In this paper, we analyze the connectedness between returns for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other financial assets (equities, bonds, currencies, gold, oil, Ethereum) during the period from January 2018 to June 2021. By using the Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregressions (TVP-VAR) approach, we show that the overall connectedness between the returns for financial assets increased during the COVID-19 period. Our static analysis shows that the behavior of the majority of NFT returns is attributable to endogenous shocks and only a small portion of this variation resulted from the impact of innovation in other assets. The results suggest that NFTs are mainly independent of shocks from common assets classes and even from their close relation, Ethereum. The dynamic analysis across time reveals that during normal times, NFTs act as transmitters of systemic risk to some degree, but during stressful times, their role shifts, and they act as absorbers of risk spillovers. This suggests that NFTs may have diversification benefits during turbulent times, as apparent during the COVID-19 crisis, and especially around the great March 2020 market plunge.
We explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the term structure of interest rates. Using data from developed and emerging countries, we demonstrate that the expansion of the disease significantly affects sovereign bond markets. The growth of confirmed cases significantly widens the term spreads of government bonds. The effect is independent of government policy and monetary responses to COVID-19 and robust to many considerations.
This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 related governments' interventions on the volatility and liquidity of American depository receipts (ADRs). Using a wide dataset of 387 ADRs from 34 countries around the globe, we provide an examination of the effect of economic and non-economic interventions on the quality of these cross-listed securities. Our results suggest that closures, restrictions, as well as containment health steps implemented during the outbreak period of the pandemic, seem to deteriorate the ADRs' liquidity and stability. The negative impact holds for different control variables and regression specifications and is not subsumed by the inclusion of the daily confirmed cases as a proxy for the severity of the pandemic. The information documented here may assist financial market participants in their risk management. The findings could also be important for policymakers for their preparedness plans in case of future crises.
Effective government policies may reduce uncertainty in sovereign bond markets. Can policy responses help to curb bond market volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic? To answer this, we examine data from 31 developed and emerging markets during the coronavirus outbreak in 2020. We demonstrate that government interventions substantially reduce local sovereign bond volatility. The effect is mainly driven by economic support policies; the containment and closure regulations and health system interventions play no major role.
Do government interventions aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 affect stock market volatility? To answer this question, we explore the stringency of policy responses to the novel coronavirus pandemic in 67 countries around the world. We demonstrate that non-pharmaceutical interventions significantly increase equity market volatility. The effect is independent from the role of the coronavirus pandemic itself and is robust to many considerations. Furthermore, two types of actions that are usually applied chronologically particularly early-information campaigns and public event cancellations-are the major contributors to the growth of volatility.
In this study, we explore the impact of government intervention to contain the spread of COVID-19 in emerging countries on the performance of their leading stock indices. We retrieved data on the performance of 25 international capital market indices included in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index and data about the closures, economic, and health measures imposed in each country examined. Overall, our findings show that government restrictions are associated with negative market returns, possibly due to the anticipated adverse effect to the economy. The adverse effect is more evident when closures are imposed. The market response to economic stimulus is mild but varies depending on the type of intervention imposed, much as with the health measures. Public campaigns may raise public awareness about COVID-19, but they can also increase the public's fear of the pandemic, reflected in the negative response in capital markets. The results are essential for understanding the trends and fluctuations in emerging markets during this current crisis and for preparing for crises in the future.
This study examines the connectedness between the US yield curve components (i.e., level, slope, and curvature), exchange rates, and the historical volatility of the exchange rates of the main safe-haven fiat currencies (Canada, Switzerland, EURO, Japan, and the UK) and the leading cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin. Results of the static analysis show that the level and slope of the yield curve are net transmitters of shocks to both the exchange rate and its volatility. The exchange rate of the Euro and the volatility of the Euro and the Canadian dollar exchange rate are net transmitters of shocks. Meanwhile, the curvature of the yield curve and the Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, and British Pound act mainly as net receivers. Our static connectedness analysis shows that Bitcoin is mainly independent of shocks from the yield curve's level, slope, and curvature, and from any main currency investigated. These findings hint that Bitcoin might provide hedging benefits. However, similar to the static analysis, our dynamic analysis shows that during different periods and particularly in stressful times, Bitcoin is far from being isolated from other currencies or the yield curve components. The dynamic analysis allows us to observe Bitcoin's connectedness in times of stress. Evidence supporting this contention is the substantially increased connectedness due to policy shocks, political uncertainty, and systemic crisis, implying no empirical support for Bitcoin's safe-haven property during stress times. The increased connectedness in the dynamic analysis compared with the static approach implies that in normal times and especially in stressful times, Bitcoin has the property of a diversifier. The results may have important implications for investors and policymakers regarding their risk monitoring and their assets allocation and investment strategies.
Unprecedented non-pharmaceutical interventions targeted to curb the spread of COVID-19 exerted a dramatic impact on the global economy and financial markets. This study is the first attempt to investigate the influence of these government policy responses on global stock market liquidity. To this end, we examine daily data from 49 countries for the period January-April 2020. We demonstrate that the impact of the interventions is limited in scale and scope. Workplace and school closures deteriorate liquidity in emerging markets, while information campaigns on the novel coronavirus facilitate trading activity.