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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(8): 085001, 2024 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457729


We demonstrate a silicon-based electron accelerator that uses laser optical near fields to both accelerate and confine electrons over extended distances. Two dielectric laser accelerator (DLA) designs were tested, each consisting of two arrays of silicon pillars pumped symmetrically by pulse front tilted laser beams, designed for average acceleration gradients 35 and 50 MeV/m, respectively. The DLAs are designed to act as alternating phase focusing (APF) lattices, where electrons, depending on the electron-laser interaction phase, will alternate between opposing longitudinal and transverse focusing and defocusing forces. By incorporating fractional period drift sections that alter the synchronous phase between ±60° off crest, electrons captured in the designed acceleration bucket experience half the peak gradient as average gradient while also experiencing strong confinement forces that enable long interaction lengths. We demonstrate APF accelerators with interaction lengths up to 708 µm and energy gains up to 23.7±1.07 keV FWHM, a 25% increase from starting energy, demonstrating the ability to achieve substantial energy gains with subrelativistic DLA.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(16): 164802, 2021 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34723609


Compressing electron pulses is important in many applications of electron beam systems. In this study, we propose to use optical beat notes to compress electron pulses. The beat frequency is chosen to match the initial electron pulse duration, which enables the compression of electron pulses with a wide range of durations. This functionality extends the optical control of electron beams, which is important in compact electron beam systems such as dielectric laser accelerators. We also find that the dominant frequency of the electron charge density changes continuously along its drift trajectory, which may open up new opportunities in coherent interaction between free electrons and quantum or classical systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(10): 104801, 2019 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932681


We demonstrate a laser-driven, tunable electron lens fabricated in monolithic silicon. The lens consists of an array of silicon pillars pumped symmetrically by two 300 fs, 1.95 µm wavelength, nJ-class laser pulses from an optical parametric amplifier. The optical near field of the pillar structure focuses electrons in the plane perpendicular to the pillar axes. With 100±10 MV/m incident laser fields, the lens focal length is measured to be 50±4 µm, which corresponds to an equivalent quadrupole focusing gradient B^{'} of 1.4±0.1 MT/m. By varying the incident laser field strength, the lens can be tuned from a 21±2 µm focal length (B^{'}>3.3 MT/m) to focal lengths on the centimeter scale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(26): 264802, 2019 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31951436


Net acceleration of attosecond-scale electron pulses is critical to the development of on-chip accelerators. We demonstrate a silicon-based laser-driven two-stage accelerator as an injector stage prototype for a Dielectric Laser Accelerator (DLA). The first stage converts a 57-keV (500±100)-fs (FWHM) electron pulse into a pulse train of 700±200 as (FWHM) microbunches. The second stage harnesses the tunability of dual-drive DLA to perform both a net acceleration and a streaking measurement. In the acceleration mode, the second stage increases the net energy of the electron pulse by 200 eV over 12.25 µm. In the deflection mode, the microbunch temporal profile is analyzed by a direct streaking measurement with 200 as resolution. This work provides a demonstration of a novel, on-chip method to access the attosecond regime, opening new paths towards attosecond science using DLA.

Opt Lett ; 43(9): 2181-2184, 2018 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29714784


We present the demonstration of phase-dependent laser acceleration and deflection of electrons using a symmetrically driven silicon dual pillar grating structure. We show that exciting an evanescent inverse Smith-Purcell mode on each side of a dual pillar grating can produce hyperbolic cosine acceleration and hyperbolic sine deflection modes, depending on the relative excitation phase of each side. Our devices accelerate sub-relativistic 99.0 keV kinetic energy electrons by 3.0 keV over a 15 µm distance with accelerating gradients of 200 MeV/m with 40 nJ, 300 fs, 1940 nm pulses from an optical parametric amplifier. These results represent a significant step towards making practical dielectric laser accelerators for ultrafast, medical, and high-energy applications.

Appl Opt ; 56(8): 2226-2229, 2017 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28375306


We present a simple autocorrelator for ultraviolet pulses based on two-photon conductivity in a bench-top fabricatable sapphire sensor. We perform measurements on femtosecond 226-278 nm ultraviolet pulses from the third and fourth harmonics of a standard 76 MHz titanium sapphire oscillator and picosecond 266 nm pulses from the fourth harmonic of a 1064 nm 50 MHz neodymium vanadate oscillator. Our device is sensitive to 2.6 pJ ultraviolet pulses with peak powers below 20 W. These results represent the lowest measured autocorrelation peak powers by over one order of magnitude for a system with no reference pulse in the deep ultraviolet (<300 nm). The autocorrelator can potentially support UV pulse lengths from 50 fs-10s of picoseconds.

Opt Lett ; 41(15): 3435-8, 2016 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27472587


We demonstrate an experimental technique for both transverse and longitudinal characterization of bunched femtosecond free electron beams. The operation principle is based on monitoring of the current of electrons that obtained an energy gain during the interaction with the synchronized optical near-field wave excited by femtosecond laser pulses. The synchronous accelerating/decelerating fields confined to the surface of a silicon nanostructure are characterized using a highly focused sub-relativistic electron beam. Here the transverse spatial resolution of 450 nm and femtosecond temporal resolution of 480 fs (sub-optical-cycle temporal regime is briefly discussed) achievable by this technique are demonstrated.

Opt Lett ; 40(18): 4344-7, 2015 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371932


We present the demonstration of high-gradient laser acceleration and deflection of electrons with silicon dual-pillar grating structures using both evanescent inverse Smith-Purcell modes and coupled modes. Our devices accelerate subrelativistic 86.5 and 96.3 keV electrons by 2.05 keV over 5.6 µm distance for accelerating gradients of 370 MeV/m with a 3 nJ mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. We also show that dual pillars can produce uniform accelerating gradients with a coupled-mode field profile. These results represent a significant step toward making practical dielectric laser accelerators for ultrafast, medical, and high-energy applications.

Science ; 367(6473): 79-83, 2020 01 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31896715


Particle accelerators represent an indispensable tool in science and industry. However, the size and cost of conventional radio-frequency accelerators limit the utility and reach of this technology. Dielectric laser accelerators (DLAs) provide a compact and cost-effective solution to this problem by driving accelerator nanostructures with visible or near-infrared pulsed lasers, resulting in a 104 reduction of scale. Current implementations of DLAs rely on free-space lasers directly incident on the accelerating structures, limiting the scalability and integrability of this technology. We present an experimental demonstration of a waveguide-integrated DLA that was designed using a photonic inverse-design approach. By comparing the measured electron energy spectra with particle-tracking simulations, we infer a maximum energy gain of 0.915 kilo-electron volts over 30 micrometers, corresponding to an acceleration gradient of 30.5 mega-electron volts per meter. On-chip acceleration provides the possibility for a completely integrated mega-electron volt-scale DLA.