Many power-assist wearable exoskeletons have been developed to provide walking support and gait rehabilitation for elderly subjects and gait-disorder patients. Most designers have focused on a direct power-assist to the wearer's lower limbs. However, gait is a coordinated rhythmic movement of four limbs controlled intrinsically by central pattern generators, with the upper limbs playing an important role in walking. Maintaining a normal gait can become difficult as a person ages, because of decreases in limb coordination, stride length, and gait speed. It is known that coordination mechanisms can be governed by the principle of mutual entrainment, in which synchronization develops through the interaction between nonlinear phase oscillators in biological systems. This principle led us to hypothesize that interactive rhythmic stimulation to upper-limb movements might compensate for the age-related decline in coordination, thereby improving the gait in the elderly. To investigate this hypothesis, we developed a gait-assist wearable exoskeleton that employs interactive rhythmic stimulation to the upper limbs. In particular, we investigated the effects on spatial (i.e., hip-swing amplitude) and temporal (i.e., hip-swing period) gait parameters by conducting walking experiments with 12 healthy elderly subjects under one control condition and five upper-limb-assist conditions, where the output motor torque was applied at five different upper-limb swing positions. The results showed a statistically significant increase in the mean hip-swing amplitude, with a mean increment of about 7% between the control and upper-limb-assist conditions. They also showed a statistically significant decrease in the mean hip-swing period, with a mean decrement of about 2.3% between the control and one of the upper-limb-assist conditions. Although the increase in the hip-swing amplitude and the decrease in the hip-swing period were both small, the results indicate the possibility that interactive rhythmic stimulation to the upper limbs might have a positive effect on the gait of the elderly.