General quadratic Hamiltonian models, describing the interaction between liquid-crystal molecules (typically with D_{2h} symmetry), take into account couplings between their uniaxial and biaxial tensors. While the attractive contributions arising from interactions between similar tensors of the participating molecules provide for eventual condensation of the respective orders at suitably low temperatures, the role of cross coupling between unlike tensors is not fully appreciated. Our recent study with an advanced Monte Carlo technique (entropic sampling) showed clearly the increasing relevance of this cross term in determining the phase diagram (contravening in some regions of model parameter space), the predictions of mean-field theory, and standard Monte Carlo simulation results. In this context, we investigated the phase diagrams and the nature of the phases therein on two trajectories in the parameter space: one is a line in the interior region of biaxial stability believed to be representative of the real systems, and the second is the extensively investigated parabolic path resulting from the London dispersion approximation. In both cases, we find the destabilizing effect of increased cross-coupling interactions, which invariably result in the formation of local biaxial organizations inhomogeneously distributed. This manifests as a small, but unmistakable, contribution of biaxial order in the uniaxial phase. The free-energy profiles computed in the present study as a function of the two dominant order parameters indicate complex landscapes. On the one hand, these profiles account for the unusual thermal behavior of the biaxial order parameter under significant destabilizing influence from the cross terms. On the other, they also allude to the possibility that in real systems, these complexities might indeed be inhibiting the formation of a low-temperature biaxial order itself-perhaps reflecting the difficulties in their ready realization in the laboratory.
Investigations of the phase diagram of biaxial liquid-crystal systems through analyses of general Hamiltonian models within the simplifications of mean-field theory (MFT), as well as by computer simulations based on microscopic models, are directed toward an appreciation of the role of the underlying molecular-level interactions to facilitate its spontaneous condensation into a nematic phase with biaxial symmetry. Continuing experimental challenges in realizing such a system unambiguously, despite encouraging predictions from MFT, for example, are requiring more versatile simulational methodologies capable of providing insights into possible hindering barriers within the system, typically gleaned through its free-energy dependences on relevant observables as the system is driven through the transitions. The recent paper from this group [Kamala Latha et al., Phys. Rev. E 89, 050501(R) (2014)], summarizing the outcome of detailed Monte Carlo simulations carried out employing an entropic sampling technique, suggested a qualitative modification of the MFT phase diagram as the Hamiltonian is asymptotically driven toward the so-called partly repulsive regions. It was argued that the degree of (cross) coupling between the uniaxial and biaxial tensor components of neighboring molecules plays a crucial role in facilitating a ready condensation of the biaxial phase, suggesting that this could be a plausible factor in explaining the experimental difficulties. In this paper, we elaborate this point further, providing additional evidence from curious variations of free-energy profiles with respect to the relevant orientational order parameters, at different temperatures bracketing the phase transitions.
We investigate the phase sequence of biaxial liquid crystals, based on a general quadratic model Hamiltonian over the relevant parameter space, with a Monte Carlo simulation which constructs equilibrium ensembles of microstates, overcoming possible (free) energy barriers (combining entropic and frontier sampling techniques). The resulting phase diagram qualitatively differs from the universal phase diagram predicted earlier from mean-field theory (MFT), as well as the Monte Carlo simulations with the Metropolis algorithm. The direct isotropic-to-biaxial transition predicted by the MFT is replaced in certain regions of the space by the onset of an additional intermediate biaxial phase of very low order, leading to the sequence N(B)-N(B1)-I. This is due to inherent barriers to fluctuations of the components comprising the total energy, and may explain the difficulties in the experimental realization of these phases.