Transplantation (KTx) is considered to be the best renal replacement therapy, and improving its outcomes remains a primary challenge. KTx ureteral stenting has been used to prevent urological complications, but there is no consensus on the timing of stent removal, and literature regarding routine ultrasonography after ureteric stent removal (RUSUS) to detect complications is lacking. Point-of-care ultrasound has been gaining drive in the medical community in recent years, including nephrologists. We aimed to define the incidence of urological complications diagnosed with RUSUS, if those findings changed patient's management and ultrasound utility. Contrary to previously published data, in our cohort RUSUS allowed a timely diagnosis and early treatment of urological complications, a key factor for successful transplantation. KTx point-of-care ultrasound is a cost-effective and reproducible test that provides relevant information to guide clinical decisions, seeming most efficient when performed approximately 2 weeks post ureteral stent removal. Interventional nephrologists can promptly perform these examinations, reducing waiting times and improving graft and patient's survival.