Endocardite por Staphylococcus sp. em bovino e ovino causando osteoartrite e sepse como desfechos incomuns / Endocarditis by Staphylococcus sp. in cow and sheep leading to osteoarthritis and sepsis as unusual outcomes
Acta sci. vet. (Online)
; 46(supl): 1-6, 2018. ilus
em Pt
| ID: vti-734031
Biblioteca responsável:
Localização: BR68.1
Endocarditis is one of the most important heart diseases in cattle and a rare disease in sheep. This illness could be caused by any bacteria when related to bacteremia, being Staphylococcus aureus one uncommon cause for this disorder in ruminants. The clinical sings at the early stages are unspecific and many cases are only diagnosed just at the final stages of the disease, resulting in heart insufficiency with bad prognosis. The aim of this study is to report two cases of endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus spp. leading to sepsis in a sheep and osteoarthritis in a cow, showing the importance of this bacteria in the pathogenesis of this disease.Cases Case 1. A 8-month-old sheep, female, Texel showed lameness in the left thoracic limb, and even treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug had anorexia, locomotion difficulty and on the day before of death showed neurological sings, with less than one week of total clinical course. At necropsy, in the heart was observed thrombus in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves and pale areas in the myocardium. Multiples abscesses were observed in the lungs, liver and kidneys and infarcts in kidneys, spleen and brain. At the histopathology exam was observed in the tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves subacute endocarditis with intralesional coccoids bacteria Gram positives. There were multifocal fibrinonecrotic myocarditis, abscess in lung, liver and kidney with intralesional bacterial myriads. In kidneys, spleen and brain was observed thrombosis associated to multiple infarct areas. Samples of cardiac thrombus, heart, spleen, kidney and meningeal swabs were submitted for bacterial cultivation and was isolated Staphylococcus aureus in all samples, in pure culture. Case 2. A 2-year-old cow, female, mixed breed Angus and Charolais showed a wound in the distal part of the thoracic limb that was done topical treatment.[...](AU)Palavras-chave
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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.)
Acta sci. vet. (Online)
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