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Magn Reson Chem ; 50(10): 696-704, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22936629


(17)O NMR spectra for 35 ortho-, para-, and meta-substituted phenyl tosylates (phenyl 4-methylbenzenesulfonates), 4-CH(3)-C(6)H(4) SO(2)OC(6)H(4)-X, at natural abundance in acetonitrile at 50 °C were recorded. The (17)O NMR chemical shifts, δ((17)O), of the sulfonyl (SO(2)) and the single-bonded phenoxy (OPh) oxygens for para and meta derivatives correlated well with dual substituent parameter treatment using the Taft inductive, σ(I), and resonance, σº(R), constants. The influence of ortho substituents on the sulfonyl oxygen and the single-bonded phenoxy oxygen chemical shifts, δ((17)O), was found to be nicely described by the Charton equation: δ((17)O)(ortho) = δ((17)O)(H) + ρ(I)σ(I) + ρ(R)σ°(R) + δE(s)(B) when the data treatment was performed separately for electron-donating +R substituents and electron-attracting -R substituents. Electron-attracting meta and para substituents in the phenyl moiety caused deshielding while the electron-donating meta, para and ortho +R substituents produce shielding effects on the sulfonyl (SO(2)) and single-bonded phenoxy (OPh) oxygens. The influence of ortho inductive and resonance effects in the case of +R substituents was found to be approximately twice higher than the corresponding influence from the para position. Due to the steric effect of ortho substituents a decrease in shielding of the oxygens at the sulfonyl group (δE(s)(B) > 0, E(s)(B) < 0) was detected.

J Org Chem ; 76(2): 391-5, 2011 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21166439


In this paper, we report the most comprehensive equilibrium superacidity scale that is available to date. Contrary to most of the past works, this scale is set up in a medium of constant composition and the obtained acidity values characterize the acidities of molecules rather than acidities of media. The current scale is thus complementary to the well-known H(0) scale in the information that it provides. The solvent used is 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE). DCE has very weak basic properties (but sufficiently high polarity) and is an appropriate solvent for measuring acidities of very strong acids of diverse chemical nature. DCE acidities of well-known superacids (CF(3)SO(2)OH, (CF(3)SO(2))(2)NH, cyanocarbon acids, etc.) as well as common mineral acids (H(2)SO(4), HI, HBr, etc.) are reported. Acidities of altogether 62 acids have been determined from 176 interlinked relative acidity measurements. The scale spans 15 orders of magnitude (from picric acid to 1,1,2,3,3-pentacyanopropene) and is expected to be a useful tool in design, use, and further acidity measurements of superacidic molecules.

J Org Chem ; 70(3): 1019-28, 2005 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15675863


The earlier compiled self-consistent spectrophotometric basicity scale in acetonitrile (AN) was expanded to range from 3.8 to 32.0 pK(a) units, that is 28 orders of magnitude. Altogether 54 new relative basicity measurements (DeltapK(a) measurements) were carried out and 37 new compounds were introduced to the scale (it now includes altogether 89 bases). The relative basicity of any two bases in the scale can be obtained by combining at least two independent sets of measurements. Multiple overlapping measurements make the results more reliable. The overall consistency (as defined earlier) of the measurements is s = 0.03 pK(a) units. Thorough analysis of all of our experimental data (DeltapK(a) values of this and earlier works) and experimental pK(a) data in AN available in the literature (works from the groups of Coetzee and Padmanabhan, Kolthoff and Chantooni, Jr., the Schwesinger group, Bren' et al. and some others, altogether 19 papers) was carried out. On the basis of this analysis the anchor point of the scale-pyridine-was shifted upward by 0.20 pK(a) units thereby also revising the absolute pK(a) values of all the bases on the scale. This way very good agreement between our relative data and the absolute pK(a) values of the abovementioned authors was obtained. The revised basicity scale was interconnected with the earlier published self-consistent acidity scale by DeltapK(a) measurements between acids and bases. The rms deviation between the directly measured DeltapK(a) values and the absolute pK(a) values of the compounds was 0.10 pK(a) units.

J Am Chem Soc ; 127(50): 17656-66, 2005 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16351095


A principle for creating a new generation of nonionic superbases is presented. It is based on attachment of tetraalkylguanidino, 1,3-dimethylimidazolidine-2-imino, or bis(tetraalkylguanidino)carbimino groups to the phosphorus atom of the iminophosphorane group using tetramethylguanidine or easily available 1,3-dimethylimidazolidine-2-imine. Seven new nonionic superbasic phosphazene bases, tetramethylguanidino-substituted at the P atom, have been synthesized. Their base strengths are established in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution by means of spectrophotometric titration and compared with those of eight reference superbases designed specially for this study, P2- and P4-iminophosphoranes. The gas-phase basicities of several guanidino- and N',N',N'',N''-tetramethylguanidino (tmg)-substituted phosphazenes and their cyclic analogues are calculated, and the crystal structures of (tmg)3P=N-t-Bu and (tmg)3P=N-t-Bu x HBF4 are determined. The enormous basicity-increasing effect of this principle is experimentally verified for the tetramethylguanidino groups in the THF medium: the basicity increase when moving from (dma)3P=N-t-Bu (pKalpha = 18.9) to (tmg)3P=N-t-Bu (pKalpha = 29.1) is 10 orders of magnitude. A significantly larger basicity increase (up to 20 powers of 10) is expected (based on the high-level density functional theory calculations) to accompany the similar gas-phase transfer between the (dma)3P=NH and (tmg)3P=NH bases. Far stronger basicities still are expected when, in the latter two compounds, all three dimethylamino (or tetramethylguanidino) fragments are replaced by methylated triguanide fragments, (tmg)2C=N-. The gas-phase basicity (around 300-310 kcal/mol) of the resulting base, [(tmg)2C=N-]3P=NH, having only one phosphorus atom, is predicted to exceed the basicity of (dma)3P=NH by more than 40 powers of 10 and to surpass also the basicity of the widely used commercial [(dma)3P=N]3P=N-t-Bu (t-BuP4) superbase.

J Org Chem ; 67(6): 1873-81, 2002 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11895405


Relative ion-pair basicities Delta(pK)(ip) of 25 substituted aryl and alkyl iminophosphoranes (phosphazenes) and 20 other N-bases (various pyridines, amines, amidines) have been measured in THF medium using the UV-Vis and/or (13)C NMR methods. The Delta(pK)(ip) values were corrected for ion pairing using the Fuoss equation to obtain relative ionic basicities Delta(pK)(alpha). Based on the measurements, a basicity scale ranging from 2-methoxypyridine to EtP(1)(pyrr) and having a total span over 18 pK units has been created. The scale has been anchored to the pK(alpha) value of triethylamine (pK(alpha) = 12.5). The results are compared to pK(a) values in various other solvents and in the gas phase. The pK(alpha) values give better correlations than the pK(ip) values, thus indirectly validating the procedure of correction for ion pairing. The predictability of the basicity together with suitable spectral properties in the UV range make the phenylphosphazenes convenient neutral indicators in the high basicity range where the choice of neutral indicators is very limited.

J Org Chem ; 68(26): 9988-93, 2003 Dec 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14682692


Eleven new phenyl-substituted phosphazenes (P1-, P3-, and P4-bases) have been synthesized by the Staudinger or the Kirsanov reactions. The UV-vis spectrophotometric titration method was used to establish the relative basicity of them, and to extend the ion-pair basicity scale for THF medium. These measurements together with our previous work give a continuous basicity scale in THF ranging from 2.6 (2-MeO-pyridine) to 26.6 (2-Cl-C6H4P4(pyrr) phosphazene) in pKalpha units: that is for 24 orders of magnitude and containing 58 compounds (pyridines, anilines, amines, guanidines, amidines, phosphazenes). Ion-pair formation was taken into account by using the Fuoss equation. DeltapKip values of some phosphazene indicators estimated earlier by the 13C NMR method were revised. For some of the phosphazenes gas-phase basicities were measured.