Egg characteristics of Japanese quail fed diets containing guava extract (Psidium guajavaL. )
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci.
; 43: e51892, ago. 2021. tab
em En
| ID: vti-32286
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Localização: BR68.1
The main purposeof this study was to evaluate the characteristics of eggs produced by Japanese quails fed with guava extract.A total of 400 eggs collected from the quails fed with experimental diets, were distributed in a completely randomized design infactorial arrangement 4x4 with main effects including four dietary levels of guava extract(0, 3, 6 and 9 gkg-1)andfour storage periods (0, 9,18 and 27 days)totalizing 16 treatmentswith five replicates of five eggs. The eggs were produced by Japanese quails, fed with experimental diets. The diets were isonutritive formulated by corn-soybean basis. The eggs were stored for different periods, at the same conditions, to constitute the treatments. Theparameters evaluated were egg weight loss(g and %), yolk color, Haugh unit, specific gravity, eggshell thickness and pH of the yolk and albumen. Datawere submitted to ANOVA, and means were compared using Scott-Knotttest, using α= 0.05.The specific gravity of fresh eggs was better with the use of 6 g kg-1of guava extract in the diet. The use of 3 g kg-1of guava extractresulted in smaller eggshell thickness of fresh eggs. The Haugh unit was affectedjust by the storage periods. The dietary guava extract (3, 6 or9 g kg-1) increased the pH of albumen ineggs stored for 27 days. The use of 6 g kg-1 of guava extract in quails diet increase thespecific gravity in fresh eggs and increase the yolk color when the eggs are stored.(AU)
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Acta Sci. Anim. Sci.
Acta sci., Anim. sci
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