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Nature ; 596(7871): 199-210, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34381239


The formation and preservation of cratons-the oldest parts of the continents, comprising over 60 per cent of the continental landmass-remains an enduring problem. Key to craton development is how and when the thick strong mantle roots that underlie these regions formed and evolved. Peridotite melting residues forming cratonic lithospheric roots mostly originated via relatively low-pressure melting and were subsequently transported to greater depth by thickening produced by lateral accretion and compression. The longest-lived cratons were assembled during Mesoarchean and Palaeoproterozoic times, creating the stable mantle roots 150 to 250 kilometres thick that are critical to preserving Earth's early continents and central to defining the cratons, although we extend the definition of cratons to include extensive regions of long-stable Mesoproterozoic crust also underpinned by thick lithospheric roots. The production of widespread thick and strong lithosphere via the process of orogenic thickening, possibly in several cycles, was fundamental to the eventual emergence of extensive continental landmasses-the cratons.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 582, 2022 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35102144


Spreading centre jumps are a common feature of oceanic back-arc basins. Jumps are conventionally suggested to be triggered by plate velocity changes, pre-existing weaknesses, or punctuated events such as the opening of slab windows. Here, we present 3D numerical models of back-arc spreading centre jumps evolving naturally in a homogeneous subduction system surrounded by continents without a trigger event. Spreading centres jump towards their subduction zone if the distance from trench to spreading centre becomes too long. In particular, jumps to a new spreading centre occur when the resistance on the boundary transform faults enabling relative motion of back-arc and neighbouring plates is larger than the resistance to break the overriding plate closer to trench. Time and distance of spreading centres jumps are, thus, controlled by the ratio between the transform fault and overriding plate strengths. Despite being less complex than natural systems, our models explain why narrow subducting plates (e.g. Calabrian slab), have more frequent and closely-spaced spreading jumps than wider subduction zones (e.g. Scotia). It also explains why wide back-arc basins undergo no spreading centre jumps in their life cycle.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 3888, 2021 Jun 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34162844


Constraining thickness and geothermal gradient of Archean continental crust are crucial to understanding geodynamic regimes of the early Earth. Archean crust-sourced tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic gneisses are ideal lithologies for reconstructing the thermal state of early continental crust. Integrating experimental results with petrochemical data from the Eastern Block of the North China Craton allows us to establish temporal-spatial variations in thickness, geothermal gradient and basal heat flow across the block, which we relate to cooling mantle potential temperature and resultant changing geodynamic regimes from vertical tectonics in the late Mesoarchean (~2.9 Ga) to plate tectonics with hot subduction in the early to late Neoarchean (~2.7-2.5 Ga). Here, we show the transition to a plate tectonic regime plays an important role in the rapid cooling of the mantle, and thickening and strengthening of the lithosphere, which in turn prompted stabilization of the cratonic lithosphere at the end of the Archean.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4211, 2021 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34244511


The margins of the Caribbean and associated hazards and resources have been shaped by a poorly understood history of subduction. Using new data, we improve teleseismic P-wave imaging of the eastern Caribbean upper mantle and compare identified subducted-plate fragments with trench locations predicted from plate reconstruction. This shows that material at 700-1200 km depth below South America derives from 90-115 Myr old westward subduction, initiated prior to Caribbean Large-Igneous-Province volcanism. At shallower depths, an accumulation of subducted material is attributed to Great Arc of the Caribbean subduction as it evolved over the past 70 Ma. We interpret gaps in these subducted-plate anomalies as: a plate window and tear along the subducted Proto-Caribbean ridge; tearing along subducted fracture zones, and subduction of a volatile-rich boundary between Proto-Caribbean and Atlantic domains. Phases of back-arc spreading and arc jumps correlate with changes in age, and hence buoyancy, of the subducting plate.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 21(2): e2019GC008678, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32714097


The important role played by the upper plate in convergence zones dynamics has long been underestimated but is now more and more emphasized. However, the influence of its thickness and/or strength on orogenic systems evolution remains largely unknown. Here we present results from 3D thermo-mechanical numerical simulations of convergence zones (including oceanic subduction followed by continental subduction/collision), in which we vary the rheological profile of the overriding plate (OP). For this, we systematically modify the crustal thickness of the overriding lithosphere and the temperature at the Moho to obtain a thermal thickness of the overriding lithosphere ranging from 80 to 180 km. While all models share a common global evolution (i.e., slab sinking, interaction between slab and the 660 km discontinuity, continental subduction/collision, and slab breakoff), they also highlight first-order differences arising from the variations in the OP strength (thermal thickness). With a thin/weak OP, slab rollback is favored, the slab dip is low, the mantle flow above the slab is vigorous, and the trench migrates at a high rate compared to a thick/strong OP. In addition, slab breakoff and back-arc basin formation events occur significantly earlier than in models involving a thick OP. Our models therefore highlight the major role played by the thickness/strength of the OP on convergence zone dynamics and illustrate its influence in a quantitative way.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 20(11): 4693-4709, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025224


During continental collision, considerable amounts of buoyant continental crust subduct to depth and subsequently exhume. Whether various exhumation paths contribute to contrasting styles of magmatism across modern collision zones is unclear. Here we present 2D thermomechanical models of continental collision combined with petrological databases to investigate the effect of the main contrasting buoyancy forces, in the form of continental crustal buoyancy versus oceanic slab age (i.e., its thickness). We specifically focus on the consequences for crustal exhumation mechanisms and magmatism. Results indicate that it is mainly crustal density that determines the degree of steepening of the subducting continent and separates the models' parameter space into two regimes. In the first regime, high buoyancy values (∆ρ > 500 kg/m3) steepen the slab most rapidly (to 45-58°), leading to opening of a gap in the subduction channel through which the subducted crust exhumes ("subduction channel crustal exhumation"). A shift to a second regime ("underplating") occurs when the density contrast is reduced by 50 kg/m3. In this scenario, the slab steepens less (to 37-50°), forcing subducted crust to be placed below the overriding plate. Importantly, the magmatism changes in the two cases: Crustal exhumation through the subduction channel is mainly accompanied by a narrow band of mantle melts, while underplating leads to widespread melting of mixed sources. Finally, we suggest that the amount (or density) of subducted continental crust, and the resulting buoyancy forces, could contribute to contrasting collision styles and magmatism in the Alps and Himalayas/Tibet.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2708, 2018 07 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30006629


In the present-day Earth, some subducting plates (slabs) are flattening above the upper-lower mantle boundary at ~670 km depth, whereas others go through, indicating a mode between layered and whole-mantle convection. Previous models predicted that in a few hundred degree hotter early Earth, convection was likely more layered due to dominant slab stagnation. In self-consistent numerical models where slabs have a plate-like rheology, strong slabs and mobile plate boundaries favour stagnation for old and penetration for young slabs, as observed today. Here we show that such models predict slabs would have penetrated into the lower mantle more easily in a hotter Earth, when a weaker asthenosphere and decreased plate density and strength resulted in subduction almost without trench retreat. Thus, heat and material transport in the Earth's mantle was more (rather than less) efficient in the past, which better matches the thermal evolution of the Earth.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 16(6): 2015-2023, 2015 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27840594


The particle-in-cell method is generally considered a flexible and robust method to model the geodynamic problems with chemical heterogeneity. However, velocity interpolation from grid points to particle locations is often performed without considering the divergence of the velocity field, which can lead to significant particle dispersion or clustering if those particles move through regions of strong velocity gradients. This may ultimately result in cells void of particles, which, if left untreated, may, in turn, lead to numerical inaccuracies. Here we apply a two-dimensional conservative velocity interpolation (CVI) scheme to steady state and time-dependent flow fields with strong velocity gradients (e.g., due to large local viscosity variation) and derive and apply the three-dimensional equivalent. We show that the introduction of CVI significantly reduces the dispersion and clustering of particles in both steady state and time-dependent flow problems and maintains a locally steady number of particles, without the need for ad hoc remedies such as very high initial particle densities or reseeding during the calculation. We illustrate that this method provides a significant improvement to particle distributions in common geodynamic modeling problems such as subduction zones or lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary dynamics.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 15(11): 4203-4216, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26321881


We investigate the dehydration processes in subduction zones and their implications for the water cycle throughout Earth's history. We use a numerical tool that combines thermo-mechanical models with a thermodynamic database to examine slab dehydration for present-day and early Earth settings and its consequences for the deep water recycling. We investigate the reactions responsible for releasing water from the crust and the hydrated lithospheric mantle and how they change with subduction velocity (vs ), slab age (a) and mantle temperature (Tm). Our results show that faster slabs dehydrate over a wide area: they start dehydrating shallower and they carry water deeper into the mantle. We parameterize the amount of water that can be carried deep into the mantle, W (×105 kg/m2), as a function of vs (cm/yr), a (Myrs), and Tm (°C):[Formula: see text]. We generally observe that a 1) 100°C increase in the mantle temperature, or 2) ∼15 Myr decrease of plate age, or 3) decrease in subduction velocity of ∼2 cm/yr all have the same effect on the amount of water retained in the slab at depth, corresponding to a decrease of ∼2.2×105 kg/m2 of H2O. We estimate that for present-day conditions ∼26% of the global influx water, or 7×108 Tg/Myr of H2O, is recycled into the mantle. Using a realistic distribution of subduction parameters, we illustrate that deep water recycling might still be possible in early Earth conditions, although its efficiency would generally decrease. Indeed, 0.5-3.7 × 108 Tg/Myr of H2O could still be recycled in the mantle at 2.8 Ga. KEY POINTS: Deep water recycling might be possible even in early Earth conditions We provide a scaling law to estimate the amount of H2O flux deep into the mantle Subduction velocity has a a major control on the crustal dehydration pattern.