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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 12454, 2023 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37528174


Tropical forest fragmentation from agricultural expansion alters the microclimatic conditions of the remaining forests, with effects on vegetation structure and function. However, little is known about how the functional trait variability within and among tree species in fragmented landscapes influence and facilitate species' persistence in these new environmental conditions. Here, we assessed potential changes in tree species' functional traits in riparian forests within six riparian forests in cropland catchments (Cropland) and four riparian forests in forested catchments (Forest) in southern Amazonia. We sampled 12 common functional traits of 123 species across all sites: 64 common to both croplands and forests, 33 restricted to croplands, and 26 restricted to forests. We found that forest-restricted species had leaves that were thinner, larger, and with higher phosphorus (P) content, compared to cropland-restricted ones. Tree species common to both environments showed higher intraspecific variability in functional traits, with leaf thickness and leaf P concentration varying the most. Species turnover contributed more to differences between forest and cropland environments only for the stem-specific density trait. We conclude that the intraspecific variability of functional traits (leaf thickness, leaf P, and specific leaf area) facilitates species persistence in riparian forests occurring within catchments cleared for agricultural expansion in Amazonia.

Florestas , Árvores , Agricultura , Fenótipo , Folhas de Planta
Ecology ; 103(9): e3738, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35567292


The Amazon forest has the highest biodiversity on Earth. However, information on Amazonian vertebrate diversity is still deficient and scattered across the published, peer-reviewed, and gray literature and in unpublished raw data. Camera traps are an effective non-invasive method of surveying vertebrates, applicable to different scales of time and space. In this study, we organized and standardized camera trap records from different Amazon regions to compile the most extensive data set of inventories of mammal, bird, and reptile species ever assembled for the area. The complete data set comprises 154,123 records of 317 species (185 birds, 119 mammals, and 13 reptiles) gathered from surveys from the Amazonian portion of eight countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela). The most frequently recorded species per taxa were: mammals: Cuniculus paca (11,907 records); birds: Pauxi tuberosa (3713 records); and reptiles: Tupinambis teguixin (716 records). The information detailed in this data paper opens up opportunities for new ecological studies at different spatial and temporal scales, allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, climate change, and other human-mediated defaunation processes in one of the most important and threatened tropical environments in the world. The data set is not copyright restricted; please cite this data paper when using its data in publications and we also request that researchers and educators inform us of how they are using these data.

Florestas , Mamíferos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves , Brasil , Humanos , Répteis , Vertebrados
Ecol Evol ; 11(12): 7970-7979, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34188865


Understanding and predicting the effect of global change phenomena on biodiversity is challenging given that biodiversity data are highly multivariate, containing information from tens to hundreds of species in any given location and time. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model has been recently proposed to decompose biodiversity data into latent communities. While LDA is a very useful exploratory tool and overcomes several limitations of earlier methods, it has limited inferential and predictive skill given that covariates cannot be included in the model. We introduce a modified LDA model (called LDAcov) which allows the incorporation of covariates, enabling inference on the drivers of change of latent communities, spatial interpolation of results, and prediction based on future environmental change scenarios. We show with simulated data that our approach to fitting LDAcov is able to estimate well the number of groups and all model parameters. We illustrate LDAcov using data from two experimental studies on the long-term effects of fire on southeastern Amazonian forests in Brazil. Our results reveal that repeated fires can have a strong impact on plant assemblages, particularly if fuel is allowed to build up between consecutive fires. The effect of fire is exacerbated as distance to the edge of the forest decreases, with small-sized species and species with thin bark being impacted the most. These results highlight the compounding impacts of multiple fire events and fragmentation, a scenario commonly found across the southern edge of Amazon. We believe that LDAcov will be of wide interest to scientists studying the effect of global change phenomena on biodiversity using high-dimensional datasets. Thus, we developed the R package LDAcov to enable the straightforward use of this model.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 15(3): e20140077, July-Sept. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-951051


We evaluated the effects of fire on the vegetative phenological behavior (crown foliage cover, sprouting, mature and young leaves) of woody species at two sites in the Brazilian savanna, one of which had been accidentally burned. We used generalized additive mixed models to test the hypothesis that: 1) fire damages total foliage cover, thus leading to changes in vegetative phenological patterns. As this hypothesis was corroborated, we also tested whether 2) the damage caused by fire to the total crown foliage cover and mature leaves is greater in evergreen than in deciduous species, and 3) the negative effects of fire on vegetative phenology persist after the first fire-free year. The first two hypotheses were corroborated, but the third was not. Fire effects on total crown foliage cover and mature leaves were greatest during the first three months following the fire, and were significantly greater in evergreen species. For shoots and young leaves, the greatest differences found between three and seven months post-fire. On the other hand, no differences were observed in phenological events between burned and unburned sites in the second year post-fire, indicating that marked effects of the fire were only observed over a short period. Our results showed immediate negative effects on the vegetative phenophases, but also that these effects are transient, and cannot be discerned after the first fire-free year.

Avaliamos os efeitos do fogo sobre o comportamento fenológico vegetativo (cobertura de copa, brotação, folhas jovens e folhas adultas) de espécies lenhosas em dois sítios de cerrado sensu stricto: um queimado acidentalmente e outro não queimado. Usamos modelos aditivos mistos generalizados para testar a hipótese de que 1) o fogo danifica a cobertura de folhas das copas, o que resulta em alterações nos padrões fenológicos vegetativos das espécies; sendo isso verdadeiro, testamos se 2) os danos causados pelo fogo na cobertura de copa e nas folhas adultas são maiores em espécies sempre verdes do que em espécies decíduas e se 3) os efeitos negativos do fogo sobre a fenologia vegetativa persistem após um ano sem fogo. As duas primeiras hipóteses foram corroboradas, mas a terceira não. Os efeitos do fogo na cobertura de folhagem da copa e nas folhas adultas foram maiores após três meses da ocorrência do fogo e significativamente maiores para espécies sempre verdes. Para brotação e folhas jovens, as maiores diferenças foram entre três e sete meses após a queimada. Por outro lado, não foram percebidas diferenças entre os eventos fenológicos vegetativos dos sítios no segundo ano após a ocorrência do fogo, o que indica que os efeitos do fogo foram expressivos apenas por curto período. Os nossos resultados mostraram que o efeito do fogo sobre os eventos fenológicos vegetativos é negativo e mais intenso logo após a ocorrência da queimada, mas também que estes efeitos são temporários, e não são mais percebidos após o primeiro ano da ocorrência do fogo.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(3): 205-216, jul.-set. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-567872


O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar os comportamentos fenológicos de 12 espécies lenhosas, que juntas representam 41 por cento do Valor de Importância (VI) de uma comunidade de cerrado típico no Parque Municipal do Bacaba, Nova Xavantina, MT, e relacioná-los à precipitação, temperaturas mínimas, máximas e Déficit de Pressão de Vapor (DPV). As observações fenológicas foram realizadas em intervalos quinzenais, de setembro 2008 a outubro de 2009. Foram estimadas as intensidades de cobertura total da folhagem na copa, brotamento, proporção relativa de folhas novas, adultas e senescentes, floração e frutificação. Baseado nos eventos fenológicos vegetativos, quatro espécies foram categorizadas como sempre-verde com crescimento contínuo (Myrcia lanuginosa O. Berg., Ouratea hexasperma (A. St.-Hil.) Baill., Ouratea spectabilis (Mart. ex Engl.) Engl. e Roupala montana Aubl.), uma como sempre-verde com crescimento sazonal (Byrsonima pachyphylla Kunth), duas como brevidecíduas (Davilla elliptica A. St.-Hil., Eugenia aurata O. Berg.) e cinco como decíduas (Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth, Kielmeyera rubriflora Cambess., Qualea grandiflora Mart., Qualea multiflora Mart. e Qualea parviflora Mart.). A floração de todas as espécies apresentou padrão anual e unimodal, com diferentes espécies florescendo em períodos distintos do ano. A maturação de frutos das espécies com dispersão zoocórica ocorreu principalmente durante o período chuvoso, e das com dispersão anemocórica ocorreu no período seco, ou na transição entre os períodos. A deciduidade foliar, estimada a partir da cobertura de folhagem, foi negativa e significativamente relacionada com temperatura máxima e com déficit de pressão de vapor em 11 das 12 espécies estudadas (exceto R. montana), sugerindo que aumentos na temperatura e na demanda evaporativa do ar induzem a abscisão foliar. O brotamento foi positivo e significativamente relacionado com a temperatura mínima em nove espécies (exceto M. lanuginosa, R.. montana e Q. grandiflora). Os resultados permitem sugerir que há forte relação entre os eventos fenológicos das espécies lenhosas estudadas e as condições climáticas, com associações mais evidentes para os eventos vegetativos como abscisão e brotamento.

The goal of this study was to characterize the phenological behavior of 12 woody species, which together represent 41 percent of the Importance Value Index (IVI) of a typical cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in the Bacaba Municipal Park (Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso), and to relate it to climatic variables, including precipitation, minimum temperatures, maximum temperatures and Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD). Phenological observations were made every 15 days, from September 2008 to October 2009. Estimates were made of total leaf cover in the canopy, leaf flushing, relative proportion of young, adult, and senescent leaves and flowering and fruiting. Based on phenological vegetative events, four species were classified as evergreen with continuous growth (Myrcia lanuginosa O. Berg., Ouratea hexasperma (A. St.-Hil.) Baill., Ouratea spectabilis (Mart. ex Engl.) Engl. e Roupala montana Aubl.), one as evergreen with seasonal growth (Byrsonima pachyphylla Kunth), two as brevideciduous (Davilla elliptica A. St.-Hil., Eugenia aurata O. Berg.), and five as deciduous (Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth, Kielmeyera rubriflora Cambess., Qualea grandiflora Mart., Qualea multiflora Mart. and Qualea parviflora Mart.). All species showed an annual, unimodal flowering pattern, with different species flowering during distinct periods of the year. The fruit maturation of autochoric and anemochoric species occurred within the dry season mostly; zoochoric species dispersed seeds mainly during the wet season or during the transition between dry and rainy seasons. Leaf fall, estimated from leaf canopy cover, was negatively and significantly correlated to maximum temperature and vapor pressure deficit in 11 out of 12 species studied (except R. montana), suggesting that increasing temperature and evaporative demand induce foliar abscission. Leaf flushing was positively and significantly correlated to minimum temperature in nine species (except M. lanuginosa, R. montana and Q. grandiflora). Our results suggest that there is a strong relationship between the phenological events of the studied woody species and climatic conditions, with vegetative events like abscission and flushing showing the strongest associations.

Acta amaz ; 40(2): 347-356, 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-555558


Este estudo analisou os efeitos do agrupamento de uma espécie de bambu nativa do Cerrado (Actinocladum verticillatum) sobre a composição florística, diversidade e estrutura da vegetação lenhosa de um cerradão e de um cerrado típico adjacentes no Parque Municipal do Bacaba, Nova Xavantina-MT. Foram instaladas 60 parcelas de 10x10 m, sendo 30 no cerradão e 30 no cerrado típico. Em cada fitofisionomia, foram instaladas 15 parcelas em um sítio sem bambu (SB) e 15 em um sítio com cobertura estimada de folhagem de bambu superior a 90% (CB). Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com diâmetro a 30 centímetros do solo (DAS) ≥ 3 cm. Foi avaliada a riqueza, a diversidade de espécies, a similaridade florística, a distribuição de diâmetros e alturas e o índice de valor de importância das espécies (VI). De forma geral, os sítios CB das duas fitofisionomias apresentaram menores valores quanto ao número de indivíduos, espécies, gêneros, famílias, densidades e áreas basais em relação aos sítios SB, com redução mais acentuada nestes parâmetros no cerrado típico em relação ao cerradão. Os resultados sugerem que a ocupação do espaço e a redução da incidência luminosa causada pelas touceiras do bambu dificultam a germinação das sementes e o estabelecimento das plântulas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas, selecionando as espécies mais tolerantes ao sombreamento modificando a composição florística e a estrutura da vegetação.

This study evaluated the effects of a Cerrado native bamboo species (Actinocladum verticillatum) clumps on the floristic composition, diversity and structure of the woody vegetation in two adjacent areas of "cerradão" and typical "cerrado" in the Bacaba Municipal Park, Nova Xavantina, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Sixty plots of 10 x 10 m were established, 30 in each forest physiognomy. In each physiognomy, 15 plots were placed in a bamboo-free site (SB) and 15 in a site with an estimated bamboo leaf cover of over 90% (CB). All individuals (shrubs and trees) with a diameter at soil height (DSH = 30 cm aboveground) ≥ 3 cm were sampled. Species richness and diversity, floristic similarity, diameter and height distribution, and the species importance value index (IVI) were evaluated. In general, CB sites of both physiognomies had lower values of number of individuals, species, genera, families, density and basal area compared to SB sites, with marked decrease in these parameters in the cerrado in relation to cerradão. Results suggest that the space occupation and reduction of light incidence caused by bamboo clumping affect seed germination and seedling establishment of Cerrado shrubs and trees, selecting more shade-tolerant species and changing the floristic composition and vegetation structure.

Biota , Poaceae , Ecossistema Amazônico , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção