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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 11541, 2021 06 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34078990


In this study, we reexamine the effect of two types of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) modes on Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) activity in terms of the frequency of MJO phases. Evaluating all-season data, we identify two dominant zonal patterns of MJO frequency exhibiting prominent interannual variability. These patterns are structurally similar to the Wheeler and Hendon (Mon. Weather Rev. 132:1917-1932, 2004) RMM1 and RMM2 spatial patterns. The first pattern explains a higher frequency of MJO activity over the Maritime Continent and a lower frequency over the central Pacific Ocean and the western Indian Ocean, or vice versa. The second pattern is associated with a higher frequency of MJO active days over the eastern Indian Ocean and a lower frequency over the western Pacific, or vice versa. We find that these two types of MJO frequency patterns are related to the central Pacific and eastern Pacific ENSO modes. From the positive to the negative ENSO (central Pacific or eastern Pacific) phases, the respective MJO frequency patterns change their sign. The MJO frequency patterns are the lag response of the underlying ocean state. The coupling between ocean and atmosphere is exceedingly complex. The first MJO frequency pattern is most prominent during the negative central-Pacific (CP-type) ENSO phases (specifically during September-November and December-February seasons). The second MJO frequency pattern is most evident during the positive eastern-Pacific (EP-type) ENSO phases (specifically during March-May, June-August and September-November). Different zonal circulation patterns during CP-type and EP-type ENSO phases alter the mean moisture distribution throughout the tropics. The horizontal convergence of mean background moisture through intraseasonal winds are responsible for the MJO frequency anomalies during the two types of ENSO phases. The results here show how the MJO activity gets modulated on a regional scale in the presence of two types of ENSO events and can be useful in anticipating the seasonal MJO conditions from a predicted ENSO state.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 14741, 2020 09 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32901076


Among the other diseases, malaria and diarrhoea have a large disease burden in India, especially among children. Changes in rainfall and temperature patterns likely play a major role in the increased incidence of these diseases across geographical locations. This study proposes a method for probabilistic forecasting of the disease incidences in extended range time scale (2-3 weeks in advance) over India based on an unsupervised pattern recognition technique that uses meteorological parameters as inputs and which can be applied to any geographical location over India. To verify the robustness of this newly developed early warning system, detailed analysis has been made in the incidence of malaria and diarrhoea over two districts of the State of Maharashtra. It is found that the increased probabilities of high (less) rainfall, high (low) minimum temperature and low (moderate) maximum temperature are more (less) conducive for both diseases over these locations, but have different thresholds. With the categorical probabilistic forecasts of disease incidences, this early health warning system is found to be a useful tool with reasonable skill to provide the climate-health outlook about possible disease incidence at least 2 weeks in advance for any location or grid over India.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 14014, 2019 09 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31570764


The El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 'diversity' has been considered as a major factor limiting its predictability, a critical need for disaster mitigation associated with the trademark climatic swings of the ENSO. Improving climate models for ENSO forecasts relies on deeper understanding of the ENSO diversity but currently at a nascent stage. Here, we show that the ENSO diversity thought previously as 'complex,' arises largely as varied contributions from three leading modes of the ENSO to a given event. The ENSO 'slow manifold' can be fully described by three leading predictable modes, a quasi-quadrennial mode (QQD), a quasi-biennial (QB) mode and a decadal modulation of the quasi-biennial (DQB). The modal description of ENSO provides a framework for understanding the predictability of and global teleconnections with the ENSO. We further demonstrate it to be a useful framework for understanding biases of climate models in simulating and predicting the ENSO. Therefore, skillful prediction of all shades of ENSO depends critically on the coupled models' ability to simulate the three modes with fidelity, providing basis for optimism for future of ENSO forecasts.