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Landslides ; 18(3): 865-879, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33746675


A growing body of research indicates that rock slope failures, particularly from exfoliating cliffs, are promoted by rock deformations induced by daily temperature cycles. Although previous research has described how these deformations occur, full three-dimensional monitoring of both the deformations and the associated temperature changes has not yet been performed. Here we use integrated terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and infrared thermography (IRT) techniques to monitor daily deformations of two granitic exfoliating cliffs in Yosemite National Park (CA, USA). At one cliff, we employed TLS and IRT in conjunction with in situ instrumentation to confirm previously documented behavior of an exfoliated rock sheet, which experiences daily closing and opening of the exfoliation fracture during rock cooling and heating, respectively, with a few hours delay from the minimum and maximum temperatures. The most deformed portion of the sheet coincides with the area where both the fracture aperture and the temperature variations are greatest. With the general deformation and temperature relations established, we then employed IRT at a second cliff, where we remotely detected and identified 11 exfoliation sheets that displayed those general thermal relations. TLS measurements then subsequently confirmed the deformation patterns of these sheets showing that sheets with larger apertures are more likely to display larger thermal-related deformations. Our high-frequency monitoring shows how coupled TLS and IRT allows for remote detection of thermally induced deformations and, importantly, how IRT could potentially be used on its own to identify partially detached exfoliation sheets capable of large-scale deformation. These results offer a new and efficient approach for investigating potential rockfall sources on exfoliating cliffs.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 17330, 2020 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33060682


Since the end of the Little Ice Age, the west face of the Drus (Mont Blanc massif, France) has been affected by a retrogressive erosion dynamic marked by large rockfall events. From the 1950s onwards, the rock failure frequency gradually increased until the large rockfall event (292,680 m3) of June 2005, which made the Bonatti Pillar disappear. Aiming to characterize the rock failure activity following this major event, which may be related to permafrost warming, the granitic rock face was scanned each autumn between October 2005 and September 2016 using medium- and long-range terrestrial laser scanners. All the point clouds were successively compared to establish a rockfall source inventory and determine a volume-frequency relationship. Eleven years of monitoring revealed a phase of rock failure activity decay until September 2008, a destabilization phase between September 2008 and November 2011, and a new phase of rock failure activity decay from November 2011 to September 2016. The destabilization phase was marked by three major rockfall events covering a total volume of 61,494 m3, resulting in the progressive collapse of a new pillar located in the northern part of the June 2005 rockfall scar. In the same way as for the Bonatti Pillar, rock failure instability propagated upward with increasing volumes. In addition to these major events, 304 rockfall sources ranging from 0.002 to 476 m3 were detected between 2005 and 2016. The temporal evolution of rock failure activity reveals that after a major event, the number of rockfall sources and the eroded volume both follow a rapid decrease. The rock failure activity is characterized by an exponential decay during the period following the major event and by a power-law decay for the eroded volume. The power law describing the distribution of the source volumes detected between 2005 and 2016 indicates an exponent of 0.48 and an average rock failure activity larger of more than six events larger than 1 m3 per year. Over the 1905-2016 period, a total of 426,611 m3 of rock collapsed from the Drus west face, indicating a very high rock wall retreat rate of 14.4 mm year-1 over a surface of 266,700 m2. Averaged over a time window of 1000 years, the long-term retreat rate derived from the frequency density integration of rock failure volumes is 2.9 mm year-1. Despite difficulty in accessing and monitoring the site, our study demonstrates that long-term surveys of high-elevation rock faces are possible and provide valuable information that helps improve our understanding of landscape evolution in mountainous settings subject to permafrost warming.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 13138, 2019 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31511533


Characterization of rock discontinuities and rock bridges is required to define stability conditions of fractured rock masses in both natural and engineered environments. Although remote sensing methods for mapping discontinuities have improved in recent years, remote detection of intact rock bridges on cliff faces remains challenging, with their existence typically confirmed only after failure. In steep exfoliating cliffs, such as El Capitan in Yosemite Valley (California, USA), rockfalls mainly occur along cliff-parallel exfoliation joints, with rock bridges playing a key role in the stability of partially detached exfoliation sheets. We employed infrared thermal imaging (i.e., thermography) as a new means of detecting intact rock bridges prior to failure. An infrared thermal panorama of El Capitan revealed cold thermal signatures for the surfaces of two granitic exfoliation sheets, consistent with the expectation that air circulation cools the back of the partially detached sheets. However, we also noted small areas of warm thermal anomalies on these same sheets, even during periods of nocturnal rock cooling. Rock attachment via rock bridges is the likely cause for the warm anomalies in the thermal data. 2-D model simulations of the thermal behavior of one of  the monitored sheets reproduce the observed anomalies and explain the temperature differences detected in the rock bridge area. Based on combined thermal and ground-based lidar imaging, and using geometric and rock fracture mechanics analysis, we are able to quantify the stability of both sheets. Our analysis demonstrates that thermography can remotely detect intact rock bridges and thereby greatly improve rockfall hazard assessment.