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Preprint em Inglês | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-221135


The severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infects cells through interaction of its spike protein (SARS2-S) with Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and activation by proteases, in particular transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2). Viruses can also spread through fusion of infected with uninfected cells. We compared the requirements of ACE2 expression, proteolytic activation, and the sensitivity to inhibitors for SARS2-S-mediated and SARS-CoV-S(SARS1-S)-mediated cell-cell fusion. SARS2-S-driven fusion was moderately increased by TMPRSS2 and strongly by ACE2, while SARS1-S-driven fusion was strongly increased by TMPRSS2 and less so by ACE2 expression. In contrast to SARS1-S, SARS2-S-mediated cell-cell fusion was efficiently activated by Batimastat-sensitive metalloproteases. Mutation of the S1/S2 proteolytic cleavage site reduced effector-target-cell fusion when ACE2 or TMPRSS2 were limiting and rendered SARS2-S-driven cell-cell fusion more dependent on TMPRSS2. When both ACE2 and TMPRSS2 were abundant, initial target-effector-cell fusion was unaltered compared to wt SARS2-S, but syncytia remained smaller. Mutation of the S2 site specifically abrogated activation by TMPRSS2 for both cell-cell fusion and SARS2-S-driven pseudoparticle entry but still allowed for activation by metalloproteases for cell-cell fusion and by cathepsins for particle entry. Finally, we found that the TMPRSS2 inhibitor Bromhexine was unable to reduce TMPRSS2-activated cell-cell fusion by SARS1-S and SARS2-S as opposed to the inhibitor Camostat. Paradoxically, Bromhexine enhanced cell-cell fusion in the presence of TMPRSS2, while its metabolite Ambroxol exhibited inhibitory activity in some conditions. On Calu-3 lung cells, Ambroxol weakly inhibited SARS2-S-driven lentiviral pseudoparticle entry, and both substances exhibited a dose-dependent trend towards weak inhibition of authentic SARS-CoV-2. IMPORTANCECell-cell fusion allows the virus to infect neighboring cells without the need to produce free virus and contributes to tissue damage by creating virus-infected syncytia. Our results demonstrate that the S2 cleavage site is essential for activation by TMPRSS2 and unravel important differences between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, among those greater dependence of SARS-CoV-2 on ACE2 expression and activation by metalloproteases for cell-cell fusion. Bromhexine, reportedly an inhibitor of TMPRSS2, is currently tested in clinical trials against coronavirus disease 2019. Our results indicate that Bromhexine enhances fusion in some conditions. We therefore caution against use of Bromhexine in higher dosage until its effects on SARS-CoV-2 spike activation are better understood. The related compound Ambroxol, which similarly to Bromhexine is clinically used as an expectorant, did not exhibit activating effects on cell-cell fusion. Both compounds exhibited weak inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV-2 infection at high concentrations, which might be clinically attainable for Ambroxol.

Preprint em Inglês | PREPRINT-MEDRXIV | ID: ppmedrxiv-20091447


SARS-CoV-2 has emerged as a previously unknown zoonotic coronavirus that spread worldwide causing a serious pandemic. While reliable nucleic acid-based diagnostic assays were rapidly available, there exists only a limited number of validated serological assays. Here, we evaluated a novel flow cytometric approach based on antigen-expressing HEK 293T cells to assess spike-specific IgG and IgM antibody responses. Analyses of 201 pre-COVID-19 sera proved a high assay specificity in comparison to commercially available CLIA and ELISA systems, while also revealing the highest sensitivity in specimens from PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. Additionally, a soluble Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme 2 (ACE-2) variant was established as external standard to quantify spike-specific antibody responses on different assay platforms. In conclusion, our newly established flow cytometric assay allows sensitive and quantitative detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies, which can be easily adopted in different laboratories and does not rely on external supply of assay kits.

Preprint em Inglês | PREPRINT-BIORXIV | ID: ppbiorxiv-440101


TRIANNI mice carry an entire set of human immunoglobulin V region gene segments and are a powerful tool to rapidly generate human monoclonal antibodies. After immunizing these mice against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, we identified 29 hybridoma antibodies that reacted with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Nine antibodies neutralized SARS-CoV-2 infection at IC50 values in the subnanomolar range. ELISA-binding studies and DNA sequence analyses revealed one cluster of clonally related neutralizing antibodies that target the receptor-binding domain and compete with the cellular receptor hACE2. A second cluster of neutralizing antibodies binds to the N-terminal domain of the spike protein without competing with the binding of hACE2 or cluster 1 antibodies. SARS-CoV-2 mutants selected for resistance to an antibody from one cluster are still neutralized by an antibody from the other cluster. Antibodies from both clusters markedly reduced viral spread in mice transgenic for human ACE2 and protected the animals from SARS-CoV-2 induced weight loss. Thus, we report two clusters of potent non-competing SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies providing potential candidates for therapy and prophylaxis of COVID-19. The study further supports the use of transgenic animals with human immunoglobulin gene repertoires in pandemic preparedness initiatives.