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J Chem Phys ; 160(19)2024 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38752530


Chemical phenomena involving near-degenerate electronic states, such as conical intersections or avoided crossing, can be properly described using quasi-degenerate perturbation theory. This study proposed a highly scalable quasi-degenerate second-order N-electron valence state perturbation theory (QD-NEVPT2) using the local pair-natural orbital (PNO) method. Our recent study showed an efficient implementation of the PNO-based state-specific NEVPT2 method using orthonormal localized virtual molecular orbitals (LVMOs) as an intermediate local basis. This study derived the state-coupling (or off-diagonal) terms to implement QD-NEVPT2 in an alternative manner to enhance efficiency based on the internally contracted basis and PNO overlap matrices between different references. To facilitate further acceleration, a local resolution-of-the-identity (RI) three-index integral generation algorithm was developed using LMOs and LVMOs. Although the NEVPT2 theory is considered to be less susceptible to the intruder-state problem (ISP), this study revealed that it can easily suffer from ISP when calculating high-lying excited states. We ameliorated this instability using the imaginary level shift technique. The PNO-QD-NEVPT2 calculations were performed on small organic molecules for the 30 lowest-lying states, as well as photoisomerization involving the conical intersection of 1,1-dimethyldibenzo[b,f] silepin with a cis-stilbene skeleton. These calculations revealed that the PNO-QD-NEVPT2 method yielded negligible errors compared to the canonical QD-NEVPT2 results. Furthermore, we tested its applicability to a large photoisomerization system using the green fluorescent protein model and the ten-state calculation of the large transition metal complex, showcasing that off-diagonal elements can be evaluated at a relatively low cost.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(36): 7544-7556, 2023 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37651105


A systematic analysis was conducted to explore the spin-state energetics of a series of 19 FeN4 complexes. The performance of a large number of multireference methods was assessed, highlighting the significant challenges associated with accurately describing the spin-state energetics of FeN4 complexes. Most multireference methods were found to be susceptible to errors originating from the reference CASSCF wavefunction, leading to an overstabilization of high-spin states. Nonetheless, a few multireference methods, namely, CASPT2/CC, DSRG-MRPT3, and LDSRG(2), demonstrated promising performance compared to the benchmark CCSD(T) method. Furthermore, our study revealed that FeN4 complexes having a quintet ground state are exceedingly rare. Accordingly, only one specific model (Fe(L2)) and one synthesized complex (Fe(OTBP)) have the quintet ground state among the studied complexes. This scarcity of quintet FeN4 complexes highlights the unique nature of these systems and raises intriguing questions regarding the factors influencing spin states, such as the size of the macrocycle cavity, the introduction of substituents, or the induction of out-of-plane deformation.

J Chem Phys ; 158(15)2023 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37094010


Second-order N-electron valence state perturbation theory (NEVPT2) is an exactly size-consistent and intruder-state-free multi-reference theory. To accelerate the NEVPT2 computation, Guo and Neese combined it with the local pair-natural orbital (PNO) method using the projected atomic orbitals (PAOs) as the underlying local basis [Guo et al., J. Chem. Phys. 144, 094111 (2016)]. In this paper, we report the further development of the PNO-NEVPT2 method using the orthonormal and non-redundant localized virtual molecular orbitals (LVMOs) instead of PAOs. The LVMOs were previously considered to perform relatively poor compared to PAOs because the resulting orbital domains were unacceptably large. Our prior work, however, showed that this drawback can be remedied by re-forming the domain construction scheme using differential overlap integrals [Saitow et al., J. Chem. Phys. 157, 084101 (2022)]. In this work, we develop further refinements to enhance the feasibility of using LVMOs. We first developed a two-level semi-local approach for screening out so-called weak-pairs to select or truncate the pairs for PNO constructions more flexibly. As a refinement specific to the Pipek-Mezey localization for LVMOs, we introduced an iterative scheme to truncate the Givens rotations using varying thresholds. We assessed the LVMO-based PNO-NEVPT2 method through benchmark calculations for linear phenyl alkanes, which demonstrate that it performs comparably well relative to the PAO-based approach. In addition, we evaluated the Co-C bond dissociation energies for the cobalamin derivatives composed of 200 or more atoms, which confirms that the LVMO-based method can recover more than 99.85% of the canonical NEVPT2 correlation energy.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(15): 6749-6758, 2022 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35315659


A periodic monolayer array of discrete C60s was generated on an atomically flat Au(111) surface with the aid of a template adlayer. The template was a two-dimensional (2D) array of molecular pits prepared on an Au(111) surface through 2D crystallization of shape-persistent macrocycles composed of four carbazole and four salphens/Ni-salphens with a 1 nm hollow. Scanning tunneling microscopy imaging under ultra-high vacuum revealed that the square-shaped macrocycles, with 1.5 nm sides, were arranged with a periodic spacing of approximately 4.0 nm on the Au(111) surface, where the orientation and periodicity of the macrocycles were dependent on their chemical structures. After sublimation of C60s onto the adlayer, a single C60 molecule was entrapped in each pit, and an ordered molecular array of C60s was attained with a pattern similar to that of the macrocycles. The periodic pattern of C60s on the surface was thermally stable up to approximately 200 °C, even under ambient pressure. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy suggested the existence of an electronic interaction between the C60s and the Au(111) surface that was influenced by the macrocycle template on the surface.

J Chem Phys ; 157(8): 084101, 2022 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36050040


The multireference second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) is known to deliver a quantitative description of various complex electronic states. Despite its near-size-consistent nature, the applicability of the CASPT2 method to large, real-life systems is mostly hindered by large computational and storage costs for the two-external tensors, such as two-electron integrals, amplitudes, and residuum. To this end, Menezes and co-workers developed a reduced-scaling CASPT2 scheme by incorporating the local pair-natural orbital (PNO) representation of the many-body wave functions using non-orthonormal projected atomic orbitals (PAOs) into the CASPT theory [F. Menezes et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124115 (2016)]. Alternatively, in this paper, we develop a new PNO-based CASPT2 scheme using the orthonormal localized virtual molecular orbitals (LVMOs) and assess its performance and accuracy in comparison with the conventional PAO-based counterpart. Albeit the compactness, the LVMOs were considered to perform somewhat poorly compared to PAOs in the local correlation framework because they caused enormously large orbital domains. In this work, we show that the size of LVMO domains can be rendered comparable to or even smaller than that of PAOs by the use of the differential overlap integrals for domain construction. Optimality of the MOs from the CASSCF treatment is a key to reducing the LVMO domain size for the multireference case. Due to the augmented Hessian-based localization algorithm, an additional computational cost for obtaining the LVMOs is relatively minor. We demonstrate that the LVMO-based PNO-CASPT2 method is routinely applicable to large, real-life molecules such as Menshutkin SN2 reaction in a single-walled carbon nanotube reaction field.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(37): 8324-8336, 2021 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516121


The polarizable continuum model (PCM) has been one of the most widely used approaches to take into account the solvation effect in quantum chemical calculations. In this paper, we performed a series of benchmark calculations to assess the accuracy of the PCM scheme combined with the second-order complete-active-space perturbation theory (CASPT2) for molecular systems in polar solvents. For solute molecules with extensive conjugated π orbitals, exemplified by elongated conjugated arylcarbenes, we have incorporated the ab initio density matrix renormalization group algorithm into the PCM-CASPT2 method. In the previous work, we presented a combination of the DMRG-CASPT2 method with the reference interaction site model (RISM) theory for describing the solvation effect using the radial distribution function and compared its performance to the widely used density-functional approaches (PCM-TD-DFT). The work here allows us to further show a more thorough assessment of the RISM model compared to the PCM with an equal level of the wave function treatment, the (DMRG-)CASPT2 theory, toward a high-accuracy electronic structure calculations for solvated chemical systems. With the exception that the PCM models are not capable of properly describing the hydrogen bondings, accuracy of the PCM-CASPT2 model is in most cases quite comparable to the RISM counterpart.

J Chem Phys ; 152(11): 114111, 2020 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32199413


The Complete-Active Space Second-order Perturbation Theory (CASPT2) has been one of the most widely-used methods for reliably calculating electronic structures of multireference systems. Because of its lowest level treatment of dynamic correlation, it has a high computational feasibility; however, its accuracy in some cases falls short of needs. Here, as a simple yet higher-order alternative, we introduce a hybrid theory of the CASPT2 and a multireference variant of the Coupled-Electron Pair Approximation (CEPA), which is a class of high level correlation theory. A central feature of our theory (CEPT2) is to use the two underlying theories for describing different divisions of correlation components based on the full internal contraction framework. The external components, which usually give a major contribution to the dynamic correlation, are intensively described using the CEPA Ansatz, while the rests are treated at the CASPT2 level. Furthermore, to drastically reduce the computational demands, we have incorporated the pair-natural orbital (PNO) method into our multireference implementations. This development, thus, requires highly complex derivations and coding, while it has been largely facilitated with an automatic expression and code generation technique. To highlight the accuracy of the CEPT2 approach and to assess the errors caused by the PNO truncation, benchmark calculations are shown on small- to medium-size molecules, illustrating the high accuracy of the present CEPT2 model. By tightening the truncation thresholds, the PNO-CEPT2 energy converges toward the canonical counterpart and is more accurate than that of PNO-CASPT2 as long as the same truncation thresholds are used.

J Chem Phys ; 153(20): 204101, 2020 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33261496


We report on applications of the domain based local pair-natural orbital (PNO) coupled-cluster method within the singles and doubles approximation (DLPNO-CCSD) to the calculation of 57Fe isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings in a small training set of iron complexes consisting of large molecular ligands and iron atoms in varying charge, spin, and oxidation states. The electron densities and electric field gradients needed for these calculations were obtained within the recently implemented analytic derivative scheme. A method for the direct treatment of scalar relativistic effects in the calculation of effective electron densities is described by using the first-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian and a Gaussian charge distribution model for the nucleus. The performance of DLPNO-CCSD is compared with four modern-day density functionals, namely, RPBE, TPSS, B3LYP, and B2PLYP, as well as with the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory. An excellent correlation between the calculated electron densities and the experimental isomer shifts is attained with the DLPNO-CCSD method. The correlation constant a obtained from the slope of the linear correlation plot is found to be ≈-0.31 a.u.3 mm s-1, which agrees very well with the experimental calibration constant α = -0.31 ± 0.04 a.u.3 mm s-1. This value of a is obtained consistently using both nonrelativistic and scalar relativistic DLPNO-CCSD electron densities. While the B3LYP and B2PLYP functionals achieve equally good correlation between theory and experiment, the correlation constant a is found to deviate from the experimental value. Similar trends are observed also for quadrupole splittings. The value of the nuclear quadrupole moment for 57Fe is estimated to be 0.15 b at the DLPNO-CCSD level. This is consistent with previous results and is here supported by a higher level of theory. The DLPNO-CCSD results are found to be insensitive to the intrinsic approximations in the method, in particular the PNO occupation number truncation error, while the results obtained with density functional theory (DFT) are found to depend on the choice of the functional. In a statistical sense, i.e., on the basis of the linear regression analysis, however, the accuracies of the DFT and DLPNO-CCSD results can be considered comparable.

J Chem Phys ; 152(2): 024116, 2020 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31941297


The coupled cluster method with single-, double-, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)] is considered to be one of the most reliable quantum chemistry theories. However, the steep scaling of CCSD(T) has limited its application to small or medium-sized systems for a long time. In our previous work, the linear scaling domain based local pair natural orbital CCSD variant (DLPNO-CCSD) has been developed for closed-shell and open-shell. However, it is known from extensive benchmark studies that triple-excitation contributions are important to reach chemical accuracy. In the present work, two linear scaling (T) approximations for open-shell DLPNO-CCSD are implemented and compared: (a) an algorithm based on the semicanonical approximation, in which off-diagonal Fock matrix elements in the occupied space are neglected [referred to as DLPNO-(T0)]; and (b) an improved algorithm in which the triples amplitudes are computed iteratively [referred to as DLPNO-(T)]. This work is based on the previous open-shell DLPNO-CCSD algorithm [M. Saitow et al., J. Chem. Phys. 146, 164105 (2017)] as well as the iterative (T) correction for closed-shell systems [Y. Guo et al., J. Chem. Phys. 148, 011101 (2018)]. Our results show that the new open-shell perturbative corrections, DLPNO-(T0/T), can predict accurate absolute and relative correlation energies relative to the canonical reference calculations with the same basis set. The absolute energies from DLPNO-(T) are significantly more accurate than those of DLPNO-(T0). The additional computational effort of DLPNO-(T) relative to DLPNO-(T0) is a factor of 4 on average. We report calculations on systems with more than 4000 basis functions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(9): 5022-5038, 2019 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30762044


In this article we report an implementation of the perturbative triples correction to Mukherjee's state-specific multireference coupled cluster method based on the domain-based pair natural orbital approach (DLPNO-MkCC). We tested the performance of DLPNO-MkCCSD(T) in calculations involving tetramethyleneethane and isomers of naphthynes. These tests show that more than 97% of triples energy was recovered with respect to the canonical MkCCSD(T) method, which together with the DLPNO-MkCCSD part accounts for about 99.70-99.85% of the total correlation energy. The applicability of the method was demonstrated on calculations of singlet-triplet gaps for several large systems: triangulene, dynemicin A, and a beryllium complex.

J Chem Phys ; 150(16): 164123, 2019 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31042911


This work describes a domain-based local pair natural orbital (DLPNO) implementation of the equation of motion coupled cluster method for the computation of electron affinities (EAs) including single and double excitations. Similar to our earlier work on ionization potentials (IPs), the method reported in this study uses the ground state DLPNO framework and extends it to the electron attachment problem. While full linear scaling could not be achieved as in the IP case, leaving the Fock/Koopmans' contributions in the canonical basis and using a tighter threshold for singles PNOs allows us to compute accurate EAs and retain most of the efficiency of the DLPNO technique. Thus as in the IP case, the ground state truncation parameters are sufficient to control the accuracy of the computed EA values, although a new set of integrals for singles PNOs must be generated at the DLPNO integral transformation step. Using standard settings, our method reproduces the canonical results with a maximum absolute deviation of 49 meV for bound states of a test set of 24 molecules. Using the same settings, a calculation involving more than 4500 basis functions, including diffuse functions, takes four days on four cores, with only 48 min spent in the EA module itself.

J Chem Phys ; 149(3): 034104, 2018 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30037259


Exploiting locality in the electron correlation reduces the computational cost for solving the Coupled-Cluster (CC) equations. This is important for making CC theory applicable to routine computational chemistry applications where it promises to deliver results of "gold-standard" quality. Recently, we have proposed a series of CC formulations in the domain-based local pair-natural orbital framework [DLPNO-coupled-cluster with singles and doubles (CCSD) and DLPNO-coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples] which are designed to reproduce approximately 99.9% of the canonical correlation energy. In our previous work, the DLPNO-CCSD method has been extended to the high-spin open-shell reference and shown to possess comparable accuracy to the closed-shell counterpart [M. Saitow et al., J. Chem. Phys. 146, 164105 (2017)]. The so-called Λ-equations have been formulated in the DLPNO framework for the closed-shell species as an exact derivative of the DLPNO-CCSD Lagrangian with respect to the PNO-based cluster amplitudes [D. Datta et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 114101 (2016)]. In this paper, we extend the DLPNO-based Lagrangian scheme to the high-spin open-shell reference cases, thus enabling the accurate computation of the electron- and spin-densities for large open-shell species. We apply this newly developed approach to various first-order electronic and magnetic properties such as isotropic and anisotropic components in the hyperfine coupling interactions and the electric field gradient. We demonstrate that the DLPNO-CCSD results converge toward the respective canonical CC density and also that the DLPNO-CCSD-based properties are more accurate than the conventional density functional theory (DFT) results in real-life applications. The additional computational cost is not more than one energy evaluation in the DLPNO-CCSD framework.

J Chem Phys ; 148(24): 244101, 2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29960325


In this work, a domain-based local pair natural orbital (DLPNO) version of the equation of motion coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations for ionization potentials (IP-EOM-CCSD) equations has been formulated and implemented. The method uses ground state localized occupied and pair natural virtual orbitals and applies the DLPNO machinery to arrive at a linear scaling implementation of the IP-EOM-CCSD method. The accuracy of the method is controllable using ground state truncation parameters. Using default thresholds, the method predicts ionization potential (IP) values with good accuracy (mean absolute error of 0.08 eV). We demonstrate that our code can be used to compute IP values for systems with more than 1000 atoms and 10 000 basis functions.

J Chem Phys ; 146(16): 164105, 2017 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28456208


The Coupled-Cluster expansion, truncated after single and double excitations (CCSD), provides accurate and reliable molecular electronic wave functions and energies for many molecular systems around their equilibrium geometries. However, the high computational cost, which is well-known to scale as O(N6) with system size N, has limited its practical application to small systems consisting of not more than approximately 20-30 atoms. To overcome these limitations, low-order scaling approximations to CCSD have been intensively investigated over the past few years. In our previous work, we have shown that by combining the pair natural orbital (PNO) approach and the concept of orbital domains it is possible to achieve fully linear scaling CC implementations (DLPNO-CCSD and DLPNO-CCSD(T)) that recover around 99.9% of the total correlation energy [C. Riplinger et al., J. Chem. Phys. 144, 024109 (2016)]. The production level implementations of the DLPNO-CCSD and DLPNO-CCSD(T) methods were shown to be applicable to realistic systems composed of a few hundred atoms in a routine, black-box fashion on relatively modest hardware. In 2011, a reduced-scaling CCSD approach for high-spin open-shell unrestricted Hartree-Fock reference wave functions was proposed (UHF-LPNO-CCSD) [A. Hansen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 135, 214102 (2011)]. After a few years of experience with this method, a few shortcomings of UHF-LPNO-CCSD were noticed that required a redesign of the method, which is the subject of this paper. To this end, we employ the high-spin open-shell variant of the N-electron valence perturbation theory formalism to define the initial guess wave function, and consequently also the open-shell PNOs. The new PNO ansatz properly converges to the closed-shell limit since all truncations and approximations have been made in strict analogy to the closed-shell case. Furthermore, given the fact that the formalism uses a single set of orbitals, only a single PNO integral transformation is necessary, which offers large computational savings. We show that, with the default PNO truncation parameters, approximately 99.9% of the total CCSD correlation energy is recovered for open-shell species, which is comparable to the performance of the method for closed-shells. UHF-DLPNO-CCSD shows a linear scaling behavior for closed-shell systems, while linear to quadratic scaling is obtained for open-shell systems. The largest systems we have considered contain more than 500 atoms and feature more than 10 000 basis functions with a triple-ζ quality basis set.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(24): 11988-99, 2014 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24686771


The O-O (oxygen-oxygen) bond formation is widely recognized as a key step of the catalytic reaction of dioxygen evolution from water. Recently, the water oxidation catalyzed by potassium ferrate (K2FeO4) was investigated on the basis of experimental kinetic isotope effect analysis assisted by density functional calculations, revealing the intramolecular oxo-coupling mechanism within a di-iron(vi) intermediate, or diferrate [Sarma et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 15371]. Here, we report a detailed examination of this diferrate-mediated O-O bond formation using scalable multireference electronic structure theory. High-dimensional correlated many-electron wave functions beyond the one-electron picture were computed using the ab initio density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method along the O-O bond formation pathway. The necessity of using large active space arises from the description of complex electronic interactions and varying redox states both associated with two-center antiferromagnetic multivalent iron-oxo coupling. Dynamic correlation effects on top of the active space DMRG wave functions were additively accounted for by complete active space second-order perturbation (CASPT2) and multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) based methods, which were recently introduced by our group. These multireference methods were capable of handling the double shell effects in the extended active space treatment. The calculations with an active space of 36 electrons in 32 orbitals, which is far over conventional limitation, provide a quantitatively reliable prediction of potential energy profiles and confirmed the viability of the direct oxo coupling. The bonding nature of Fe-O and dual bonding character of O-O are discussed using natural orbitals.

Compostos de Ferro/química , Oxigênio/química , Compostos de Potássio/química , Água/química , Cinética , Oxirredução
J Chem Phys ; 139(4): 044118, 2013 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23901971


We report development of the multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method that can use active space scalable to much larger size references than has previously been possible. The recent development of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method in multireference quantum chemistry offers the ability to describe static correlation in a large active space. The present MRCI method provides a critical correction to the DMRG reference by including high-level dynamic correlation through the CI treatment. When the DMRG and MRCI theories are combined (DMRG-MRCI), the full internal contraction of the reference in the MRCI ansatz, including contraction of semi-internal states, plays a central role. However, it is thought to involve formidable complexity because of the presence of the five-particle rank reduced-density matrix (RDM) in the Hamiltonian matrix elements. To address this complexity, we express the Hamiltonian matrix using commutators, which allows the five-particle rank RDM to be canceled out without any approximation. Then we introduce an approximation to the four-particle rank RDM by using a cumulant reconstruction from lower-particle rank RDMs. A computer-aided approach is employed to derive the exceedingly complex equations of the MRCI in tensor-contracted form and to implement them into an efficient parallel computer code. This approach extends to the size-consistency-corrected variants of MRCI, such as the MRCI+Q, MR-ACPF, and MR-AQCC methods. We demonstrate the capability of the DMRG-MRCI method in several benchmark applications, including the evaluation of single-triplet gap of free-base porphyrin using 24 active orbitals.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(3): 1616-1632, 2019 Mar 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30702888


Local energy decomposition (LED) analysis decomposes the interaction energy between two fragments calculated at the domain-based local pair natural orbital CCSD(T) (DLPNO-CCSD(T)) level of theory into a series of chemically meaningful contributions and has found widespread applications in the study of noncovalent interactions. Herein, an extension of this scheme that allows for the analysis of interaction energies of open-shell molecular systems calculated at the UHF-DLPNO-CCSD(T) level is presented. The new scheme is illustrated through applications to the CH2···X (X = He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and water) and heme···CO interactions in the low-lying singlet and triplet spin states. The results are used to discuss the mechanism that governs the change in the singlet-triplet energy gap of methylene and heme upon adduct formation.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 14(3): 1370-1382, 2018 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29345924


This article reports development of a local variant of Mukherjee's state-specific multireference coupled cluster method based on the domain-based pair natural orbital approach (DLPNO-MkCC). The current implementation is restricted to connected single and double excitations and model space with up to biexcited references. The performance of the DLPNO-MkCCSD was tested on calculations of tetramethyleneethane. The results show that above 99.9% of the correlation energy was recovered, with respect to the conventional MkCC method. To demonstrate the applicability of the method to large systems, singlet-triplet gaps of triangulene and bis(1-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-3,3,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-2-ylidene)beryllium complex were studied. For the last system (105 atoms), we were able to perform a calculation in cc-pVTZ with 2158 basis functions on a single CPU in less than 9 days.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(10): 4829-4840, 2017 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28881132


We present the development of the multistate multireference second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) with multiroot references, which are described using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to handle a large active space. The multistate first-order wave functions are expanded into the internally contracted (IC) basis of the single-state single-reference (SS-SR) scheme, which is shown to be the most feasible variant to use DMRG references. The feasibility of the SS-SR scheme comes from two factors: first, it formally does not require the fourth-order transition reduced density matrix (TRDM) and second, the computational complexity scales linearly with the number of the reference states. The extended multistate (XMS) treatment is further incorporated, giving suited treatment of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian despite the fact that the SS-SR based IC basis is not invariant with respect to the XMS rotation. In addition, the state-specific fourth-order reduced density matrix (RDM) is eliminated in an approximate fashion using the cumulant reconstruction formula, as also done in the previous state-specific DMRG-cu(4)-CASPT2 approach. The resultant method, referred to as DMRG-cu(4)-XMS-CASPT2, uses the RDMs and TRDMs of up to third-order provided by the DMRG calculation. The multistate potential energy curves of the photoisomerization of diarylethene derivatives with CAS(26e,24o) are presented to illustrate the applicability of our theoretical approach.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(7): 3185-3197, 2017 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28489372


Psi4 is an ab initio electronic structure program providing methods such as Hartree-Fock, density functional theory, configuration interaction, and coupled-cluster theory. The 1.1 release represents a major update meant to automate complex tasks, such as geometry optimization using complete-basis-set extrapolation or focal-point methods. Conversion of the top-level code to a Python module means that Psi4 can now be used in complex workflows alongside other Python tools. Several new features have been added with the aid of libraries providing easy access to techniques such as density fitting, Cholesky decomposition, and Laplace denominators. The build system has been completely rewritten to simplify interoperability with independent, reusable software components for quantum chemistry. Finally, a wide range of new theoretical methods and analyses have been added to the code base, including functional-group and open-shell symmetry adapted perturbation theory, density-fitted coupled cluster with frozen natural orbitals, orbital-optimized perturbation and coupled-cluster methods (e.g., OO-MP2 and OO-LCCD), density-fitted multiconfigurational self-consistent field, density cumulant functional theory, algebraic-diagrammatic construction excited states, improvements to the geometry optimizer, and the "X2C" approach to relativistic corrections, among many other improvements.