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J Mother Child ; 23(4): 253-262, 2021 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34705354


INTRODUCTION: Wady letalne prowadza do wewnatrzmacicznego zgonu plodu lub dziecka bezposrednio po urodzeniu lub we wczesnym okresie niemowlecym, bez wzgledu na zastosowane leczenie. W przypadku wad letalnych nie ma mozliwosci skutecznej pomocy dziecku, mimo postepu mi zeadsytcoysnoyw ania najnowoczesniejszej aparatury lub terapii. Rodzice, którzy decyduja sie na urodzenie dziecka z wada letalna moga byc objeci perinatalna opieka hospicyjna, która ma charakter kompleksowy. Polega ona na wsparciu ciezarnej w okresie przygotowania do porodu, w czasie porodu i po porodzie oraz na wsparciu jej rodziny oraz obejmuje udzielenie rodzicom pelnej informacji o chorobie ich dziecka. Opieka nad dzieckiem po urodzeniu jest nastawiona na ochrone przed uporczywa terapia i zapewnienie dziecku opieki paliatywnej. CEL: Wykazanie znaczenia perinatalnej opieki paliatywnej dla kobiet w ciazy, u których wyniki badan prenatalnych wskazywaly na ciezkie zaburzenie rozwojowe u plodu o potencjalnie letalnym rokowaniu oraz przedstawienie schematu postepowania wedlug modelu wewnatrzszpitalnego hospicjum perinatalnego. MATERIAL I METODY: Analiza retrospektywna objeto dokumentacje 67 pacjentek skierowanych do Programu RAZEM we Wroclawiu w latach 2014-2018 z powodu nieprawidlowych wyników badan prenatalnych (ultrasonograficznych lub/i genetycznych), które wskazywaly na ciezkie zaburzenie rozwojowe u plodu o potencjalnie letalnym rokowaniu. Dokonanoanalizy danych socjodemograficznych, danych klinicznych rozpoznania choroby u plodu, przebiegu ciazy i porodu, trybu postepowania w okresie prenatalnym, podczas porodu i po urodzeniu sie dziecka. WYNIKI: Do Programu zostalo skierowanych 67 kobiet w wieku 20-43 lat (srednio 31,2), które zglaszaly sie w okresie od 15 do 39 tygodnia ciazy (srednio w 25. tygodniu ciazy). Do opieki paliatywnej zakwalifikowano 57 kobiet, czyli 85% skierowanych do programu. Opieke paliatywna kontynuowano u 51 pacjentek, poniewaz 6 kobiet w trakcie procesu diagnostycznego zdecydowalo sie na zakonczenie ciazy (10,5%). Najczestszymi zaburzeniami u plodów byly aberracje chromosomowe, wady OUN i wady nerek. W 95% przypadków doszlo do obumarcia wewnatrzmacicznego plodu lub smierci noworodka. WNIOSKI: Perinatalna opieka paliatywna jest niezbedna forma opieki dla kobiet w ciazy, u których wyniki badan prenatalnych wskazuja na ciezkie zaburzenie rozwojowe u plodu o potencjalnie letalnym rokowaniu. Model wewnatrzszpitalny hospicjum perinatalnego jest korzystna forma opieki, zapewnia jej spójnosc i dobra komunikacje w zespole, co wplywa na dobra jakosc opieki. INTRODUCTION: Lethal defects lead to the intrauterine death of the fetus or the passing away of the child immediately after birth or in early infancy, regardless of the treatment used. In the case of lethal defects, it is not possible to effectively help the child, despite using the most modern equipment or medicines in the treatment or the progress made by medicine. Parents, who decide to continue the pregnancy, although the fetus has a lethal defect that cannot be cured, may be covered by perinatal hospice care, which is comprehensive and consists in supporting the pregnant woman during the prenatal time, during delivery and after delivery and support of her family, giving full information to the parents about their child's illness. Childcare after birth is focused on protecting the infant from persistent therapy and providing him with appropriate conditions. AIM: To demonstrate the role of perinatal palliative care for pregnant women in whom the results of prenatal tests pointed to a severe developmental disorder in the fetus with a potentially lethal prognosis, and to present a pattern of behavior for their hospitalization in the perinatal hospice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The retrospective analysis included documentation of 67 patients referred to the RAZEM (TOGETHER) Program in Wroclaw in 2014-2018 due to abnormal results of (ultrasound and / or genetic) prenatal tests, which indicated a serious developmental disorder in the fetus with potentially lethal prognosis. Analysis was conducted of sociodemographic data, clinical data on fetal diagnosis, pregnancy and delivery, the procedure for prenatal delivery and postnatal birth. RESULTS: 67 women aged 20-43 years (mean 31.2) were referred to the RAZEM Program. Out of these, 57 women were enrolled for palliative care, which accounted for 85% of those referred to the program. Palliative care was continued in 51 patients, because 6 women decided to terminate their pregnancy during the diagnostic process (10.5%). The most common abnormalities in the fetuses were chromosomal aberrations, CNS defects and kidney defects. In 95% of the cases, intrauterine fetal death or neonatal death occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Perinatal palliative care is an indispensable form of care for pregnant women in whom the results of prenatal tests indicate a serious developmental disorder in the fetus with potentially lethal prognosis. The in-hospital model of a perinatal hospice is a beneficial form of care, as it ensures consistency and good communication in the team, which favourably affects its quality.

Cuidados Paliativos na Terminalidade da Vida , Criança , Feminino , Morte Fetal , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Cuidados Paliativos , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Estudos Retrospectivos
Dev Period Med ; 23(4): 253-262, 2019.
Artigo em Polonês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31913141


OBJECTIVE: Lethal defects lead to the intrauterine death of the fetus or the passing away of the child immediately after birth or in early infancy, regardless of the treatment used. In the case of lethal defects, it is not possible to effectively help the child, despite using the most modern equipment or medicines in the treatment or the progress made by medicine. Parents, who decide to continue the pregnancy, although the fetus has a lethal defect that cannot be cured, may be covered by perinatal hospice care, which is comprehensive and consists in supporting the pregnant woman during the prenatal time, during delivery and after delivery and support of her family, giving full information to the parents about their child's illness. Childcare after birth is focused on protecting the infant from persistent therapy and providing him with appropriate conditions. Aim: To demonstrate the role of perinatal palliative care for pregnant women in whom the results of prenatal tests pointed to a severe developmental disorder in the fetus with a potentially lethal prognosis, and to present a pattern of behavior for their hospitalization in the perinatal hospice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The retrospective analysis included documentation of 67 patients referred to the RAZEM (TOGETHER) Program in Wroclaw in 2014-2018 due to abnormal results of (ultrasound and / or genetic) prenatal tests, which indicated a serious developmental disorder in the fetus with potentially lethal prognosis. Analysis was conducted of sociodemographic data, clinical data on fetal diagnosis, pregnancy and delivery, the procedure for prenatal delivery and postnatal birth. RESULTS: Results: 67 women aged 20-43 years (mean 31.2) were referred to the RAZEM Program. Out of these, 57 women were enrolled for palliative care, which accounted for 85% of those referred to the program. Palliative care was continued in 51 patients, because 6 women decided to terminate their pregnancy during the diagnostic process (10.5%). The most common abnormalities in the fetuses were chromosomal aberrations, CNS defects and kidney defects. In 95% of the cases, intrauterine fetal death or neonatal death occurred. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Perinatal palliative care is an indispensable form of care for pregnant women in whom the results of prenatal tests indicate a serious developmental disorder in the fetus with potentially lethal prognosis. The in-hospital model of a perinatal hospice is a beneficial form of care, as it ensures consistency and good communication in the team, which favourably affects its quality.

Anormalidades Congênitas/mortalidade , Doenças Fetais/mortalidade , Cuidados Paliativos na Terminalidade da Vida/organização & administração , Cuidados Paliativos/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Anormalidades Congênitas/patologia , Feminino , Morte Fetal , Doenças Fetais/patologia , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Polônia , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto Jovem