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Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14261, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571408


Amid a global infrastructure boom, there is increasing recognition of the ecological impacts of the extraction and consumption of construction minerals, mainly processed as concrete, including significant and expanding threats to global biodiversity. We investigated how high-level national and international biodiversity conservation policies address mining threats, with a special focus on construction minerals. We conducted a review and quantified the degree to which threats from mining these minerals are addressed in biodiversity goals and targets under the 2011-2020 and post-2020 biodiversity strategies, national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and the assessments of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Mining appeared rarely in national targets but more frequently in national strategies. Yet, in most countries, it was superficially addressed. Coverage of aggregates mining was greater than coverage of limestone mining. We outline 8 key components, tailored for a wide range of actors, to effectively mainstream biodiversity conservation into the extractive, infrastructure, and construction sectors. Actions include improving reporting and monitoring systems, enhancing the evidence base around mining impacts on biodiversity, and modifying the behavior of financial agents and businesses. Implementing these measures could pave the way for a more sustainable approach to construction mineral use and safeguard biodiversity.

Amenazas de la minería a las políticas de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad Resumen Enmedio del auge global del desarrollo de infraestructura, hay un mayor reconocimiento de los impactos ecológicos de la extracción y consumo de materiales para construcción, procesados predominantemente como concreto. Estos materiales representan amenazas significativas y en expansión para la biodiversidad global. Investigamos cómo son abordadas las amenazas de la minería por las políticas nacionales e internacionales de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad, con enfoque especial en los minerales para construcción. Realizamos una revisión exhaustiva y cuantificamos el grado en el cual son abordadas las amenazas de la extracción de estos minerales en los objetivos y metas para la biodiversidad bajo estrategias 2011­2020 y post 2020, las estrategias y planes de acción nacionales para la biodiversidad, y las evaluaciones de la Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico­normativa sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas. La minería raramente apareció en los objetivos nacionales, pero fue más frecuente en las estrategias nacionales. Sin embargo, fue abordada superficialmente en la mayoría de los países. La cobertura de minería de agregados fue mayor que la cobertura de la minería de caliza. Describimos ocho componentes clave, adaptados para una amplia gama de actores, para incorporar eficazmente la conservación de la biodiversidad en los sectores extractivo, desarrollo de infraestructura y construcción. Las acciones incluyen la mejora de los sistemas de informes y monitoreo, el reforzamiento de la base de evidencias en torno a los impactos de la minería sobre la biodiversidad y la modificación del comportamiento de los agentes financieros y comerciales. La implementación de estas medidas podría allanar el camino para un enfoque más sostenible en el uso de minerales para la construcción y la salvaguarda de la biodiversidad.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Política Ambiental , Minería , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Política Ambiental/legislación & jurisprudencia
Conserv Genet ; 24(2): 181-191, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36683963


Genetic diversity among and within populations of all species is necessary for people and nature to survive and thrive in a changing world. Over the past three years, commitments for conserving genetic diversity have become more ambitious and specific under the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF). This Perspective article comments on how goals and targets of the GBF have evolved, the improvements that are still needed, lessons learned from this process, and connections between goals and targets and the actions and reporting that will be needed to maintain, protect, manage and monitor genetic diversity. It is possible and necessary that the GBF strives to maintain genetic diversity within and among populations of all species, to restore genetic connectivity, and to develop national genetic conservation strategies, and to report on these using proposed, feasible indicators.

Conserv Biol ; 35(6): 1882-1893, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33728690


There has been much recent interest in the concept of rewilding as a tool for nature conservation, but also confusion over the idea, which has limited its utility. We developed a unifying definition and 10 guiding principles for rewilding through a survey of 59 rewilding experts, a summary of key organizations' rewilding visions, and workshops involving over 100 participants from around the world. The guiding principles convey that rewilding exits on a continuum of scale, connectivity, and level of human influence and aims to restore ecosystem structure and functions to achieve a self-sustaining autonomous nature. These principles clarify the concept of rewilding and improve its effectiveness as a tool to achieve global conservation targets, including those of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Finally, we suggest differences in rewilding perspectives lie largely in the extent to which it is seen as achievable and in specific interventions. An understanding of the context of rewilding projects is the key to success, and careful site-specific interpretations will help achieve the aims of rewilding.

Recientemente ha habido mucho interés por el concepto de retorno a la vida silvestre como herramienta para la conservación de la naturaleza, pero también ha habido confusión por la idea que ha limitado su utilidad. Desarrollamos una definición unificadora y diez principios básicos para el retorno a la vida silvestre por medio de encuestas a 59 expertos en retorno a la vida silvestre, un resumen de las visiones de las organizaciones más importantes para el retorno a la vida silvestre y talleres que involucraron a más de 100 participantes de todo el mundo. Los principios básicos transmiten que el retorno a la vida silvestre existe en un continuo de escala, conectividad y nivel de influencia humana y que su objetivo es restaurar la estructura y las funciones del ecosistema para lograr una naturaleza autónoma autosustentable. Estos principios aclaran el concepto del retorno a la vida silvestre e incrementan su efectividad como herramienta para lograr los objetivos mundiales de conservación, incluyendo aquellos de la Década de la ONU para la Restauración de Ecosistemas y el Marco de Trabajo de la Biodiversidad Global post 2020. Finalmente, sugerimos que las diferencias en las perspectivas del retorno a la vida silvestre yacen principalmente en el grado al que es visto como factible y en intervenciones específicas. Un entendimiento del contexto de los proyectos de retorno a la vida silvestre es importante para el éxito, y las interpretaciones específicas de sitio ayudarán a lograr las metas del retorno a la vida silvestre. Principios Básicos para el Retorno a la Vida Silvestre.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad , Humanos
Biol Conserv ; 235: 157-163, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32218608


Biodiversity is suffering dramatic declines across the globe, threatening the ability of ecosystems to provide the services on which humanity depends. Mainstreaming biodiversity into the plans, strategies and policies of different economic sectors is key to reversing these declines. The importance of this mainstreaming is recognized by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Aichi targets. Individual countries can implement the goals of the CBD through their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), which aim to, inter alia, support the mainstreaming of biodiversity into the policies of key economic sectors, such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries. This paper investigates the performance of countries at incorporating biodiversity mainstreaming into their post-2010 NBSAPs. We conduct a large-scale review of 144 NBSAPs against five criteria and calculate a national-level indicator for comparing levels of mainstreaming among countries. Our results show that developing countries, particularly those in Africa, have higher scores, indicating that they have a higher awareness of the importance of biodiversity mainstreaming. Developing nations were also more likely to involve a greater range of stakeholders in the NBSAP development process, whilst developed nations were less likely to give specific details about the monetary contributions of biodiversity to their economies. Overall, our findings suggest that biodiversity mainstreaming remains a challenge across much of the world, but that progress in some areas can provide direction and momentum in the future.

Glob Chang Biol ; 22(12): 3948-3959, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27002684


Although it is generally recognized that global biodiversity is declining, few studies have examined long-term changes in multiple biodiversity dimensions simultaneously. In this study, we quantified and compared temporal changes in the abundance, taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages, using roadside monitoring data of the North American Breeding Bird Survey from 1971 to 2010. We calculated 12 abundance and diversity metrics based on 5-year average abundances of 519 species for each of 768 monitoring routes. We did this for all bird species together as well as for four subgroups based on breeding habitat affinity (grassland, woodland, wetland, and shrubland breeders). The majority of the biodiversity metrics increased or remained constant over the study period, whereas the overall abundance of birds showed a pronounced decrease, primarily driven by declines of the most abundant species. These results highlight how stable or even increasing metrics of taxonomic, functional, or phylogenetic diversity may occur in parallel with substantial losses of individuals. We further found that patterns of change differed among the species subgroups, with both abundance and diversity increasing for woodland birds and decreasing for grassland breeders. The contrasting changes between abundance and diversity and among the breeding habitat groups underscore the relevance of a multifaceted approach to measuring biodiversity change. Our findings further stress the importance of monitoring the overall abundance of individuals in addition to metrics of taxonomic, functional, or phylogenetic diversity, thus confirming the importance of population abundance as an essential biodiversity variable.

Biodiversidad , Aves/clasificación , Filogenia , Animales , Ecosistema , América del Norte
Conserv Biol ; 29(4): 1017-1027, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25997361


Farmland abandonment takes place across the world due to socio-economic and ecological drivers. In Europe agricultural and environmental policies aim to prevent abandonment and halt ecological succession. Ecological rewilding has been recently proposed as an alternative strategy. We developed a framework to assess opportunities for rewilding across different dimensions of wilderness in Europe. We mapped artificial light, human accessibility based on transport infrastructure, proportion of harvested primary productivity (i.e., ecosystem productivity appropriated by humans through agriculture or forestry), and deviation from potential natural vegetation in areas projected to be abandoned by 2040. At the continental level, the levels of artificial light were low and the deviation from potential natural vegetation was high in areas of abandonment. The relative importance of wilderness metrics differed regionally and was strongly connected to local environmental and socio-economic contexts. Large areas of projected abandonment were often located in or around Natura 2000 sites. Based on these results, we argue that management should be tailored to restore the aspects of wilderness that are lacking in each region. There are many remaining challenges regarding biodiversity in Europe, but megafauna species are already recovering. To further potentiate large-scale rewilding, Natura 2000 management would need to incorporate rewilding approaches. Our framework can be applied to assessing rewilding opportunities and challenges in other world regions, and our results could guide redirection of subsidies to manage social-ecological systems.

Mapeo de Oportunidades y Retos para el Retorno de la Vida Silvestre Resumen El abandono de tierras agrícolas ocurre en todo el mundo debido a factores socio-económicos y ecológicos. En Europa, las políticas ambientales y agrícolas tienen el objetivo de prevenir el abandono y frenar la sucesión ecológica. La reintroducción o el retorno de la vida silvestre ("rewilding") representa una estrategia alternativa a esto. Desarrollamos un marco de trabajo para evaluar las oportunidades de reintroducción en diferentes dimensiones de naturaleza a lo largo de Europa. Mapeamos la luz artificial, la accesibilidad para humanos con base en la infraestructura de transporte, la proporción de productividad primaria (es decir, la productividad del ecosistema incautado por los humanos por medio de la agricultura o la silvicultura) y la divergencia de vegetación natural potencial en áreas que se proyecta estarán abandonadas para el 2040. A nivel continental, los niveles de luz artificial fueron bajos y la divergencia de vegetación natural potencial fue alta en las áreas de abandono. La importancia relativa de las medidas de naturaleza difirió regionalmente y estuvieron conectadas fuertemente a los contextos ambientales y socio-económicos locales. Las grandes áreas de abandono proyectado estuvieron localizadas frecuentemente en o alrededor de sitios Natura 2000. Con base en estos resultados, argumentamos que el manejo debería ser fabricado para restaurar los aspectos de la naturaleza que son carentes en cada región. Todavía quedan muchos obstáculos con respecto a la biodiversidad en Europa, pero las especies de megafauna ya se están recuperando. Para potenciar aún más la reintroducción a gran escala, el manejo de Natura 2000 necesitaría incorporar estrategias de reintroducción. Nuestro marco de trabajo puede aplicarse a la evaluación de las oportunidades de reintroducción y a los obstáculos en otras regiones del mundo, y nuestros resultados pueden guiar la redirección de los subsidios para manejar los sistemas socio-ecológicos.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Ecosistema , Agricultura , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Política Ambiental/legislación & jurisprudencia , Europa (Continente) , Vida Silvestre
Nat Ecol Evol ; 5(6): 836-844, 2021 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33833421


The Convention on Biological Diversity's post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will probably include a goal to stabilize and restore the status of species. Its delivery would be facilitated by making the actions required to halt and reverse species loss spatially explicit. Here, we develop a species threat abatement and restoration (STAR) metric that is scalable across species, threats and geographies. STAR quantifies the contributions that abating threats and restoring habitats in specific places offer towards reducing extinction risk. While every nation can contribute towards halting biodiversity loss, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Madagascar and Brazil combined have stewardship over 31% of total STAR values for terrestrial amphibians, birds and mammals. Among actions, sustainable crop production and forestry dominate, contributing 41% of total STAR values for these taxonomic groups. Key Biodiversity Areas cover 9% of the terrestrial surface but capture 47% of STAR values. STAR could support governmental and non-state actors in quantifying their contributions to meeting science-based species targets within the framework.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Brasil , Colombia , Indonesia , Madagascar , México
Science ; 364(6438)2019 04 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31023897


The practice of rewilding has been both promoted and criticized in recent years. Benefits include flexibility to react to environmental change and the promotion of opportunities for society to reconnect with nature. Criticisms include the lack of a clear conceptualization of rewilding, insufficient knowledge about possible outcomes, and the perception that rewilding excludes people from landscapes. Here, we present a framework for rewilding that addresses these concerns. We suggest that rewilding efforts should target trophic complexity, natural disturbances, and dispersal as interacting processes that can improve ecosystem resilience and maintain biodiversity. We propose a structured approach to rewilding projects that includes assessment of the contributions of nature to people and the social-ecological constraints on restoration.

Restauración y Remediación Ambiental , Vida Silvestre , Animales
Science ; 366(6463): 339-345, 2019 10 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31624208


Human activities are fundamentally altering biodiversity. Projections of declines at the global scale are contrasted by highly variable trends at local scales, suggesting that biodiversity change may be spatially structured. Here, we examined spatial variation in species richness and composition change using more than 50,000 biodiversity time series from 239 studies and found clear geographic variation in biodiversity change. Rapid compositional change is prevalent, with marine biomes exceeding and terrestrial biomes trailing the overall trend. Assemblage richness is not changing on average, although locations exhibiting increasing and decreasing trends of up to about 20% per year were found in some marine studies. At local scales, widespread compositional reorganization is most often decoupled from richness change, and biodiversity change is strongest and most variable in the oceans.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Animales , Geografía , Actividades Humanas , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Densidad de Población , Agua de Mar
Nat Ecol Evol ; 2(10): 1531-1540, 2018 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30224814


Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) allow observation and reporting of global biodiversity change, but a detailed framework for the empirical derivation of specific EBVs has yet to be developed. Here, we re-examine and refine the previous candidate set of species traits EBVs and show how traits related to phenology, morphology, reproduction, physiology and movement can contribute to EBV operationalization. The selected EBVs express intra-specific trait variation and allow monitoring of how organisms respond to global change. We evaluate the societal relevance of species traits EBVs for policy targets and demonstrate how open, interoperable and machine-readable trait data enable the building of EBV data products. We outline collection methods, meta(data) standardization, reproducible workflows, semantic tools and licence requirements for producing species traits EBVs. An operationalization is critical for assessing progress towards biodiversity conservation and sustainable development goals and has wide implications for data-intensive science in ecology, biogeography, conservation and Earth observation.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Invertebrados , Rasgos de la Historia de Vida , Plantas , Vertebrados , Animales
SciELO Preprints; out. 2023.
Preprint en Inglés | PREPRINT-SCIELO | ID: pps-7092


Biodiversity conservation is a complex and transdisciplinary problem that requires engagement and cooperation among scientific, societal, economic, and political institutions. However, historical approaches have often failed to bring together and address the needs of all relevant stakeholders in decision­making processes. The Tropical Andes, a biodiversity hotspot where conservation efforts often conflict with socioeconomic issues and policies that prioritize economic development, provides an ideal model to develop and implement more effective approaches. In this study, we present a co­design approach that mainstreams and improves the flow of biodiversity information in the Tropical Andes, while creating tailored outputs that meet the needs of economic and societal stakeholders. We employed a consultative process that brought together biodiversity information users and producers at the local, national, and regional levels through a combination of surveys and workshops. This approach identified priority needs and limitations of the flow of biodiversity information in the region, which led to the co­design of user­relevant biodiversity indicators. By leveraging the existing capacities of biodiversity information users and producers, we were able to co­design multiple biodiversity indicators and prioritize two for full implementation ensuring that the data was findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable based on the FAIR principles. This approach helped address limitations that were identified in the stakeholder engagement process, including gaps in data availability and the need for more accessible biodiversity information. Additionally, capacity­building workshops were incorporated for all producers of biodiversity information involved, which aimed to not only improve the current flow of biodiversity information in the region but also facilitate its future sustainability. Our approach can serve as a valuable blueprint for mainstreaming biodiversity information and making it more inclusive in the future, especially considering the diverse worldviews, values, and knowledge systems between science, policy, and practice.

La conservación de la biodiversidad es un problema complejo y transdisciplinario que requiere el compromiso y la cooperación entre instituciones científicas, sociales, económicas y políticas. Sin embargo, los enfoques tradicionales/convencionales  a menudo no logran  reunir y abordar las necesidades de todos los actores relevantes en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Los Andes tropicales, un área clave  de biodiversidad donde los esfuerzos de conservación a menudo entran en conflicto con cuestiones socioeconómicas y políticas que priorizan el desarrollo económico, proporcionan un modelo ideal para desarrollar e implementar enfoques más efectivos. En este estudio, presentamos un enfoque co-diseño que integra y mejora el flujo de información sobre biodiversidad en los Andes tropicales, creando resultados personalizados que satisfacen las necesidades, tanto económicas como sociales, de las partes interesadas. Empleamos un proceso de consulta que reunió a usuarios y productores de información sobre biodiversidad a nivel local, nacional y regional, a través de encuestas y talleres. Este enfoque ha permitido identificar necesidades prioritarias y limitaciones del flujo de información sobre biodiversidad en la región; lo cual llevó al codiseño de indicadores de biodiversidad relevantes para los usuarios. Aprovechando las capacidades existentes de los usuarios y productores de información sobre biodiversidad, pudimos co-diseñar múltiples indicadores de biodiversidad y priorizar dos de estos para su implementación completa, asegurando que los datos sean localizables, accesibles, interoperables y reutilizables, según los principios FAIR. Este enfoque ayudó a abordar las limitaciones que se identificaron en el proceso de participación de las partes interesadas; incluidas las brechas en la disponibilidad de datos y la necesidad de información sobre biodiversidad más accesible. Además, se incorporaron talleres de desarrollo de capacidades para todos los productores de información sobre biodiversidad involucrados, los cuales apuntaron no sólo a mejorar el flujo actual de información sobre biodiversidad en la región, sino también facilitar su sostenibilidad futura. Nuestro enfoque puede servir como un modelo valioso para incorporar la información sobre biodiversidad y hacerla más inclusiva en el futuro; especialmente si consideramos las diversas perspectivas globales, valores y sistemas de conocimiento implicados en las interacciones entre  la ciencia, la política y su aplicación práctica.

A conservação da biodiversidade é um problema complexo e transdisciplinar que requer compromisso e cooperação entre instituições científicas, sociais, económicas e políticas. No entanto, as abordagens tradicionais/convencionais muitas vezes não conseguem reunir e responder às necessidades de todos os intervenientes relevantes nos processos de tomada de decisão. Os Andes tropicais, uma área chave para a biodiversidade onde os esforços de conservação entram frequentemente em conflito com questões socioeconómicas e políticas que dão prioridade ao desenvolvimento económico, fornecem um modelo ideal para desenvolver e implementar abordagens mais eficazes. Neste estudo, apresentamos uma abordagem de co-design que integra e melhora o fluxo de informações sobre biodiversidade nos Andes tropicais, criando resultados personalizados que atendem às necessidades, tanto econômicas quanto sociais, das partes interessadas. Empregamos um processo de consulta que reuniu usuários e produtores de informações sobre biodiversidade nos níveis local, nacional e regional, por meio de pesquisas e workshops. Esta abordagem permitiu identificar necessidades prioritárias e limitações do fluxo de informação sobre a biodiversidade na região; o que levou à concepção conjunta de indicadores de biodiversidade relevantes para os utilizadores. Aproveitando as capacidades existentes dos utilizadores e produtores de informação sobre biodiversidade, fomos capazes de conceber em conjunto vários indicadores de biodiversidade e priorizar dois deles para implementação total, garantindo que os dados sejam localizáveis, acessíveis, interoperáveis ​​e reutilizáveis, de acordo com os princípios FAIR. Esta abordagem ajudou a resolver as limitações identificadas no processo de envolvimento das partes interessadas; incluindo lacunas na disponibilidade de dados e a necessidade de informações mais acessíveis sobre biodiversidade. Além disso, foram incorporados workshops de capacitação para todos os produtores de informação sobre biodiversidade envolvidos, que visaram não só melhorar o fluxo actual de informação sobre biodiversidade na região, mas também facilitar a sua sustentabilidade futura. A nossa abordagem pode servir como um modelo valioso para incorporar informações sobre biodiversidade e torná-las mais inclusivas no futuro; especialmente se considerarmos as diversas perspectivas globais, valores e sistemas de conhecimento envolvidos nas interações entre ciência, política e sua aplicação prática.