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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(8): 082501, 2024 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457706


The structure and decay of the most neutron-rich beryllium isotope, ^{16}Be, has been investigated following proton knockout from a high-energy ^{17}B beam. Two relatively narrow resonances were observed for the first time, with energies of 0.84(3) and 2.15(5) MeV above the two-neutron decay threshold and widths of 0.32(8) and 0.95(15) MeV, respectively. These were assigned to be the ground (J^{π}=0^{+}) and first excited (2^{+}) state, with E_{x}=1.31(6) MeV. The mass excess of ^{16}Be was thus deduced to be 56.93(13) MeV, some 0.5 MeV more bound than the only previous measurement. Both states were observed to decay by direct two-neutron emission. Calculations incorporating the evolution of the wave function during the decay as a genuine three-body process reproduced the principal characteristics of the neutron-neutron energy spectra for both levels, indicating that the ground state exhibits a strong spatially compact dineutron component, while the 2^{+} level presents a far more diffuse neutron-neutron distribution.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(9): 092501, 2023 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37721823


The last proton bound calcium isotope ^{35}Ca has been studied for the first time, using the ^{37}Ca(p,t)^{35}Ca two neutron transfer reaction. The radioactive ^{37}Ca nuclei, produced by the LISE spectrometer at GANIL, interacted with the protons of the liquid hydrogen target CRYPTA, to produce tritons t that were detected in the MUST2 detector array, in coincidence with the heavy residues Ca or Ar. The atomic mass of ^{35}Ca and the energy of its first 3/2^{+} state are reported. A large N=16 gap of 4.61(11) MeV is deduced from the mass measurement, which together with other measured properties, makes ^{36}Ca a doubly magic nucleus. The N=16 shell gaps in ^{36}Ca and ^{24}O are of similar amplitude, at both edges of the valley of stability. This feature is discussed in terms of nuclear forces involved, within state-of-the-art shell model calculations. Even though the global agreement with data is quite convincing, the calculations underestimate the size of the N=16 gap in ^{36}Ca by 840 keV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(26): 262501, 2023 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38215380


The excited states of unstable ^{20}O were investigated via γ-ray spectroscopy following the ^{19}O(d,p)^{20}O reaction at 8 AMeV. By exploiting the Doppler shift attenuation method, the lifetimes of the 2_{2}^{+} and 3_{1}^{+} states were firmly established. From the γ-ray branching and E2/M1 mixing ratios for transitions deexciting the 2_{2}^{+} and 3_{1}^{+} states, the B(E2) and B(M1) were determined. Various chiral effective field theory Hamiltonians, describing the nuclear properties beyond ground states, along with a standard USDB interaction, were compared with the experimentally obtained data. Such a comparison for a large set of γ-ray transition probabilities with the valence space in medium similarity renormalization group ab initio calculations was performed for the first time in a nucleus far from stability. It was shown that the ab initio approaches using chiral effective field theory forces are challenged by detailed high-precision spectroscopic properties of nuclei. The reduced transition probabilities were found to be a very constraining test of the performance of the ab initio models.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(12): 122501, 2022 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179171


Detailed spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient nucleus ^{36}Ca was obtained up to 9 MeV using the ^{37}Ca(p,d)^{36}Ca and the ^{38}Ca(p,t)^{36}Ca transfer reactions. The radioactive nuclei, produced by the LISE spectrometer at GANIL, interacted with the protons of the liquid hydrogen target CRYPTA, to produce light ejectiles (the deuteron d or triton t) that were detected in the MUST2 detector array, in coincidence with the heavy residues identified by a zero-degree detection system. Our main findings are (i) a similar shift in energy for the 1_{1}^{+} and 2_{1}^{+} states by about -250 keV, as compared with the mirror nucleus ^{36}S; (ii) the discovery of an intruder 0_{2}^{+} state at 2.83(13) MeV, which appears below the first 2^{+} state, in contradiction with the situation in ^{36}S; and (iii) a tentative 0_{3}^{+} state at 4.83(17) MeV, proposed to exhibit a bubble structure with two neutron vacancies in the 2s_{1/2} orbit. The inversion between the 0_{2}^{+} and 2_{1}^{+} states is due to the large mirror energy difference (MED) of -516(130) keV for the former. This feature is reproduced by shell model calculations, using the sd-pf valence space, predicting an almost pure intruder nature for the 0_{2}^{+} state, with two protons (neutrons) being excited across the Z=20 magic closure in ^{36}Ca (^{36}S). This mirror system has the largest MEDs ever observed, if one excludes the few cases induced by the effect of the continuum.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(26): 262501, 2022 Dec 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36608181


The one-neutron knockout from ^{52}Ca in inverse kinematics onto a proton target was performed at ∼230 MeV/nucleon combined with prompt γ spectroscopy. Exclusive quasifree scattering cross sections to bound states in ^{51}Ca and the momentum distributions corresponding to the removal of 1f_{7/2} and 2p_{3/2} neutrons were measured. The cross sections, interpreted within the distorted-wave impulse approximation reaction framework, are consistent with a shell closure at the neutron number N=32, found as strong as at N=28 and N=34 in Ca isotopes from the same observables. The analysis of the momentum distributions leads to a difference of the root-mean-square radii of the neutron 1f_{7/2} and 2p_{3/2} orbitals of 0.61(23) fm, in agreement with the modified-shell-model prediction of 0.7 fm suggesting that the large root-mean-square radius of the 2p_{3/2} orbital in neutron-rich Ca isotopes is responsible for the unexpected linear increase of the charge radius with the neutron number.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(25): 252501, 2021 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241497


Direct proton-knockout reactions of ^{55}Sc at ∼220 MeV/nucleon were studied at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Populated states of ^{54}Ca were investigated through γ-ray and invariant-mass spectroscopy. Level energies were calculated from the nuclear shell model employing a phenomenological internucleon interaction. Theoretical cross sections to states were calculated from distorted-wave impulse approximation estimates multiplied by the shell model spectroscopic factors, which describe the wave function overlap of the ^{55}Sc ground state with states in ^{54}Ca. Despite the calculations showing a significant amplitude of excited neutron configurations in the ground-state of ^{55}Sc, valence proton removals populated predominantly the ground state of ^{54}Ca. This counterintuitive result is attributed to pairing effects leading to a dominance of the ground-state spectroscopic factor. Owing to the ubiquity of the pairing interaction, this argument should be generally applicable to direct knockout reactions from odd-even to even-even nuclei.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(8): 082501, 2021 Feb 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33709737


A kinematically complete quasifree (p,pn) experiment in inverse kinematics was performed to study the structure of the Borromean nucleus ^{17}B, which had long been considered to have a neutron halo. By analyzing the momentum distributions and exclusive cross sections, we obtained the spectroscopic factors for 1s_{1/2} and 0d_{5/2} orbitals, and a surprisingly small percentage of 9(2)% was determined for 1s_{1/2}. Our finding of such a small 1s_{1/2} component and the halo features reported in prior experiments can be explained by the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum, revealing a definite but not dominant neutron halo in ^{17}B. The present work gives the smallest s- or p-orbital component among known nuclei exhibiting halo features and implies that the dominant occupation of s or p orbitals is not a prerequisite for the occurrence of a neutron halo.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(6): 062502, 2020 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32109128


The nuclei below lead but with more than 126 neutrons are crucial to an understanding of the astrophysical r process in producing nuclei heavier than A∼190. Despite their importance, the structure and properties of these nuclei remain experimentally untested as they are difficult to produce in nuclear reactions with stable beams. In a first exploration of the shell structure of this region, neutron excitations in ^{207}Hg have been probed using the neutron-adding (d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics. The radioactive beam of ^{206}Hg was delivered to the new ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer at an energy above the Coulomb barrier. The spectroscopy of ^{207}Hg marks a first step in improving our understanding of the relevant structural properties of nuclei involved in a key part of the path of the r process.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(25): 252501, 2020 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416401


The formation of a dineutron in the ^{11}Li nucleus is found to be localized to the surface region. The experiment measured the intrinsic momentum of the struck neutron in ^{11}Li via the (p,pn) knockout reaction at 246 MeV/nucleon. The correlation angle between the two neutrons is, for the first time, measured as a function of the intrinsic neutron momentum. A comparison with reaction calculations reveals the localization of the dineutron at r∼3.6 fm. The results also support the density dependence of dineutron formation as deduced from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations for nuclear matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(22): 222501, 2020 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32567911


Here we present new information on the shape evolution of the very neutron-rich ^{92,94}Se nuclei from an isomer-decay spectroscopy experiment at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN. High-resolution germanium detectors were used to identify delayed γ rays emitted following the decay of their isomers. New transitions are reported extending the previously known level schemes. The isomeric levels are interpreted as originating from high-K quasineutron states with an oblate deformation of ß∼0.25, with the high-K state in ^{94}Se being metastable and K hindered. Following this, ^{94}Se is the lowest-mass neutron-rich nucleus known to date with such a substantial K hindrance. Furthermore, it is the first observation of an oblate K isomer in a deformed nucleus. This opens up the possibility for a new region of K isomers at low Z and at oblate deformation, involving the same neutron orbitals as the prolate orbitals within the classic Z∼72 deformed hafnium region. From an interpretation of the level scheme guided by theoretical calculations, an oblate deformation is also suggested for the ^{94}Se_{60} ground-state band.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(1): 012501, 2020 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32678621


Twenty-one two-proton knockout (p,3p) cross sections were measured from neutron-rich nuclei at ∼250 MeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics. The angular distribution of the three emitted protons was determined for the first time, demonstrating that the (p,3p) kinematics are consistent with two sequential proton-proton collisions within the projectile nucleus. Ratios of (p,3p) over (p,2p) inclusive cross sections follow the trend of other many-nucleon removal reactions, further reinforcing the sequential nature of (p,3p) in neutron-rich nuclei.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(7): 072502, 2019 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30848641


The first γ-ray spectroscopy of ^{52}Ar, with the neutron number N=34, was measured using the ^{53}K(p,2p) one-proton removal reaction at ∼210 MeV/u at the RIBF facility. The 2_{1}^{+} excitation energy is found at 1656(18) keV, the highest among the Ar isotopes with N>20. This result is the first experimental signature of the persistence of the N=34 subshell closure beyond ^{54}Ca, i.e., below the magic proton number Z=20. Shell-model calculations with phenomenological and chiral-effective-field-theory interactions both reproduce the measured 2_{1}^{+} systematics of neutron-rich Ar isotopes, and support a N=34 subshell closure in ^{52}Ar.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(16): 162503, 2019 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31075035


Fifty-five inclusive single nucleon-removal cross sections from medium mass neutron-rich nuclei impinging on a hydrogen target at ∼250 MeV/nucleon are measured at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Systematically higher cross sections are found for proton removal from nuclei with an even number of protons as compared to odd-proton number projectiles for a given neutron separation energy. Neutron removal cross sections display no even-odd splitting, contrary to nuclear cascade model predictions. Both effects are understood through simple considerations of neutron separation energies and bound state level densities originating in pairing correlations in the daughter nuclei. These conclusions are supported by comparison with semimicroscopic model predictions, highlighting the enhanced role of low-lying level densities in nucleon-removal cross sections from loosely bound nuclei.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(24): 242501, 2017 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28665635


We report on the first γ-ray spectroscopy of low-lying states in neutron-rich ^{98,100}Kr isotopes obtained from ^{99,101}Rb(p,2p) reactions at ∼220 MeV/nucleon. A reduction of the 2_{1}^{+} state energies beyond N=60 demonstrates a significant increase of deformation, shifted in neutron number compared to the sharper transition observed in strontium and zirconium isotopes. State-of-the-art beyond-mean-field calculations using the Gogny D1S interaction predict level energies in good agreement with experimental results. The identification of a low-lying (0_{2}^{+}, 2_{2}^{+}) state in ^{98}Kr provides the first experimental evidence of a competing configuration at low energy in neutron-rich krypton isotopes consistent with the oblate-prolate shape coexistence picture suggested by theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(19): 192501, 2017 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219515


In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of ^{79}Cu is performed at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of RIKEN. The nucleus of interest is produced through proton knockout from a ^{80}Zn beam at 270 MeV/nucleon. The level scheme up to 4.6 MeV is established for the first time and the results are compared to Monte Carlo shell-model calculations. We do not observe significant knockout feeding to the excited states below 2.2 MeV, which indicates that the Z=28 gap at N=50 remains large. The results show that the ^{79}Cu nucleus can be described in terms of a valence proton outside a ^{78}Ni core, implying the magic character of the latter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(3): 032501, 2017 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28157341


The first measurement of the low-lying states of the neutron-rich ^{110}Zr and ^{112}Mo was performed via in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy after one proton removal on hydrogen at ∼200 MeV/nucleon. The 2_{1}^{+} excitation energies were found at 185(11) keV in ^{110}Zr, and 235(7) keV in ^{112}Mo, while the R_{42}=E(4_{1}^{+})/E(2_{1}^{+}) ratios are 3.1(2), close to the rigid rotor value, and 2.7(1), respectively. These results are compared to modern energy density functional based configuration mixing models using Gogny and Skyrme effective interactions. We conclude that first levels of ^{110}Zr exhibit a rotational behavior, in agreement with previous observations of lighter zirconium isotopes as well as with the most advanced Monte Carlo shell model predictions. The data, therefore, do not support a harmonic oscillator shell stabilization scenario at Z=40 and N=70. The present data also invalidate predictions for a tetrahedral ground state symmetry in ^{110}Zr.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(4): 042502, 2014 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580444


Energies and spectroscopic factors of the first 7/2-, 3/2-, 1/2-, and 5/2- states in the (35)Si21 nucleus were determined by means of the (d, p) transfer reaction in inverse kinematics at GANIL using the MUST2 and EXOGAM detectors. By comparing the spectroscopic information on the Si35 and S37 isotones, a reduction of the p3/2-p1/2 spin-orbit splitting by about 25% is proposed, while the f7/2-f5/2 spin-orbit splitting seems to remain constant. These features, derived after having unfolded nuclear correlations using shell model calculations, have been attributed to the properties of the two-body spin-orbit interaction, the amplitude of which is derived for the first time in an atomic nucleus. The present results, remarkably well reproduced by using several realistic nucleon-nucleon forces, provide a unique touchstone for the modeling of the spin-orbit interaction in atomic nuclei.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(12): 122503, 2013 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166799


Single nucleon pickup reactions were performed with a 18.1 MeV/nucleon (14)O beam on a deuterium target. Within the coupled reaction channel framework, the measured cross sections were compared to theoretical predictions and analyzed using both phenomenological and microscopic overlap functions. The missing strength due to correlations does not show significant dependence on the nucleon separation energy asymmetry over a wide range of 37 MeV, in contrast with nucleon removal data analyzed within the sudden-eikonal formalism.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(25): 252501, 2012 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23004591


We report on the single neutron and proton removal reactions from unstable nuclei with large asymmetry ΔS = S(n)-S(p) at incident energies below 80 MeV/nucleon. Strong nonsudden effects are observed in the case of deeply-bound-nucleon removal. The corresponding parallel momentum distributions exhibit an abrupt cutoff at high momentum that corresponds to an energy threshold occurring when the incident energy per particle is of comparable magnitude to the nucleon separation energy. A large low-momentum tail is related to both dissipative processes and the dynamics of the nucleon removal process. New limits for the applicability of the sudden and eikonal approximations in nucleon knockout are given.