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Korean J Physiol Pharmacol ; 26(2): 77-86, 2022 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35203058


The effect of PHAR-DBH-Me, a cannabinoid receptor agonist, on different cardiovascular responses in adult male rats was analyzed. The blood pressure was measured directly and indirectly. The coronary flow was measured by Langendorff preparation, and vasomotor responses induced by PHAR-DBH-Me in aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine (PHEN) were analyzed. The intravenous injection of the compound PHAR-DBH-Me (0.018-185 µg/kg) resulted in decreased blood pressure; maximum effect was observed at the dose of 1,850 µg/kg. A concentration-dependent increase in the coronary flow was observed in a Langendorff preparation. In the aortic rings, with and without endothelium, pre-contracted with PHEN (10-6 M), the addition of PHAR-DBH-Me to the superfusion solution (10-12-10-5 M), produced a vasodilator response, which depends on the concentration and presence of the endothelium. L-NAME inhibited these effects. Addition of CB1 receptor antagonist (AM 251) did not modify the response, while CB2 receptor antagonist (AM630) decreased the potency of relaxation elicited by PHAR-DBH-Me. Indomethacin shifted the curve concentration-response to the left and produced an increase in the magnitude of the maximum endothelium dependent response to this compound. The maximum effect of PHAR-DBH-Me was observed with the concentration of 10-5 M. These results show that PHAR-DBH-Me has a concentration-dependent and endothelium-dependent vasodilator effect through CB2 receptor. This vasodilation is probably mediated by the synthesis/release of NO. On the other hand, it is suggested that PHAR-DBH-Me also induces the release of a vasoconstrictor prostanoid.

Rev. argent. neurocir ; 33(4): 180-187, dic. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1152268


Introducción: El hueso temporal es una estructura valiosa en el abordaje de patologías intracraneales a la fosa media y posterior, requiriendo en ocasiones la realización de petrosectomías anteriores, posteriores o abordajes combinados para la resección de tumores en dichas regiones. El propósito del presente estudio es realizar análisis morfométrico con enfoque quirúrgico del hueso temporal, en cráneos adultos, con énfasis en el tubérculo suprameatal (TSM) teniendo en consideración sus relaciones anatómicas. Material y métodos: El presente estudio se realizó en las instalaciones de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Se analizaron 200 huesos temporales de 100 cráneos humanos adultos. Se dio énfasis al TSM de acuerdo a su ubicación y tamaño, clasificándolo en: anterior medio o posterior y en tipo I (0-1 mm), tipo II (2-3 mm) y tipo III (>3 mm). Además, se realizaron mediciones con enfoque quirúrgico de la porción petrosa del hueso temporal y de la cresta supramastoidea. Resultados: El TSM se observó en 171 especímenes estudiados (85.5%). Entre ellos, la posición posterior fue la más frecuente 85 de 171 (49.70%), seguida de la posición media 43 (25.14%) y por último la posición anterior 43 (25.14%). En cuanto al tamaño, se encontró con mayor frecuencia el tipo II en 99 de los especímenes (49.5%), el tipo I en 82 especímenes (41%) y tipo III en 19 (9.5%). El asterion se reflejó dentro de la impresión de los senos en la mayoría 48.5%, la unión de la cresta supramastoidea con sutura escamosa se reflejaba en 98.5% de los casos a la fosa media. Discusión: En nuestra búsqueda de información no se cuenta con datos para realizar comparación con la obtenida en este estudio del tubérculo suprameatal, el hallazgo encontrado parece indicar que se encuentra una relación directa con la presencia de la impresión del surco del seno petroso superior. La distribución de acuerdo a su posición reviste importancia cuando se encuentra en grado III puesto que plantea una dificultad técnica, en abordajes como en petrosectomías, o bien, al cavum de Meckel desde un abordaje retrosigmoideo. Conclusión: La observación anatómica y clasificación que realizamos del tubérculo suprameatal, una estructura muy poco evaluada, nos da una consideración preoperatoria y transoperatoria cuando realizamos abordaje que involucra la cara posterior de la porción petrosa del hueso temporal

Introduction: The temporal bone is a valuable structure in the approach of intracranial pathologies to the middle and posterior fossa. Sometimes requiring the performance of petrosectomies or combined approaches for the resection of tumors in these regions. The purpose of this study is to perform morphometric analysis in adult skulls with a surgical approach to the temporal bone, with emphasis on the suprameatal tubercle (SMT) taking into account their anatomical relationships. Material and methods: The present study was carried out in the facilities of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). 200 temporal bones from 100 adult human skulls were analyzed. The SMT was emphasized according to its location and size, classifying it as: anterior, middle, or posterior and type I (0-1 mm), type II (2-3 mm) and type III (> 3mm). In addition, measurements were made with a surgical approach of the petrosal portion of the temporal bone and the supramastoid crest. Results: The SMT was observed in 171 specimens studied (85.5%). Among them, the posterior position was the most frequent 85 of 171 (49.70%), followed by the middle position in 43 (25.14%) and finally the anterior position in 43 (25.14%). In terms of size, type II was more frequently found in 99 of the specimens (49.5%), type I in 82 specimens (41%) and type III were found in 19 (9.5%). The asterion was reflected within the impression of the sinuses in the majority 48.5%, the union of the supramastoid crest with squamous suture was reflected in 98.5% of the cases to the middle fossa.Discussion: In our search for information, there is no data to make a comparison with that obtained in this study of the suprameatal tubercle. The findings seems to indicate that there is a direct relationship with the presence of the impression of the groove of the upper petrosal sinus. The distribution according to its position is important when it is in grade III since it poses a technical difficulty, in approaches such as petrosectomies, or approach to Meckel's cave from a retrosigmoid approach. Conclusion: The anatomical observation and classification that we perform of the suprameatal tubercle, a very poorly evaluated structure, gives us a preoperative and transoperative consideration when we perform an approach that involves the posterior aspect of the petrosal portion of the temporal bone

Osso Temporal , Crânio , Osso e Ossos
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 61(5): 6-13, sep.-oct. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990381


Resumen Nuestro planeta, así como la vida que en él se desarrolla, se encuentra en constante movimiento. Los ritmos geofísicos influyen en la actividad de los organismos, de tal manera que los seres vivos han desarrollado mecanismos adaptativos para poder responder a las variaciones diarias del medio ambiente. El sistema circadiano es el responsable de responder a estas variaciones cíclicas ambientales. Cuando se modifican las señales ambientales, como en un viaje que implica atravesar varias zonas horarias, se ocasionan cambios fisiológicos que han llevado a buscar estrategias para contrarrestar los síntomas que se presentan; estas estrategias incluyen el ejercicio programado, la exposición a la luz brillante, la melatonina y la alimentación programada.

Abstract Our planet and the life that develops in it are in constant movement, therefore, the geophysical rhythms influence the activity of organisms, in such a way that living beings have developed adaptative mechanims in order to respond to the daily variations of the environment. The circadian system is responsible for responding to these cyclical environmental variations. When the environmental signals are modified, like for instance, on a trip that involves crossing several time zones, physiological changes occur. This results in searching for possible strategies to counteract the symptomatology. These strategies include scheduled exercise, exposure to a bright light, melatonin and scheduled meals.