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Science ; 384(6691): 87-93, 2024 04 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38574149


Agricultural simplification continues to expand at the expense of more diverse forms of agriculture. This simplification, for example, in the form of intensively managed monocultures, poses a risk to keeping the world within safe and just Earth system boundaries. Here, we estimated how agricultural diversification simultaneously affects social and environmental outcomes. Drawing from 24 studies in 11 countries across 2655 farms, we show how five diversification strategies focusing on livestock, crops, soils, noncrop plantings, and water conservation benefit social (e.g., human well-being, yields, and food security) and environmental (e.g., biodiversity, ecosystem services, and reduced environmental externalities) outcomes. We found that applying multiple diversification strategies creates more positive outcomes than individual management strategies alone. To realize these benefits, well-designed policies are needed to incentivize the adoption of multiple diversification strategies in unison.

Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Humanos , Granjas , Suelo
PLoS One ; 10(3): e0121137, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25798851


In Ecuador, Tapirus pinchaque is considered to be critically endangered. Although the species has been registered in several localities, its geographic distribution remains unclear, and the effects of climate change and current land uses on this species are largely unknown. We modeled the ecological niche of T. pinchaque using MaxEnt, in order to assess its potential adaptation to present and future climate change scenarios. We evaluated the effects of habitat loss due by current land use, the ecosystem availability and importance of Ecuadorian System of Protected Areas into the models. The model of environmental suitability estimated an extent of occurrence for species of 21,729 km2 in all of Ecuador, mainly occurring along the corridor of the eastern Ecuadorian Andes. A total of 10 Andean ecosystems encompassed ~98% of the area defined by the model, with herbaceous paramo, northeastern Andean montane evergreen forest and northeastern Andes upper montane evergreen forest being the most representative. When considering the effect of habitat loss, a significant reduction in model area (~17%) occurred, and the effect of climate change represented a net reduction up to 37.86%. However, the synergistic effect of both climate change and habitat loss, given current land use practices, could represent a greater risk in the short-term, leading to a net reduction of 19.90 to 44.65% in T. pinchaque's potential distribution. Even under such a scenarios, several Protected Areas harbor a portion (~36 to 48%) of the potential distribution defined by the models. However, the central and southern populations are highly threatened by habitat loss and climate change. Based on these results and due to the restricted home range of T. pinchaque, its preference for upland forests and paramos, and its small estimated population size in the Andes, we suggest to maintaining its current status as Critically Endangered in Ecuador.

Distribución Animal , Especies en Peligro de Extinción/tendencias , Calentamiento Global , Perisodáctilos/fisiología , Adaptación Fisiológica , Animales , Ecosistema , Ecuador
Nagy‐Reis, Mariana B.; Oshima, Júlia Emi de Faria; Kanda, Claudia Zukeran; Palmeira, Francesca Belem Lopes; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Morato, Ronaldo Gonçalves; Bonjorne, Lilian; Magioli, Marcelo; Leuchtenberger, Caroline; Rohe, Fabio; Lemos, Frederico Gemesio; Martello, Felipe; Alves‐Eigenheer, Milene; Silva, Rafaela Aparecida da; Santos, Juliana Silveira dos; Priante, Camila Fátima; Bernardo, Rodrigo; Rogeri, Patricia; Assis, Julia Camara; Gaspar, Lucas Pacciullio; Tonetti, Vinicius Rodrigues; Trinca, Cristiano Trapé; Ribeiro, Adauto de Souza; Bocchiglieri, Adriana; Hass, Adriani; Canteri, Adriano; Chiarello, Adriano Garcia; Paglia, Adriano Pereira; Pereira, Adriele Aparecida; Souza, Agnis Cristiane de; Gatica, Ailin; Medeiro, Akyllam Zoppi; Eriksson, Alan; Costa, Alan Nilo; González‐Gallina, Alberto; Yanosky, Alberto A; Cruz, Alejandro Jesus de la; Bertassoni, Alessandra; Bager, Alex; Bovo, Alex Augusto Abreu; Mol, Alexandra Cravino; Bezerra, Alexandra Maria Ramos; Percequillo, Alexandre; Vogliotti, Alexandre; Lopes, Alexandre Martins Costa; Keuroghlian, Alexine; Hartley, Alfonso Christopher Zúñiga; Devlin, Allison L.; Paula, Almir de; García‐Olaechea, Alvaro; Sánchez, Amadeo; Aquino, Ana Carla Medeiros Morato; Srbek‐Araujo, Ana Carolina; Ochoa, Ana Cecilia; Tomazzoni, Ana Cristina; Lacerda, Ana Cristyna Reis; Bacellar, Ana Elisa de Faria; Campelo, Ana Kellen Nogueira; Victoria, Ana María Herrera; Paschoal, Ana Maria de Oliveira; Potrich, Ana Paula; Gomes, Ana Paula Nascimento; Olímpio, Ana Priscila Medeiros; Costa, Ana Raissa Cunha; Jácomo, Anah Tereza de Almeida; Calaça, Analice Maria; Jesus, Anamélia Souza; Barban, Ananda de Barros; Feijó, Anderson; Pagoto, Anderson; Rolim, Anderson Claudino; Hermann, Andiara Paula; Souza, Andiara Silos Moraes de Castro e; Alonso, André Chein; Monteiro, André; Mendonça, André Faria; Luza, André Luís; Moura, André Luis Botelho; Silva, André Luiz Ferreira da; Lanna, Andre Monnerat; Antunes, Andre Pinassi; Nunes, André Valle; Dechner, Andrea; Carvalho, Andrea Siqueira; Novaro, Andres Jose; Scabin, Andressa Barbara; Gatti, Andressa; Nobre, Andrezza Bellotto; Montanarin, Anelise; Deffaci, Ângela Camila; Albuquerque, Anna Carolina Figueiredo de; Mangione, Antonio Marcelo; Pinto, Antonio Millas Silva; Pontes, Antonio Rossano Mendes; Bertoldi, Ariane Teixeira; Calouro, Armando Muniz; Fernandes, Arthur; Ferreira, Arystene Nicodemo; Ferreguetti, Atilla Colombo; Rosa, Augusto Lisboa Martins; Banhos, Aureo; Francisco, Beatriz da Silva de Souza; Cezila, Beatriz Azevedo; Beisiegel, Beatriz de Mello; Thoisy, Benoit de; Ingberman, Bianca; Neves, Bianca dos Santos; Pereira‐Silva, Brenda; Camargo, Bruna Bertagni de; Andrade, Bruna da Silva; Santos, Bruna Silva; Leles, Bruno; Campos, Bruno Augusto Torres Parahyba; Kubiak, Bruno Busnello; França, Bruno Rodrigo de Albuquerque; Saranholi, Bruno Henrique; Mendes, Calebe Pereira; Devids, Camila Cantagallo; Pianca, Camila; Rodrigues, Camila; Islas, Camila Alvez; Lima, Camilla Angélica de; Lima, Camilo Ribeiro de; Gestich, Carla Cristina; Tedesco, Carla Denise; Angelo, Carlos De; Fonseca, Carlos; Hass, Carlos; Peres, Carlos A.; Kasper, Carlos Benhur; Durigan, Carlos Cesar; Fragoso, Carlos Eduardo; Verona, Carlos Eduardo; Rocha, Carlos Frederico Duarte; Salvador, Carlos Henrique; Vieira, Carlos Leonardo; Ruiz, Carmen Elena Barragán; Cheida, Carolina Carvalho; Sartor, Caroline Charão; Espinosa, Caroline da Costa; Fieker, Carolline Zatta; Braga, Caryne; Sánchez‐Lalinde, Catalina; Machado, Cauanne Iglesias Campos; Cronemberger, Cecilia; Luna, Cecília Licarião; Vechio, Christine Del; Bernardo, Christine Steiner S.; Hurtado, Cindy Meliza; Lopes, Cíntia M.; Rosa, Clarissa Alves da; Cinta, Claudia Cristina; Costa, Claudia Guimaraes; Zárate‐Castañeda, Claudia Paola; Novaes, Claudio Leite; Jenkins, Clinton N.; Seixas, Cristiana Simão; Martin, Cristiane; Zaniratto, Cristiane Patrícia; López‐Fuerte, Cristina Fabiola; Cunha, Cristina Jaques da; Brito De‐Carvalho, Crizanto; Chávez, Cuauhtémoc; Santos, Cyntia Cavalcante; Polli, Daiana Jeronimo; Buscariol, Daiane; Carreira, Daiane Cristina; Galiano, Daniel; Thornton, Daniel; Ferraz, Daniel da Silva; Lamattina, Daniela; Moreno, Daniele Janina; Moreira, Danielle Oliveira; Farias, Danilo Augusto; Barros‐Battesti, Darci Moraes; Tavares, Davi Castro; Braga, David Costa; Gaspar, Denise Alemar; Friedeberg, Diana; Astúa, Diego; Silva, Diego Afonso; Viana, Diego Carvalho; Lizcano, Diego J.; Varela, Diego M.; Jacinavicius, Fernando de Castro; Andrade, Gabrielle Ribeiro de; Almeida, Maria Cristina Ferreira do Rosário; Onofrio, Valeria Castilho.
Ecology, v. 101, n. 11, e03128, nov. 2020
Artículo en Inglés | SES-SP, SES SP - Instituto Butantan, SES-SP | ID: bud-3174


Mammalian carnivores are considered a key group in maintaining ecological health and can indicate potential ecological integrity in landscapes where they occur. Carnivores also hold high conservation value and their habitat requirements can guide management and conservation plans. The order Carnivora has 84 species from 8 families in the Neotropical region: Canidae; Felidae; Mephitidae; Mustelidae; Otariidae; Phocidae; Procyonidae; and Ursidae. Herein, we include published and unpublished data on native terrestrial Neotropical carnivores (Canidae; Felidae; Mephitidae; Mustelidae; Procyonidae; and Ursidae). NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES is a publicly available data set that includes 99,605 data entries from 35,511 unique georeferenced coordinates. Detection/non‐detection and quantitative data were obtained from 1818 to 2018 by researchers, governmental agencies, non‐governmental organizations, and private consultants. Data were collected using several methods including camera trapping, museum collections, roadkill, line transect, and opportunistic records. Literature (peerreviewed and grey literature) from Portuguese, Spanish and English were incorporated in this compilation. Most of the data set consists of detection data entries (n = 79,343; 79.7%) but also includes non‐detection data (n = 20,262; 20.3%). Of those, 43.3% also include count data (n = 43,151). The information available in NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES will contribute to macroecological, ecological, and conservation questions in multiple spatio‐temporal perspectives. As carnivores play key roles in trophic interactions, a better understanding of their distribution and habitat requirements are essential to establish conservation management plans and safeguard the future ecological health of Neotropical ecosystems. Our data paper, combined with other largescale data sets, has great potential to clarify species distribution and related ecological processes within the Neotropics. There are no copyright restrictions and no restriction for using data from this data paper, as long as the data paper is cited as the source of the information used. We also request that users inform us of how they intend to use the data.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(2): 241-250, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715186


Se estudió la organización social de una colonia del murciélago frugívoro Carollia brevicauda en un refugio artificial en Bochalema, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Empleando un nuevo tipo de marcaje que consiste en decoloración capilar y mediante muestreos focales se observó la colonia desde septiembre de 2007 a septiembre de 2008. Se determinó que esta es definida por cuatro grupos los cuales no variaron en su conformación a lo largo del tiempo. Se estableció que las hembras fueron más fieles al refugio que los machos. Se evaluó el presupuesto de tiempo diurno y se registró que los individuos tienen un 73,9 % de tiempo en reposo, seguido del acicalamiento con un 26,6 % y las hembras presentaron mayor actividad que los machos sobre todo en época seca. Se determinaron diferencias en registros entre C. brevicauda y C. perspicillata, como por ejemplo la fidelidad de las hembras al refugio.

We studied the social organization of a colony of the fruit bat Carollia brevicauda in an artificial shelter in Bochalema, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Using a new type of marking and by focal sampling, one colony was observed from September 2007 to September 2008. It was determined that the social structure in the colony was integrated by four groups, which did not vary in structure over time. It was established that females were more faithful to the shelter than males. We assessed time budget dayly and there was that individuals hadx a 73.9 % time without any activity, followed by grooming with a 26.6 %, and females had higher activity than males, especially in dry season. We found that C. brevicauda has differences with records of C. perspicillata such as the fidelity of females and non-influence of lunar light over the hour of emergence from the refuge.