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Front Psychol ; 13: 940076, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35795454


In recent decades scholars have acknowledged that transactions in the informal economy have not vanished with modernization and industrialization as expected but rather remain an important contemporary aspect of overall production and consumption across the world, in both developing and developed countries. Yet little is known about the profile of the consumers in this realm or what drives them to purchase from the informal economy. A systematic review of the literature investigating consumption in the informal economy reveals a severely underdeveloped area of consumer studies with significant gaps in terms of its theoretical approaches, methods and regional coverage. The findings of the existing literature is that multiple motives are used by consumers for justifying their purchases in the informal economy beyond the dominant simplistic view that they do simply for financial gain or for a lower price (namely, it identifies social ends and failures in formal market provision in terms of availability, speed of provision and quality). The outcome is a recognition that responsibility to reducing this phenomenon with negative effects on governments, businesses, workers and consumers lies not just with public authorities but also practitioners who need to correct the failures in formal market provision. The significant gaps identified in the literature are then used to highlight a comprehensive future research agenda, which includes the need for the development of an institutionalist theoretical perspective when explaining consumers' participation in the informal economy and social marketing interventions.

Front Psychol ; 13: 1042621, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619091


When COVID-19 swept the world at the end of 2019, it changed life as we knew it. With about 600 million positive cases (both recovered and active) and approximately 6.5 million deaths due to the disease, people worldwide have been affected physically, psychologically, economically, and socially by the pandemic. Amid such difficult times, @FacesofCovid-a Twitter account with more than 150,000 followers-was launched in March 2020 with the mission of honoring the lives of those lost to COVID-19 instead of presenting them as mere statistics. The account is a demonstrative example of the mourning genre as primarily exhibited through concise tweets grieving the deceased. As such, it offers a novel case of a public online mourning platform through microblogging, an understudied research area that merits further examination. A self-built corpus of 280,536 words was built from more than 7,000 tweets on the public account. The analysis presented in this paper focused on how people are constructed in the language of their loved ones as they are mourned through these tweets. Drawing on insight from van Leeuwen's social actor representation and corpus linguistics, the analysis was conducted using the #LancsBox corpus processing software package. The findings indicated that gender asymmetry persists within this corpus. Therefore, this paper adds to the rich body of literature documenting gender imbalance across different genres and domains. Men are far more present than women and are constructed through functionalization for the most part, whereas women are less functionalized and represented primarily through relational identification. In light of this, it is argued that while sometimes, gender asymmetry can intentionally be ideologically loaded and may serve hidden agendas, at other times, it may inherently and subconsciously be passed on through spontaneous language use.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(spe): e2142, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395209


RESUMEN Reconocer el carácter híbrido, complejo y sistémico del agua desde los estudios hidrosociales, implicó entender que esta circula en un proceso continuo entre los diversos actores en diferentes periodos históricos. En la cuenca del río Dagua, las profundas transformaciones que han alterado o modificado naturalmente la dinámica ecológica de la cuenca, están estrechamente vinculadas a la forma de apropiación social que cada uno de los actores que allí confluyen realizan, no solo del agua sino del territorio, creando y recreando territorios hidrosociales. Con una metodología interdisciplinaria y descriptiva, a través del análisis documental y del trabajo etnográfico con talleres, entrevistas semiestructuras y trabajo de campo, se reconoció que la apropiación social del agua está determinada por la cultura, es flexible y depende de cada contexto ontológico, geográfico e histórico, en el que se suscribe. El documento abarca desde el periodo precolombino hasta la actualidad y permitió mostrar que la apropiación social del agua no es excluyente ni en tiempo ni espacio. Puede darse simultáneamente, lo que sugiere que, en algunos momentos históricos, coexiste y puede estar inscrita a sociedades diferentes, con modos de vida y diferentes visiones-nociones y acciones de construir territorios hidrosociales, a lo largo del tiempo.

ABSTRACT Recognizing the hybrid, the complex and systemic character of water from hydrosocial studies implied understanding that it circulates in a continuous process between the various actors in different historical periods. In the Dagua river basin, the profound transformations that have naturally altered or modified the ecological dynamics of the basin are closely linked to the form of social appropriation that each of the actors that converge there carries out, not only of water but also of the territory, thus creating and recreating hydrosocial territories. With an interdisciplinary and descriptive methodology, through documentary analysis, and ethnographic work with workshops, semi-structural interviews and fieldwork, it recognized that the social appropriation of water determined by culture is flexible and depends on each ontological and geographical context and history subscribed. The document ranges from the pre-Columbian period to the present and shows that the social appropriation of water is not exclusive in time or space. It can occur simultaneously, which suggests that, in some historical moments, it coexists and may be inscribed in different societies, with different ways of life and different visions-notions and actions of building hydrosocial territories over time.

Reunir (Sousa) ; 5(3)2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | Coleciona SUS (Brasil) | ID: biblio-945592


O governo brasileiro criou em 2013 o Programa Mais Médicos, cujo objetivo central consiste em diminuir a carência de médicos em locais com déficits desses profissionais. O programa prevê responsabilidades compartilhadas entre o governo federal, instituições universitárias e prefeituras municipais. Este trabalho analisou a implantação do Programa Mais Médicos no município de Boqueirão, Paraíba. A pesquisa, realizada entre maio de 2014 e março de 2015, utilizou entrevistas e questionários para coletar as percepções e avaliações dos atores sociais envolvidos com o programa na cidade e dos beneficiários do mesmo. Além disso, foram realizadas observações de campo e consulta documental. A despeito das controvérsias suscitadas durante seu lançamento – motivadas por interesses corporativos, partidários e ideológicos -, o programa assegurou atendimento contínuo às populações de baixa renda no município investigado, sendo responsável pela manutenção constante dos profissionais médicos na atenção básica à saúde, o que se traduziu em considerável aceitação entre os seus beneficiários. Entretanto, as condições precárias de infraestrutura, oferecidas pelo município, evidenciam a distância existente entre a concepção do programa e a realidade local. Tais condições, todavia, não são suficientes para obscurecer a satisfação da população atendida que tem no serviço público a única forma de tratar da saúde.

The Brazilian government created in 2013 the Mais Médicos Program, in which the main goal is to reduce the shortage of doctors in areas with deficits of these professionals. The program establishes shared responsibilities between the federal government, universities and municipalities. In this study we analyzed the implementation of the Mais Médicos Program in the city of Boqueirão, Paraíba. The research, conducted between May 2014 and March 2015, made use of interviews and questionnaires to collect perceptions and evaluations of social actors involved in the program and the beneficiaries of it. In addition, field observations were performed along with document research. Despite the controversies raised during launch - motivated by corporate, partisan and ideological interests - the program ensured continuous care to low-income populations in the city and is responsible for frequent maintenance of medical professionals in primary health care, which resulted in huge acceptance among its beneficiaries. However, the poor state of infrastructure offered by the municipality shows the gap between the program design and the local reality. Such conditions, however, ore not enough to obscure the satisfaction of the population served, which is in the public service the only way to address health.

El gobierno brasileño creó en 2013 el Programa Más Médicos, cuyo principal objetivo es reducir la escasez de médicos en las zonas con déficit de estos profesionales. El programa prevé la responsabilidad compartida entre el gobierno federal, las universidades y los gobiernos municipales. Este estudio analizó la implementación del Programa Más médicos en el pueblo de Boqueirao, Paraiba. La encuesta, realizada entre mayo de 2014 y marzo de 2015, utiliza entrevistas y cuestionarios para recoger las percepciones y evaluaciones de los actores sociales involucrados con el programa en la ciudad y los beneficiaries. Además, las observaciones de campo se llevaron a cabo y la investigación de documentos. A pesar de la polémica suscitada por su lanzamiento - motivado por intereses corporativos, partidistas e ideológicos - el programa asegura un apoyo constante a las poblaciones de bajos ingresos en el municipio investigado y es responsable por el mantenimiento continuo de los profesionales médicos en la atención primaria, resultando en considerable aceptación entre sus beneficiarios. Sin embargo, el mal estado de la infraestructura que ofrece el municipio, muestra la brecha entre el diseño del programa y la realidad local. Estas condiciones, sin embargo, no son suficientes para ocultar la satisfacción de la población atendida, ya que el servicio público es la única manera que tiene de acceso a la salud.

Médicos Graduados Extranjeros/provisión & distribución , Médicos de Atención Primaria , Salud Pública , Política de Salud
Rev. Kairós ; 17(17,n.esp): 149-167, mai. 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-768829


Longevity is one of humanity’s greatest conquests, however the aging process and old age itself are still filed with stereotypes and negative stigmas. Despite all of the prejudice suffered by the elderly in the Brazilian culture, this age group has been gaining more visibility as far as public policies are concerned, and have also been understood in a distinctive manner by the research field. In spite of the demographic growth and aging, Brazil did not satisfactorily equate the issues regarding the demands of this age segment. Today, the elderly Brazilian population represents 22 million people, or 12% of the total population. According to projections of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, in 2025 Brazil will have an elderly population of 34 million: how will these elderlies? The goal of the article is after to identify the stereotypes that impregnated the old aged, reflect about the elderly in your new paper as a social actor while identifying the social movements focused for this segment. A bibliography research was performed. The conclusion was because of a hostile scenario imposed by a contemporary society to the elderly, the need for public policiesrecognize and guaranteeing basic rights for them is imperative. Despite the prejudices, the elderly mobilizations enable them to overcome situations of vulnerability, which they areexposed especially when in the proximity of your finitude. To the consolidation of a social actor, we need educational actions directed to that segment, bringing knowledge and information for all elderly. Education throughout life has a relevant role, in order to equip and empower the elderly. Hence, it will be possible to think, in actuality, of an elderly that is more active, participative and integrated to society, it is positioned to searching for their rights and engaging in social movements, ultimately escaping the stereotype still widespread in society that nothing else in life would expect death.

A longevidade é uma das maiores conquistas da humanidade; no entanto, o processo de envelhecimento e a velhice ainda são revestidos de estereótipos e estigmas negativos. Apesar de todos os preconceitos sofridos pelos idosos na cultura brasileira, essa faixa etária vem ganhando maior visibilidade, tanto em função das políticas públicas voltadas a esse segmento quanto pela relevância enquanto campo de pesquisa. Apesar do crescimento demográfico e do envelhecimento, o Brasil não equacionou de forma satisfatória as questões relacionadas com as demandas desse segmento. Hoje, a população idosa brasileira representa cerca de 22 milhões de pessoas, ou seja, 12% da população total. De acordo com projeções do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, em 2025 o Brasil terá uma população idosa de 34 milhões de pessoas; e como estarão esses idosos? O objetivo do artigo é, após identificar os estereótipos que revestem a população idosa, refletir sobre o idoso no seu novo papel de ator social, identificando os movimentos sociais voltados para este segmento etário. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Conclui-se que, diante de um cenário hostil imposto pela sociedade contemporânea para os idosos, na verdade, há a necessidade de políticas públicas que reconheçam e garantam os direitos básicos por que luta este grupo etário. Apesar dos preconceitos, os idosos devem continuar a se mobilizar para que seja possível superar as situações de vulnerabilidade, a que, via de regra, estão expostos especialmente quando da proximidade de sua finitude. Para a consolidação de um ator social, são necessárias ações educativas dirigidas ao segmento, trazendo conhecimento e informação de acesso de todas as pessoas idosas. A educação ao longo da vida tem um papel muito relevante, a fim de instrumentalizar e capacitá-las.

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Muerte , Participación Social
Rev. Kairós ; 17(17,n.esp): 149-167, mai. 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | Index Psi Revistas Técnico-Científicas | ID: psi-64449


Longevity is one of humanity’s greatest conquests, however the aging process and old age itself are still filed with stereotypes and negative stigmas. Despite all of the prejudice suffered by the elderly in the Brazilian culture, this age group has been gaining more visibility as far as public policies are concerned, and have also been understood in a distinctive manner by the research field. In spite of the demographic growth and aging, Brazil did not satisfactorily equate the issues regarding the demands of this age segment. Today, the elderly Brazilian population represents 22 million people, or 12% of the total population. According to projections of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, in 2025 Brazil will have an elderly population of 34 million: how will these elderlies? The goal of the article is after to identify the stereotypes that impregnated the old aged, reflect about the elderly in your new paper as a social actor while identifying the social movements focused for this segment. A bibliography research was performed. The conclusion was because of a hostile scenario imposed by a contemporary society to the elderly, the need for public policiesrecognize and guaranteeing basic rights for them is imperative. Despite the prejudices, the elderly mobilizations enable them to overcome situations of vulnerability, which they areexposed especially when in the proximity of your finitude. To the consolidation of a social actor, we need educational actions directed to that segment, bringing knowledge and information for all elderly. Education throughout life has a relevant role, in order to equip and empower the elderly. Hence, it will be possible to think, in actuality, of an elderly that is more active, participative and integrated to society, it is positioned to searching for their rights and engaging in social movements, ultimately escaping the stereotype still widespread in society that nothing else in life would expect death.(AU)

A longevidade é uma das maiores conquistas da humanidade; no entanto, o processo de envelhecimento e a velhice ainda são revestidos de estereótipos e estigmas negativos. Apesar de todos os preconceitos sofridos pelos idosos na cultura brasileira, essa faixa etária vem ganhando maior visibilidade, tanto em função das políticas públicas voltadas a esse segmento quanto pela relevância enquanto campo de pesquisa. Apesar do crescimento demográfico e do envelhecimento, o Brasil não equacionou de forma satisfatória as questões relacionadas com as demandas desse segmento. Hoje, a população idosa brasileira representa cerca de 22 milhões de pessoas, ou seja, 12% da população total. De acordo com projeções do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, em 2025 o Brasil terá uma população idosa de 34 milhões de pessoas; e como estarão esses idosos? O objetivo do artigo é, após identificar os estereótipos que revestem a população idosa, refletir sobre o idoso no seu novo papel de ator social, identificando os movimentos sociais voltados para este segmento etário. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Conclui-se que, diante de um cenário hostil imposto pela sociedade contemporânea para os idosos, na verdade, há a necessidade de políticas públicas que reconheçam e garantam os direitos básicos por que luta este grupo etário. Apesar dos preconceitos, os idosos devem continuar a se mobilizar para que seja possível superar as situações de vulnerabilidade, a que, via de regra, estão expostos especialmente quando da proximidade de sua finitude. Para a consolidação de um ator social, são necessárias ações educativas dirigidas ao segmento, trazendo conhecimento e informação de acesso de todas as pessoas idosas. A educação ao longo da vida tem um papel muito relevante, a fim de instrumentalizar e capacitá-las.(AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Participación Social , Muerte