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Mol Ecol ; 33(11): e17360, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38656687


Connectivity is a fundamental process of population dynamics in marine ecosystems. In the last decade, with the emergence of new methods, combining different approaches to understand the patterns of connectivity among populations and their regulation has become increasingly feasible. The Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is characterized by complex oceanographic dynamics, where local conditions could act as barriers to population connectivity. Here, the notothenioid fish Harpagifer antarcticus, a demersal species with a complex life cycle (adults with poor swim capabilities and pelagic larvae), was used to assess connectivity along the WAP by combining biophysical modelling and population genomics methods. Both approaches showed congruent patterns. Areas of larvae retention and low potential connectivity, observed in the biophysical model output, coincide with four genetic groups within the WAP: (1) South Shetland Islands, (2) Bransfield Strait, (3) the central and (4) the southern area of WAP (Marguerite Bay). These genetic groups exhibited limited gene flow between them, consistent with local oceanographic conditions, which would represent barriers to larval dispersal. The joint effect of geographic distance and larval dispersal by ocean currents had a greater influence on the observed population structure than each variable evaluated separately. The combined effect of geographic distance and a complex oceanographic dynamic would be generating limited levels of population connectivity in the fish H. antarcticus along the WAP. Based on this, population connectivity estimations and priority areas for conservation were discussed, considering the marine protected area proposed for this threatened region of the Southern Ocean.

Fluxo Gênico , Genética Populacional , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Dinâmica Populacional , Perciformes/genética , Genômica , Ecossistema , Larva/genética , Peixes/genética
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(3): e17238, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38497342


The Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) experiences one of the highest rates of sea surface warming globally, leading to potential changes in biological communities. Long-term phytoplankton monitoring in Potter Cove (PC, King George Island, South Shetlands) from the 1990s to 2009 revealed consistently low biomass values, and sporadic blooms dominated by cold-water microplankton diatoms. However, a significant change occurred between 2010 and 2020, marked by a notable increase in intense phytoplankton blooms in the region. During this period, the presence of a nanoplankton diatom, Shionodiscus gaarderae, was documented for the first time. In some instances, this species even dominated the blooms. S. gaarderae is recognized for producing blooms in temperate waters in both hemispheres. However, its blooming in the northern Southern Ocean may suggest either a recent introduction or a range shift associated with rising temperatures in the WAP, a phenomenon previously observed in experimental studies. The presence of S. gaarderae could be viewed as a warning sign of significant changes already underway in the northern WAP plankton communities. This includes the potential replacement of microplankton diatoms by smaller nanoplankton species. This study, based on observations along the past decade, and compared to the previous 20 years, could have far-reaching implications for the structure of the Antarctic food web.

Diatomáceas , Fitoplâncton , Regiões Antárticas , Plâncton , Biomassa
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(3): e17191, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433338


The response to climate change in highly dimorphic species can be hindered by differences between sexes in habitat preferences and movement patterns. The Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, is the most abundant pinniped in the Southern Hemisphere, and one of the main consumers of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in the Southern Ocean. However, the populations breeding in the Atlantic Southern Ocean are decreasing, partly due to global warming. Male and female Antarctic fur seals differ greatly in body size and foraging ecology, and little is known about their sex-specific responses to climate change. We used satellite tracking data and Earth System Models to predict changes in habitat suitability for male and female Antarctic fur seals from the Western Antarctic Peninsula under different climate change scenarios. Under the most extreme scenario (SSP5-8.5; global average temperature +4.4°C projected by 2100), suitable habitat patches will shift southward during the non-breeding season, leading to a minor overall habitat loss. The impact will be more pronounced for females than for males. The reduction of winter foraging grounds might decrease the survival of post-weaned females, reducing recruitment and jeopardizing population viability. During the breeding season, when males fast on land, suitable foraging grounds for females off the South Shetland Islands will remain largely unmodified, and new ones will emerge in the Bellingshausen Sea. As Antarctic fur seals are income breeders, the foraging grounds of females should be reasonably close to the breeding colony. As a result, the new suitable foraging grounds will be useful for females only if nearby beaches currently covered by sea ice emerge by the end of the century. Furthermore, the colonization of these new, ice-free breeding locations might be limited by strong female philopatry. These results should be considered when managing the fisheries of Antarctic krill in the Southern Ocean.

La resposta al canvi climàtic en espècies amb dimorfisme sexual pot veure's dificultada per les diferències entre sexes respecte a les seves preferències d'ús de l'hàbitat i els seus patrons de moviment. L'os marí antàrtic (Arctocephalus gazella), és el pinnípede més abundant a l'Hemisferi Sud i un dels principals consumidors de krill antàrtic, (Euphausia superba), a l'Oceà Antàrtic. No obstant això, les poblacions que es reprodueixen al sector Atlàntic de l'Oceà Antàrtic estan disminuint, en part a causa de l'escalfament global. Els mascles i les femelles de l'os marí antàrtic difereixen considerablement en la seva mida corporal i ecologia tròfica, i es té poc coneixement sobre les seves respostes específiques al canvi climàtic. En aquest estudi hem utilitzat dades de seguiment per satèl·lit i models del Sistema Terrestre per predir els canvis en la idoneïtat de l'hàbitat per als mascles i les femelles d'os marí antàrtic de la Península Antàrtica Occidental sota diferents escenaris de canvi climàtic. Sota l'escenari més extrem (SSP5-8.5; temperatura mitjana mundial +4.4°C prevista per a 2100), les zones d'hàbitat idoni es desplaçaran cap al sud durant l'època d'hivernada (no reproducció), provocant una lleugera pèrdua d'hàbitat idoni. Tot i això, l'impacte serà més pronunciat per a les femelles que per als mascles. Aquesta reducció dels territoris d'alimentació durant l'hivern podria disminuir la supervivència de les femelles postdeslletades, reduint-ne el reclutament i posant en perill la viabilitat de la població. Durant l'època de cria, quan els mascles es troben majoritàriament en dejú a terra, els territoris d'alimentació idonis per a les femelles al voltant de les Illes Shetland del Sud romandran en gran part sense modificar-se, i n'emergiran de nous al mar de Bellingshausen. Com que les femelles d'os marí antàrtic es continuen alimentant durant la cria, els territoris d'alimentació de les femelles han d'estar raonablement a prop de la colònia de cria. Com a resultat, aquestes noves zones d'alimentació seran útils només si les platges properes, actualment cobertes de gel marí, emergeixen al llarg del segle. A més, la colonització d'aquests nous llocs de reproducció lliures de gel podria veure's limitada per la forta filopatria de les femelles. Aquests resultats haurien de tenir-se en compte en la gestió de les pesqueries de krill a l'Oceà Antàrtic.

Otárias , Feminino , Masculino , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Oceano Atlântico , Tamanho Corporal , Mudança Climática
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(7): 1791-1808, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36656050


The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where foundational changes at the basis of the food web have been recorded; cryptophytes are gradually outgrowing diatoms together with a decreased size spectrum of the phytoplankton community. Based on a 11-year (2008-2018) in-situ dataset, we demonstrate a strong coupling between biomass accumulation of cryptophytes, summer upper ocean stability, and the mixed layer depth. Our results shed light on the environmental conditions favoring the cryptophyte success in coastal regions of the WAP, especially during situations of shallower mixed layers associated with lower diatom biomass, which evidences a clear competition or niche segregation between diatoms and cryptophytes. We also unravel the cryptophyte photo-physiological niche by exploring its capacity to thrive under high light stress normally found in confined stratified upper layers. Such conditions are becoming more frequent in the Antarctic coastal waters and will likely have significant future implications at various levels of the marine food web. The competitive advantage of cryptophytes in environments with significant light level fluctuations was supported by laboratory experiments that revealed a high flexibility of cryptophytes to grow in different light conditions driven by a fast photo-regulating response. All tested physiological parameters support the hypothesis that cryptophytes are highly flexible regarding their growing light conditions and extremely efficient in rapidly photo-regulating changes to environmental light levels. This plasticity would give them a competitive advantage in exploiting an ecological niche where light levels fluctuate quickly. These findings provide new insights on niche separation between diatoms and cryptophytes, which is vital for a thorough understanding of the WAP marine ecosystem.

Diatomáceas , Ecossistema , Regiões Antárticas , Fitoplâncton , Cadeia Alimentar , Biomassa
Environ Monit Assess ; 196(1): 43, 2023 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38102340


The northern part of James Ross Island is the largest deglaciated area in the Antarctic Peninsula region with a unique ecosystem created during the Late Glacial. This research aims to evaluate the degree of contamination of the locality with toxic metals (As, Hg, Cd, and Pb) through bioindicators in the aquatic environment-colonies of cyanobacteria and algae. For this purpose, bottom lake sediments of Big Lachman Lake were studied for contents of Fe, As, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn, as well as samples of cyanobacterial mat, in which Fe, As, Hg, Cd, and Pb were determined. Metal contents were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. The contents of metals in sediments did not differ from the usual values in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. The bioaccumulation of metals in cyanobacterial mat was evaluated by calculating enrichment factors (the calculation to Fe as a reference element). According to this method, moderate pollution of Big Lachman Lake was confirmed for Hg and Cd.

Cianobactérias , Mercúrio , Metais Pesados , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Metais Pesados/análise , Lagos/química , Regiões Antárticas , Ecossistema , Cádmio/análise , Chumbo/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Mercúrio/análise , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Medição de Risco
Microb Ecol ; 82(1): 165-172, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33161522


We assessed fungal diversity present in air samples obtained from King George Island, Antarctica, using DNA metabarcoding through high-throughput sequencing. We detected 186 fungal amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) dominated by the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, and Chytridiomycota. Fungi sp. 1, Agaricomycetes sp. 1, Mortierella parvispora, Mortierella sp. 2, Penicillium sp., Pseudogymnoascus roseus, Microdochium lycopodinum, Mortierella gamsii, Arrhenia sp., Cladosporium sp., Mortierella fimbricystis, Moniliella pollinis, Omphalina sp., Mortierella antarctica, and Pseudogymnoascus appendiculatus were the most dominant ASVs. In addition, several ASVs could only be identified at higher taxonomic levels and may represent previously unknown fungi and/or new records for Antarctica. The fungi detected in the air displayed high indices of diversity, richness, and dominance. The airborne fungal diversity included saprophytic, mutualistic, and plant and animal opportunistic pathogenic taxa. The diversity of taxa detected reinforces the hypothesis that the Antarctic airspora includes fungal propagules of both intra- and inter-continental origin. If regional Antarctic environmental conditions ameliorate further in concert with climate warming, these fungi might be able to reactivate and colonize different Antarctic ecosystems, with as yet unknown consequences for ecosystem function in Antarctica. Further aeromycological studies are necessary to understand how and from where these fungi arrive and move within Antarctica and if environmental changes will encourage the development of non-native fungal species in Antarctica.

Ascomicetos , Ecossistema , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Basidiomycota , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Fungos/genética , Mortierella
Mol Ecol ; 28(22): 4941-4957, 2019 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31596994


Antarctica is isolated, surrounded by the Southern Ocean and has experienced extreme environmental conditions for millions of years, including during recent Pleistocene glacial maxima. How Antarctic terrestrial species might have survived these glaciations has been a topic of intense interest, yet many questions remain unanswered, particularly for Antarctica's invertebrate fauna. We examine whether genetic data from a widespread group of terrestrial invertebrates, springtails (Collembola, Isotomidae) of the genus Cryptopygus, show evidence for long-term survival in glacial refugia along the Antarctic Peninsula. We use genome-wide SNP analyses (via genotyping-by-sequencing, GBS) and mitochondrial data to examine population diversity and differentiation across more than 20 sites spanning >950 km on the Peninsula, and from islands both close to the Peninsula and up to ~1,900 km away. Population structure analysis indicates the presence of strong local clusters of diversity, and we infer that patterns represent a complex interplay of isolation in local refugia coupled with occasional successful long-distance dispersal events. We identified wind and degree days as significant environmental drivers of genetic diversity, with windier and warmer sites hosting higher diversity. Thus, we infer that refugial areas along the Antarctic Peninsula have allowed populations of indigenous springtails to survive in situ throughout glacial periods. Despite the difficulties of dispersal in cold, desiccating conditions, Cryptopygus springtails on the Peninsula appear to have achieved multiple long-distance colonization events, most likely through wind-related dispersal events.

Variação Genética/genética , Invertebrados/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único/genética , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Biodiversidade , Evolução Molecular , Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla/métodos , Geografia , Camada de Gelo , Ilhas , Mitocôndrias/genética , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem
J Phycol ; 55(2): 314-328, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30449029


Diatoms are one of the dominant groups in phytoplankton communities of the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Although generally well-studied, little is known about size dependent photophysiological responses in diatom bloom formation and succession. To increase this understanding, four Antarctic diatom species covering two orders of magnitude in cell size were isolated in northern Marguerite Bay (WAP). Fragilariopsis sp., Pseudo-nitzschia cf. subcurvata, Thalassiosira cf. antarctica, and Proboscia cf. alata were acclimated to three different irradiances after which photophysiology, electron transport, carbon fixation, and growth were assessed. The small species Fragilariopsis sp., Pseudo-nitzschia cf. subcurvata, and large species Proboscia cf. alata showed similar photoacclimation to higher irradiances with a decrease in cellular chlorophyll a and an increase in chlorophyll a specific absorption and xanthophyll cycle pigments and activity. In contrast, pigment concentrations and absorption remained unaffected by higher irradiances in the large species Thalassiosira cf. antarctica. Overall, the small species showed significantly higher growth rates compared to the large species, which was related to relatively high light harvesting capacity and electron transport rates in the smaller species. However, photophysiological responses related to photoinhibition and photoprotection and carbon fixation showed no relationship with cell size. This study supports the dominance of small diatoms at low irradiances during winter and early spring, but does not provide photophysiological evidence for the dominance of large diatoms during the phytoplankton bloom in the WAP. This suggests that other factors such as grazing and nutrient availability are likely to play a major role in diatom bloom formation.

Diatomáceas , Regiões Antárticas , Baías , Clorofila A , Fitoplâncton
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760109


The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a highly productive marine ecosystem where extended periods of change have been observed in the form of glacier retreat, reduction of sea-ice cover and shifts in marine populations, among others. The physical environment on the shelf is known to be strongly influenced by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current flowing along the shelf slope and carrying warm, nutrient-rich water, by cold waters flooding into the northern Bransfield Strait from the Weddell Sea, by an extensive network of glaciers and ice shelves, and by strong seasonal to inter-annual variability in sea-ice formation and air-sea interactions, with significant modulation by climate modes like El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Southern Annular Mode. However, significant gaps have remained in understanding the exchange processes between the open ocean and the shelf, the pathways and fate of oceanic water intrusions, the shelf heat and salt budgets, and the long-term evolution of the shelf properties and circulation. Here, we review how recent advances in long-term monitoring programmes, process studies and newly developed numerical models have helped bridge these gaps and set future research challenges for the WAP system.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760111


Although the relationship between surface air temperature and glacial discharge has been studied in the Northern Hemisphere for at least a century, similar studies for Antarctica remain scarce and only for the past four decades. This data scarcity is due to the extreme meteorological conditions and terrain inaccessibility. As a result, the contribution of glacial discharge in Antarctica to global sea-level rise is still attached with great uncertainties, especially from partly glaciated hydrological basins as can be found in the Antarctic Peninsula. In this paper, we propose a simplified model based on the Monte Carlo method and Fourier analysis for estimating discharge in partly glaciated and periglacial hydrological catchments with a summer melt period. Our model offers the advantage of scarce data requirements and quick recognition of periglacial environments. Discharge was found to be highly correlated with surface air temperature for the partially glaciated hydrological catchments on Potter Peninsula, King George Island (Isla 25 Mayo). The model is simple to implement and requires few variables to make most versatile simulations. We have obtained a monthly simulated maximum flow estimates between 0.74 and 1.07 m3 s-1 for two creeks (South and North Potter) with a very good fit to field observations. The glacial mean monthly discharge during summer months was estimated to 0.44±0.02 m3 s-1 for South Potter Creek and 0.55±0.02 m3 s-1 for North Potter Creek.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760115


The spatial distribution, biogeochemical cycling and external sources of dissolved iron and dissolved manganese (DFe and DMn) were investigated in Ryder Bay, a small coastal embayment of the West Antarctic Peninsula, during Austral summer (2013 and 2014). Dissolved concentrations were measured throughout the water column at 11 stations within Ryder Bay. The concentration ranges of DFe and DMn were large, between 0.58 and 32.7 nM, and between 0.18 and 26.2 nM, respectively, exhibiting strong gradients from the surface to the bottom. Surface concentrations of DFe and DMn were higher than concentrations reported for the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctic waters, and extremely high concentrations were detected in deep water. Glacial meltwater and shallow sediments are likely to be the main sources of DFe and DMn in the euphotic zone, while lateral advection associated with local sediment resuspension and vertical mixing are significant sources for intermediate and deep waters. During summer, vertical mixing of intermediate and deep waters and sediment resuspension occurring from Marguerite Trough to Ryder Bay are thought to be amplified by a series of overflows at the sills, enhancing the input of Fe and Mn from bottom sediment and increasing their concentrations up to the euphotic layer.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760116


The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has experienced significant change over the last 50 years. Using a 24 year spatial time series collected by the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research programme, we assessed long-term patterns in the sea ice, upper mixed layer depth (MLD) and phytoplankton productivity. The number of sea ice days steadily declined from the 1980s until a recent reversal that began in 2008. Results show regional differences between the northern and southern regions sampled during regional ship surveys conducted each austral summer. In the southern WAP, upper ocean MLD has shallowed by a factor of 2. Associated with the shallower mixed layer is enhanced phytoplankton carbon fixation. In the north, significant interannual variability resulted in the mixed layer showing no trended change over time and there was no significant increase in the phytoplankton productivity. Associated with the recent increases in sea ice there has been an increase in the photosynthetic efficiency (chlorophyll a-normalized carbon fixation) in the northern and southern regions of the WAP. We hypothesize the increase in sea ice results in increased micronutrient delivery to the continental shelf which in turn leads to enhanced photosynthetic performance.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760112


The West Antarctic Peninsula shelf is a region of high seasonal primary production which supports a large and productive food web, where macronutrients and inorganic carbon are sourced primarily from intrusions of warm saline Circumpolar Deep Water. We examined the cross-shelf modification of this water mass during mid-summer 2015 to understand the supply of nutrients and carbon to the productive surface ocean, and their subsequent uptake and cycling. We show that nitrate, phosphate, silicic acid and inorganic carbon are progressively enriched in subsurface waters across the shelf, contrary to cross-shelf reductions in heat, salinity and density. We use nutrient stoichiometric and isotopic approaches to invoke remineralization of organic matter, including nitrification below the euphotic surface layer, and dissolution of biogenic silica in deeper waters and potentially shelf sediment porewaters, as the primary drivers of cross-shelf enrichments. Regenerated nitrate and phosphate account for a significant proportion of the total pools of these nutrients in the upper ocean, with implications for the seasonal carbon sink. Understanding nutrient and carbon dynamics in this region now will inform predictions of future biogeochemical changes in the context of substantial variability and ongoing changes in the physical environment.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760113


The Southern Ocean is a hotspot of the climate-relevant organic sulfur compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Spatial and temporal variability in DMS concentration is higher than in any other oceanic region, especially in the marginal ice zone. During a one-week expedition across the continental shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), from the shelf break into Marguerite Bay, in January 2015, spatial heterogeneity of DMS and its precursor dimethyl sulfoniopropionate (DMSP) was studied and linked with environmental conditions, including sea-ice melt events. Concentrations of sulfur compounds, particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a in the surface waters varied by a factor of 5-6 over the entire transect. DMS and DMSP concentrations were an order of magnitude higher than currently inferred in climatologies for the WAP region. Particulate DMSP concentrations were correlated most strongly with POC and the abundance of haptophyte algae within the phytoplankton community, which, in turn, was linked with sea-ice melt. The strong sea-ice signal in the distribution of DMS(P) implies that DMS(P) production is likely to decrease with ongoing reductions in sea-ice cover along the WAP. This has implications for feedback processes on the region's climate system.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760117


The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where periods of strong warming have caused significant changes in the marine ecosystem and food-web processes. Tight coupling between phytoplankton and higher trophic levels implies that the coastal WAP is a bottom-up controlled system, where changes in phytoplankton dynamics may largely impact other food-web components. Here, we analysed the inter-decadal time series of year-round chlorophyll-a (Chl) collected from three stations along the coastal WAP: Carlini Station at Potter Cove (PC) on King George Island, Palmer Station on Anvers Island and Rothera Station on Adelaide Island. There were trends towards increased phytoplankton biomass at Carlini Station (PC) and Palmer Station, while phytoplankton biomass declined significantly at Rothera Station over the studied period. The impacts of two relevant climate modes to the WAP, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Southern Annular Mode, on winter and spring phytoplankton biomass appear to be different among the three sampling stations, suggesting an important role of local-scale forcing than large-scale forcing on phytoplankton dynamics at each station. The inter-annual variability of seasonal bloom progression derived from considering all three stations together captured ecologically meaningful, seasonally co-occurring bloom patterns which were primarily constrained by water-column stability strength. Our findings highlight a coupled link between phytoplankton and physical and climate dynamics along the coastal WAP, which may improve our understanding of overall WAP food-web responses to climate change and variability.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Biomassa , Monitoramento Ambiental , Fitoplâncton/metabolismo , Análise de Variância , Regiões Antárticas , Clorofila/análogos & derivados , Clorofila/metabolismo , Mudança Climática , Cadeia Alimentar , Fatores de Tempo
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760110


Palmer Deep canyon along the central West Antarctic Peninsula is known to have higher phytoplankton biomass than the surrounding non-canyon regions, but the circulation mechanisms that transport and locally concentrate phytoplankton and Antarctic krill, potentially increasing prey availability to upper-trophic-level predators such as penguins and cetaceans, are currently unknown. We deployed a three-site high-frequency radar network that provided hourly surface circulation maps over the Palmer Deep hotspot. A series of particle release experiments were used to estimate surface residence time and connectivity across the canyon. The majority of residence times fell between 1.0 and 3.5 days, with a mean of 2 days and a maximum of 5 days. We found a highly significant negative relationship between wind speed and residence time. Our residence time analysis indicates that the elevated phytoplankton biomass over the central canyon is transported into and out of the hotspot on time scales much shorter than the observed phytoplankton growth rate, suggesting that the canyon may not act as an incubator of phytoplankton productivity as previously suggested. It may instead serve more as a conveyor belt of phytoplankton biomass produced elsewhere, continually replenishing the phytoplankton biomass for the local Antarctic krill community, which in turn supports numerous top predators.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2122)2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760120


The coasts of the West Antarctic Peninsula are strongly influenced by glacier meltwater discharge. The spatial structure and biogeochemical composition of inshore habitats are shaped by large quantities of terrigenous particulate material deposited in the vicinity of the coast, which impacts the pelagic and benthic ecosystems. We used a multitude of geochemical and environmental variables to identify the radius extension of the meltwater impact from the Fourcade Glacier into the fjord system of Potter Cove, King George Island. The k-means cluster algorithm, canonical correspondence analysis, variance analysis and Tukey's post hoc multiple comparison tests were applied to define and cluster coastal meltwater habitats. A minimum of 10 clusters were needed to classify the 8 km2 study area into meltwater fjord habitats (MFHs), fjord habitats and marine habitats. Strontium content in surface sediments is the main geochemical indicator for lithogenic creek discharge in Potter Cove. Furthermore, bathymetry, glacier distance and geomorphic positioning are the essential habitats explaining variables. The mean and maximum MFH extent amounted to 1 km and 2 km, respectively. Extrapolation of the identified meltwater impact ranges to King George Island coastlines, which are presently ice-covered bays and fjord areas, indicated an overall coverage of 200-400 km2 MFH, underpinning the importance of better understanding the biology and biogeochemistry in terrestrial marine transition zones.This article is part of the theme issue 'The marine system of the West Antarctic Peninsula: status and strategy for progress in a region of rapid change'.

Extremophiles ; 21(6): 1005-1015, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28856503


Thirty-six seawater samples collected at different depths of the Gerlache and Bransfield Straits in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula were analyzed, and the average of the total fungal counts ranged from 0.3 to >300 colony forming units per liter (CFU/L) in density. The fungal were purified and identified as 15 taxa belonged to the genera Acremonium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Cystobasidium, Exophiala, Glaciozyma, Graphium, Lecanicillium, Metschnikowia, Penicillium, Purpureocillium and Simplicillium. Penicillium chrysogenum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and Graphium rubrum were found at high densities in at least two different sites and depths. Our results show at the first time that in the seawater of Antarctic Ocean occur diverse fungal assemblages despite extreme conditions, which suggests the presence of a complex aquatic fungi food web, including species reported as barophiles, symbionts, weak and strong saprobes, parasites and pathogens, as well as those found in the polluted environments of the world. Additionally, some taxa were found in different sites, suggesting that the underwater current might contribute to fungal (and microbial) dispersal across the Antarctic Ocean, and nearby areas such as South America and Australia.

Frio Extremo , Micobioma , Filogenia , Água do Mar/microbiologia , Aclimatação , Regiões Antárticas , Fungos/classificação , Fungos/genética
J South Am Earth Sci ; 78: 175-189, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29118464


Rare remains of predominantly deep-water sharks of the families Hexanchidae, Squalidae, Dalatiidae, Centrophoridae, and Squatinidae are described from the Eocene La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, which has yielded the most abundant chondrichthyan assemblage from the Southern Hemisphere to date. Previously described representatives of Hexanchus sp., Squalus weltoni, Squalus woodburnei, Centrophorus sp., and Squatina sp. are confirmed and dental variations are documented. Although the teeth of Squatina sp. differ from other Palaeogene squatinid species, we refrain from introducing a new species. A new dalatiid taxon, Eodalatias austrinalis gen. et sp. nov. is described. This new material not only increases the diversity of Eocene Antarctic elasmobranchs but also allows assuming that favourable deep-water habitats were available in the Eocene Antarctic Ocean off Antarctica in the Eocene. The occurrences of deep-water inhabitants in shallow, near-coastal waters of the Antarctic Peninsula agrees well with extant distribution patterns.

New Phytol ; 205(1): 172-81, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25283055


High-latitude oceans are areas of high primary production despite temperatures that are often well below the thermal optima of enzymes, including the key Calvin Cycle enzyme, Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco). We measured carbon fixation rates, protein content and Rubisco abundance and catalytic rates during an intense diatom bloom in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and in laboratory cultures of a psychrophilic diatom (Fragilariopsis cylindrus). At -1°C, the Rubisco turnover rate, kcat (c) , was 0.4 C s(-1) per site and the half saturation constant for CO2 was 15 µM (vs c. 3 C s(-1) per site and 50 µM at 20°C). To achieve high carboxylation rates, psychrophilic diatoms increased Rubisco abundance to c. 8% of biomass (vs c. 0.6% at 20°C), along with their total protein content, resulting in a low carbon : nitrogen ratio of c. 5. In psychrophilic diatoms, Rubisco must be almost fully active and near CO2 saturation to achieve carbon fixation rates observed in the WAP. Correspondingly, total protein concentrations were close to the highest ever measured in phytoplankton and likely near the maximum possible. We hypothesize that this high protein concentration, like that of Rubisco, is necessitated by slow enzyme rates, and that carbon fixation rates in the WAP are near a theoretical maximum.

Ciclo do Carbono , Eutrofização , Fitoplâncton/enzimologia , Ribulose-Bifosfato Carboxilase/metabolismo , Regiões Antárticas , Biomassa , Carbono/metabolismo , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Diatomáceas/enzimologia , Cinética , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Fitoplâncton/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas/metabolismo , Estações do Ano , Temperatura