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Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-010322


The emergence of the betacoronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19, represents a significant threat to global human health. Vaccine development is focused on the principal target of the humoral immune response, the spike (S) glycoprotein, that mediates cell entry and membrane fusion. SARS-CoV-2 S gene encodes 22 N-linked glycan sequons per protomer, which likely play a role in immune evasion and occluding immunogenic protein epitopes. Here, using a site-specific mass spectrometric approach, we reveal the glycan structures on a recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S immunogen. This analysis enables mapping of the glycan-processing states across the trimeric viral spike. We show how SARS-CoV-2 S glycans differ from typical host glycan processing, which may have implications in viral pathobiology and vaccine design.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-MEDRXIV | ID: ppmedrxiv-21250071


As COVID-19 vaccination begins worldwide, policymakers face critical trade-offs. Using a mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission, we find that timing of the rollout is expected to have a substantially greater impact on mortality than risk-based prioritization and uptake and that prioritizing first doses over second doses may be life saving.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-451855


Current COVID-19 vaccines and many clinical diagnostics are based on the structure and function of the SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain. Using hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, we have uncovered that, in addition to the prefusion structure determined by cryo-EM, this protein adopts an alternative conformation that interconverts slowly with the canonical prefusion structure. This new conformation--an open trimer-- contains easily accessible RBDs. It exposes the conserved trimer interface buried in the prefusion conformation, thus exposing potential epitopes for pan-coronavirus antibody and ligand recognition. The population of this state and kinetics of interconversion are modulated by temperature, receptor binding, antibody binding, and sequence variants observed in the natural population. Knowledge of the structure and populations of this conformation will help improve existing diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. One Sentence SummaryAn alternative conformation of SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain modulated by temperature, binding, and sequence variants.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-088013


Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) maps usually show heterogeneous distributions of B-factors and electron density occupancies and are typically B-factor sharpened to improve their contrast and interpretability at high-resolutions. However, over-sharpening due to the application of a single global B-factor can distort processed maps causing connected densities to appear broken and disconnected. This issue limits the interpretability of cryo-EM maps, i.e. ab initio modelling. In this work, we propose 1) approaches to enhance high-resolution features of cryo-EM maps, while preventing map distortions and 2) methods to obtain local B-factors and electron density occupancy maps. These algorithms have as common link the use of the spiral phase transformation and are called LocSpiral, LocBSharpen, LocBFactor and LocOccupancy. Our results, which include improved maps of recent SARS-CoV-2 structures, show that our methods can improve the interpretability and analysis of obtained reconstructions.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-957472


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses (CoVs) are zoonotic pathogens with high fatality rates and pandemic potential. Vaccine development has focussed on the principal target of the neutralizing humoral immune response, the spike (S) glycoprotein, which mediates receptor recognition and membrane fusion. Coronavirus S proteins are extensively glycosylated viral fusion proteins, encoding around 69-87 N-linked glycosylation sites per trimeric spike. Using a multifaceted structural approach, we reveal a specific area of high glycan density on MERS S that results in the formation of under-processed oligomannose-type glycan clusters, which was absent on SARS and HKU1 CoVs. We provide a comparison of the global glycan density of coronavirus spikes with other viral proteins including HIV-1 envelope, Lassa virus glycoprotein complex, and influenza hemagglutinin, where glycosylation plays a known role in shielding immunogenic epitopes. Consistent with the ability of the antibody-mediated immune response to effectively target and neutralize coronaviruses, we demonstrate that the glycans of coronavirus spikes are not able to form an efficacious high-density global shield to thwart the humoral immune response. Overall, our data reveal how differential organisation of viral glycosylation across class I viral fusion proteins influence not only individual glycan compositions but also the immunological pressure across the viral protein surface.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-944462


The outbreak of a novel betacoronavirus (2019-nCov) represents a pandemic threat that has been declared a public health emergency of international concern. The CoV spike (S) glycoprotein is a key target for urgently needed vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, and diagnostics. To facilitate medical countermeasure (MCM) development we determined a 3.5 [A]-resolution cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV S trimer in the prefusion conformation. The predominant state of the trimer has one of the three receptor-binding domains (RBDs) rotated up in a receptor-accessible conformation. We also show biophysical and structural evidence that the 2019-nCoV S binds ACE2 with higher affinity than SARS-CoV S. Additionally we tested several published SARS-CoV RBD-specific monoclonal antibodies and found that they do not have appreciable binding to nCoV-2019 S, suggesting antibody cross-reactivity may be limited between the two virus RBDs. The atomic-resolution structure of 2019-nCoV S should enable rapid development and evaluation of MCMs to address the ongoing public health crisis.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-424451


To investigate the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the immune population, we co-incubated authentic virus with a highly neutralizing plasma from a COVID-19 convalescent patient. The plasma fully neutralized the virus for 7 passages, but after 45 days, the deletion of F140 in the spike N-terminal domain (NTD) N3 loop led to partial breakthrough. At day 73, an E484K substitution in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) occurred, followed at day 80 by an insertion in the NTD N5 loop containing a new glycan sequon, which generated a variant completely resistant to plasma neutralization. Computational modeling predicts that the deletion and insertion in loops N3 and N5 prevent binding of neutralizing antibodies. The recent emergence in the United Kingdom and South Africa of natural variants with similar changes suggests that SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to escape an effective immune response and that vaccines and antibodies able to control emerging variants should be developed. One Sentence SummaryThree mutations allowed SARS-CoV-2 to evade the polyclonal antibody response of a highly neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-382044


The Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is essential for virus entry into human cells. In fact, most neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 are directed against the Spike, making it the antigen of choice for use in vaccines and diagnostic tests. In the current pandemic context, global demand for Spike proteins has rapidly increased and could exceed hundreds of grams to kilograms annually. Coronavirus Spikes are large, heavily glycosylated, homotrimeric complexes, with inherent instability. Their poor manufacturability now threatens availability of these proteins for vaccines and diagnostic tests. Here, we outline a scalable, GMP-compliant, chemically defined process for production of a cell secreted, stabilized form of the trimeric Spike protein. The process is chemically defined and based on clonal, suspension-CHO cell populations and on protein purification via a two-step, scalable downstream process. The trimeric conformation was confirmed using electron microscopy and HPLC analysis. Binding to susceptible cells was shown using a virus-inhibition assay. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for detection of serum SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG1 was investigated and found to exceed that of Spike fragments (S1 and RBD). The process described here will enable production of sufficient high-quality trimeric Spike protein to meet the global demand for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and diagnostic tests.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-496718


While immune correlates against SARS-CoV-2 are typically defined at peak immunogenicity following vaccination, immunologic responses that expand selectively during the anamnestic response following infection can provide mechanistic and detailed insights into the immune mechanisms of protection. Moreover, whether anamnestic correlates are conserved across VoCs, including the Delta and more distant Omicron variant of concern (VoC), remains unclear. To define the anamnestic correlates of immunity, across VOCs, we deeply profiled the humoral immune response in individuals recently infected with either the Delta or Omicron VoC. While limited acute N-terminal domain and RBD-specific immune expansion was observed following breakthrough, a significant immunodominant expansion of opsinophagocytic Spike-specific antibody responses focused largely on the conserved S2-domain of SARS-CoV-2 was observed 1 week after breakthrough infection. This S2-specific functional humoral response continued to evolve over 2-3 weeks following both Delta and Omicron breakthrough infection, targeting multiple VoCs and common coronaviruses. These responses were focused largely on the fusion peptide 2 and heptad repeat 1, both associated with enhanced rates of viral clearance. Taken together, our results point to a critical role of highly conserved, functional S2-specific responses in the control of SARS-CoV-2 infection, across VOCs, and thus humoral response linked to virus attenuation can guide next-generation generation vaccine boosting approaches to confer broad protection against future SARS-CoV-2 VoCs.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-146522


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in more than 15,000,000 infections and 600,000 deaths worldwide to date. Antibody development efforts mainly revolve around the extensively glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein, which mediates the host cell entry by binding to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Similar to many other viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 spike utilizes a glycan shield to thwart the host immune response. Here, we built a full-length model of glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 S protein, both in the open and closed states, augmenting the available structural and biological data. Multiple microsecond-long, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations were used to provide an atomistic perspective on the roles of glycans, and the protein structure and dynamics. We reveal an essential structural role of N-glycans at sites N165 and N234 in modulating the conformational dynamics of the spikes receptor binding domain (RBD), which is responsible for ACE2 recognition. This finding is corroborated by biolayer interferometry experiments, which show that deletion of these glycans through N165A and N234A mutations significantly reduces binding to ACE2 as a result of the RBD conformational shift towards the "down" state. Additionally, end-to-end accessibility analyses outline a complete overview of the vulnerabilities of the glycan shield of SARS-CoV-2 S protein, which may be exploited by therapeutic efforts targeting this molecular machine. Overall, this work presents hitherto unseen functional and structural insights into the SARS-CoV-2 S protein and its glycan coat, providing a strategy to control the conformational plasticity of the RBD that could be harnessed for vaccine development.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-446813


SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic antibody discovery efforts have met with notable success but have been associated with a generally inefficient process, requiring the production and characterization of exceptionally large numbers of candidates for the identification of a small set of leads. Here, we show that incorporating antibody-ligand blocking as part of LIBRA-seq, the high-throughput sequencing platform for antibody discovery, results in efficient identification of ultra-potent neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. LIBRA-seq with ligand blocking is a general platform for functional antibody discovery targeting the disruption of antigen-ligand interactions.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-444004


The emergence of novel SARS-CoV-2 lineages that are more transmissible and resistant to currently approved antibody therapies poses a considerable challenge to the clinical treatment of COVID-19. Therefore, the need for ongoing discovery efforts to identify broadly reactive monoclonal antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 is of utmost importance. Here, we report a panel of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies isolated using the LIBRA-seq technology from an individual who recovered from COVID-19. Of these antibodies, 54042-4 showed potent neutralization against authentic SARS-CoV-2 viruses, including variants of concern (VOCs). A cryo-EM structure of 54042-4 in complex with the SARS-CoV-2 spike revealed an epitope composed of residues that are highly conserved in currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 lineages. Further, 54042-4 possesses unique genetic and structural characteristics that distinguish it from other potently neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Together, these findings motivate 54042-4 as a lead candidate for clinical development to counteract current and future SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-MEDRXIV | ID: ppmedrxiv-20199125


We sequenced the genomes of 5,085 SARS-CoV-2 strains causing two COVID-19 disease waves in metropolitan Houston, Texas, an ethnically diverse region with seven million residents. The genomes were from viruses recovered in the earliest recognized phase of the pandemic in Houston, and an ongoing massive second wave of infections. The virus was originally introduced into Houston many times independently. Virtually all strains in the second wave have a Gly614 amino acid replacement in the spike protein, a polymorphism that has been linked to increased transmission and infectivity. Patients infected with the Gly614 variant strains had significantly higher virus loads in the nasopharynx on initial diagnosis. We found little evidence of a significant relationship between virus genotypes and altered virulence, stressing the linkage between disease severity, underlying medical conditions, and host genetics. Some regions of the spike protein - the primary target of global vaccine efforts - are replete with amino acid replacements, perhaps indicating the action of selection. We exploited the genomic data to generate defined single amino acid replacements in the receptor binding domain of spike protein that, importantly, produced decreased recognition by the neutralizing monoclonal antibody CR30022. Our study is the first analysis of the molecular architecture of SARS-CoV-2 in two infection waves in a major metropolitan region. The findings will help us to understand the origin, composition, and trajectory of future infection waves, and the potential effect of the host immune response and therapeutic maneuvers on SARS-CoV-2 evolution. IMPORTANCEThere is concern about second and subsequent waves of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus occurring in communities globally that had an initial disease wave. Metropolitan Houston, Texas, with a population of 7 million, is experiencing a massive second disease wave that began in late May 2020. To understand SARS-CoV-2 molecular population genomic architecture, evolution, and relationship between virus genotypes and patient features, we sequenced the genomes of 5,085 SARS-CoV-2 strains from these two waves. Our study provides the first molecular characterization of SARS-CoV-2 strains causing two distinct COVID-19 disease waves.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-443609


The introduction of vaccines has inspired new hope in the battle against SARS-CoV-2. However, the emergence of viral variants, in the absence of potent antivirals, has left the world struggling with the uncertain nature of this disease. Antibodies currently represent the strongest correlate of immunity against COVID-19, thus we profiled the earliest humoral signatures in a large cohort of severe and asymptomatic COVID-19 individuals. While a SARS-CoV-2-specific immune response evolved rapidly in survivors of COVID-19, non-survivors exhibited blunted and delayed humoral immune evolution, particularly with respect to S2-specific antibody evolution. Given the conservation of S2 across {beta}-coronaviruses, we found the early development of SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity occurred in tandem with pre-existing common {beta}-coronavirus OC43 humoral immunity in survivors, which was selectively also expanded in individuals that develop paucisymptomatic infection. These data point to the importance of cross-coronavirus immunity as a correlate of protection against COVID-19.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-431212


SARS-CoV-2 infection is controlled by the opening of the spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD), which transitions from a glycan-shielded "down" to an exposed "up" state in order to bind the human ACE2 receptor and infect cells. While snapshots of the "up" and "down" states have been obtained by cryoEM and cryoET, details of the RBD opening transition evade experimental characterization. Here, over 130 s of weighted ensemble (WE) simulations of the fully glycosylated spike ectodomain allow us to characterize more than 300 continuous, kinetically unbiased RBD opening pathways. Together with ManifoldEM analysis of cryo-EM data and biolayer interferometry experiments, we reveal a gating role for the N-glycan at position N343, which facilitates RBD opening. Residues D405, R408, and D427 also participate. The atomic-level characterization of the glycosylated spike activation mechanism provided herein achieves a new high-water mark for ensemble pathway simulations and offers a foundation for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 viral entry and infection.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-428824


Three pathogenic human coronaviruses have emerged within the last 20 years, with SARS-CoV-2 causing a global pandemic. Although therapeutic antibodies targeting the SARS-CoV-2 spike currently focus on the poorly conserved receptor-binding domain, targeting essential neutralizing epitopes on the more conserved S2 domain may provide broader protection. We report an antibody binding an epitope conserved in the pre-fusion core of MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 domains. Antibody 3A3 binds a conformational epitope with ~2.5 nM affinity and neutralizes spike from SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern in in vitro pseudovirus assays. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry identified residues 980-1006 in the flexible hinge region at the S2 apex as the 3A3 epitope, suggesting 3A3 prevents the S2 conformational rearrangements required for conversion to the spike post-fusion state and virus-host cell fusion. This work defines a conserved vulnerable site on the SARS-CoV-2 S2 domain and guides the design of pan-protective spike immunogens.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-191072


With the help of novel processing workflows and algorithms, we have obtained a better understanding of the flexibility and conformational dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 spike in the prefusion state. We have re-analyzed previous cryo-EM data combining 3D clustering approaches with ways to explore a continuous flexibility space based on 3D Principal Component Analysis. These advanced analyses revealed a concerted motion involving the receptor-binding domain (RBD), N-terminal domain (NTD), and subdomain 1 and 2 (SD1 & SD2) around the previously characterized 1-RBD-up state, which have been modeled as elastic deformations. We show that in this dataset there are not well-defined, stable, spike conformations, but virtually a continuum of states moving in a concerted fashion. We obtained an improved resolution ensemble map with minimum bias, from which we model by flexible fitting the extremes of the change along the direction of maximal variance. Moreover, a high-resolution structure of a recently described biochemically stabilized form of the spike is shown to greatly reduce the dynamics observed for the wild-type spike. Our results provide new detailed avenues to potentially restrain the spike dynamics for structure-based drug and vaccine design and at the same time give a warning of the potential image processing classification instability of these complicated datasets, having a direct impact on the interpretability of the results.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.View Full Text

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-125484


The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has led to accelerated efforts to develop therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines to mitigate this public health emergency. A key target of these efforts is the spike (S) protein, a large trimeric class I fusion protein that is metastable and difficult to produce recombinantly in large quantities. Here, we designed and expressed over 100 structure-guided spike variants based upon a previously determined cryo-EM structure of the prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike. Biochemical, biophysical and structural characterization of these variants identified numerous individual substitutions that increased protein yields and stability. The best variant, HexaPro, has six beneficial proline substitutions leading to [~]10-fold higher expression than its parental construct and is able to withstand heat stress, storage at room temperature, and multiple freeze-thaws. A 3.2 [A]-resolution cryo-EM structure of HexaPro confirmed that it retains the prefusion spike conformation. High-yield production of a stabilized prefusion spike protein will accelerate the development of vaccines and serological diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-072652


We sequenced the genomes of 320 SARS-CoV-2 strains from COVID-19 patients in metropolitan Houston, Texas, an ethnically diverse region with seven million residents. These genomes were from the viruses causing infections in the earliest recognized phase of the pandemic affecting Houston. Substantial viral genomic diversity was identified, which we interpret to mean that the virus was introduced into Houston many times independently by individuals who had traveled from different parts of the country and the world. The majority of viruses are apparent progeny of strains derived from Europe and Asia. We found no significant evidence of more virulent viral types, stressing the linkage between severe disease, underlying medical conditions, and perhaps host genetics. We discovered a signal of selection acting on the spike protein, the primary target of massive vaccine efforts worldwide. The data provide a critical resource for assessing virus evolution, the origin of new outbreaks, and the effect of host immune response. SignificanceCOVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is a global pandemic. To better understand the first phase of virus spread in metropolitan Houston, Texas, we sequenced the genomes of 320 SARS-CoV-2 strains recovered from COVID-19 patients early in the Houston viral arc. We identified no evidence that a particular strain or its progeny causes more severe disease, underscoring the connection between severe disease, underlying health conditions, and host genetics. Some amino acid replacements in the spike protein suggest positive immune selection is at work in shaping variation in this protein. Our analysis traces the early molecular architecture of SARS-CoV-2 in Houston, and will help us to understand the origin and trajectory of future infection spikes.

Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-010165


The pathogenic Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1) and COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have all emerged into the human population with devastating consequences. These viruses make use of a large envelope protein called spike (S) to engage host cell receptors and catalyze membrane fusion. Because of the vital role that these S proteins play, they represent a vulnerable target for the development of therapeutics to combat these highly pathogenic coronaviruses. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of single-domain antibodies (VHHs) from a llama immunized with prefusion-stabilized coronavirus spikes. These VHHs are capable of potently neutralizing MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1 S pseudotyped viruses. The crystal structures of these VHHs bound to their respective viral targets reveal two distinct epitopes, but both VHHs block receptor binding. We also show cross-reactivity between the SARS-CoV-1 S-directed VHH and SARS-CoV-2 S, and demonstrate that this cross-reactive VHH is capable of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 S pseudotyped viruses as a bivalent human IgG Fc-fusion. These data provide a molecular basis for the neutralization of pathogenic betacoronaviruses by VHHs and suggest that these molecules may serve as useful therapeutics during coronavirus outbreaks.