Time-resolved measurements of the transverse electric field associated with relativistic electron bunches are presented. Using an ultrafast electro-optic sensor close to the electron beam, the longitudinal profile of the electric field was measured with subpicosecond time resolution and without time-reversal ambiguity. Results are shown for two cases: inside the vacuum beam line in the presence of wake fields, and in air behind a beryllium window, effectively probing the near-field transition radiation. Especially in the latter case, reconstruction of the longitudinal electron bunch shape is straightforward.
The detailed shape of picosecond optical pulses from a free-electron laser (FEL) oscillator has been studied for various cavity detunings. For large values of the cavity detuning the optical pulse develops an exponential leading edge, with a time constant proportional to the applied cavity detuning and the quality factor of the resonator. This behavior has been observed at two separate FELs that have completely different resonator layouts and electron beam characteristics, and using different methods of optical pulse length measurement. The optical pulses have a full width at half maximum time-bandwidth product Deltat(FWHM)Deltaf(FWHM) of 0.2-0.3. The results presented here can be used to predict the optical pulse length and corresponding minimum spectral width that can be generated in a FEL pumped by short electron bunches. This is important for the design of new infrared free-electron laser user facilities, which need to make a balanced choice between short pulses for high temporal resolution and narrow bandwidth for linear and nonlinear spectroscopy.