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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 3455, 2023 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859477


There is lack of research on body composition and physical fitness in individuals born small for gestational age (SGA) at term entering mid-adulthood. We aimed to investigate these outcomes in adults born SGA at term. This population-based cohort study included 46 adults born SGA with birth weight < 10th percentile at term (gestational age ≥ 37 weeks) (22 women, 24 men) and 61 adults born at term with birth weight ≥ 10th percentile (35 women, 26 men) at 32 years. Body composition was examined anthropometrically and by 8-polar bioelectrical impedance analysis (Seca® mBCA 515). Fitness was measured by maximal isometric grip strength by a Jamar hand dynamometer, 40-s modified push-up test and 4-min submaximal step test. Participants born SGA were shorter than controls, but other anthropometric measures did not differ between the groups. Men born SGA had 4.8 kg lower grip strength in both dominant (95% CI 0.6 to 9.0) and non-dominant (95% CI 0.4 to 9.2) hand compared with controls. Grip strength differences were partly mediated by height. In conclusion, body composition and physical fitness were similar in adults born SGA and non-SGA at term. Our finding of reduced grip strength in men born SGA may warrant further investigation.

Composición Corporal , Aptitud Física , Masculino , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Peso al Nacer , Estudios de Cohortes , Edad Gestacional , Estudios Prospectivos
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 74(5): 459-469, Jun 28, 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS (España) | ID: ibc-218302


Objetivo: Analizar el uso y resultados dela cistoscopia y la hidrodistensión vesical para la evaluación objetiva de pacientes con Síndrome de DolorVesical (SDV), en el contexto de práctica clínica habitual.Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, nointervencionista, multicéntrico de ámbito nacional, realizado en Unidades de Urología Funcional y Urodinámica de España pertenecientes al Grupo IFU en el quese analizaron 273 mujeres con SDV a las que se lesrealizó una cistoscopia a nivel basal como herramientadiagnóstica según criterio clínico y siguiendo la prácticaclínica habitual de cada centro. Se describieron los hallazgos pre y post hidrodistensión y las puntuaciones de los cuestionarios de síntomas y de Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud (CVRS): BPIC-SS, PPBC, PGI-Sy EQ-5D-5L.Resultados: La edad media (DE) fue de 59 (14) añoscon gran presencia de síntomas vesicales: frecuenciamiccional aumentada (81,7%), nocturia (74,0%) y urgencia (60,4%). El 40,7% de las cistoscopias se realizaron bajo anestesia y en el 73,7% se empleó uncistoscopio rígido estándar. Se observaron lesiones deHunner en un 9,9% de las pacientes, hipervascularizaciones (46,2%), glomerulaciones (23,4%), sangradoleve (6,6%) y cicatrices (2,2%). Tras la hidrodistensiónse observó un mayor número de lesiones grado 1 y2. En el 51,6% de las pacientes no hubo cambios,pero en el 27,5% se observaron cambios leves y en el11,4% cambios moderados o graves. Las puntuacionesde los cuestionarios de síntomas y CVRS no mostraronasociación con los hallazgos de la cistoscopia antes ydespués de la hidrodistensión. Conclusiones: El valor de los hallazgos cistoscópicos en el SDV está aún por definir, aunque juega unpapel fundamental en el diagnóstico diferencial. En esteestudio observacional no encontramos correlación delos hallazgos cistoscópicos con los síntomas de las pacientes, medidos por cuestionarios validados, ni con laCVRS.(AU)

Objetives: To study the use and resultsof cystoscopy and bladder hydrodistension in the objective assessment of patients with Bladder Pain Syndrome(BPS), in routine clinical practice.Material and methods: Observational, non-interventional, national, multicenter study carried out inFunctional Urology and Urodynamic Units of Spain belonging to the IFU Group. 273 women with BPS whounderwent cystoscopy at baseline as a diagnostic toolaccording to clinical criteria and following the routineclinical practice of each center, were studied. The preand post hydrodistension findings and the scores of thesymptom and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL)questionnaires were described: BPIC-SS, PPBC, PGI-Sand EQ-5D-5L.Results: The mean age (SD) was 59 (14) years witha high presence of bladder symptoms: increased voiding frequency (81.7%), nocturia (74%) and urgency(60.4%). 40.7% of cystoscopies were performed under anesthesia and 73.7% uses a standard rigid cystoscope. Hunner lesions were observed in 9.9% of thepatients, hypervascularizations (46.2%), glomerulations(23.4%), mild bleeding (6.6%) and scars (2.2%). Afterhydrodistension, a greater number of grade 1 and 2lesions were observed. In 51.6% of the patients therewere no changes, but in 27.5% slight changes wereobserved and in 11.4% moderate or severe changes.Symptom and HRQoL questionnaire scores showed noassociation with cystoscopy findings before and afterhydrodistension.Cconclusions: The value of the cystoscopic findingsin the SDV has yet to be defined, although it plays afundamental role in the differential diagnosis. In this observational study, we did not find a correlation of thecystoscopic findings with the symptoms of the patients,measured by validated questionnaires, nor with theHRQoL.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Cistoscopía , Vejiga Urinaria , Dolor , Nocturia , Urología , Enfermedades Urológicas , España