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Sensors (Basel) ; 24(3)2024 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38339659


Hybrid pixel detectors have become indispensable at synchrotron and X-ray free-electron laser facilities thanks to their large dynamic range, high frame rate, low noise, and large area. However, at energies below 3 keV, the detector performance is often limited because of the poor quantum efficiency of the sensor and the difficulty in achieving single-photon resolution due to the low signal-to-noise ratio. In this paper, we address the quantum efficiency of silicon sensors by refining the design of the entrance window, mainly by passivating the silicon surface and optimizing the dopant profile of the n+ region. We present the measurement of the quantum efficiency in the soft X-ray energy range for silicon sensors with several process variations in the fabrication of planar sensors with thin entrance windows. The quantum efficiency for 250 eV photons is increased from almost 0.5% for a standard sensor to up to 62% as a consequence of these developments, comparable to the quantum efficiency of backside-illuminated scientific CMOS sensors. Finally, we discuss the influence of the various process parameters on quantum efficiency and present a strategy for further improvement.

Nature ; 543(7645): 402-406, 2017 03 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28300088


Modern nanoelectronics has advanced to a point at which it is impossible to image entire devices and their interconnections non-destructively because of their small feature sizes and the complex three-dimensional structures resulting from their integration on a chip. This metrology gap implies a lack of direct feedback between design and manufacturing processes, and hampers quality control during production, shipment and use. Here we demonstrate that X-ray ptychography-a high-resolution coherent diffractive imaging technique-can create three-dimensional images of integrated circuits of known and unknown designs with a lateral resolution in all directions down to 14.6 nanometres. We obtained detailed device geometries and corresponding elemental maps, and show how the devices are integrated with each other to form the chip. Our experiments represent a major advance in chip inspection and reverse engineering over the traditional destructive electron microscopy and ion milling techniques. Foreseeable developments in X-ray sources, optics and detectors, as well as adoption of an instrument geometry optimized for planar rather than cylindrical samples, could lead to a thousand-fold increase in efficiency, with concomitant reductions in scan times and voxel sizes.

Sensors (Basel) ; 21(4)2021 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33672262


Chromium compensated GaAs or GaAs:Cr sensors provided by the Tomsk State University (Russia) were characterized using the low noise, charge integrating readout chip JUNGFRAU with a pixel pitch of 75 × 75 µm2 regarding its application as an X-ray detector at synchrotrons sources or FELs. Sensor properties such as dark current, resistivity, noise performance, spectral resolution capability and charge transport properties were measured and compared with results from a previous batch of GaAs:Cr sensors which were produced from wafers obtained from a different supplier. The properties of the sample from the later batch of sensors from 2017 show a resistivity of 1.69 × 109 Ω/cm, which is 47% higher compared to the previous batch from 2016. Moreover, its noise performance is 14% lower with a value of (101.65 ± 0.04) e- ENC and the resolution of a monochromatic 60 keV photo peak is significantly improved by 38% to a FWHM of 4.3%. Likely, this is due to improvements in charge collection, lower noise, and more homogeneous effective pixel size. In a previous work, a hole lifetime of 1.4 ns for GaAs:Cr sensors was determined for the sensors of the 2016 sensor batch, explaining the so-called "crater effect" which describes the occurrence of negative signals in the pixels around a pixel with a photon hit due to the missing hole contribution to the overall signal causing an incomplete signal induction. In this publication, the "crater effect" is further elaborated by measuring GaAs:Cr sensors using the sensors from 2017. The hole lifetime of these sensors was 2.5 ns. A focused photon beam was used to illuminate well defined positions along the pixels in order to corroborate the findings from the previous work and to further characterize the consequences of the "crater effect" on the detector operation.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 4): 1226-1237, 2019 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274448


Recent advances in segmented low-gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) make them promising for the position-sensitive detection of low-energy X-ray photons thanks to their internal gain. LGAD microstrip sensors fabricated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler have been investigated using X-rays with both charge-integrating and single-photon-counting readout chips developed at the Paul Scherrer Institut. In this work it is shown that the charge multiplication occurring in the sensor allows the detection of X-rays with improved signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with standard silicon sensors. The application in the tender X-ray energy range is demonstrated by the detection of the sulfur Kα and Kß lines (2.3 and 2.46 keV) in an energy-dispersive fluorescence spectrometer at the Swiss Light Source. Although further improvements in the segmentation and in the quantum efficiency at low energy are still necessary, this work paves the way for the development of single-photon-counting detectors in the soft X-ray energy range.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 1): 74-82, 2019 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30655470


The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an X-ray imager, custom designed for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL). It is a fast, low-noise integrating detector, with an adaptive gain amplifier per pixel. This has an equivalent noise of less than 1 keV when detecting single photons and, when switched into another gain state, a dynamic range of more than 104 photons of 12 keV. In burst mode the system is able to store 352 images while running at up to 6.5 MHz, which is compatible with the 4.5 MHz frame rate at the European XFEL. The AGIPD system was installed and commissioned in August 2017, and successfully used for the first experiments at the Single Particles, Clusters and Biomolecules (SPB) experimental station at the European XFEL since September 2017. This paper describes the principal components and performance parameters of the system.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(Pt 6): 1462-1473, 2016 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27787252


MÖNCH is a 25 µm-pitch charge-integrating detector aimed at exploring the limits of current hybrid silicon detector technology. The small pixel size makes it ideal for high-resolution imaging. With an electronic noise of about 110 eV r.m.s., it opens new perspectives for many synchrotron applications where currently the detector is the limiting factor, e.g. inelastic X-ray scattering, Laue diffraction and soft X-ray or high-resolution color imaging. Due to the small pixel pitch, the charge cloud generated by absorbed X-rays is shared between neighboring pixels for most of the photons. Therefore, at low photon fluxes, interpolation algorithms can be applied to determine the absorption position of each photon with a resolution of the order of 1 µm. In this work, the characterization results of one of the MÖNCH prototypes are presented under low-flux conditions. A custom interpolation algorithm is described and applied to the data to obtain high-resolution images. Images obtained in grating interferometry experiments without the use of the absorption grating G2 are shown and discussed. Perspectives for the future developments of the MÖNCH detector are also presented.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(1): 111-7, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26698052


With the increased brilliance of state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation sources and the advent of free-electron lasers (FELs) enabling revolutionary science with EUV to X-ray photons comes an urgent need for suitable photon imaging detectors. Requirements include high frame rates, very large dynamic range, single-photon sensitivity with low probability of false positives and (multi)-megapixels. At DESY, one ongoing development project - in collaboration with RAL/STFC, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Diamond, and Pohang Accelerator Laboratory - is the CMOS-based soft X-ray imager PERCIVAL. PERCIVAL is a monolithic active-pixel sensor back-thinned to access its primary energy range of 250 eV to 1 keV with target efficiencies above 90%. According to preliminary specifications, the roughly 10 cm × 10 cm, 3.5k × 3.7k monolithic sensor will operate at frame rates up to 120 Hz (commensurate with most FELs) and use multiple gains within 27 µm pixels to measure 1 to ∼100000 (500 eV) simultaneously arriving photons. DESY is also leading the development of the AGIPD, a high-speed detector based on hybrid pixel technology intended for use at the European XFEL. This system is being developed in collaboration with PSI, University of Hamburg, and University of Bonn. The AGIPD allows single-pulse imaging at 4.5 MHz frame rate into a 352-frame buffer, with a dynamic range allowing single-photon detection and detection of more than 10000 photons at 12.4 keV in the same image. Modules of 65k pixels each are configured to make up (multi)megapixel cameras. This review describes the AGIPD and the PERCIVAL concepts and systems, including some recent results and a summary of their current status. It also gives a short overview over other FEL-relevant developments where the Photon Science Detector Group at DESY is involved.

Opt Express ; 22(12): 14859-70, 2014 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24977581


The smaller pixel size and high frame rate of next-generation photon counting pixel detectors opens new opportunities for the application of X-ray coherent diffractive imaging (CDI). In this manuscript we demonstrate fast image acquisition for ptychography using an Eiger detector. We achieve above 25,000 resolution elements per second, or an effective dwell time of 40 µs per resolution element, when imaging a 500 µm × 290 µm region of an integrated electronic circuit with 41 nm resolution. We further present the application of a scheme of sharing information between image parts that allows the field of view to exceed the range of the piezoelectric scanning system and requirements on the stability of the illumination to be relaxed.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 18(Pt 6): 923-9, 2011 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21997919


The MYTHEN single-photon-counting (SPC) detector has been characterized using the time-over-threshold (ToT) readout method, i.e. measuring the time that the signal produced by the detected X-rays remains above the comparator threshold. In the following it is shown that the ToT readout preserves the sensitivity, dynamic range and capability of background suppression of the SPC mode, while enhancing the count-rate capability, which is the main limitation of state-of-the-art SPC systems.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 17(5): 653-68, 2010 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20724787


The MYTHEN single-photon-counting silicon microstrip detector has been developed at the Swiss Light Source for time-resolved powder diffraction experiments. An upgraded version of the detector has been installed at the SLS powder diffraction station allowing the acquisition of diffraction patterns over 120 degrees in 2theta in fractions of seconds. Thanks to the outstanding performance of the detector and to the calibration procedures developed, the quality of the data obtained is now comparable with that of traditional high-resolution point detectors in terms of FWHM resolution and peak profile shape, with the additional advantage of fast and simultaneous acquisition of the full diffraction pattern. MYTHEN is therefore optimal for time-resolved or dose-critical measurements. The characteristics of the MYTHEN detector together with the calibration procedures implemented for the optimization of the data are described in detail. The refinements of two known standard powders are discussed together with a remarkable application of MYTHEN to organic compounds in relation to the problem of radiation damage.

Difração de Pó/instrumentação , Difração de Raios X/instrumentação , Bupivacaína/química , Difração de Pó/métodos , Síncrotrons/instrumentação , Difração de Raios X/métodos