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Animals (Basel) ; 12(10)2022 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35625176


Using data for the body size and shell shape of Algerian Testudo graeca, we assessed how proximate causes shaped the observed variation in the morphology of adults. All of the studied populations displayed significant sexual size and shape dimorphisms. Relative to body length, females displayed larger, more voluminous and domed shells than males. We found clear evidence that variation in body size at maturity influenced sexual size dimorphism. Body size at maturity depends on the duration of growth from hatching up to the point of reaching sexual maturity. In the studied populations, sexual maturity, estimated by counting growth lines, was always reached earlier in males than in females (a time difference of 1.4-3.0 years). Similar to sexual size dimorphism, geographic variation in adult body sizes was also influenced by variations in the corresponding sizes at maturity. Remarkably, the population with the largest tortoises had the latest mean maturation time: 9.1 for males and 10.5 for females. Thus, the later completion of maturation was a determinant for a larger size in adulthood. The largest tortoises among the studied populations were measured at the Djelfa locality, where the recorded sizes of males and females reached 186 and 230 mm, respectively.

Biology (Basel) ; 11(11)2022 Oct 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36358263


We measured and compared the reproductive traits of the Mediterranean stripe-necked turtles Mauremys leprosa living in highly degraded-polluted vs. intact natural habitats in Algeria. Data on reproduction were obtained by using X-ray examination of gravid females and examination of nests. The results were opposite to the negative trend confirmed in most freshwater turtles exposed to pollution and suggested the ability of this species to flourish instead in highly degraded-polluted habitats. An optimum development was recorded for several reproductive patterns of the studied freshwater turtle under conditions considered uninhabitable for other vertebrates. Females exhibited record body sizes among conspecifics, which allowed them to carry significantly larger clutches, exceeding by up to 3 eggs the previously largest reported clutch. The mean clutch size (8.79 ± 2.70 eggs) was also higher than findings from previous studies, except for in some other polluted habitats. Furthermore, large females even with large clutches carried large eggs. Egg measurements in the disturbed habitat revealed new records exceeding those previously noted; in egg length (by 3.0 mm), egg width (by 2.8 mm), egg mass (by 1.8 g), and clutch mass (by 18.6 g). In comparison, the usual reproductive performances were observed in the intact natural habitat; female body sizes were significantly smaller and carried fewer eggs of smaller size.