The visual cues of lexical tones are more implicit and much less investigated than consonants and vowels, and it is still unclear what facial areas contribute to facial tones identification. This study investigated Chinese and English speakers' eye movements when they were asked to identify audiovisual Mandarin lexical tones. The Chinese and English speakers were presented with an audiovisual clip of Mandarin monosyllables (for instance, /a/, /à/, /i/, /ì/) and were asked to identify whether the syllables were a dipping tone (/a/, / i/) or a falling tone (/ à/, /ì/). These audiovisual syllables were presented in clear, noisy and silent (absence of audio signal) conditions. An eye-tracker recorded the participants' eye movements. Results showed that the participants gazed more at the mouth than the eyes. In addition, when acoustic conditions became adverse, both the Chinese and English speakers increased their gaze duration at the mouth rather than at the eyes. The findings suggested that the mouth is the primary area that listeners utilise in their perception of audiovisual lexical tones. The similar eye movements between the Chinese and English speakers imply that the mouth acts as a perceptual cue that provides articulatory information, as opposed to social and pragmatic information.
Over the recent few decades, a large number of audiovisual speech studies have been focusing on the visual cues of consonants and vowels but neglecting those relating to lexical tones. In this study, we investigate whether incongruent audiovisual information interfered with the perception of lexical tones. We found that, for both Chinese and English speakers, incongruence between auditory and visemic mouth shape (i.e., visual form information) significantly interfered with reaction time and reduced the identification accuracy of vowels. However, incongruent lip movements (i.e., visual timing information) did not interfere with the perception of auditory lexical tone. We conclude that, in contrast to vowel perception, auditory tone perception seems relatively impervious to visual congruence cues, at least under these restricted laboratory conditions. The salience of visual form and timing information is discussed based on this finding.