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Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 228-250, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés, Francés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925618


While the information on live insect shipments provided in this thematic issue of the Scientific and Technical Review could not be exhaustive, it clearly represents a broad variety of trade, of substantial value, involving many stakeholders throughout the world. The contributions to this issue demonstrate that most of the trade in insects is carried out safely and efficiently. The concerns related to shipping insects described within this issue fall broadly into four categories: risks to human, animal and environmental health; delays and loss of quality; refusal of carriage; and high and variable costs. Some opportunities for improvements to insect shipping for diverse stakeholders are shown across these four areas of concern, with specific recommendations and a general call for further collaboration among stakeholders.

À défaut d'être exhaustives, les informations fournies dans ce numéro thématique de la Revue scientifique et technique consacré aux expéditions d'insectes vivants recouvrent clairement un très large éventail de ces échanges, qui représentent une valeur importante et auxquels participent de nombreux intervenants dans le monde entier. Les contributions réunies dans ce numéro montrent que l'essentiel des échanges d'insectes se déroule sans risques associés et de manière efficiente. Les sujets de préoccupation relatifs aux expéditions d'insectes mis en avant dans ce numéro relèvent, en général, de l'une des quatre catégories suivantes : risques pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale ; retards et perte de qualité ; refus de transport ; coüts élevés et sujets à variations. Les auteurs font état des perspectives d'amélioration des expéditions d'insectes qui s'offrent à plusieurs parties prenantes, pour chacune de ces catégories, et présentent des recommandations spécifiques ainsi qu'un appel général à renforcer la collaboration pluri-acteurs.

Aunque la información presentada en este número temático de la Revista científica y técnica sobre el transporte de insectos vivos no puede ser exhaustiva, sí da clara cuenta de diversos tipos de comercio que revisten importancia y convocan a numerosos interlocutores del mundo entero. Los artículos de este número evidencian que el comercio de insectos discurre la mayor parte del tiempo con eficacia y en condiciones seguras. Los problemas ligados al transporte de insectos que se exponen en este número corresponden, en líneas generales, a cuatro clases: riesgos para la salud humana, animal o ambiental; retrasos y pérdida de calidad; denegación de transporte; y costos elevados y variables. En relación con estos cuatro ámbitos problemáticos, aquí se apuntan algunas posibilidades para que distintas partes introduzcan mejoras en el transporte de insectos, se presentan recomendaciones específicas y se hace una exhortación general a una mayor colaboración entre los interlocutores del sector.

Insectos , Animales , Humanos
Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 29-65, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925637


There are significant numbers of transboundary shipments of live insects for pollination, pest management, industrial processes, research and other uses, but data collection and analysis have proved difficult. The World Organisation for Animal Health and Collectif TIS (Technique de l'Insecte Stérile), a French think tank, carried out a stakeholder survey to understand the nature of the live insect trade and potential challenges to safety and efficiency. Target respondents had experience in the areas of biocontrol, sterile insect technique, entomological research and regulatory affairs. Although the survey was sent globally, the responses were unintentionally biased towards Europe, where interest is high, since this region is developing a comprehensive framework to promote the use of beneficial insects to replace pesticides. The survey also explored respondents' knowledge of several international agreements on the movement and risk management of beneficial or invasive insects. Knowledge of the various regulations was generally poor, and respondents highlighted a perceived lack of clarity regarding live insect shipments in the existing international regulations and guidelines. Almost two-thirds of participants reported reluctance by carriers to accept live insects for shipment, and three-quarters described occasional to systematic delays that resulted in a reduction of quality or viability. Some respondents reported that they instead hand-carry live insects, mostly in small quantities. Participants described being directly involved in trade covering 70 species of live insects and ticks transported among 37 countries, with volumes ranging from fewer than ten insects to over a million per shipment. Of these, 30% were potential vectors of pathogens to humans or animals, 42% were potential plant pest species (including some used for biocontrol), and 17% were classical biocontrol agents. The results of this survey begin to define the current scope, scale and issues for those involved in shipping live insects and ticks across political boundaries. The survey's aim is to persuade regulatory bodies and shipping operators to facilitate safety, efficiency and consistency in this underdeveloped sector.

Les insectes vivants font l'objet d'un nombre important d'expéditions transfrontalières à des fins de pollinisation, de gestion des nuisibles, d'utilisation dans des processus industriels et de recherche, parmi d'autres emplois ; or, la collecte et l'analyse de données sur le sujet se sont révélées difficiles. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale et le Collectif TIS (Technique de l'insecte stérile), groupe de réflexion français, ont mené une enquête auprès de parties prenantes afin de comprendre la nature du commerce international d'insectes vivants ainsi que les éventuels problèmes de sécurité et d'efficacité qui lui sont associés. Les répondants sont des acteurs expérimentés dans les domaines du contrôle biologique, de la technique de l'insecte stérile, de la recherche entomologique et des questions réglementaires. Si le questionnaire a été distribué dans toutes les régions du monde, les réponses ont toutefois présenté un biais involontaire privilégiant l'Europe, région où l'intérêt pour cette question est élevé compte tenu du cadre réglementaire qui y est actuellement mis en place pour promouvoir l'utilisation des insectes utiles en replacement des pesticides. L'enquête visait également à déterminer le niveau de connaissance des répondants sur les divers accords internationaux relatifs aux mouvements d'insectes utiles ou envahissants, ainsi que sur la gestion des risques en la matière. Il en ressort que les diverses réglementations sont généralement méconnues, les répondants mettant en avant leur perception d'un manque de clarté des réglementations et directives internationales applicables aux expéditions d'insectes vivants. Près des deux tiers des participants ont fait état des réticences des transporteurs à accepter des cargaisons d'insectes vivants et les trois quarts d'entre eux ont rapporté des retards occasionnels ou systématiques se traduisant par une perte de qualité ou de viabilité. Certains répondants ont déclaré qu'ils préféraient transporter eux-mêmes les insectes vivants, la plupart du temps en petites quantités. Les répondants ont décrit leur participation directe dans des échanges couvrant au total 70 espèces de tiques et d'insectes vivants transportés dans 37 pays, avec des volumes allant de moins de dix insectes à plus d'un million d'insectes par cargaison. Parmi les espèces transportées, 30 % étaient potentiellement vectrices d'agents pathogènes pour les humains ou les animaux, 42 % étaient des nuisibles potentiels pour les végétaux (y compris certaines espèces utilisées à des fins de lutte biologique) et 17 % étaient des agents classiques de la lutte biologique. Les résultats de cette enquête permettent d'esquisser la portée et l'échelle des expéditions transfrontalières d'insectes vivants et de tiques, ainsi que la teneur des problèmes rencontrés par ceux qui y prennent part. L'objectif de l'enquête est de convaincre les organismes chargés de la réglementation ainsi que les transporteurs internationaux de la nécessité d'apporter de meilleures conditions de sécurité et d'efficacité à ce secteur sous-développé et d'en assurer la cohérence.

Pese al importante número de envíos transfronterizos de insectos vivos que se realizan con fines de polinización, gestión de plagas, procesos industriales, investigación u otros usos, hasta ahora ha resultado difícil reunir y analizar datos al respecto. La Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal y el grupo de reflexión francés Collectif TIS (Technique de l'Insecte Stérile) hicieron una encuesta entre las partes interesadas con el fin de conocer mejor las características del comercio de insectos vivos y los factores que pueden amenazar su seguridad y eficacia. La encuesta iba dirigida a personas con experiencia en materia de control biológico, uso de la técnica del insecto estéril, investigaciones entomológicas o aspectos reglamentarios. Aunque la encuesta fue distribuida por todo el mundo, las respuestas presentaban un involuntario sesgo «europeo¼ debido al gran interés que el tema suscita en Europa, donde se está elaborando un marco reglamentario para promover el uso de insectos beneficiosos en sustitución de los plaguicidas. La encuesta indagaba asimismo en el grado de conocimiento que tenían los participantes de varios acuerdos internacionales relativos al desplazamiento de insectos beneficiosos o invasores y a la gestión de los riesgos conexos. En términos generales, los encuestados conocían poco las diversas reglamentaciones y destacaban lo que a su juicio era falta de claridad de las vigentes normativas y directrices internacionales por lo que respecta a los cargamentos de insectos vivos. Casi dos tercios de los participantes afirmaron que los transportistas eran reacios a aceptar cargamentos de insectos vivos y tres cuartas partes refirieron demoras ocasionales o sistemáticas que mermaban la calidad o viabilidad de las remesas. Algunos dijeron haber optado a cambio por el transporte manual de insectos vivos, casi siempre en pequeñas cantidades. Los encuestados afirmaron tomar parte directamente en un comercio que mueve 70 especies de insectos o ácaros vivos por 37 países, en cantidades que van desde menos de diez insectos a más de un millón de ejemplares por envío. De esas especies, un 30% correspondía a posibles vectores de patógenos humanos o animales, un 42% a posibles plagas vegetales (algunas de ellas utilizadas con fines de control biológico) y un 17% a agentes clásicos de control biológico. Los resultados permiten empezar a acotar el alcance, la escala y la naturaleza de los problemas a que se enfrentan quienes intervienen en el envío transfronterizo de insectos y ácaros vivos. La encuesta tiene por objetivo convencer a organismos de reglamentación y transportistas de que procuren fomentar la seguridad, eficiencia y coherencia de este infradesarrollado sector.

Insectos , Animales , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 198-210, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925620


International trade in live insects involves the shipping of many different species, for various purposes, with a variety of handling requirements regulated by numerous authorities with varying objectives. The diversity of factors at play has both created and been subject to a complex regulatory landscape. A review of global production, shipping and use experiences from a range of perspectives has shown gaps and inconsistencies in international guidance and national implementation. Private carriers add another layer of uncertainty that is disproportionate to risks, resulting in variable practices and charges. Many benefits can come from international trade in insects, including pollinator services, control of pests and of disease vectors, and enhanced international scientific research and innovation. These benefits will be better achieved through a more evidence-based and efficient approach to regulating trade. This change in approach will in turn require an improved and widely accepted risk-management landscape for insect trade.

Le commerce international d'insectes vivants s'appuie sur les expéditions de nombreuses espèces différentes à diverses fins, assorties de multiples exigences relatives à la manutention régies par des autorités différentes poursuivant des objectifs distincts. La diversité des facteurs en jeu a rendu nécessaire la création d'un paysage normatif complexe, avec les contraintes qui lui sont associées. L'examen à l'échelle mondiale de la production, du transport et des expériences dans ce domaine depuis diverses perspectives a révélé un certain nombre de lacunes et d'incohérences au niveau des directives internationales et de leurs applications concrètes dans les pays. Les transporteurs privés ajoutent une dimension d'incertitude supplémentaire qui est disproportionnée par rapport aux risques, ce qui entraîne une forte variabilité des pratiques et des charges. Les échanges internationaux d'insectes génèrent nombre d'activités bénéfiques, parmi lesquelles les services de pollinisation, la lutte contre les ravageurs et les vecteurs de maladie, et l'accroissement de la recherche scientifique internationale et de l'innovation. Les objectifs attendus seront mieux atteints en adoptant une approche de la réglementation des échanges qui s'appuie davantage sur des éléments factuels et sur les gains d'efficacité. Ce changement méthodologique nécessitera à son tour la mise en place d'un cadre amélioré et plus largement accepté de la gestion des risques dans le domaine du commerce des insectes.

El comercio internacional de insectos vivos, que supone el transporte de muchas especies diferentes con fines diversos, se acompaña de requisitos de manipulación que dictan numerosas autoridades con todo tipo de objetivos. La diversidad de los factores que entran en juego ha sido a la vez causa y consecuencia de un complejo panorama reglamentario. Los autores, tras describir un estudio a escala mundial de la experiencia de producción, transporte y utilización de insectos vivos desde diferentes puntos de vista, exponen las carencias e incoherencias observadas en las directrices internacionales y su traslación a escala nacional. Los transportistas privados añaden otro factor de incertidumbre que tiene un peso desproporcionado en relación con el nivel de riesgo y se traduce en procedimientos y precios heterogéneos. El comercio internacional de insectos puede traer consigo muchos beneficios, en particular servicios de polinización, control de plagas y de vectores de enfermedad, y avances de la investigación e innovación científica a escala internacional. Pero obtener esos beneficios será más fácil si se aborda la regulación del comercio de manera más eficaz y científicamente fundamentada, operando un cambio de lógica que exigirá, a su vez, la aplicación al comercio de insectos de un régimen más sofisticado y ampliamente aceptado de gestión de los riesgos.

Comercio , Internacionalidad , Animales , Insectos/fisiología
Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 219-227, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925619


A network of scientists involved in shipment of live insects has met and generated a series of articles on issues related to live insect transport. The network is diverse, covering large-scale commercial interests, government operated areawide control programmes, biomedical research and many smaller applications, in research, education and private uses. Many insect species have a record of safe transport, pose minimal risks and are shipped frequently between countries. The routine shipments of the most frequently used insect model organism for biomedical research, Drosophila melanogaster, is an example. Successful large scale shipments from commercial biocontrol and pollinator suppliers also demonstrate precedents for low-risk shipment categories, delivered in large volumes to high quality standards. Decision makers need access to more information (publications or official papers) that details actual risks from the insects themselves or their possible contaminants, and should propose proportionate levels of management. There may be harm to source environments when insects are collected directly from the wild, and there may be harm to receiving environments. Several risk frameworks include insects and various international coordinating bodies, with experience of guidance on relevant risks, exist. All stakeholders would benefit from an integrated overview of guidance for insect shipping, with reference to types of risk and categories of magnitude, without trying for a single approach requiring universal agreement. Proposals for managing uncertainty and lack of data for smaller or infrequent shipments, for example, must not disrupt trade in large volumes of live insects, which are already supporting strategic objectives in several sectors.

À l'occasion d'une réunion d'experts, un réseau de chercheurs travaillant sur l'expédition d'insectes vivants a produit un ensemble d'articles traitant des questions liées au transport des insectes vivants. Ce réseau est diversifié et représente un large éventail d'intérêts privés et de programmes de lutte biologique à grande échelle menés par les pouvoirs publics, en plus du secteur de la recherche biomédicale et de nombreux acteurs intervenant dans des applications de plus petite envergure relevant de la recherche, de l'enseignement ou du secteur privé. Un grand nombre d'espèces d'insectes sont transportées en toute sécurité avec un niveau de risque minimal, y compris lors des fréquentes expéditions internationales. Un exemple de ces expéditions régulières concerne l'espèce la plus utilisée par la recherche biomédicale en tant qu'organisme modèle, à savoir Drosophila melanogaster. Les exemples réussis d'expéditions à grande échelle provenant de fournisseurs d'agents de lutte biologique et de pollinisateurs produits par le secteur privé offrent également un relevé documenté des diverses catégories d'expéditions à faible risque pour des livraisons d'insectes vivants en grandes quantités et répondant à des normes de qualité élevées. Les décideurs politiques devraient pouvoir accéder à plus d'informations (à travers des publications ou des articles officiels) décrivant en détail les risques réels associés aux insectes eux-mêmes ou à leurs contaminants éventuels, et proposer en connaissance de cause des niveaux de gestion proportionnels à ces risques. La récolte d'insectes prélevés directement de la nature peut être dommageable aussi bien pour les environnements source que pour ceux de destination. Plusieurs cadres fondés sur le risque intègrent désormais les insectes dans leurs directives. Par ailleurs, nombre d'organismes internationaux de coordination ont acquis une expérience dans l'élaboration de lignes directrices face à ces risques. Il serait bénéfique pour toutes les parties prenantes de disposer d'une vue d'ensemble intégrée des directives applicables aux expéditions d'insectes, qui recense les différents types de risque et leurs ordres de grandeur sans se prononcer sur une approche unique qui nécessiterait une adhésion universelle. Ni les propositions visant à gérer l'incertitude ni l'insuffisance des données disponibles sur les expéditions d'insectes en petits nombres ou occasionnelles ne doivent perturber les échanges commerciaux d'insectes vivants en grandes quantités, échanges qui participent aujourd'hui aux objectifs stratégiques de nombreux secteurs.

Una red de científicos relacionados de un modo u otro con el transporte de insectos vivos mantuvo un encuentro y generó una serie de artículos en torno a la cuestión. En la red, muy heterogénea, convergen desde intereses comerciales de gran calado hasta programas públicos de lucha biológica en grandes territorios, pasando por la investigación biomédica y por numerosas aplicaciones de menor dimensión en ámbitos como la investigación, la enseñanza u otros usos privados. Muchas especies de insectos cuentan con un buen historial de seguridad en el transporte, presentan un riesgo mínimo y son expedidas a menudo de un país a otro. Buen ejemplo de ello son los envíos sistemáticos de ejemplares de Drosophila melanogaster, que es el insecto utilizado con más frecuencia como organismo modelo en la investigación biomédica. Otro precedente de envíos voluminosos cuyo transporte y entrega se ajusta a los más exigentes criterios de calidad lo sientan las remesas de grandes cantidades de polinizadores y agentes de control biológico remitidos por proveedores comerciales. Los responsables de adoptar decisiones deben disponer de más y más detallada información (publicaciones o documentos oficiales) sobre los riesgos reales derivados de los propios insectos o sus posibles contaminantes para proponer a partir de ahí medidas de gestión proporcionadas. Los perjuicios ambientales pueden darse tanto en origen (cuando hay captura salvaje de insectos, o sea recolección directa en el medio) como en destino. Hay varios sistemas de determinación del riesgo que incluyen a los insectos y también existen diversos organismos de coordinación internacional que ya tienen experiencia en sentar pautas sobre los riesgos en la materia. Todos los interlocutores del sector se beneficiarían de una visión global e integrada del transporte de insectos, que remita a diferentes tipos de riesgo y categorías de magnitud, sin necesidad de buscar un sistema único que exija consenso universal. Las propuestas para gestionar la incertidumbre y la falta de información en el caso de envíos infrecuentes o de pequeñas dimensiones, por ejemplo, no deben interferir en el transporte de grandes cantidades de insectos vivos, que ya está sirviendo a objetivos estratégicos en varios sectores.

Investigación Biomédica , Drosophila melanogaster , Animales , Comercio , Insectos
Phys Rev Lett ; 122(17): 170402, 2019 May 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31107066


Caustics occur widely in dynamics and take on shapes classified by catastrophe theory. At finite wavelengths they produce interference patterns containing networks of vortices (phase singularities). Here we investigate caustics in quantized fields, focusing on the collective dynamics of quantum spins. We show that, following a quench, caustics are generated in the Fock space amplitudes specifying the many-body configuration and which are accessible in experiments with cold atoms, ions, or photons. The granularity of quantum fields removes all singularities, including phase singularities, converting point vortices into nonlocal vortices that annihilate in pairs as the quantization scale is increased. Furthermore, the continuous scaling laws of wave catastrophes are replaced by discrete versions. Such "quantum catastrophes" are expected to be universal dynamical features of quantized fields.

Med Vet Entomol ; 33(1): 1-15, 2019 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30044507


New genetic control methods for mosquitoes may reduce vector species without direct effects on other species or the physical environment common with insecticides or drainage. Effects on predators and competitors could, however, be a concern as Anopheles gambiae s.l. is preyed upon in all life stages. We overview the literature and assess the strength of the ecological interactions identified. Most predators identified consume many other insect species and there is no evidence that any species preys exclusively on any anopheline mosquito. There is one predatory species with a specialisation on blood-fed mosquitoes including An. gambiae s.l.. Evarcha culicivora is a jumping spider, known as the vampire spider, found around Lake Victoria. There is no evidence that these salticids require Anopheles mosquitoes and will readily consume blood-fed Culex. Interspecific competition studies focus on other mosquitoes of larval habitats. Many of these take place in artificial cosms and give contrasting results to semi-field studies. This may limit their extrapolation regarding the potential impact of reduced An. gambiae numbers. Previous mosquito control interventions are informative and identify competitive release and niche opportunism; so while the identity and relative abundance of the species present may change, the biomass available to predators may not.

Anopheles/fisiología , Cadena Alimentaria , Control de Mosquitos , Mosquitos Vectores/fisiología , Animales , Ecosistema , Malaria , Control de Mosquitos/estadística & datos numéricos , Densidad de Población
Risk Anal ; 38(2): 297-310, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28703498


The production of an agricultural commodity involves a sequence of processes: planting/growing, harvesting, sorting/grading, postharvest treatment, packing, and exporting. A Bayesian network has been developed to represent the level of potential infestation of an agricultural commodity by a specified pest along an agricultural production chain. It reflects the dependency of this infestation on the predicted level of pest challenge, the anticipated susceptibility of the commodity to the pest, the level of impact from pest control measures as designed, and any variation from that due to uncertainty in measure efficacy. The objective of this Bayesian network is to facilitate agreement between national governments of the exporters and importers on a set of phytosanitary measures to meet specific phytosanitary measure requirements to achieve target levels of protection against regulated pests. The model can be used to compare the performance of different combinations of measures under different scenarios of pest challenge, making use of available measure performance data. A case study is presented using a model developed for a fruit fly pest on dragon fruit in Vietnam; the model parameters and results are illustrative and do not imply a particular level of fruit fly infestation of these exports; rather, they provide the most likely, alternative, or worst-case scenarios of the impact of measures. As a means to facilitate agreement for trade, the model provides a framework to support communication between exporters and importers about any differences in perceptions of the risk reduction achieved by pest control measures deployed during the commodity production chain.

Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 15-28, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés, Francés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925636
J Insect Sci ; 17(1)2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28082349


Population dynamics studies are very important for any area-wide control program as they provide detailed knowledge about the relationship of Medfly [Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)] life cycle with host availability and abundance. The main goal of this study is to analyse seasonality of C. capitata in Terceira and Sao Jorge Islands (Azores archipelago) using field and laboratory data collected during (2010-2014) CABMEDMAC (MAC/3/A163) project. The results from Sao Jorge Island indicate significantly lower male/female ratio than on Terceira Island. This is an important finding specially regarding when stablishing the scenario parameters for a sterile insect technique application in each island. The population dynamics of C. capitata are generally linked with host fruit availability and abundance. However, on Terceira Island fruit infestation levels are not synchronized with the trap counts. For example, there was Medfly infestations in some fruits [e.g., Solanum mauritianum (Scop.)] while in the nearby traps there were no captures at the same time. From this perspective, it is important to denote the importance of wild invasive plants, on the population dynamics of C. capitata, as well important to consider the possibility of having different densities of traps according to the characteristics of each area in order to improve the network of traps surveillance's sensitivity on Terceira Island.

Ceratitis capitata/fisiología , Cadena Alimentaria , Estaciones del Año , Animales , Azores , Femenino , Masculino , Control Biológico de Vectores , Dinámica Poblacional , Razón de Masculinidad
Risk Anal ; 36(5): 904-13, 2016 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26919665


A key justification to support plant health regulations is the ability of quarantine services to conduct pest risk analyses (PRA). Despite the supranational nature of biological invasions and the close proximity and connectivity of Southeast Asian countries, PRAs are conducted at the national level. Furthermore, some countries have limited experience in the development of PRAs, which may result in inadequate phytosanitary responses that put their plant resources at risk to pests vectored via international trade. We review existing decision support schemes for PRAs and, following international standards for phytosanitary measures, propose new methods that adapt existing practices to suit the unique characteristics of Southeast Asia. Using a formal written expert elicitation survey, a panel of regional scientific experts was asked to identify and rate unique traits of Southeast Asia with respect to PRA. Subsequently, an expert elicitation workshop with plant protection officials was conducted to verify the potential applicability of the developed methods. Rich biodiversity, shortage of trained personnel, social vulnerability, tropical climate, agriculture-dependent economies, high rates of land-use change, and difficulties in implementing risk management options were identified as challenging Southeast Asian traits. The developed methods emphasize local Southeast Asian conditions and could help support authorities responsible for carrying out PRAs within the region. These methods could also facilitate the creation of other PRA schemes in low- and middle-income tropical countries.

Técnicas de Apoyo para la Decisión , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control , Plantas , Medición de Riesgo , Asia Sudoriental
bioRxiv ; 2024 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559071


Despite the widespread use of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework in psychiatry and neuroscience, recent studies suggest that the RDoC is insufficiently specific or excessively broad relative to the underlying brain circuitry it seeks to elucidate. To address these concerns of the RDoC framework, our study employed a latent variable approach, specifically utilizing bifactor analysis. We examined a total of 84 whole-brain task-based fMRI (tfMRI) activation maps from 19 studies with a total of 6,192 participants. Within this set of 84 maps, a curated subset of 37 maps with a balanced representation of RDoC domains constituted the training set of our analysis, and the remaining held-out maps formed the internal validation set. External validation was performed with 36 peak coordinate activation maps from Neurosynth, using terms of RDoC constructs as seeds for topic meta-analysis. Our results indicate that a bifactor model with a task-general domain and splitting the cognitive systems domain into sub-domains better fits the current corpus of tfMRI data than the current RDoC framework. Our data-driven validation supports revising the RDoC framework to accurately reflect underlying brain circuitry.

J Virol ; 85(23): 12742-9, 2011 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21937642


Equine influenza virus is a major respiratory pathogen in horses, and outbreaks of disease often lead to substantial disruption to and economic losses for equestrian industries. The hemagglutinin (HA) protein is of key importance in the control of equine influenza because HA is the primary target of the protective immune response and the main component of currently licensed influenza vaccines. However, the influenza virus HA protein changes over time, a process called antigenic drift, and vaccine strains must be updated to remain effective. Antigenic drift is assessed primarily by the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. We have generated HI assay data for equine influenza A (H3N8) viruses isolated between 1968 and 2007 and have used antigenic cartography to quantify antigenic differences among the isolates. The antigenic evolution of equine influenza viruses during this period was clustered: from 1968 to 1988, all isolates formed a single antigenic cluster, which then split into two cocirculating clusters in 1989, and then a third cocirculating cluster appeared in 2003. Viruses from all three clusters were isolated in 2007. In one of the three clusters, we show evidence of antigenic drift away from the vaccine strain over time. We determined that a single amino acid substitution was likely responsible for the antigenic differences among clusters.

Evolución Molecular , Glicoproteínas Hemaglutininas del Virus de la Influenza/inmunología , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A/genética , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A/inmunología , Infecciones por Orthomyxoviridae/virología , Sustitución de Aminoácidos , Animales , Antígenos Virales/clasificación , Antígenos Virales/inmunología , Western Blotting , Células Cultivadas , Perros , Pruebas de Inhibición de Hemaglutinación , Glicoproteínas Hemaglutininas del Virus de la Influenza/genética , Hemaglutininas/inmunología , Hemaglutininas/metabolismo , Caballos , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A/aislamiento & purificación , Riñón/citología , Riñón/metabolismo , Riñón/virología , Infecciones por Orthomyxoviridae/genética , Infecciones por Orthomyxoviridae/inmunología , Filogenia , ARN Mensajero/genética , ARN Viral/genética , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa de Transcriptasa Inversa , Factores de Tiempo
Eur Respir J ; 35(5): 1048-56, 2010 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19926748


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exhibits airflow obstruction that is not fully reversible. The importance of bronchoreversibility remains controversial. We hypothesised that an emphysematous phenotype of COPD would be associated with decreased bronchoreversibility. 544 patients randomised to the medical arm of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial formed the study group. Participants underwent multiple measurements of bronchoreversibility on a mean of four sessions over 1.91 yrs. They were also characterised by measures of symptoms, quality of life and quantitative measures of emphysema by computed tomography. Mean baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV(1)) in this patient population is 24% predicted. 22.2% of patients demonstrated bronchoreversibility on one or more occasions using American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society criteria. Few patients (0.37%) had bronchoreversibility on all completed tests. Patients who demonstrated bronchoreversibility were more likely to be male, and have better lung function and less emphysema. 64% of patients demonstrated large (> or =400 mL) changes in forced vital capacity (FVC). In a severe emphysema population, bronchoreversibility as defined by change in FEV(1) is infrequent, varies over time, and is more common in males and those with less severe emphysema. Improvements in FVC, however, were demonstrated in the majority of patients.

Albuterol/uso terapéutico , Broncodilatadores/uso terapéutico , Enfisema/tratamiento farmacológico , Anciano , Albuterol/administración & dosificación , Broncodilatadores/administración & dosificación , Enfisema/diagnóstico , Enfisema/diagnóstico por imagen , Enfisema/fisiopatología , Femenino , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , Nebulizadores y Vaporizadores , Fenotipo , Estudios Prospectivos , Calidad de Vida , Pruebas de Función Respiratoria , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Science ; 235(4785): 217-20, 1987 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3798109


In Xuan Wei County, Yunnan Province, lung cancer mortality is among China's highest and, especially in females, is more closely associated with indoor burning of "smoky" coal, as opposed to wood or "smokeless" coal, than with tobacco smoking. Indoor air samples were collected during the burning of all three fuels. In contrast to wood and smokeless coal emissions, smoky coal emission has high concentrations of submicron particles containing mutagenic organics, especially in aromatic and polar fractions. These studies suggested an etiologic link between domestic smoky coal burning and lung cancer in Xuan Wei.

Carbón Mineral , Neoplasias/mortalidad , Humo/efectos adversos , China , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Neoplasias/etiología , Compuestos Policíclicos/análisis , Humo/análisis , Madera
Public Underst Sci ; 28(3): 339-356, 2019 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30547737


'Public concern', a ubiquitous notion used in descriptive and explanatory modes by policy makers, academics and the media, is often presented as axiomatic. However, the variability with which it is deployed in different contexts, for example, as justification for policy attention or having equivalence with what is considered 'newsworthy', belies this status. This article presents an empirical analysis of emails and phone calls from the UK public to UK government agencies, reporting suspected cases of ash dieback disease - a tree health issue which attracted intense media and policy attention in the United Kingdom in 2012. We challenge the view that public attentiveness is necessarily indicative of public concern, or that media attention can be taken as its proxy. Examination of concern at macro and micro levels reveals heterogeneous processes with multiple dimensions. Understanding the nature of public concern is crucial in enabling more effective policy development and operational responses to risk-related issues.

Environ Pollut ; 151(1): 139-47, 2008 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17604888


The Pesticide Environmental Accounting (PEA) tool provides a monetary estimate of environmental and health impacts per hectare-application for any pesticide. The model combines the Environmental Impact Quotient method and a methodology for absolute estimates of external pesticide costs in UK, USA and Germany. For many countries resources are not available for intensive assessments of external pesticide costs. The model converts external costs of a pesticide in the UK, USA and Germany to Mediterranean countries. Economic and policy applications include estimating impacts of pesticide reduction policies or benefits from technologies replacing pesticides, such as sterile insect technique. The system integrates disparate data and approaches into a single logical method. The assumptions in the system provide transparency and consistency but at the cost of some specificity and precision, a reasonable trade-off for a method that provides both comparative estimates of pesticide impacts and area-based assessments of absolute impacts.

Agricultura , Ambiente , Modelos Estadísticos , Control de Plagas/economía , Plaguicidas/economía , Contabilidad , Biodiversidad , Análisis Costo-Beneficio , Costos y Análisis de Costo , Geografía , Residuos de Plaguicidas , Plaguicidas/toxicidad
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 99(2): 127-31, 2007 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17618632


OBJECTIVE: To obtain descriptive measures of maternal and perinatal health in the Ba Men Region of Inner Mongolia, China. METHODS: Data collected from the Examination Chart for Pregnant Women for approximately 22,000 pregnancies in a three-county area of Inner Mongolia, China from December 1, 1996 through December 31, 1999 were analyzed for maternal, perinatal, and neonatal outcomes. RESULTS: Compared to selected developing countries, a higher percentage of women (99%) in this region received at least one prenatal care visit. This region was also characterized by a low percentage of low birthweight (<2.5 kg) infants (1%) and neonatal mortality rate (5 deaths per 1000 live births). CONCLUSIONS: Maternal and neonatal health outcomes in this region of Inner Mongolia were better than those in selected developing countries.

Bienestar Materno , Resultado del Embarazo/epidemiología , Adulto , China/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Mortalidad Infantil , Bienestar del Lactante , Recién Nacido de Bajo Peso , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Embarazo , Atención Prenatal/estadística & datos numéricos
Rev Sci Tech ; 26(1): 69-90, 2007 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17633294


Antigenic diversity among ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses occurs as a result of rapid mutation during replication and recombination/reassortment between genetic material of related strains during co-infections. Variants which have a selective advantage in terms of ability to spread or to avoid host immunity become established within populations. Examples of antigenically diverse viruses include influenza, foot and mouth disease (FMD) and bluetongue (BT). Effective vaccination against such viruses requires surveillance programmes to monitor circulating serotypes and their evolution to ensure that vaccine strains match field viruses. A formal vaccine strain selection scheme for equine influenza has been established under the auspices of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) based on an international surveillance programme. A regulatory framework has been put in place to allow rapid updating of vaccine strains withoutthe need to provide full registration data for licensing the updated vaccine. While there is extensive surveillance of FMD worldwide and antigenic and genetic characterisation of isolates, there is no formal vaccine strain selection system. A coordinated international effort has been initiated to agree harmonised approaches to virus characterisation which is aimed at providing the basis for an internationally agreed vaccine matching system for FMD supported by the OIE. The emergence and spread of BT in Europe have resulted in an intensification of vaccine evaluation in terms of safety and efficacy, particularly cross-protection within and between serotypes. The most important requirement for producing vaccines against viruses displaying antigenic diversity is a method of measuring antigenic distances between strains and developing an understanding of how these distances relate to cross-protection. Antigenic cartography, a new computational method of quantifying antigenic distances between strains has been applied to human and equine influenza to examine the significance of viral evolution in relation to vaccine strains. This method is highly applicable to other important pathogens displaying antigenic diversity, such as FMD.

Variación Antigénica , Vacunación/veterinaria , Vacunas Virales/normas , Virus/genética , Virus/inmunología , Animales , Flujo Genético , Vacunas contra la Influenza , Virus ARN/genética , Virus ARN/inmunología , Virus ARN/patogenicidad , Vacunación/normas , Virosis/prevención & control , Virosis/veterinaria , Virosis/virología , Virus/patogenicidad
Hum Exp Toxicol ; 26(3): 169-77, 2007 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17439919


Exposure to arsenic in drinking water is known to produce a variety of health problems, including peripheral neuropathy. Auditory, visual and somatosensory impairment have been reported in Mongolian farmers living in the Yellow River Valley, where drinking water is contaminated by arsenic. In the present study, sensory tests, including pinprick and vibration thresholds, were administered to 320 residents with well-water arsenic levels, ranging from non-detectable to 690 microg/L. Vibration thresholds in the second and fifth fingers of both hands were measured using a vibrothesiometer. Drinking water, urine and toenail samples were obtained to assess arsenic exposure and body burden. Regression analyses indicated significant associations of pinprick scores and vibration thresholds with all arsenic measures. Vibration thresholds were more strongly associated with urinary than water or nail arsenic measures, but odds ratios for decreased pinprick sensitivity were highest for the water arsenic measure. Results of the current study indicate neurosensory effects of arsenic exposure at concentrations well below the 1000 microg/L drinking water level specified by NRC, and suggest that non-carcinogenic end-points, such as vibration thresholds, are useful in the risk assessment of exposure to arsenic in drinking water.

Arsénico/toxicidad , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso/inducido químicamente , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad , Adolescente , Adulto , Arsénico/análisis , Arsénico/orina , Carga Corporal (Radioterapia) , Niño , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales/efectos adversos , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Monitoreo Epidemiológico , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Mongolia/epidemiología , Uñas/química , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso/diagnóstico , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso/epidemiología , Examen Neurológico/efectos de los fármacos , Vibración , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/orina , Abastecimiento de Agua/análisis
Vet Immunol Immunopathol ; 111(1-2): 47-57, 2006 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16580075


In this study, experimental canarypox virus (ALVAC) and plasmid DNA recombinant vaccines expressing the gB, gC and gD glycoproteins of EHV-1 were assessed for their ability to protect conventional ponies against a respiratory challenge with EHV-1. In addition, potential means of enhancing serological responses in horses to ALVAC and DNA vaccination were explored. These included co-administration of the antigen with conventional adjuvants, complexation with DMRIE-DOPE and co-expression of the antigen along with equine GM-CSF. Groups of EHV primed ponies were vaccinated twice intra-muscularly with one dose of the appropriate test vaccine at an interval of 5 weeks. Two to 3 weeks after the second vaccination, ponies were infected intra-nasally with the virulent Ab4 strain of EHV-1 after which they were observed clinically and sampled for virological investigations. The results demonstrated that DNA and ALVAC vaccination markedly reduced virus excretion after challenge in terms of duration and magnitude, but failed to protect against cell-associated viremia. Noteworthy was the almost complete absence of virus excretion in the group of ponies vaccinated with ALVAC-EHV in the presence of Carbopol adjuvant or DNA plasmid formulated with aluminium phosphate. The administration of the DNA vaccine in the presence of GM-CSF and formulated in DMRIE-DOPE and of the ALVAC vaccine in the presence of Carbopol adjuvant significantly improved virus neutralising antibody responses to EHV-1. These findings indicate that DNA and ALVAC vaccination is a promising approach for the immunological control of EHV-1 infection, but that more research is needed to identify the immunodominant protective antigens of EHV-1 and their interaction with the equine immune system.

Infecciones por Herpesviridae/veterinaria , Herpesvirus Équido 1/inmunología , Vacunas contra Herpesvirus/uso terapéutico , Enfermedades de los Caballos/prevención & control , Enfermedades de los Caballos/virología , Vacunación/veterinaria , Vacunas de ADN/uso terapéutico , Vacunas Virales/uso terapéutico , Adyuvantes Inmunológicos/farmacología , Animales , Anticuerpos Antivirales/sangre , Femenino , Infecciones por Herpesviridae/inmunología , Infecciones por Herpesviridae/prevención & control , Infecciones por Herpesviridae/virología , Herpesvirus Équido 1/genética , Vacunas contra Herpesvirus/genética , Vacunas contra Herpesvirus/inmunología , Enfermedades de los Caballos/inmunología , Caballos , Masculino , Pruebas de Neutralización/veterinaria , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa/veterinaria , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Vacunación/métodos , Vacunas de ADN/inmunología , Proteínas del Envoltorio Viral/genética , Proteínas del Envoltorio Viral/inmunología , Vacunas Virales/genética , Vacunas Virales/inmunología