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Nano Lett ; 24(27): 8240-8247, 2024 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38925628


The realization of efficient optical devices depends on the ability to harness strong nonlinearities, which are challenging to achieve with standard photonic systems. Exciton-polaritons formed in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites offer a promising alternative, exhibiting strong interactions at room temperature (RT). Despite recent demonstrations showcasing a robust nonlinear response, further progress is hindered by an incomplete understanding of the microscopic mechanisms governing polariton interactions in perovskite-based strongly coupled systems. Here, we investigate the nonlinear properties of quasi-2D dodecylammonium lead iodide perovskite (n3-C12) crystals embedded in a planar microcavity. Polarization-resolved pump-probe measurements reveal the contribution of indirect exchange interactions assisted by dark states formation. Additionally, we identify a strong dependence of the unique spin-dependent interaction of polaritons on sample detuning. The results are pivotal for the advancement of polaritonics, and the tunability of the robust spin-dependent anisotropic interaction in n3-C12 perovskites makes this material a powerful choice for the realization of polaritonic circuits.

Nat Mater ; 22(8): 964-969, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37217703


Exciton-polaritons derived from the strong light-matter interaction of an optical bound state in the continuum with an excitonic resonance can inherit an ultralong radiative lifetime and significant nonlinearities, but their realization in two-dimensional semiconductors remains challenging at room temperature. Here we show strong light-matter interaction enhancement and large exciton-polariton nonlinearities at room temperature by coupling monolayer tungsten disulfide excitons to a topologically protected bound state in the continuum moulded by a one-dimensional photonic crystal, and optimizing for the electric-field strength at the monolayer position through Bloch surface wave confinement. By a structured optimization approach, the coupling with the active material is maximized here in a fully open architecture, allowing to achieve a 100 meV photonic bandgap with the bound state in the continuum in a local energy minimum and a Rabi splitting of 70 meV, which results in very high cooperativity. Our architecture paves the way to a class of polariton devices based on topologically protected and highly interacting bound states in the continuum.

Rep Prog Phys ; 83(8): 082401, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32726300


Rooted in quantum optics and benefiting from its well-established foundations, strong coupling in nanophotonics has experienced increasing popularity in recent years. With nanophotonics being an experiment-driven field, the absence of appropriate theoretical methods to describe ground-breaking advances has often emerged as an important issue. To address this problem, the temptation to directly transfer and extend concepts already available from quantum optics is strong, even if a rigorous justification is not always available. In this review we discuss situations where, in our view, this strategy has indeed overstepped its bounds. We focus on exciton-plasmon interactions, and particularly on the idea of calculating the number of excitons involved in the coupling. We analyse how, starting from an unfounded interpretation of the term N/V that appears in theoretical descriptions at different levels of complexity, one might be tempted to make independent assumptions for what the number N and the volume V are, and attempt to calculate them separately. Such an approach can lead to different, often contradictory results, depending on the initial assumptions (e.g. through different treatments of V as the-ambiguous in plasmonics-mode volume). We argue that the source of such contradictions is the question itself-How many excitons are coupled?, which disregards the true nature of the coupled components of the system, has no meaning and often not even any practical importance. If one is interested in validating the quantum nature of the system-which appears to be the motivation driving the pursuit of strong coupling with small N-one could instead focus on quantities such as the photon emission rate or the second-order correlation function. While many of the issues discussed here may appear straightforward to specialists, our target audience is predominantly newcomers to the field, either students or scientists specialised in different disciplines. We have thus tried to minimise the occurrence of proofs and overly-technical details, and instead provide a qualitative discussion of analyses that should be avoided, hoping to facilitate further growth of this promising area.

Nano Lett ; 19(3): 1922-1930, 2019 03 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30721077


We describe a novel plasmonic-mode engineering, enabled by the structural symmetry of a plasmonic crystal with a metallic oligomer as unit cell. We show how the oligomer symmetry can tailor the scattering directions to spatially overlap with the diffractive orders directions of a plasmonic array. Applied to the color generation field, the presented approach enables the challenging achievement of a broad spectrum of angle-dependent colors since smooth and continuous generation of transmitted vibrant colors, covering both the cyan-magenta-yellow and the red-green-blue color spaces, is demonstrated by scattering angle- and polarization-dependent optical response. The addition of a symmetry driven level of control multiplies the possibility of optical information storage, being of potential interest for secured optical information encoding but also for nanophotonic applications, from demultiplexers or signal processing devices to on-chip optical nanocircuitry.

Nano Lett ; 16(9): 5823-8, 2016 09 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27564432


The capability to fully control the chiro-optical properties of metamaterials in the visible range enables a number of applications from integrated photonics to life science. To achieve this goal, a simultaneous control over complex spatial and localized structuring as well as material composition at the nanoscale is required. Here, we demonstrate how circular dichroic bands and optical rotation can be effectively and independently tailored throughout the visible regime as a function of the fundamental meta-atoms properties and of their three dimensional architecture in a the helix-shaped metamaterials. The record chiro-optical effects obtained in the visible range are accompanied by an additional control over optical efficiency, even in the plasmonic context. These achievements pave the way toward fully integrated chiral photonic devices.

Adv Mater ; 36(27): e2312131, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632702


Room temperature (RT) polariton condensate holds exceptional promise for revolutionizing various fields of science and technology, encompassing optoelectronics devices to quantum information processing. Using perovskite materials, like all-inorganic cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) single crystal, provides additional advantages, such as ease of synthesis, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with existing semiconductor technologies. In this work, the formation of whispering gallery modes (WGM) in CsPbBr3 single crystals with controlled geometry is shown, synthesized using a low-cost and efficient capillary bridge method. Through the implementation of microplatelets geometry, enhanced optical properties and performance are achieved due to the presence of sharp edges and a uniform surface, effectively avoiding non-radiative scattering losses caused by defects. This allows not only to observe strong light matter coupling and formation of whispering gallery polaritons, but also to demonstrate the onset of polariton condensation at RT. This investigation not only contributes to the advancement of the knowledge concerning the exceptional optical properties of perovskite-based polariton systems, but also unveils prospects for the exploration of WGM polariton condensation within the framework of a 3D perovskite-based platform, working at RT. The unique characteristics of polariton condensate, including low excitation thresholds and ultrafast dynamics, open up unique opportunities for advancements in photonics and optoelectronics devices.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 10(6): e2206930, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36575146


Chiral lattice modes are hybrid states arising from the chiral plasmonic particles assembled in ordered arrays with opportune periodicity. These resonances exhibit dependence on excitation handedness, and their observation in plasmonic lattices is strictly related to the chiroptical features of the fundamental plasmonic unit. Here, the emergence of chiral surface lattice resonances (c-SLRs) is shown in properly engineered arrays of nanohelices (NHs), fully three dimensional (3D) chiral nano-objects fabricated by focused ion beam processing. By tuning the relative weight of plasmonic and photonic components in the hybrid mode, the physical mechanism of strong diffractive coupling leading to the emergence of the lattice modes is analyzed, opening the way to the engineering of chiral plasmonic systems for sensing applications. In particular, a coupling regime is identified where the combination of a large intrinsic circular dichroism (CD) of the plasmonic resonance with a well-defined balance between the photonic quality factor (Q factor) and the plasmonic field enhancement (M) maximizes the capability of the system to discriminate refractive index (RI) changes in the surrounding medium. The results lay the foundation for exploiting CD in plasmonic lattices to high performance refractometric sensing.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 10(9)2022 Aug 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36141259


The Italian government has started the regulatory process of osteopathy to include it among the healthcare professions mentioning terms, such as "perceptual palpation" and "somatic dysfunction" within the professional profile. 'Palpatory findings' are one of the multidimensional aspects that can inform osteopathic clinical reasoning. The non-regulated educational system has led to heterogenic professionals working in Italy, thus, the aim of this study was to investigate how Italian experts use palpatory findings in their clinical practice. A total of 12 experts were selected to participate in four virtual focus groups. A qualitative inductive approach with a constructivist paradigm was chosen to describe the results. The themes that emerged were: osteopathic identity; evaluation; osteopathic diagnosis; and sharing with different recipients. Participants agreed on the peculiarity and distinctiveness of osteopathic palpation, but there was some disagreement on the clinical significance of the findings, highlighting a complex multidimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment. The results seem to reflect the history of the profession in Italy, which has evolved quickly, leading professionals to seek new paradigms blending tradition and scientific evidence. The authors suggest further investigation to verify the state of art among osteopaths not involved in research or a broader consensus of the results.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(2)2021 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33670330


Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are very promising semiconductors for many optoelectronic applications, although their extensive use is limited by their poor stability under environmental conditions. In this work, we synthesize two-dimensional perovskite single crystals and investigate their optical and structural evolution under continuous light irradiation. We found that the hydrophobic nature of the fluorinated component, together with the absence of grain boundary defects, lead to improved material stability thanks to the creation of a robust barrier that preserve the crystalline structure, hindering photo-degradation processes usually promoted by oxygen and moisture.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 16(12): 1349-1354, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34675412


The engineering of the energy dispersion of polaritons in microcavities through nanofabrication or through the exploitation of intrinsic material and cavity anisotropies has demonstrated many intriguing effects related to topology and emergent gauge fields such as the anomalous quantum Hall and Rashba effects. Here we show how we can obtain different Berry curvature distributions of polariton bands in a strongly coupled organic-inorganic two-dimensional perovskite single-crystal microcavity. The spatial anisotropy of the perovskite crystal combined with photonic spin-orbit coupling produce two Hamilton diabolical points in the dispersion. An external magnetic field breaks time-reversal symmetry owing to the exciton Zeeman splitting and lifts the degeneracy of the diabolical points. As a result, the bands possess non-zero integral Berry curvatures, which we directly measure by state tomography. In addition to the determination of the different Berry curvatures of the multimode microcavity dispersions, we can also modify the Berry curvature distribution, the so-called band geometry, within each band by tuning external parameters, such as temperature, magnetic field and sample thickness.

ACS Nano ; 13(9): 10711-10716, 2019 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31469265


Sources of single photons are a fundamental brick in the development of quantum information technologies. Great efforts have been made so far in the realization of reliable, highly efficient, and on demand quantum sources that could show an easy integration with quantum devices. This has recently culminated in the use of solid state quantum dots as promising candidates for future sources of quantum technologies. However, some challenges, like their complex fabrication, random distribution, and difficult integrability with silicon technology, could hinder their broad application, making necessary the study of alternative systems. In this work, we clearly demonstrate single photon emission from quantum dots formed in nonstoichiometric bulk perovskites. Their simple growing procedures, exceptional stability under constant illumination, easy control of their optical properties, as well as ease of integrability make these materials very interesting candidates for the development of quantum light sources in the near-infrared.

ACS Nano ; 10(12): 11360-11368, 2016 12 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28024373


Combining localized surface plasmons (LSPs) and diffractive surface waves (DSWs) in metallic nanoparticle gratings leads to the emergence of collective hybrid plasmonic-photonic modes known as surface lattice resonances (SLRs). These show reduced losses and therefore a higher Q factor with respect to pure LSPs, at the price of larger volumes. Thus, they can constitute a flexible and efficient platform for light-matter interaction. However, it remains an open question if there is, in terms of the Q/V ratio, a sizable gain with respect to the uncoupled LSPs or DSWs. This is a fundamental point to shed light upon if such modes want to be exploited, for instance, for cavity quantum electrodynamic effects. Here, using aluminum nanoparticle square gratings with unit cells consisting of narrow-gap disk dimers-a geometry featuring a very small modal volume-we demonstrate that an enhancement of the Q/V ratio with respect to the pure LSP and DSW is obtained for SLRs with a well-defined degree of plasmon hybridization. Simultaneously, we report a 5× increase of the Q/V ratio for the gap-coupled LSP with respect to that of the single nanoparticle. These outcomes are experimentally probed against the Rabi splitting, resulting from the coupling between the SLR and a J-aggregated molecular dye, showing an increase of 80% with respect to the DSW-like SLR sustained by the disk LSP of the dimer. The results of this work open the way toward more efficient applications for the exploitation of excitonic nonlinearities in hybrid plasmonic platforms.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6484, 2015 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25784379


Three dimensional helical chiral metamaterials resulted in effective manipulation of circularly polarized light in the visible infrared for advanced nanophotonics. Their potentialities are severely limited by the lack of full rotational symmetry preventing broadband operation, high signal-to-noise ratio and inducing high optical activity sensitivity to structure orientation. Complex intertwined three dimensional structures such as multiple-helical nanowires could overcome these limitations, allowing the achievement of several chiro-optical effects combining chirality and isotropy. Here we report three dimensional triple-helical nanowires, engineered by the innovative tomographic rotatory growth, on the basis of focused ion beam-induced deposition. These three dimensional nanostructures show up to 37% of circular dichroism in a broad range (500-1,000 nm), with a high signal-to-noise ratio (up to 24 dB). Optical activity of up to 8° only due to the circular birefringence is also shown, tracing the way towards chiral photonic devices that can be integrated in optical nanocircuits to modulate the visible light polarization.

Nanoscale ; 7(43): 18081-8, 2015 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26467488


In this work, we experimentally investigate the chiro-optical properties of 3D metallic helical systems at optical frequencies. Both single and triple-nanowire geometries have been studied. In particular, we found that in single-helical nanostructures, the enhancement of chiro-optical effects achievable by geometrical design is limited, especially with respect to the operation wavelength and the circular polarization conversion purity. Conversely, in the triple-helical nanowire configuration, the dominant interaction is the coupling among the intertwined coaxial helices which is driven by a symmetric spatial arrangement. Consequently, a general improvement in the g-factor, extinction ratio and signal-to-noise-ratio is achieved in a broad spectral range. Moreover, while in single-helical nanowires a mixed linear and circular birefringence results in an optical activity strongly dependent on the sample orientation and wavelength, in the triple-helical nanowire configuration, the obtained purely circular birefringence leads to a large optical activity up to 8°, independent of the sample angle, and extending in a broad band of 500 nm in the visible range. These results demonstrate a strong correlation between the configurational internal interactions and the chiral feature designation, which can be effectively exploited for nanoscale chiral device engineering.

ACS Nano ; 9(10): 9691-9, 2015 Oct 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26378956


In this paper, we report on the effect of metal oxidation on strong coupling interactions between silver nanostructures and a J-aggregated cyanine dye. We show that metal oxidation can sensibly affect the plexcitonic system, inducing a change in the coupling strength. In particular, we demonstrate that the presence of oxide prevents the appearance of Rabi splitting in the extinction spectra for thick spacers. In contrast, below a threshold percentage, the oxide layer results in an higher coupling strength between the plasmon and the Frenkel exciton. Contrary to common belief, a thin oxide layer seems thus to act, under certain conditions, as a coupling mediator between an emitter and a localized surface plasmon excited in a metallic nanostructure. This suggests that metal oxidation can be exploited as a means to enhance light-matter interactions in strong coupling applications.