They were conducted 18 interviews with randomly selected properties. The most of production is destined for the local market (55%), for the regional market (33%) and 11.2% of own consumption. At the time of milking 94.35% adopt hygienic habits, such as washing hands and udders, and only 5.65% do not adopt hygienic practices in milking. The milk is marketed in natura (44.4%), cold milk (44.4%) and 11.2% otherwise. The milk is transported in plastic bottles (44.4%), in the tanker (33.3%) and in cans (22.4%). The most properties adopted cleaning wounds (83.25%) and 16.65% had adopted other measures. It concluded that the properties adopt hygiene practices during milking important to improve the quality of milk produced and marketed in the city of Quixeramobim.
Texto completo: 1 Base de dados: VETINDEX Idioma: Pt Revista: Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) Ano de publicação: 2016 Tipo de documento: Article / Congress and conference
Texto completo: 1 Base de dados: VETINDEX Idioma: Pt Revista: Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) Ano de publicação: 2016 Tipo de documento: Article / Congress and conference