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Heredity (Edinb) ; 130(5): 278-288, 2023 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36899176


Genomic diversity is a fundamental component of Earth's total biodiversity, and requires explicit consideration in efforts to conserve biodiversity. To conserve genomic diversity, it is necessary to measure its spatial distribution, and quantify the contribution that any intraspecific evolutionary lineages make to overall genomic diversity. Here, we describe the range-wide population genomic structure of a threatened Australian rodent, the black-footed tree-rat (Mesembriomys gouldii), aiming to provide insight into the timing and extent of population declines across a large region with a dearth of long-term monitoring data. By estimating recent trajectories in effective population sizes at four localities, we confirm widespread population decline across the species' range, but find that the population in the peri-urban area of the Darwin region has been more stable. Based on current sampling, the Melville Island population made the greatest contribution to overall allelic richness of the species, and the prioritisation analysis suggested that conservation of the Darwin and Cobourg Peninsula populations would be the most cost-effective scenario to retain more than 90% of all alleles. Our results broadly confirm current sub-specific taxonomy, and provide crucial data on the spatial distribution of genomic diversity to help prioritise limited conservation resources. Along with additional sampling and genomic analysis from the far eastern and western edges of the black-footed tree-rat distribution, we suggest a range of conservation and research priorities that could help improve black-footed tree-rat population trajectories at large and fine spatial scales, including the retention and expansion of structurally complex habitat patches.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Metagenômica , Animais , Ratos , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema
Heredity (Edinb) ; 126(5): 763-775, 2021 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33664461


Conservation management is improved by incorporating information about the spatial distribution of population genetic diversity into planning strategies. Northern Australia is the location of some of the world's most severe ongoing declines of endemic mammal species, yet we have little genetic information from this regional mammal assemblage to inform a genetic perspective on conservation assessment and planning. We used next-generation sequencing data from remnant populations of the threatened brush-tailed rabbit-rat (Conilurus penicillatus) to compare patterns of genomic diversity and differentiation across the landscape and investigate standardised hierarchical genomic diversity metrics to better understand brush-tailed rabbit-rat population genomic structure. We found strong population structuring, with high levels of differentiation between populations (FST = 0.21-0.78). Two distinct genomic lineages between the Tiwi Islands and mainland are also present. Prioritisation analysis showed that one population in both lineages would need to be conserved to retain at least ~80% of alleles for the species. Analysis of standardised genomic diversity metrics showed that approximately half of the total diversity occurs among lineages (δ = 0.091 from grand total γ = 0.184). We suggest that a focus on conserving remnant island populations may not be appropriate for the preservation of species-level genomic diversity and adaptive potential, as these populations represent a small component of the total diversity and a narrow subset of the environmental conditions in which the species occurs. We also highlight the importance of considering both genomic and ecological differentiation between source and receiving populations when considering translocations for conservation purposes.

Genética Populacional , Metagenômica , Roedores , Animais , Austrália , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Variação Genética , Genoma , Genômica , Mamíferos , Roedores/genética
J Mammal ; 101(4): 1165-1176, 2020 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33033470


Tree cavities are important denning sites for many arboreal mammals. Knowledge of cavity requirements of individual species, as well as potential den overlap among species, is integral to their conservation. In Australia's tropical savannas, development of tree cavities is enhanced by high termite activity, and, conversely, reduced by frequent fires. However, it is poorly understood how the availability of tree cavities in the tropical savannas impacts tree cavity use and selection by cavity-dependent fauna. There has been a severe decline among arboreal mammal species in northern Australia over recent decades. Investigation of their cavity requirements may illuminate why these species have declined drastically in some areas but are persisting in others. Here we examined this issue in three species of arboreal mammals (Trichosurus vulpecula, Mesembriomys gouldii, Conilurus penicillatus) on Melville Island, northern Australia. We radiotracked individuals to their den sites to evaluate whether the species differ in their den tree and tree-cavity selection. The strongest influence on den tree selection was the presence of large cavities (> 10 cm entrance diameter), with all three species using larger cavities most frequently. Conilurus penicillatus, the smallest species, differed the most from the other species: it frequently was found in smaller, dead trees and its den sites were closer to the ground, including in hollow logs. The two larger species had broader den tree use, using larger live trees and dens higher up in the canopy. Dens of C. penicillatus are likely to be more susceptible to predation and destruction by high-intensity savanna fires. This may have contributed to this species' rapid decline, both on Melville Island and on the mainland. However, the apparent preference for larger tree cavities by all three arboreal species is concerning due to the limited availability of large trees across Australian savannas, which are subject to frequent, high-intensity fires.