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J Phys Chem A ; 127(24): 5183-5192, 2023 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37285168


The SE100 database collecting accurate equilibrium geometries of medium size molecules obtained by the semiexperimental (SE) approach has been extended to species containing Br and I atoms. This has allowed the determination of accurate linear regressions between DFT and SE values for all the main bonds and angles involving H, B, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br, and I atoms. An improved Nano-LEGO tool has been developed, which is based on suitable hybrid and double hybrid functionals and combines in a fully coherent way the templating molecule and linear regression approaches. A number of case studies show that the new Nano LEGO tool provides geometrical parameters on par with state-of-the-art composite wave function methods, but can be routinely applied to medium- to large-size molecules. The accuracy reached for structural parameters is mirrored on rotational constants that can be predicted with an average error within 0.2%.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(32): 5328-5342, 2022 Aug 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35930010


Very short-lived substances have recently been proposed as replacements for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), in turn being used in place of ozone-depleting substances, in refrigerant applications. In this respect, hydro-fluoro-olefins (HFOs) are attracting particular interest because, due to their reduced global warming potential, they are supposed to be environmentally friendlier. Notwithstanding this feature, they represent a new class of compounds whose spectroscopic properties and reactivity need to be characterized to allow their atmospheric monitoring and to understand their environmental fate. In the present work, the structural, vibrational, and ro-vibrational properties of trifluorothene (HFO-1123, F2C = CHF) are studied by state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations. The equilibrium molecular structure has an expected error within 2 mÅ and 0.2° for bond lengths and angles, respectively. This represents the first step toward the computation of highly accurate rotational constants for both the ground and first excited fundamental vibrational levels, which reproduce the available experimental data well within 0.1%. Centrifugal distortion parameters and vibrational-rotational coupling terms are computed as well and used to solve some conflicting experimental results. Simulation of the vibrational transition frequencies and intensities beyond the double harmonic approximation and up to three quanta of vibrational excitation provides insights into the couplings ruling the vibrational dynamics and guides the characterization of the gas-phase infrared spectrum experimentally recorded in the range of 200-5000 cm-1. The full characterization of the IR features is completed with the experimental determination of the absorption cross sections over the 400-5000 cm-1 region from which the radiative forcing and global warming potential of HFO-1123 are derived.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(15): 2373-2387, 2022 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35384666


The first step to shed light on the abiotic synthesis of biochemical building blocks, and their further evolution toward biological systems, is the detection of the relevant species in astronomical environments, including earthlike planets. To this end, the species of interest need to be accurately characterized from structural, energetic, and spectroscopic viewpoints. This task is particularly challenging when dealing with flexible systems, whose spectroscopic signature is ruled by the interplay of small- and large-amplitude motions (SAMs and LAMs, respectively) and is further tuned by the conformational equilibrium. In such instances, quantum chemical (QC) calculations represent an invaluable tool for assisting the interpretation of laboratory measurements or even observations. In the present work, the role of QC results is illustrated with reference to glycolic acid (CH2OHCOOH), a molecule involved in photosynthesis and plant respiration and a precursor of oxalate in humans, which has been detected in the Murchison meteorite but not yet in the interstellar medium or in planetary atmospheres. In particular, the equilibrium structure of the lowest-energy conformer is derived by employing the so-called semiexperimental approach. Then, accurate yet cost-effective QC calculations relying on composite post-Hartree-Fock schemes and hybrid coupled-cluster/density functional theory approaches are used to predict the structural and ro-vibrational spectroscopic properties of the different conformers within the framework of the second-order vibrational perturbation theory. A purposely tailored discrete variable representation anharmonic approach is used to treat the LAMs related to internal rotations. The computed spectroscopic data, particularly those in the infrared region, complement the available experimental investigations, thus enhancing the possibility of an astronomical detection of this molecule.

Teoria Quântica , Vibração , Glicolatos , Humanos , Conformação Molecular , Análise Espectral
Molecules ; 27(3)2022 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35164013


In the last decade, halogenated ethenes have seen an increasing interest for different applications; in particular, in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumping. At the same time, their adverse effects as atmospheric pollutants require environmental monitoring, especially by remote sensing spectroscopic techniques. For this purpose, an accurate characterization of the spectroscopic fingerprint-in particular, those of relevance for rotational-vibrational spectroscopy-of the target molecules is strongly needed. This work provides an integrated computational-theoretical investigation on R1122 (2-Chloro-1,1-difluoro-ethylene, ClHC=CF2), a compound widely employed as a key intermediate in different chemical processes. State-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations relying on CCSD(T)-based composite schemes and hybrid CCSD(T)/DFT approaches are used to obtain an accurate prediction of the structural, rotational and vibrational spectroscopic properties. In addition, the equilibrium geometry is obtained by exploiting the semi-experimental method. The theoretical predictions are used to guide the analysis of the experimentally recorded gas-phase infrared spectrum, which is assigned in the 400-6500 cm-1 region. Furthermore, absorption cross sections are accurately determined over the same spectral range. Finally, by using the obtained spectroscopic data, a first estimate of the global warming potential of R1122 vibrational spectra is obtained.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(7): 3615-3625, 2019 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30318548


The equilibrium structure for 1-chloro-1-fluoroethene is reported. The structure has been obtained by a least-squares fit procedure using the available experimental ground-state rotational constants of eight isotopologues. Vibrational effects have been removed from the rotational constants using the vibration-rotation interaction constants derived from computed quadratic and cubic force fields obtained with the required quantum chemical calculations carried out by using both coupled cluster and density functional theory. The semi-experimental geometry obtained in this way has been also compared with the corresponding theoretical predictions obtained at the CCSD(T) level after extrapolation to the complete basis set limit and inclusion of core-valence corrections. These results allow completion of the molecular geometries of the isomers of chlorofluoroethene in addition to the cis and trans forms of 1-chloro-2-fluoroethene already published.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(11): 7290-7311, 2021 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34666488


The determination of accurate equilibrium molecular structures plays a fundamental role for understanding many physical-chemical properties of molecules, ranging from the precise evaluation of the electronic structure to the analysis of the role played by dynamical and environmental effects in tuning their overall behavior. For small semi-rigid systems in the gas phase, state-of-the-art quantum chemical computations rival the most sophisticated experimental (from, for example, high-resolution spectroscopy) results. For larger molecules, more effective computational approaches must be devised. To this end, we have further enlarged the compilation of available semi-experimental (SE) equilibrium structures, now covering the most important fragments containing H, B, C, N, O, F, P, S, and Cl atoms collected in the new SE100 database. Next, comparison with geometries optimized by methods rooted in the density functional theory showed that the already remarkable results delivered by PW6B95 and, especially, rev-DSDPBEP86 functionals can be further improved by a linear regression (LR) approach. Use of template fragments (taken from the SE100 library) together with LR estimates for the missing interfragment parameters paves the route toward accurate structures of large molecules, as witnessed by the very small deviations between computed and experimental rotational constants. The whole approach has been implemented in a user-friendly tool, termed nano-LEGO, and applied to a number of demanding case studies.

Teoria Quântica , Estrutura Molecular , Análise Espectral
Front Chem ; 8: 584203, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33195078


Accuracy and interpretability are often seen as the devil and holy grail in computational spectroscopy and their reconciliation remains a primary research goal. In the last few decades, density functional theory has revolutionized the situation, paving the way to reliable yet effective models for medium size molecules, which could also be profitably used by non-specialists. In this contribution we will compare the results of some widely used hybrid and double hybrid functionals with the aim of defining the most suitable recipe for all the spectroscopic parameters of interest in rotational and vibrational spectroscopy, going beyond the rigid rotor/harmonic oscillator model. We will show that last-generation hybrid and double hybrid functionals in conjunction with partially augmented double- and triple-zeta basis sets can offer, in the framework of second order vibrational perturbation theory, a general, robust, and user-friendly tool with unprecedented accuracy for medium-size semi-rigid molecules.