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Conserv Biol ; 38(3): e14228, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38441344


Raptors are threatened by anthropogenic land modifications, but targeted quantitative assessment of these impacts is lacking. We conducted the first global quantitative evaluation of the impacts of human-modified land on raptors. We used eBird data from 2001 to 2020 on 425 raptor species and occupancy models to assess the impacts of human-modified land on raptor distribution. The mean spatiotemporal correlations of human settlement, cropland, and pasture with raptor occupancy probability were -0.048 (SE 0.031), -0.134 (0.032), and -0.145 (0.032), respectively. The mean sensitivity of raptor occupancy probability to settlement, cropland, and pasture was -5.760 (2.266), -3.128 (1.540), and -2.402 (1.551), respectively. The occupancy probability of raptors with a large body mass was more negatively correlated with cropland (phylogenetic generalized least squares regressions: slope = -0.052 [SE 0.022], t = -2.335, df = 1, 407, p = 0.020, λ = 0.006) and more positively correlated with pasture (slope = 0.047 [0.022], t = 2.118, df = 1, 407, p = 0.035, λ = 0.013). The occupancy probability of raptors with a more extensive range size was more positively correlated with cropland (slope = 0.002 [0.004], t = 0.399, df = 1, 407, p < 0.001, λ = 0.000). Raptors that prefer open habitats were more positively correlated with cropland (analysis of variance: F = 3.424, df = 2, p = 0.034, λ = 0.000) and pasture (F = 6.577, df = 2, p = 0.002, λ = 0.000). In Africa and South America, where raptor species are most abundant, raptor occupancy probability decreased over 20 years, most likely due to habitat fragmentation associated with human land modification. Although raptors with different ecological characteristics had different responses to human land modification, the impacts of settlement, cropland, and pasture on mean raptor occupancy probability were negative, regardless of space and time.

Evaluación cuantitativa del impacto global de la modificación humana del uso de suelo sobre las rapaces Resumen Las rapaces se encuentran amenazadas por las modificaciones de suelo antropogénicas, pero la evaluación cuantitativa focalizada de estos impactos es muy escasa. Realizamos la primera evaluación cuantitativa mundial del impacto del suelo modificado por humanos sobre las rapaces. Usamos datos de eBird desde 2001 hasta 2020 sobre 425 especies rapaces y modelos de ocupación para evaluar el impacto del suelo modificado por humanos sobre la distribución de estas especies. La correlación espaciotemporal media de los asentamientos humanos, las tierras de cultivo y las pasturas con probabilidad de ocupación por rapaces fueron ­0,048 (SE 0,031), ­0,134 (0,032) y ­0,145 (0,032), respectivamente. La sensibilidad media de la probabilidad de ocupación de las rapaces a los asentamientos, las tierras de cultivo y las pasturas fue de ­5,760 (2,266), ­3,128 (1,540) y ­2,402 (1,551), respectivamente. La probabilidad de ocupación de las rapaces con gran masa corporal tuvo una correlación más negativa con las tierras de cultivo (regresiones filogenéticas por mínimos cuadrados generalizados: pendiente =­0. 052 [SE 0,022], t = ­2,335, gl = 1, 407, p = 0,020, λ = 0,006) y una correlación más positiva con los pastos (pendiente = 0,047 [0,022], t = 2,118, gl = 1, 407, p = 0,035, λ = 0,013). La probabilidad de ocupación de las rapaces con un área de distribución más extensa tuvo una correlación más positiva con las tierras de cultivo (pendiente = 0,002 [0,004], t = 0,399, gl = 1, 407, p < 0,001, λ = 0,000). Las rapaces que prefieren hábitats abiertos tuvieron una correlación más positiva con las tierras de cultivo (análisis de la varianza: F = 3,424, gl = 2, p = 0,034, λ = 0,000) y los pastos (F = 6,577, df = 2, p = 0,002, λ = 0,000). En África y América del Sur, en donde son más abundantes las especies rapaces, la probabilidad de ocupación de las rapaces disminuyó a lo largo de 20 años, probablemente debido a la fragmentación de hábitat asociada con la modificación del suelo por humanos. Aunque las rapaces con características ecológicas diferentes tienen diferentes respuestas a estas modificaciones, el impacto de los asentamientos, las tierras de cultivo y las pasturas fue negativo para la probabilidad de ocupación media de las rapaces, sin importar el espacio ni el tiempo.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Aves Predatórias , Aves Predatórias/fisiologia , Animais , Atividades Humanas , Humanos , Agricultura , Ecossistema , Distribuição Animal
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14157, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37504891


Bats frequently inhabit caves and other subterranean habitats and play a critical role in subterranean food webs. With escalating threats to subterranean ecosystems, identifying the most effective measures to protect subterranean-roosting bats is critical. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of conservation and management interventions for subterranean-roosting bats. We used network analyses to determine to what extent interventions for bats overlap those used for other subterranean taxa. We conducted our analyses with data extracted from 345 papers recommending a total of 910 conservation interventions. Gating of roost entrances was applied to preserve bat populations in 21 studies, but its effectiveness was unclear. Habitat restoration and disturbance reduction positively affected bat populations and bat behavior, respectively, in ≤4 studies. Decontamination was assessed in 2 studies and positively affected bat populations, particularly in studies focused on reducing fungal spores associated with white-nose syndrome in North America. Monitoring of bat populations as an effective conservation strategy was unclear and infrequently tested. Only 4% of bat studies simultaneously considered other subterranean organisms. However, effective interventions for bat conservation had similarities with all other organisms. If other subterranean organisms are considered when applying interventions to conserve bats, they might also benefit.

Conservación eficiente de murciélagos subterráneos Resumen Es común que los murciélagos habiten en cuevas y otros hábitats subterráneos y contribuyan a las redes alimenticias bajo tierra. Ya que estos ecosistemas cada vez se enfrentan a más amenazas, es importante identificar las medidas más efectivas para proteger a los murciélagos subterráneos. Realizamos un metaanálisis para evaluar la eficiencia de la conservación y las intervenciones de manejo para estos mamíferos. Usamos un análisis de redes para determinar el grado al que las intervenciones en pro de los murciélagos se traslapan con aquellas usadas para otros taxones subterráneos. Realizamos nuestros análisis con datos extraídos de 345 artículos que recomendaban 910 intervenciones de conservación. Se aplicó la colocación de compuertas en la entrada de los dormideros para conservar la población de murciélagos en 21 estudios, pero no quedó clara su efectividad. La restauración del hábitat y la reducción de las perturbaciones afectaron, respectivamente, a las poblaciones y al comportamiento de los murciélagos en ≤ 4 cuatro estudios. Se evaluó a la desinfección en dos estudios y ésta tuvo un efecto positivo sobre las poblaciones, particularmente en los estudios enfocados en la reducción de esporas micóticas asociadas con el síndrome de nariz blanca en América del Norte. La eficiencia del monitoreo de las poblaciones de murciélagos como una estrategia de conservación no fue clara y casi nunca se evaluó. Sólo el 4% de los estudios sobre murciélagos consideró simultáneamente a otros organismos subterráneos. Sin embargo, las intervenciones eficientes para la conservación de murciélagos tuvieron similitudes con las de todos los demás organismos. Otros organismos pueden beneficiarse si se les considera cuando se aplican las intervenciones para conservar a los murciélagos.

Quirópteros , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Cavernas
Environ Monit Assess ; 195(12): 1421, 2023 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37932448


Frog population declines have already been observed in the central Amazon even for common species that are considered not to be in danger of extinction. The Amazon is close to its limit of tolerated deforestation, and parts of the forest have already been modified by climate change, which raises questions about how the fauna in these areas would adapt to climate changes by the middle and the end of this century. In this study we used population density data on seven species of Amazonian frogs and analyzed the relationship between the activity of these species and temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity. We also used the least-squares method with logarithmic models to assess whether climate change projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be an indicator of the population dynamics of these species. Our results suggest that even common species may be may experience population declines and extinction in the next decades due to climate changes.

Mudança Climática , Monitoramento Ambiental , Animais , Florestas , Temperatura , Anuros , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade
Ecol Lett ; 25(9): 2062-2075, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35870157


Identifying efficient biodiversity indicators is a key pillar of the global conservation strategy. Top predators have been proposed as reliable biodiversity signposts, but their role is controversial. Here, we verified their performance by a meta-analysis of published studies and found solid support for their efficacy as biodiversity indicators. As to be expected for any indicator species, efficacy was stronger for biodiversity components 'ecologically closer' to the predator (i.e. broad groups that include species providing key resources, such as avian and tree diversity for a bird-eating predator that nests in trees) and declined for the diversity of components more 'ecologically remote' from the predator (e.g. butterfly diversity for a fish-eating predator). This confirmed a link between the top predatory role and biodiversity and set the context for its functionality. These results show that, on average, top predators are justified candidates as biodiversity indicators and that prioritisation of conservation action based on their occurrence is likely to provide broader ecosystem benefits. However, such role should be confirmed on a case-by-case basis, acknowledging that no indicator can portray everything, checking the compatibility of the biodiversity components linked to the predator with the established conservation objectives and ideally integrating predators with other complementary indicator groups.

Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves , Comportamento Predatório , Árvores
Conserv Biol ; 34(1): 158-167, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31069848


Flagship species have been used widely as umbrella species (i.e., species with large home range whose protection often provides protection for sympatric species) in the management of China's nature reserves. This conflation of flagship and umbrella species is best represented by the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and other large, endangered mammals designated as conservation targets in site selection and planning of reserves. Few empirical studies have tested the effectiveness of flagship species as surrogates for a broader range of sympatric species. Using extensive camera-trap data, we examined the effectiveness of management zones designated to protect flagship (target) species in conserving sympatric species in 4 wildlife reserves (Gutianshan, Changqing, Laohegou, and Wolong). We tested whether the progression from peripheral to core zones was associated with an increasing habitat association for both target and sympatric species. The distribution patterns of the study species across the zones in each reserve indicated a disparity between management zones and the species' habitat requirements. Management zone was included in the final model for all target species, and most of them had higher occurrence in core zones relative to less-protected zones, but zone was not a predictor for most of the sympatric species. When management zone was associated with the occurrence of sympatric species, threatened species generally had higher detections in core zones, whereas common species had higher detections outside of the core zone. Our results suggested that reserve planning based on flagship species does not adequately protect sympatric species due to their specialized habitat requirements. We recommend re-examining the effectiveness of management zoning and urge a multispecies and reserve-wide monitoring plan to improve protection of China's wildlife.

Efectividad del Manejo de Zonación Diseñada para Especies Bandera en la Protección de Especies Simpátricas Resumen Las especies bandera se han utilizado ampliamente como especies paraguas (es decir, especies con una extensa distribución cuya protección frecuentemente proporciona protección para especies simpátricas) en el manejo de las reservas naturales de China. Esta combinación de especie bandera y especie paraguas tiene su mejor representación en el panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) y otros grandes mamíferos en peligro de extinción designados como objetivos de conservación en la selección de sitio y la planeación de reservas. Pocos estudios empíricos han probado la efectividad de las especies bandera como sustitutas de una especie simpátrica con una distribución más amplia. Con datos numerosos de cámaras trampa, examinamos la efectividad de las zonas de manejo designadas para proteger a las especies bandera (objetivo) en la conservación de especies simpátricas dentro de cuatro reservas de fauna (Gutianshan, Changqing, Laohegou y Wolong). Probamos si la progresión de las zonas periféricas hacia las zonas núcleo estaba relacionada con asociaciones crecientes de hábitat tanto para las especies objetivo como para las simpátricas. Los patrones de distribución del estudio de especies a lo largo de las zonas en cada reserva indicaron una disparidad entre las zonas de manejo y los requerimientos de hábitat de las especies. La zona de manejo se incluyó dentro del modelo final para todas las especies objetivo y la mayoría de ellas tuvo una presencia más alta en las zonas núcleo en relación con las zonas de menor protección. Cuando la zona de manejo se asoció a la presencia de especies simpátricas, las especies amenazadas generalmente tuvieron un mayor número de detecciones en la zona núcleo, mientras que las especies comunes tuvieron un número más elevado de detecciones fuera de la zona núcleo. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la planeación de reservas basada en las especies bandera no protege adecuadamente a las especies simpátricas debido a sus requerimientos especializados de hábitat. Recomendamos una reexaminación de la efectividad del manejo de zonación y urgimos que se genere un plan de monitoreo multiespecífico en toda la reserva para mejorar la protección de la fauna en China.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Simpatria , Animais , China , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Conserv Biol ; 34(3): 600-610, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31691376


Conservation efforts often focus on umbrella species whose distributions overlap with many other flora and fauna. However, because biodiversity is affected by different threats that are spatially variable, focusing only on the geographic range overlap of species may not be sufficient in allocating the necessary actions needed to efficiently abate threats. We developed a problem-based method for prioritizing conservation actions for umbrella species that maximizes the total number of flora and fauna benefiting from management while considering threats, actions, and costs. We tested our new method by assessing the performance of the Australian federal government's umbrella prioritization list, which identifies 73 umbrella species as priorities for conservation attention. Our results show that the federal government priority list benefits only 6% of all Australia's threatened terrestrial species. This could be increased to benefit nearly half (or 46%) of all threatened terrestrial species for the same budget of AU$550 million/year if more suitable umbrella species were chosen. This results in a 7-fold increase in management efficiency. We believe nations around the world can markedly improve the selection of prioritized umbrella species for conservation action with this transparent, quantitative, and objective prioritization approach.

Uso de Especies Sustitutas para Priorizar las Acciones de Conservación de Manera Rentable Resumen Los esfuerzos de conservación comúnmente se enfocan en las especies paraguas cuyas distribuciones se traslapan con la de muchos otros componentes de la flora y fauna. Sin embargo, como la biodiversidad se ve afectada por diferentes amenazas que presentan una variabilidad espacial, enfocarse solamente en el traslape de la extensión geográfica de las especies puede no ser suficiente para la asignación de las acciones necesarias para abatir eficientemente a las amenazas. Desarrollamos un método basado en problemas para la priorización de las acciones de conservación para las especies paraguas, el cual maximiza el total de flora y fauna beneficiado con el manejo a la vez que considera amenazas, acciones y costos. Probamos nuestro método al valorar el desempeño de la lista de priorización de especies paraguas del gobierno federal de Australia, la cual identifica a 73 especies paraguas como prioritarias para la atención de la conservación. Nuestros resultados muestran que la lista de prioridades del gobierno federal beneficia sólo al 6% de las especies terrestres amenazadas en Australia. Esto podría incrementarse para beneficiar a casi la mitad (o el 46%) de las especies terrestres amenazadas con el mismo presupuesto de AU$550 millones al año si se eligieran a especies paraguas más adecuadas. Esto resulta en un incremento siete veces mayor en la eficiencia del manejo. Creemos que en todo el mundo los países pueden mejorar de una manera muy marcada la selección de las especies paraguas para las acciones de conservación con una estrategia de priorización transparente, cuantitativa y objetiva.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade
J Wildl Manage ; 82(5): 948-957, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37799270


The umbrella species concept, wherein multiple species are indirectly protected under the umbrella of a reserve created for one, is intended to enhance conservation efficiency. Although appealing in theory and common in practice, empirical tests of the concept have been scarce. We used a real-world, semi-protected reserve established to protect a high-profile umbrella species (greater sage-grouse [Centrocercus urophasianus]) to investigate 2 potential mechanisms underlying the concept's successful application: reserve size and species similarity. We estimated how much habitat protection the established reserve provided to 52 species of conservation concern associated with vegetation communities where greater sage-grouse occur. To illustrate the importance of reserve size, we compared the effectiveness of the established reserve to alternative greater sage-grouse reserves of various sizes and to simulated reserves of equal size but sited with no regard for greater sage-grouse. We further assessed whether key species' traits were associated with different levels of protection under the umbrella reserve. The established umbrella reserve protected 82% of the state's greater sage-grouse population and 0-63% of the habitat of the background species examined. The reserve outperformed equally sized, simulated reserves for only 12 of 52 background species. As expected, larger alternative reserves served as better umbrellas, but regardless of reserve size, not all species received equal protection. The established reserve was most effective at protecting the habitat of species that were most similar to the umbrella species (i.e., avian species, those highly associated with sagebrush plant communities, and those with widespread habitat). In contrast, the habitat of species with restricted distributions, particularly when combined with vegetation associations not closely matching the umbrella species, was not protected as well by the umbrella reserve. Such species require additional, targeted attention to achieve conservation objectives. Successful application of the umbrella species concept requires careful consideration of the characteristics of the umbrella species, the reserve delineated on its behalf, and the similarity of the umbrella species to its purported background species.

Bioscience ; 67(10): 919-927, 2017 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29599539


Freshwater biodiversity is highly threatened and is decreasing more rapidly than its terrestrial or marine counterparts; however, freshwaters receive less attention and conservation investment than other ecosystems do. The diverse group of freshwater megafauna, including iconic species such as sturgeons, river dolphins, and turtles, could, if promoted, provide a valuable tool to raise awareness and funding for conservation. We found that freshwater megafauna inhabit every continent except Antarctica, with South America, Central Africa, and South and Southeast Asia being particularly species rich. Freshwater megafauna co-occur with up to 93% of mapped overall freshwater biodiversity. Fifty-eight percent of the 132 megafauna species included in the study are threatened, with 84% of their collective range falling outside of protected areas. Of all threatened freshwater species, 83% are found within the megafauna range, revealing the megafauna's capacity as flagship and umbrella species for fostering freshwater conservation.

Ambio ; 53(9): 1269-1280, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38795282


Because climate change and the biodiversity crisis are driven by human actions, determining psychological mechanisms underpinning support for environmental action is an urgent priority. Here, we experimentally tested for mechanisms promoting conservation-related motivation and behavior toward a flagship species, wild Tamanend's bottlenose dolphins. Following evidence that empathy increases prosocial motivations and behavior, and that the ability to identify individual humans promotes empathy, we tested whether this relationship applied to the ability to identify individual dolphins. Participants identified dolphins from their dorsal fins at above chance levels, and better individuation correlated with higher empathy for dolphins and higher willingness to pledge environmental behaviors. Pairing a narrative with an image of an injured dolphin leads to higher donations relative to a narrative alone. Our novel finding that the ability to individually identify dolphins relates to empathy and conservation-related behavior suggests pathways for strengthening environmental attitudes and behavior.

Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Empatia , Animais , Masculino , Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa/psicologia , Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa/fisiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto , Animais Selvagens , Motivação , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento Animal
Anim Conserv ; 27(2): 212-225, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38933688


Umbrella species and other surrogate-species approaches to conservation provide an appealing framework to extend the reach of conservation efforts beyond single species. For the umbrella species concept to be effective, populations of multiple species of concern must persist in areas protected on behalf of the umbrella species. Most assessments of the concept, however, focus exclusively on geographic overlap among umbrella and background species, and not measures that affect population persistence (e.g., habitat quality or fitness). We quantified the congruence between the habitat preferences and nesting success of a high-profile umbrella species (greater sage-grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, hereafter "sage-grouse"), and three sympatric species of declining songbirds (Brewer's sparrow Spizella breweri, sage thasher Oreoscoptes montanus, and vesper sparrow Pooecetes gramineus) in central Wyoming, USA during 2012 - 2013. We used machine-learning methods to create data-driven predictions of sage-grouse nest-site selection and nest survival probabilities by modeling field-collected sage-grouse data relative to habitat attributes. We then used field-collected songbird data to assess whether high-quality sites for songbirds aligned with those of sage-grouse. Nest sites selected by songbirds did not coincide with sage-grouse nesting preferences, with the exception that Brewer's sparrows preferred similar nest sites to sage-grouse in 2012. Moreover, the areas that produced higher rates of songbird nest survival were unrelated to those for sage-grouse. Our findings suggest that management actions at local scales that prioritize sage-grouse nesting habitat will not necessarily enhance the reproductive success of sagebrush-associated songbirds. Measures implemented to conserve sage-grouse and other purported umbrella species at broad spatial scales likely overlap the distribution of many species, however, broad-scale overlap may not translate to fine-scale conservation benefit beyond the umbrella species itself. The maintenance of microhabitat heterogeneity important for a diversity of species of concern will be critical for a more-holistic application of the umbrella species concept.

Ecol Evol ; 13(10): e10624, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37869432


Agricultural commodity production is one the main drivers of deforestation in Legal Brazilian Amazonia resulting in a deforested and/or fragmented landscape formed by forest remnants of different sizes and shape embedded within the agricultural matrix. As an ecosystem engineer and a crucial seed predator, white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) play a pivotal role in forest structure, biodiversity, and nutrient cycling. However, they are highly sensitive to habitat fragmentation and hunting pressure. White-lipped peccaries are, therefore, a wide-ranging "landscape species," the spatial and ecological requirements of which can be used to guide conservation planning in human-modified landscapes. Using data from GPS-tracked individuals in large-scale mechanized agriculture landscapes in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil's largest soybean and maize producer, we investiated the home range size and resource selection during both the crop and non-crop season. We observed a seasonal variation in home range size and an increased selection for croplands during the crop season. White-lipped peccaries favored native vegetation patches and also exhibited avoidance of locations distant from perennial water bodies and distant cropland locations far from forest remmants. This study can contribute to inform effective conservation strategies and land management practices aimed at preserving suitable habitats and promoting wildlife coexistence with working agricultural landscapes.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(11)2023 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37889725


The concept of flagship species is widely used in conservation biology. Flagship birds play a key role in raising conservation funds, increasing awareness of biodiversity conservation, and maintaining ecosystem services. This study selected flagship bird species in Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China, and assessed their conservation effectiveness and ability to serve as umbrella species. A regional bird survey program from 2019-2022 recorded 361 bird species in Lishui. This study constructed a framework of flagship species selection based on social, ecological, economic, and cultural criteria. The analytic hierarchy process-entropy weight method (AHP-EM) was used to rank the score of 361 bird species, and the MaxEnt model was used to analyze the suitable distribution areas of these species. Finally, 10 species, which covered the distribution sites of all 361 bird species, were selected as the flagship species of Lishui. The distribution areas covered all the nature reserves and the priority areas of biodiversity of Lishui, in which these 10 species can also serve as umbrella species to protect local biodiversity. The methodology and ideas in this study could provide insights into the application of conservation concepts at the local level, as well as suggest possible recommendations for local governments to select flagship species for conservation.

Sci Total Environ ; 880: 163186, 2023 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37028677


Biodiversity and climate are interconnected through carbon. Drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss interact in complex ways to produce outcomes that may be synergistic, and biodiversity loss and climate change reinforce each other. Prioritizing the conservation of flagship and umbrella species is often used as a surrogate strategy for broader conservation goals, but it is unclear whether these efforts truly benefit biodiversity and carbon stocks. Conservation of the giant panda offers a paradigm to test these assumptions. Here, using the benchmark estimates of ecosystem carbon stocks and species richness, we investigated the relationships among the giant panda, biodiversity, and carbon stocks and assessed the implications of giant panda conservation for biodiversity and carbon-focused conservation efforts. We found that giant panda density and species richness were significantly positively correlated, while no correlation was found between giant panda density and soil carbon or total carbon density. The established nature reserves protect 26 % of the giant panda conservation region, but these areas contain <21 % of the ranges of other species and <21 % of total carbon stocks. More seriously, giant panda habitats are still facing high risks of habitat fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation is negatively correlated with giant panda density, species richness, and total carbon density. The ongoing giant panda habitat fragmentation is likely to cause an additional 12.24 Tg C of carbon emissions over 30 years. Thus, giant panda-focused conservation efforts have effectively prevented giant panda extinction but have been less effective in maintaining biodiversity and high­carbon ecosystems. It is urgent for China to contribute to the development of an effective and representative national park system that integrates climate change issues into national biodiversity strategies and vice versa in dealing with the dual environmental challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change under a post-2020 framework.

Ecossistema , Ursidae , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Sequestro de Carbono , Biodiversidade , China , Carbono
Biology (Basel) ; 12(4)2023 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37106710


The umbrella-species strategy has been proposed as an attainable tool to achieve multi-species and community conservation with limited investment. There have been many umbrella-related studies since the concept's inception; thus, a summary of global study efforts and recommended umbrella species is important for understanding advances in the field and facilitating conservation applications. Here, we collated 213 recommended umbrella species of terrestrial vertebrates from 242 scientific articles published during 1984-2021 and analyzed their geographic patterns, biological features, and conservation statuses to identify global trends in the selection of umbrella species. We found a considerable geographic bias: most studies and, consequently, recommended umbrella species are from the Northern Hemisphere. There is also a strong taxonomic bias, with grouses (order Galliformes) and large carnivores being the most popular umbrella species and amphibians and reptiles being largely overlooked. In addition, wide-ranging and non-threatened species were frequently recommended as umbrella species. Given the observed biases and trends, we caution that appropriate species need to be chosen for each location, and it is important to confirm that popular, wide-ranging species are effective umbrella species. Moreover, amphibians and reptiles should be investigated for their potential as umbrella species. The umbrella-species strategy has many strengths and, if applied appropriately, may be one of the best options in today's conservation research and funding landscape.

Insects ; 13(12)2022 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36555045


Biodiversity conservation decisions are typically based on limited data and resources. For this reason, there is great interest in surveying taxa that may allow for a rapid assessment of the biodiversity at a site. Numerous taxa have been proposed and utilized for rapid assessments that allow for such a survey in a matter of weeks or less. Herein, we test the idea that nocturnal moths have many of the characteristics that make them ideal for such surveys, such as relative ease of identification, strong ecological association with specific plant species and habitats, high alpha diversity, extended seasonal activity, and ease of trapping. We demonstrate that even in a few hours of sampling during single night surveys, moth communities are predictive of regional forest types at sampling sites in New Jersey. We sampled moths in five different forest habitats in New Jersey, USA: Pine Barrens, Upland Deciduous Forest, Palustrine Deciduous Forest, Maritime Forest, and Ruderal/Disturbed Forests, at four sites per forest type. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analyses revealed that moth communities differ significantly across these four forest types (p < 0.01). We used Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) R tests to quantify the degree of differentiation among moth communities, and found that Tortricidae (R = 0.657) and Geometridae (R = 0.637) predict forest communities nearly as well as the total moth diversity (R = 0.668). Uncommon species (R = 0.665) were better predictors than common species (R = 0.500). Host plant generalists (R = 0.654) were better predictors than specialists (0.538), which was a surprising find.

Sci Total Environ ; 837: 155753, 2022 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35526639


Climate change is one of the major challenges to the current conservation of biodiversity. Here, by using the brown bear, Ursus arctos, in the southernmost limit of its global distribution as a model species, we assessed the impact of climate change on the species distribution in western Iran. The mountainous forests of Iran are inhabited by small and isolated populations of brown bears that are prone to extinction in the near future. We modeled the potential impact of climate change on brown bear distribution and habitat connectivity by the years 2050 and 2070 under four representative concentration pathways (RCPs) of two general circulation models (GCMs): BCC-CSM1-1 and MRI-CGCM3. Our projections revealed that the current species' range, which encompasses 6749.8 km2 (40.8%) of the landscape, will decline by 10% (2050: RCP2.6, MRI-CGCM3) to 45% (2070: RCP8.5, BCC-CSM1-1). About 1850 km2 (27.4%) of the current range is covered by a network of conservation (CAs) and no-hunting (NHAs) areas which are predicted to decline by 0.64% (2050: RCP2.6, MRI-CGCM3) to 15.56% (2070: RCP8.5, BCC-CSM1-1) due to climate change. The loss of suitable habitats falling within the network of CAs and NHAs is a conservation challenge for brown bears because it may lead to bears moving outside the CAs and NHAs and result in subsequent increases in the levels of bear-human conflict. Thus, re-evaluation of the network of CAs and NHAs, establishing more protected areas in suitable landscapes, and conserving vital linkages between habitat patches under future climate change scenarios are crucial strategies to conserve and manage endangered populations of the brown bear.

Mudança Climática , Ursidae , Animais , Ecossistema , Florestas , Humanos , Irã (Geográfico)
Biology (Basel) ; 8(2)2019 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31126137


In conservation biology, umbrella species are often used as agents for a broader set of species, or as representatives of an ecosystem, and their conservation is expected to benefit a large number of naturally co-occurring species. Southwest China is home to not only global biodiversity hotspots, but also rapid economic and population growth and extensive changes in land use. However, because of the large regional span, the diverse species distributions, and the difficulty of field investigations, traditional methods used to assess umbrella species are not suitable for implementation in Southwest China. In the current study, we assessed 810 key protected species from seven taxa by indicator value analysis, correlation analysis, and factor analysis. We selected 32 species as umbrella species, whose habitats overlapped the habitats of 97% of the total species. Furthermore, the selected species were significantly correlated with 70% of all species in the study area. A total of 16 out of 19 selected animal species have been previously mentioned as umbrella species, compared with only 3 out of 13 plants species; this is despite plants accounting for a large proportion of the total species in Southwest China. We discuss the roles of indicator species and co-occurring species, and provide suggestions for species protection in Southwest China based on the current results. Our research provides valuable scientific information for research on umbrella conservation species over large geographical scales, and related fields of biodiversity conservation.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(4): 1741-1753, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003360


Abstract The umbrella species concept posits that protection of a single, wide-ranging species may confer protection to a large number of sympatric species. Due to their large home ranges, widespread distribution in the Mesoamerican Biodiversity Hotspot (MBH), and status as the focal species of numerous conservation initiatives, the jaguar Panthera onca is an ideal species to evaluate the umbrella strategy. After ground-truthing jaguar corridors from 2009-2016, we tested the umbrella value of jaguars for endemic herpetofauna (Amphibia, Reptilia) in Nuclear Central America (NCA), a ~ 370 000 km² sub-region of the MBH. NCA contains the greatest density of threatened reptiles in the Western Hemisphere and harbors extraordinary high diversity of amphibians, the most threatened class of vertebrate worldwide. Of the 304 regional endemics in NCA, the distributions of 187 (61.5 %) species of amphibians and reptiles overlapped ground-truthed jaguar range. The distributions of 14 reptiles, including a critically endangered Bothriechis spp. and two endangered Norops spp., occur exclusively within jaguar distribution. Similarly, the distributions of 19 amphibians, including four critically endangered Craugastor spp. and two critically endangered Plectrohyla spp. occur entirely within jaguar distribution. Our results indicate greater effectiveness of ground-truthed jaguar distribution than modeled and randomly selected networks in overlapping the distributions of endemic herpetofauna, especially threatened amphibians, in NCA. Substantiation of multi-taxa dependence on habitat in jaguar distribution would strengthen justification for wider application of the umbrella strategy beyond NCA and aid conservation planning in the MBH.

Resumen Las especies sombrilla son aquellas cuya conservación confiere protección a un gran número de especies simpátricas. Debido a sus ámbitos hogareños extensos, a una distribución generalizada en el Hotspot de Biodiversidad de Mesoaméricana (MBH), y su estatus como especie focal de numerosas iniciativas de conservación, el jaguar Panthera onca es una especie ideal para evaluar la estrategia sombrilla. Evaluamos el valor de los jaguares como estrategia sombrilla para la herpetofauna endémica en Centro América Nuclear (NCA), una subregión de ~ 370 000 km² que se encuentra dentro del MBH. La NCA contiene la mayor densidad de reptiles amenazados en el hemisferio occidental y alberga una diversidad extraordinaria de anfibios, que es la clase de vertebrados más amenazada del mundo. De las 304 especies endémicas regionales presentes en el NCA, las distribuciones de 187 (61.5 %) se sobrepusieron al área de distribución del jaguar verificada. Las distribuciones de 14 reptiles, incluyendo una Bothriechis spp. (en Peligro Crítico) y dos Norops spp. (en Peligro de Extinción), se dan exclusivamente dentro del rango del jaguar. Similarmente, 19 especies de anfibios, incluidas cuatro Craugastor spp. (en Peligro Crítico) y dos Plectrohyla spp. (en Peligro Crítico) están presentes exclusivamente dentro del área de distribución del jaguar. Nuestros resultados indican que los corredores verificados para el jaguar coinciden mejor con las distribuciones de la herpetofauna endémica dentro del NCA, especialmente anfibios, en comparación con los corredores modelados y seleccionados al azar. La confirmación del traslape de la distribución del hábitat del jaguar con la de múltiples taxones fortalece la justificación de una aplicación más amplia de la estrategia sombrilla, aún más allá del NCA, contribuyendo también en la selección de áreas de conservación previamente subestimadas dentro del MBH.

Animais , Fauna , Terminalia , Panthera , Anfíbios , América Central
Evol Appl ; 3(3): 291-304, 2010 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25567925


Habitat fragmentation affects the integrity of many species, but little is known about species-specific sensitivity to fragmentation. Here, we compared the genetic structure of four freshwater fish species differing in their body size (Leuciscus cephalus; Leuciscus leuciscus; Gobio gobio and Phoxinus phoxinus) between a fragmented and a continuous landscape. We tested if, overall, fragmentation affected the genetic structure of these fish species, and if these species differed in their sensitivity to fragmentation. Fragmentation negatively affected the genetic structure of these species. Indeed, irrespective of the species identity, allelic richness and heterozygosity were lower, and population divergence was higher in the fragmented than in the continuous landscape. This response to fragmentation was highly species-specific, with the smallest fish species (P. phoxinus) being slightly affected by fragmentation. On the contrary, fish species of intermediate body size (L. leuciscus and G. gobio) were highly affected, whereas the largest fish species (L. cephalus) was intermediately affected by fragmentation. We discuss the relative role of dispersal ability and effective population size on the responses to fragmentation we report here. The weirs studied here are of considerable historical importance. We therefore conclude that restoration programmes will need to consider both this societal context and the biological characteristics of the species sharing this ecosystem.