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Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 126: 241-249, 2018 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29673694


Despite significant progress made in recent years toward developing an infrafamilial classification of Orchidaceae, our understanding of relationships among and within tribal and subtribal groups of epidendroid orchids remains incomplete. To reassess generic delimitation among one group of these epidendroids, the African angraecoids, phylogenetic relationships were inferred from DNA sequence data from three regions, ITS, matK, and the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, obtained from a broadly representative sample of taxa. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yielded highly resolved trees that are in clear agreement and show significant support for many key clades within subtribe Angraecinae s.l. Angraecoid orchids comprise two well-supported clades: an African/American group and an Indian Ocean group. Molecular results also support many previously proposed relationships among genera, but also reveal some unexpected relationships. The genera Aerangis, Ancistrorhynchus, Bolusiella, Campylocentrum, Cyrtorchis, Dendrophylax, Eurychone, Microcoelia, Nephrangis, Podangis and Solenangis are all shown to be monophyletic, but Angraecopsis, Diaphananthe and Margelliantha are polyphyletic. Diaphananthe forms three well-supported clades, one of which might represent a new genus, and Rhipidoglossum is paraphyletic with respect to Cribbia and Rhaesteria, and also includes taxa currently assigned to Margelliantha. Tridactyle too is paraphyletic as Eggelingia is embedded within it. The large genus Angraecum is confirmed to be polyphyletic and several groups will have to be recognized as separate genera, including sections Dolabrifolia and Hadrangis. The recently segregated genus Pectinariella (previously recognized as A. sect. Pectinaria) is polyphyletic and its Continental African species will have to be removed. Similarly, some of the species recently transferred to Angraecoides that were previously placed in Angraecum sects. Afrangraecum and Conchoglossum will have to be moved and described as a new genus.

Orchidaceae/classificação , Filogenia , Teorema de Bayes , DNA de Plantas/genética , Oceano Índico , Orchidaceae/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA
PhytoKeys ; (61): 61-71, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27081350


Recent field inventories and taxonomic research in Central Africa have resulted in the discovery of many new orchid species. Five specimens of an apparently new Angraecum species were collected in Gabon and Cameroon. They stand out for their hanging habit and short zig-zag stem. Morphology of leaves and habit is somewhat comparable to Angraecum cultriforme and Angraecum stolzii, two species from East Africa. Flowers of the novelty share the general morphology of Angraecum pyriforme from which the new species is distinguished by being smaller and with a different lip-spur ratio. Here we show that these five specimens represent a new species, described here as Angraecum lanceolatum. The distinguishing traits include thin lanceolate leaves, convolute distally, with a rhombic lip shape. Dichotomous key to four Central African species of sect. Conchoglossum and a table of the diagnostic characters of the seven related Continental African Angraecum taxa are included here. A preliminary assessment of the conservation status of Angraecum lanceolatum is provided, using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

RésuméDes travaux récents d'inventaires et de taxonomie ont abouti à la découverte de nombreuses espèces nouvelles d'orchidées en Afrique centrale. Cinq spécimens n'appartenant à aucune espèce d'Angraecum connue à ce jour ont été récoltés au Gabon et au Cameroun. Ces spécimens se distinguent par un port pendant et une tige courte disposée en zigzag. Leur morphologie foliaire et leur port sont proches de ceuxd'Angraecum cultriforme et d'Angraecum stolzii, deux espèces d'Afrique de l'Est. Les fleurs de cette nouveauté taxonomique présentent la morphologie générale d'Angraecum piriforme, mais sont cependant plus petites et présentent un rapport différent de la longueur du labelle sur celle de l'éperon. Nous montrons ici que ces cinq échantillons représentent une nouvelle espèce, décrite sous le nom d'Angraecum lanceolatum. Les traits distinctifs de ce nouveau taxonsont ses feuilles minces, lancéolées et tordues à l'apex, ainsi que la forme du labelle en losange. Une clé dichotomique des quatre espèces de la section Conchoglossum présentes en Afrique centrale et une table des caractères diagnostiques des six taxons proches d'Angraecum lanceolatum présents en Afrique continentale sont proposées. Le statut de conservation d'Angraecum lanceolatum est évalué selon la méthodologie de la Liste Rouge de l'UICN.