The unique physicochemical properties, flexible structural tunability, and giant chemical space of ionic liquids (ILs) provide them a great opportunity to match different target properties to work as advanced process media. The crux of the matter is how to efficiently and reliably tailor suitable ILs toward a specific application. In this regard, the computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) approach has been widely adapted to cover this family of high-profile chemicals, that is, to perform computer-aided IL design (CAILD). This review discusses the past developments that have contributed to the state-of-the-art of CAILD and provides a perspective about how future works could pursue the acceleration of the practical application of ILs. In a broad context of CAILD, key aspects related to the forward structure-property modeling and reverse molecular design of ILs are overviewed. For the former forward task, diverse IL molecular representations, modeling algorithms, as well as representative models on physical properties, thermodynamic properties, among others of ILs are introduced. For the latter reverse task, representative works formulating different molecular design scenarios are summarized. Beyond the substantial progress made, some future perspectives to move CAILD a step forward are finally provided.