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Science ; 161(3838): 281-3, 1968 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-5657334


Anomalous depressions in carbon dioxide exchange were observed in cotton leaves that were exhibiting oscillations in transpiration under controlled conditions of environment. The depressions occurred only when leaf temperature exceeded 37.5 degrees C and when the leaf diffusive resistance was minimum. Stomatal control of the supply of carbon dioxide to the leaf does not seem to be implicated in the effect.

Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Gossypium/metabolismo , Difusão , Fotossíntese , Temperatura
Oecologia ; 67(4): 577-587, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28311044


In Australia, diurnal courses of leaf conductance and transpiration of hemiparasitic mistletoes (Loranthaceae) and their hosts were measured using steady-state porometers under conditions of partial drought and high evaporative demand. The sites spanned a diversity of climatic regions ranging from the subtropical arid zone with winter rainfall, through the subtropical arid zone with summer rainfall to the tropical summer rainfall zone. With one exception (Acacia farnesiana with deciduous leaves), the hosts were trees or shrubs with evergreen, sclerophyllous leaves or phyllodes.The measurements confirm previous observations that mistletoes transpire at higher rates than their hosts. For adult leaves from all of the 18 different host/mistletoe pairs investigated, the daily average leaf conductances were higher in the parasites than in their hosts. The ratios ranged from 1.5 to 7.9. In the most extreme case,Amyema maidenii had a daily rate of water loss 8.9 times higher than its hostAcacia cowleana. Hoever, the parasites did not exhibit unlimited transpiration. Despite high water loss rates, leaf conductance showed large and consistent changes during the course of the day, indicating definite stomatal regulation. The typical diurnal pattern of conductance in both mistletoes and hosts consisted of an early morning peak followed by a continuous decrease throughout the remainder of the day. There was no abrupt decrease in leaf conductance of the parasites that might be interpreted as a threshold response with respect to internal water potential. In most cases, the continuous stomatal closure occurred without substantial changes in leaf water potential over a time span of several hours. The decrease in leaf conductance was correlated with an increase in leaf-to-air water vapor difference, which was associated with increasing leaf temperatures. It seems probable that external humidity plays a major role in the stomatal response. Diurnal courses of leaf conductance of the host/parasite pairs usually showed similar general patterns, even when the absolute rates were quite different. Thus, mistletoes not only control their water loss by stomatal action but this regulation seems to occur in coordination with the stomatal response of their hosts.The integrated mistletoe/host system must also endure severe drought conditions. Controlled water use is necessary for long-term survival of the host. Assuming stomatal behavior in the host is well adapted to ensure its existence, then similar performance in the mistletoe would promote survival of both host and parasite.

Oecologia ; 41(1): 65-76, 1979 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28310360


At constant cladode temperature the stomatal resistance of O. inermis increased when the cladode-air vapor pressure difference was increased and stomatal resistance decreased when the cladode-air vapor pressure difference was lowered. Net CO2 fixation in the dark was very responsive to these humidity dependent changes in stomatal resistance. Net CO2 fixation and stomatal resistance in the light did not respond to changes in cladode-air vapor pressure differences in the light under the conditions tested. When temperature response functions for dark CO2 fixation were examined at constant ambient humidity, the reduction in dark CO2 fixation at higher temperatures was largely due to stomatal closure in response to the increased vapor pressure difference. The water requirement for net CO2 fixation in the dark at typical nocturnal vapor pressure differences was about 10 times lower than that of net CO2 fixation in the light at vapor pressure differences typical of the late afternoon. The role of the stomatal responses to humidity in determining the patterns and rates of net CO2 exchange in the light or dark, and its possible ecological significance is discussed.

Oecologia ; 70(2): 234-237, 1986 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28311663


Leaves from many misletoe species in Australia strongly resemble those of their hosts. This cryptic mimicry has been hypothesized to be a means of reducing the likelihood of mistletoe herbivory by vertebrates. Leaf Kjeldahl nitrogen contents (a measure of reduced nitrogen and thus amines, amino acids and protein levels) of mistletoes and their hosts were measured on 48 mimetic and nonmimetic host-parasite pairs to evaluate hypotheses concerning the significance of crysis versus noncrypsis. The hypothesis that mistletoes mimicking host leaves should have higher leaf nitrogen levels than their hosts is supported; they may be gaining a selective advantage through crypsis (reduced herbivory). The second hypothesis that mistletoes which do not mimic their hosts should have lower leaf nitrogen levels than their hosts is also supported; they may be gaining a selective advantage through noncrypsis (reduced herbivory resulting from visual advertisement of their reduced nutritional status).

Planta ; 106(3): 185-219, 1972 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24477992


Measurements of transpiration, leaf water content, and flux of water in a cotton plant exhibiting sustained oscillations, in stomatal conductance are presented, and a model of the mechanism causing this behaviour is developed. The dynamic elements, of the model are capacitors-representing the change of water content with water potential in mesophyll, subsidiary and guard cells-interconnected by resistances representing flow paths in the plant. Increase of water potential in guard cells causes an increase in stomatal conductance. Increase of water potential in the subsidiary cells has the opposite effect and provides the positive feed-back which can cause stomatal conductance to oscillate. The oscillations are shown to have many of the characteristics of free-running oscillations in real plants. The behaviour of the model has been examined, using an analogue computer, with constraints and perturbations representing some of those which could be applied to real plants in physiological experiments. Aspects of behaviour which have been simulated are (a) opening and closing of stomata under the influence of changes in illumination, (b) transient responses due to step changes in potential transpiration, root permeability and potential of water surrounding the roots, (c) the influence of these factors on the occurrence and shape of spontaneous oscillations, and (d) modulation of sustained oscillations due to a circadian rhythm in the permeability of roots.

Planta ; 106(3): 221-6, 1972 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24477993


The currents generated in the analogue circuit represent vapour loss from leaves, heat loss from leaves, and liquid flow in plant and soil. The plant and soil resistances are defined in such a way that they are consistent with the resistances to transport of vapour in the atmosphere and there is continuity of potential at the analogue liquid: air interface in the leaves. The action of the environment on plant water movement is treated as an application of Thévenin's theorem of electric circuits.

Plant Physiol ; 54(5): 769-72, 1974 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16658969


It is supposed that oscillations in stomatal conductance are associated with the dynamic properties of the loop in which rate of evaporation affects, through physiological processes, the aperture of stomata and stomatal aperture in turn affects rate of evaporation. It is therefore predicted that their occurrence must be influenced by the magnitude of what is termed environmental gain: the sensitivity of rate of evaporation to change in leaf conductance to vapor transfer. Two methods of manipulating gain, and their effects on stomatal behavior in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Deltapine Smooth Leaf), are described. In the first, gain was increased by decreasing ambient humidity; in the second, it was made zero by regulating ambient humidity to keep rate of evaporation constant despite changes in conductance. The results are in accord with the supposition.

Planta ; 97(4): 325-36, 1971 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24493277


The ways in which transpiration and assimilation depend on stomatal aperture are compared. It is shown that transpiration and assimilation are equally sensitive to change of stomatal aperture when the internal resistance to assimilation is equal to an effective resistance to evaporation which exists because of the coupling of heat and vapour exchanges between leaf and atmosphere. Generally the ratio of transpiration to assimilation changes with stomatal aperture in a manner which is determined by the relative magnitude of these resistances and on temperature. Some possible implications in relation to the optimal behaviour of stomata are discussed.

Plant Physiol ; 78(4): 826-9, 1985 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664334


When photon flux density incident on attached leaves of Zea mays L. was varied from the equivalent of 0.12 of full sunlight to full sunlight, leaf conductance to CO(2) transfer, g, changed in proportion to the change in rate of CO(2), assimilation, A, with the result that intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) remained almost constant. The proportionality was the same as that previously found in g and A measured at one photon flux density in plants of Zea mays L. grown at different levels of mineral nutrition, light intensities, and ambient partial pressures of CO(2). In shade-grown Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants, A as photon flux density was increased from about 0.12 up to about 0.5 full sunlight, the proportionality being almost the same in plants grown at low and at high light intensity.When photon flux density incident on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the isolateral leaves of Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng was varied, g and A also varied proportionally. The leaf conductance in a particular surface was affected by the photon flux density at the opposite surface to a greater extent than was expected on the basis of transmittance. The results indicated that stomata may, in some way, be sensitive to the photon flux absorbed within the leaf as a whole.

Plant Physiol ; 78(4): 821-5, 1985 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664333


Plants of Zea mays were grown with different concentrations of nitrate (0.6, 4, 12, and 24 millimolar) and phosphate (0.04, 0.13, 0.53, and 1.33 millimolar) supplied to the roots, photon flux densities (0.12, 0.5, and 2 millimoles per square meter per second), and ambient partial pressures of CO(2) (305 and 610 microbars). Differences in mineral nutrition and irradiance led to a large variation in rate of CO(2) assimilation per unit leaf area (A, 11 to 58 micromoles per square meter per second) when measured under standard conditions. The variation was shown, with the plants that had received different amounts of nitrate, to be related to variations in the nitrogen and chlorophyll contents, and phosphoenolpyruvate and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activities per unit leaf area. Irrespective of growth treatment, A and leaf conductance to CO(2) transfer (g), measured under standard conditions were in almost constant proportion, implying that intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) (p(i)), was almost constant at 95 microbars. The same proportionality was maintained as A and g increased in an initially nitrogen-deficient plant that had been supplied with abundant nitrate. It was shown that p(i) measured at a given ambient partial pressure was not affected by the ambient partial pressure at which the plants had been grown, although it was different when measured at different ambient partial pressures. This suggests that the close coupling between A and g in these experiments is not associated with sensitivity of stomata to change in p(i).Similar, though less comprehensive, experiments were done with Gossypium hirsutum, and yielded similar conclusions, except that the proportionality between A and g at normal ambient partial pressure of CO(2) implied P(i) approximately 200 microbars.

Plant Physiol ; 78(4): 830-4, 1985 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664335


Rates of CO(2) assimilation and leaf conductances to CO(2) transfer were measured in plants of Zea mays during a period of 14 days in which the plants were not rewatered, and leaf water potential decreased from -0.5 to -8.0 bar. At any given ambient partial pressure of CO(2), water stress reduced rate of assimilation and leaf conductance similarly, so that intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) remained almost constant. At normal ambient partial pressure of CO(2), the intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) was estimated to be 95 microbars. This is the same as had been estimated in plants of Zea mays grown with various levels of nitrogen supply, phosphate supply and irradiance, and in plants of Zea mays examined at different irradiances.After leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng had been exposed to high irradiance in an atmosphere of CO(2)-free N(2) with 10 millibars O(2), rates of assimilation and leaf conductances measured in standard conditions had decreased in similar proportions, so that intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) remained almost unchanged. As the conductance of each epidermis that had not been directly irradiated had declined as much as that in the opposite, irradiated surface it was hypothesized that conductance may have been influenced by photoinhibition within the mesophyll tissue.

Planta ; 187(2): 282-94, 1992 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24178057


Measurements were made of net rates of CO2 assimilation in lichens at various ambient concentrations of CO2 in air and in helox (79% He, 21% O2). Because of the faster rate of CO2 diffusion in the pores of lichen thalli when filled with helox than when filled with air, a given net rate of assimilation was achieved at a lower ambient concentration of CO2 in helox. The differences were used to estimate resistances to diffusion through the gas-filled pore systems in lichens. The technique was first tested with five lichen species, and then applied in a detailed study with Ramalina maciformis, in which gas-phase resistances were determined in samples at four different states of hydration and with two irradiances. By assuming, on the basis of previous evidence, that the phycobiont in R. maciformis is fully turgid and photosynthetically competent at the smallest hydration imposed (equilibration with vapour at 97% relative humidity), and that, with this state of hydration, diffusion of CO2 to the phycobiont takes place through continuously gas-filled pores, it was possible also to determine both the dependence of net rate of assimilation in the phycobiont on local concentration of CO2 in the algal layer, and, with the wetter samples, the extents to which diffusion of CO2 to the phycobiont was impeded by water films. In equilibrium with air of 97% relative humidity, the thallus water content being 0.5 g per g dry weight, the resistance to CO2 diffusion through the thallus was about twice as large as the resistance to CO2 uptake within the phycobiont. Total resistance to diffusion increased rapidly with increase in hydration. At a water content of 2 g per g it was about 50 times as great as the resistance to uptake within the phycobiont and more than two-thirds of it was attributable to impedance of transfer by water. The influences of water content on rate of assimilation at various irradiances are discussed. The analysis shows that the local CO2 compensation concentration of the phycobiont in R. maciformis is close to zero, indicating that photorespiratory release of CO2 does not take place in the alga, Trebouxia sp., under the conditions of these experiments.

Plant Physiol ; 62(4): 670-4, 1978 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16660580


Rates of assimilation and transpiration in Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng were measured at various ambient partial pressures of CO(2) and various irradiances and were used to estimate leaf conductance and intercellular partial pressure of CO(2). The responses of leaf conductance and rate of assimilation to change in intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) were expressed in terms of feedback. They are small in the sense that their combined effect was to reduce disturbances in intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) by 30% only. The magnitude of the feedback had no influence on the system as affected by irradiance, because the direct responses of conductance and rate of assimilation to changes in irradiance in the range 0.25 to 2 millieinsteins per meter per second were such that intercellular partial pressure was maintained almost constant.

Plant Physiol ; 86(4): 1032-7, 1988 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16666027


Most current photosynthesis models, and interpretations of many wholeleaf CO(2) gas exchange measurements, are based on the often unstated assumption that the partial pressure of CO(2) is nearly uniform throughout the airspaces of the leaf mesophyll. Here we present measurements of CO(2) gradients across amphistomatous leaves allowed to assimilate CO(2) through only one surface, thus simulating hypostomatous leaves. We studied five species: Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng., Brassica chinensis L., Gossypium hirsutum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., and Spinacia oleracea L. For Eucalyptus, maximum CO(2) pressure differences across the leaf mesophyll were 73 and 160 microbar when the pressures outside the lower leaf surface were 310 and 590 microbar, respectively. Using an approximate theoretical calculation, we infer that if the CO(2) had been supplied equally at both surfaces then the respective mean intercellular CO(2) pressures would have been roughly 12 and 27 microbar less than the pressures in the substomatal cavities in these cases. For ambient CO(2) pressures near 320 microbar, the average and minimum pressure differences across the mesophyll were 45 and 13 microbar. The corresponding mean intercellular CO(2) pressures would then be roughly 8 and 2 microbar less than those in the substomatal cavities. Pressure differences were generally smaller for the four agricultural species than for Eucalyptus, but they were nevertheless larger than previously reported values.

Plant Physiol ; 69(3): 657-9, 1982 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16662268


The partial pressure of CO(2) inside leaves of several species was measured directly. Small gas exchange chambers were clamped above and below the same section of an amphistomatous leaf. A flowing gas stream through one chamber allowed normal CO(2) and water vapor exchange. The other chamber was in a closed circuit consisting of the chamber, an infrared gas analyzer, and a peristaltic pump. The CO(2) in the closed system rapidly reached a steady pressure which it is believed was identical to the CO(2) pressure inside the leaf, because there was no flux of CO(2) across the epidermis. This measured partial pressure was in close agreement with that estimated from a consideration of the fluxes of CO(2) and vapor at the other surface.