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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 107: 108310, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172393


INTRODUCTION: Extradural arachnoid cyst (KAED) is a rare and benign condition, accounting for approximately 1 % of all spinal expansive lesions. The pathogenesis of KAED is uncertain and appears to be multifactorial. Spinal compression symptoms are rarely indicative, and KAED is usually discovered incidentally. MRI is the radiological test of choice as it allows for precise characterization of the cyst. Early identification and management of KAED is crucial to prevent complications and ensure timely intervention. CASE PRESENTATION: A 7-year-old girl with a nomadic lifestyle presented with sphincterian disorders without any other neurological abnormalities. Further investigation, including biological tests, revealed chronic kidney failure. A spinal MRI identified an intra-spinal extradural dorso-lumbar arachnoid cyst extending from D10 to L1, located posteriorly. The cyst was promptly removed with favorable postoperative outcomes. The patient was discharged with a treatment of vitaminocalcic and martial supplementation for his chronic renal insufficiency and a regular follow-up in consultation. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Arachnoid cyst is a rare benign condition that can be discovered incidentally (Agnoli et al., 1982; Chan et al.; 1985). The symptoms are the results of compression exerted by the cyst on the cord and they vary according to the level of compression of the spinal cord or the nerve roots, but the symptomatic form is a situation which remains rarely described (Charisseauj et al., 1992). In this particular case, the cyst was identified due to a series of symptoms related to acute renal insufficiency, which exacerbated pre-existing chronic renal insufficiency. This was further complicating untreated sphincter disorders. This highlights the significance of timely diagnosis and treatment to prevent severe complications that may otherwise develop from a benign condition. With early intervention, favorable outcomes can be achieved in most patients (Kendall et al., 1982). CONCLUSION: With the advancement of neuroimaging and the widespread availability of MRI as the gold standard, extradural arachnoid cysts (KAED) can now be incidentally discovered in asymptomatic patients. Once diagnosed, surgical intervention is typically recommended to prevent irreversible neurological damage. Further research is needed to better understand the pathogenesis of KAED and establish optimal diagnosis and treatment strategies, particularly in pediatric patients, for this rare condition.