Radical prostatectomy with Van Velthoven Suture to canine perineal / Prostatectomia radical com sutura de Van Velthoven na herniorrafia perineal de canino
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.)
; 41: 01-04, 2013.
em Pt
| ID: biblio-1457154
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Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, peRESUMO
Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, pe
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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.)
Acta sci. vet. (Online)
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