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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(10): e2314083121, 2024 Mar 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38427599


In a stack of atomically thin van der Waals layers, introducing interlayer twist creates a moiré superlattice whose period is a function of twist angle. Changes in that twist angle of even hundredths of a degree can dramatically transform the system's electronic properties. Setting a precise and uniform twist angle for a stack remains difficult; hence, determining that twist angle and mapping its spatial variation is very important. Techniques have emerged to do this by imaging the moiré, but most of these require sophisticated infrastructure, time-consuming sample preparation beyond stack synthesis, or both. In this work, we show that torsional force microscopy (TFM), a scanning probe technique sensitive to dynamic friction, can reveal surface and shallow subsurface structure of van der Waals stacks on multiple length scales: the moirés formed between bi-layers of graphene and between graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and also the atomic crystal lattices of graphene and hBN. In TFM, torsional motion of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) cantilever is monitored as it is actively driven at a torsional resonance while a feedback loop maintains contact at a set force with the sample surface. TFM works at room temperature in air, with no need for an electrical bias between the tip and the sample, making it applicable to a wide array of samples. It should enable determination of precise structural information including twist angles and strain in moiré superlattices and crystallographic orientation of van der Waals flakes to support predictable moiré heterostructure fabrication.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(15): e2119726119, 2022 04 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35380900


Intense light­matter interactions and unique structural and electrical properties make van der Waals heterostructures composed by graphene (Gr) and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) promising building blocks for tunneling transistors and flexible electronics, as well as optoelectronic devices, including photodetectors, photovoltaics, and quantum light emitting devices (QLEDs), bright and narrow-line emitters using minimal amounts of active absorber material. The performance of such devices is critically ruled by interlayer interactions which are still poorly understood in many respects. Specifically, two classes of coupling mechanisms have been proposed, charge transfer (CT) and energy transfer (ET), but their relative efficiency and the underlying physics are open questions. Here, building on a time-resolved Raman scattering experiment, we determine the electronic temperature profile of Gr in response to TMD photoexcitation, tracking the picosecond dynamics of the G and 2D Raman bands. Compelling evidence for a dominant role of the ET process accomplished within a characteristic time of ∼4 ps is provided. Our results suggest the existence of an intermediate process between the observed picosecond ET and the generation of a net charge underlying the slower electric signals detected in optoelectronic applications.

Nano Lett ; 24(22): 6521-6528, 2024 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38788172


We examine the electronic structure of recently fabricated in-plane heterojunctions of zigzag graphene nanoribbons embedded in hexagonal boron nitride. We focus on hitherto unexplored interface configurations in which both edges of the nanoribbon are bonded to the same chemical species, either boron or nitrogen atoms. Using ab initio and mean-field Hubbard model calculations, we reveal the emergence of one-dimensional magnetic conducting channels at these interfaces. These channels originate from the energy shift of the magnetic interface states that is induced by charge transfer between the nanoribbon and hexagonal boron nitride. We further address the response of these heterojunctions to external electric and magnetic fields, demonstrating the tunability of energy and spin splittings in the electronic structure. Our findings establish that zigzag graphene nanoribbon/hexagonal boron nitride heterojunctions are a suitable platform for exploring and engineering spin transport in the atomically thin limit, with potential applications in integrated spintronic devices.

Nano Lett ; 24(21): 6233-6239, 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38758973


We study the molecular beam epitaxy of rock-salt ScN on the wurtzite GaN(11̅00) surface. To this end, ScN is grown on freestanding GaN(11̅00) substrates and self-assembled GaN nanowires exhibiting (11̅00) sidewalls. On both substrates, ScN crystallizes twin-free thanks to a specific epitaxial relationship, namely ScN(110)[001]∥GaN(11̅00)[0001], providing a congruent, low-symmetry interface. The 13.1% uniaxial lattice mismatch occurring in this orientation mostly relaxes within the first few monolayers of growth by forming a near-coincidence site lattice, where 7 GaN planes coincide with 8 ScN planes, leaving the ScN surface nearly free of extended defects. Overgrowth of the ScN with GaN leads to a kinetic stabilization of the zinc blende phase, that rapidly develops wurtzite inclusions nucleating on {111} nanofacets, commonly observed during zinc blende GaN growth. Our ScN/GaN(11̅00) platform opens a new route for the epitaxy of twin-free metal-semiconductor heterostructures including closely lattice-matched GaN, ScN, HfN, and ZrN compounds.

Nano Lett ; 24(20): 6061-6068, 2024 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728017


van der Waals (vdW) superlattices, comprising different 2D materials aligned alternately by weak interlayer interactions, offer versatile structures for the fabrication of novel semiconductor devices. Despite their potential, the precise control of optoelectronic properties with interlayer interactions remains challenging. Here, we investigate the discrepancies between the SnS/TiS2 superlattice (SnTiS3) and its subsystems by comprehensive characterization and DFT calculations. The disappearance of certain Raman modes suggests that the interactions alter the SnS subsystem structure. Specifically, such structural changes transform the band structure from indirect to direct band gap, causing a strong PL emission (∼2.18 eV) in SnTiS3. In addition, the modulation of the optoelectronic properties ultimately leads to the unique phenomenon of thermally activated photoluminescence. This phenomenon is attributed to the inhibition of charge transfer induced by tunable intralayer strains. Our findings extend the understanding of the mechanism of interlayer interactions in van der Waals superlattices and provide insights into the design of high-temperature optoelectronic devices.

Nano Lett ; 24(17): 5117-5124, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38629940


Stacking monolayer semiconductors creates moiré patterns, leading to correlated and topological electronic phenomena, but measurements of the electronic structure underpinning these phenomena are scarce. Here, we investigate the properties of the conduction band in moiré heterobilayers of WS2/WSe2 using submicrometer angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with electrostatic gating. We find that at all twist angles the conduction band edge is the K-point valley of the WS2, with a band gap of 1.58 ± 0.03 eV. From the resolved conduction band dispersion, we deduce an effective mass of 0.15 ± 0.02 me. Additionally, we observe replicas of the conduction band displaced by reciprocal lattice vectors of the moiré superlattice. We argue that the replicas result from the moiré potential modifying the conduction band states rather than final-state diffraction. Interestingly, the replicas display an intensity pattern with reduced 3-fold symmetry, which we show implicates the pseudo vector potential associated with in-plane strain in moiré band formation.

Nano Lett ; 24(26): 8030-8037, 2024 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912680


Dielectric screening plays a vital role in determining physical properties at the nanoscale and affects our ability to detect and characterize nanomaterials using optical techniques. We study how dielectric screening changes electromagnetic fields and many-body effects in nanostructures encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes. First, we show that metallic outer walls reduce the scattering intensity of the inner tube by 2 orders of magnitude compared to that of air-suspended inner tubes, in line with our local field calculations. Second, we find that the dielectric shift of the optical transition energies in the inner walls is greater when the outer tube is metallic than when it is semiconducting. The magnitude of the shift suggests that the excitons in small-diameter inner metallic tubes are thermally dissociated at room temperature if the outer tube is also metallic, and in essence, we observe band-to-band transitions in thin metallic double-walled nanotubes.

Nano Lett ; 24(32): 9824-9831, 2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056490


Using heterodyne transient grating spectroscopy, we observe a significant enhancement of exciton diffusion in a monolayer WSe2 stacked on graphene. The diffusion dynamics can be optically tuned within a few picoseconds by altering the photoexcited carrier density in graphene. The effective diffusion constant in initial picoseconds in the WSe2/graphene heterostructure is (40.3 ± 4.5) cm2 s-1, representing a substantial improvement over (2.1 ± 0.8) cm2 s-1, typical for an isolated WSe2 monolayer. This enhancement can be understood in terms of a transient screening of impurities, charge traps, and defect states in WSe2 by photoexcited charge carriers in graphene. Furthermore, diffusion within WSe2 is affected by interlayer interactions, such as charge transfer, varying with the incident excitation fluence. These findings underscore the dynamical nature of screening and diffusion processes in heterostructures of 2D semiconductors and graphene and provide insights for future applications of these systems in ultrafast optoelectronic devices.

Nano Lett ; 24(31): 9575-9582, 2024 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39051155


Interlayer excitons (IXs) in van der Waals heterostructures with static out of plane dipole moment and long lifetime show promise in the development of exciton based optoelectronic devices and the exploration of many body physics. However, these IXs are not always observed, as the emission is very sensitive to lattice mismatch and twist angle between the constituent materials. Moreover, their emission intensity is very weak compared to that of corresponding intralayer excitons at room temperature. Here we report the room-temperature realization of twist angle independent momentum direct IX in the heterostructures of bulk PbI2 and bilayer WS2. Momentum conserving transitions combined with the large band offsets between the constituent materials enable intense IX emission at room temperature. A long lifetime (∼100 ns), noticeable Stark shift, and tunability of IX emission from 1.70 to 1.45 eV by varying the number of WS2 layers make these heterostructures promising to develop room temperature exciton based optoelectronic devices.

Nano Lett ; 24(2): 741-747, 2024 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166145


The emergence of one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (1D vdWHs) opens up potential fields with unique properties, but precise synthesis remains a challenge. The utilization of mixed conductive types of carbon nanotubes as templates has imposed restrictions on the investigation of the electrical behavior and interlayer interaction of 1D vdWHs. In this study, we efficiently encapsulated silver iodide in high-purity semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (sSWCNTs), forming 1D AgI@sSWCNT vdWHs. We characterized the semiconductor-metal transition and increased the carrier concentration of individual AgI@sSWCNTs via sensitive dielectric force microscopy and confirmed the results through electrical device tests. The electrical behavior transition was attributed to an interlayer charge transfer, as demonstrated by Kelvin probe force microscopy. Furthermore, we showed that this method of synthesizing 1D heterostructures can be extended to other metal halides. This work opens the door for the further exploration of the electrical properties of 1D vdWHs.

Nano Lett ; 24(15): 4505-4511, 2024 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578047


Twisted van der Waals heterostructures show intriguing interface exciton physics, including hybridization effects and emergence of moiré potentials. Recent experiments have revealed that moiré-trapped excitons exhibit remarkable dynamics, where excited states show lifetimes that are several orders of magnitude longer than in monolayers. The origin of this behavior is still under debate. Based on a microscopic many-particle approach, we investigate the phonon-driven relaxation cascade of nonequilibrium moiré excitons in the exemplary MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructure. We track exciton relaxation pathways across different moiré mini-bands and identify the phonon-scattering channels assisting the spatial redistribution of excitons into low-energy pockets of the moiré potential. We unravel a phonon bottleneck in the flat band structure at low twist angles preventing excitons from fully thermalizing into the lowest state, explaining the measured enhanced emission intensity and lifetime of excited moiré excitons. Overall, our work provides important insights into exciton relaxation dynamics in flat-band exciton materials.

Nano Lett ; 24(6): 1851-1858, 2024 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38315876


Interlayer excitons, with prolonged lifetimes and tunability, hold potential for advanced optoelectronics. Previous research on the interlayer excitons has been dominated by two-dimensional heterostructures. Here, we construct WSe2/GaN composite heterostructures, in which the doping concentration of GaN and the twist angle of bilayer WSe2 are employed as two ingredients for the manipulation of exciton behaviors and polarizations. The exciton energies in monolayer WSe2/GaN can be regulated continuously by the doping levels of the GaN substrate, and a remarkable increase in the valley polarizations is achieved. Especially in a heterostructure with 4°-twisted bilayer WSe2, a maximum polarization of 38.9% with a long lifetime is achieved for the interlayer exciton. Theoretical calculations reveal that the large polarization and long lifetime are attributed to the high exciton binding energy and large spin flipping energy during depolarization in bilayer WSe2/GaN. This work introduces a distinctive member of the interlayer exciton with a high degree of polarization and a long lifetime.

Nano Lett ; 24(33): 10258-10264, 2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39134480


The moiré potential in rotationally misfit two-dimensional (2D) heterostructures has been used to build artificial exciton and electron lattices, which have become platforms for realizing exotic electronic phases. Here, we demonstrate a different approach to create a superlattice potential in 2D crystals by using the near field of an array of polar molecules. A bilayer of titanyl phthalocyanine (TiOPc), consisting of alternating out-of-plane dipoles, is deposited on monolayer MoS2. Time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy reveals a pair of interlayer exciton states with an energy difference of ∼0.1 eV, which is consistent with the electrostatic potential modulation induced by the TiOPc bilayer as determined by density functional theory calculations. Because the symmetry and the period of this potential superlattice can be changed readily by using molecules of different shapes and sizes, molecule/2D heterostructures can be promising platforms for designing artificial exciton and electron lattices.

Nano Lett ; 24(14): 4117-4123, 2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38509030


Magnetic skyrmions, topologically nontrivial whirling spin textures at nanometer scales, have emerged as potential information carriers for spintronic devices. The ability to efficiently create and erase magnetic skyrmions is vital yet challenging for such applications. Based on first-principles studies, we find that switching between intrinsic magnetic skyrmion and high-temperature ferromagnetic states can be achieved in the two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) multiferroic heterostructure CrSeI/In2Te3 by reversing the ferroelectric polarization of In2Te3. The core mechanism of this switching is traced to the controllable magnetic anisotropy of CrSeI influenced by the ferroelectric polarization of In2Te3. We propose a useful descriptor linking the presence of magnetic skyrmions to magnetic parameters and validate this connection through studies of a variety of similar vdW multiferroic heterostructures. Our work demonstrates that manipulating magnetic skyrmions via tunable magnetic anisotropies in vdW multiferroic heterostructures represents a highly promising and energy-efficient strategy for the future development of spintronics.

Nano Lett ; 24(20): 6002-6009, 2024 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38739273


Two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (2D-vdWHs) based on transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provide unparalleled control over electronic properties. However, the interlayer coupling is challenged by the interfacial misalignment and defects, which hinders a comprehensive understanding of the intertwined electronic orders, especially superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW). Here, by using pressure to regulate the interlayer coupling of non-centrosymmetric 6R-TaS2 vdWHs, we observe an unprecedented phase diagram in TMDs. This phase diagram encompasses successive suppression of the original CDW states from alternating H-layer and T-layer configurations, the emergence and disappearance of a new CDW-like state, and a double superconducting dome induced by different interlayer coupling effects. These results not only illuminate the crucial role of interlayer coupling in shaping the complex phase diagram of TMD systems but also pave a new avenue for the creation of a novel family of bulk heterostructures with customized 2D properties.

Nano Lett ; 24(19): 5862-5869, 2024 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38709809


Dynamic vision perception and processing (DVPP) is in high demand by booming edge artificial intelligence. However, existing imaging systems suffer from low efficiency or low compatibility with advanced machine vision techniques. Here, we propose a reconfigurable bipolar image sensor (RBIS) for in-sensor DVPP based on a two-dimensional WSe2/GeSe heterostructure device. Owing to the gate-tunable and reversible built-in electric field, its photoresponse shows bipolarity as being positive or negative. High-efficiency DVPP incorporating front-end RBIS and back-end CNN is then demonstrated. It shows a high recognition accuracy of over 94.9% on the derived DVS128 data set and requires much fewer neural network parameters than that without RBIS. Moreover, we demonstrate an optimized device with a vertically stacked structure and a stable nonvolatile bipolarity, which enables more efficient DVPP hardware. Our work demonstrates the potential of fabricating DVPP devices with a simple structure, high efficiency, and outputs compatible with advanced algorithms.

Nano Lett ; 24(33): 10124-10130, 2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39132976


In this study, we investigate the impact of two-dimensional MoS2 coating on the optical properties of surface GaN/AlGaN quantum wells (QWs). A strong enhancement in GaN QW light emission is observed with monolayer-MoS2 coating, yielding luminescence intensity comparable to that from a QW capped by an AlGaN barrier. Our results demonstrate that MoS2, despite its quite different nature from III-nitride semiconductors, acts as an effective barrier for surface GaN QWs and suppresses spatially localized intrinsic surface states. This finding provides novel pathways for efficient III-nitride surface passivation.

Nano Lett ; 24(7): 2282-2288, 2024 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38345381


The rapid development of infrared spectroscopy, observational astronomy, and scanning near-field microscopy has been enabled by the emergence of sensitive mid- and far-infrared photodetectors. Superconducting hot-electron bolometers (HEBs), known for their exceptional signal-to-noise ratio and fast photoresponse, play a crucial role in these applications. While superconducting HEBs are traditionally crafted from sputtered thin films such as NbN, the potential of layered van der Waals (vdW) superconductors is untapped at THz frequencies. Here, we introduce superconducting HEBs made from few-layer NbSe2 microwires. By improving the interface between NbSe2 and metal leads, we overcome impedance mismatch with RF readout, enabling large responsivity THz detection (0.13 to 2.5 THz) with a minimal noise equivalent power of 7 pW/ Hz and nanosecond-range response time. Our work highlights NbSe2 as a promising platform for HEB technology and presents a reliable vdW assembly protocol for custom bolometer production.

Nano Lett ; 24(12): 3710-3718, 2024 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38484178


Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures have attracted widespread attention in photocatalysis. Herein, we employ a novel strategy utilizing first-principles high-throughput inverse design of 2D Z-scheme heterojunctions for photocatalysis. This approach is anchored in high-throughput screening conditions, which are fundamentally based on the characteristics of carrier mechanisms influenced significantly by Z-scheme heterojunctions. A pivotal element of our screening process is the integration of the indirect-to-direct bandgap transition with momentum-matching band alignment in k-space, guiding us to combine two 2D indirect bandgap monolayers into direct Z-scheme heterojunctions characterized by pronounced interlayer excitons. Various stacking modes introduce extra and distinct degrees of freedom that can be useful for tuning the properties of heterostructures, encompassing factors such as components, stacking patterns, and sequences. We demonstrate that various stacking modes can facilitate the indirect-to-direct bandgap transition and the emergence of interlayer excitons. These findings provide exciting opportunities for designing Z-scheme heterojunctions in photocatalysis.

Nano Lett ; 2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38597670


We report experimental and theoretical studies of MoTe2-MoSe2 heterobilayers with rigid moiré superlattices controlled by the twist angle. Using an effective continuum model that combines resonant interlayer electron tunneling with stacking-dependent moiré potentials, we identify the nature of moiré excitons and the dependence of their energies, oscillator strengths, and Landé g-factors on the twist angle. Within the same framework, we interpret distinct signatures of bound complexes among electrons and moiré excitons in nearly collinear heterostacks. Our work provides a fundamental understanding of hybrid moiré excitons and trions in MoTe2-MoSe2 heterobilayers and establishes the material system as a prime candidate for optical studies of correlated phenomena in moiré lattices.