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J Geophys Res Atmos ; 121(16): 9356-9381, 2016 08 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27708991


Due to the large natural variability of its microphysical properties, the characterization of solid precipitation is a longstanding problem. Since in situ observations are unavailable in severe convective systems, innovative remote sensing retrievals are needed to extend our understanding of such systems. This study presents a novel technique able to retrieve the density, mass, and effective diameter of graupel and hail in severe convection through the combination of airborne microwave remote sensing instruments. The retrieval is applied to measure solid precipitation properties within two convective cells observed on 23-24 May 2014 over North Carolina during the IPHEx campaign by the NASA ER-2 instrument suite. Between 30 and 40 degrees of freedom of signal are associated with the measurements, which is insufficient to provide full microphysics profiling. The measurements have the largest impact on the retrieval of ice particle sizes, followed by ice water contents. Ice densities are mainly driven by a priori assumptions, though low relative errors in ice densities suggest that in extensive regions of the convective system, only particles with densities larger than 0.4 g/cm3 are compatible with the observations. This is in agreement with reports of large hail on the ground and with hydrometeor classification derived from ground-based polarimetric radars observations. This work confirms that multiple scattering generated by large ice hydrometeors in deep convection is relevant for airborne radar systems already at Ku band. A fortiori, multiple scattering will play a pivotal role in such conditions also for Ku band spaceborne radars (e.g., the GPM Dual Precipitation Radar).

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 120(9): 4090-4101, 2015 05 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27570720


This paper illustrates how multiple scattering signatures affect Global Precipitation Measuring (GPM) Mission Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Ku and Ka band reflectivity measurements and how they are consistent with prelaunch assessments based on theoretical considerations and confirmed by airborne observations. In particular, in the presence of deep convection, certain characteristics of the dual-wavelength reflectivity profiles cannot be explained with single scattering, whereas they are readily explained by multiple-scattering theory. Examples of such signatures are the absence of surface reflectivity peaks and anomalously small reflectivity slopes in the lower troposphere. These findings are relevant for DPR-based rainfall retrievals and stratiform/convective classification algorithms when dealing with deep convective regions. A path to refining the rainfall inversion problem is proposed by adopting a methodology based on a forward operator which accounts for multiple scattering. A retrieval algorithm based on this methodology is applied to a case study over Africa, and it is compared to the standard DPR products obtained with the at-launch version of the standard algorithms.