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Anal Chem ; 92(4): 2931-2936, 2020 02 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31967792


Label-free high-throughput screening using mass spectrometry has the potential to provide rapid large-scale sample analysis at a speed of more than one sample per second. Such speed is important for compound library, assay and future clinical screening of millions of samples within a reasonable time frame. Herein, we present a liquid atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (AP-MALDI) setup for high-throughput large-scale sample analysis (>5 samples per second) for three substance classes (peptides, antibiotics, and lipids). Liquid support matrices (LSM) were used for the analysis of standard substances as well as complex biological fluids (milk). Throughput and analytical robustness were mainly dependent on the complexity of the sample composition and the current limitations of the commercial hardware. However, the ultimate limits of liquid AP-MALDI in sample throughput can be conservatively estimated to be beyond 10-20 samples per second. This level of analytical speed is highly competitive compared with other label-free MS methods, including electrospray ionization and solid state MALDI, as well as MS methods using multiplexing by labeling, which in principle can also be used in combination with liquid AP-MALDI MS.

Proteomes ; 8(3)2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32825579


Rapid profiling of the biomolecular components of milk can be useful for food quality assessment and for food fraud detection. Differences in commercial value and availability of milk from specific species are often the reasons for the illicit and fraudulent sale of milk whose species origin is wrongly declared. In this study, a fast, MS-based speciation method is presented to distinguish sheep from goat milk and sheep colostrum at different phases. Using liquid atmospheric pressure (AP)-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) MS, it was possible to classify samples of goat and sheep milk with 100% accuracy in one minute of data acquisition per sample. Moreover, an accuracy of 98% was achieved in classifying pure sheep milk samples and sheep milk samples containing 10% goat milk. Evaluating colostrum quality and postnatal stages represents another possible application of this technology. Classification of sheep colostrum samples that were collected within 6 hours after parturition and 48 hours later was achieved with an accuracy of 84.4%. Our data show that substantial changes in the lipid profile can account for the accurate classification of colostrum collected at the early and late time points. This method applied to the analysis of protein orthologs of different species can, as in this case, allow unequivocal speciation analysis.