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Magn Reson Chem ; 59(9-10): 961-974, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33565625


Characterising the local structures (e.g., the cation distribution) of mixed-metal ceramics by NMR spectroscopy is often challenging owing to the unfavourable properties (low γ, large quadrupole moment and/or low abundance) of many metal nuclei. 17 O is an attractive option owing to the prevalence of oxygen within ceramics. The moderate γ and small quadrupole moment of 17 O mean that the greatest barrier to accessing the information available from this nucleus is isotopic enrichment. We explore the challenges of ensuring uniform isotopic enrichment with 17 O2 (g) for the pyrochlore solid solutions, Y2 Snx Ti2-x O7 , La2 Snx Zr2-x O7 and La2 Snx Hf2-x O7 , demonstrating that high enrichment temperatures (900 °C for 12 hr) are required. In addition, for sites with very high symmetry (such as the tetrahedral OY4 and OLa4 sites with CQ ≈ 0 present here), we demonstrate that quantitative 17 O NMR spectra require correction for the differing contributions from the centreband of the satellite transitions, which can be as high as a factor of ~3.89. It is common to use first-principles calculations to aid in interpreting NMR spectra of disordered solids. Here, we use an ensemble modelling approach to ensure that all possible cation arrangements are modelled in the minimum possible number of calculations. By combining uniform isotopic enrichment, quantitative NMR spectroscopy and a comprehensive computational approach, we are able to show that the cation distribution in Y2 Snx Ti2-x O7 is essentially random, whereas in La2 Snx Zr2-x O7 and La2 Snx Hf2-x O7 , OLa2SnZr and OLa2SnHf sites are slightly energetically disfavoured, leading to a weak preference for clustering of like cations.

J Am Chem Soc ; 141(44): 17838-17846, 2019 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31591883


The sensitivity of NMR to the local environment, without the need for any long-range order, makes it an ideal tool for the characterization of disordered materials. Computational prediction of NMR parameters can be of considerable help in the interpretation and assignment of NMR spectra of solids, but the statistical representation of all possible chemical environments for a solid solution is challenging. Here, we illustrate the use of a symmetry-adapted configurational ensemble in the simulation of NMR spectra, in combination with solid-state NMR experiments. We show that for interpretation of the complex and overlapped lineshapes that are typically observed, it is important to go beyond a single-configuration representation or a simple enumeration of local environments. The ensemble method leads to excellent agreement between simulated and experimental spectra for Y2(Sn,Ti)2O7 pyrochlore ceramics, where the overlap of signals from different local environments prevents a simple decomposition of the experimental spectral lineshapes. The inclusion of a Boltzmann weighting confirms that the best agreement with experiment is obtained at higher temperatures, in the limit of full disorder. We also show that to improve agreement with experiment, in particular at low dopant concentrations, larger supercells are needed, which might require alternative simulation approaches as the complexity of the system increases. It is clear that ensemble-based modeling approaches in conjunction with NMR spectroscopy offer great potential for understanding configurational disorder, ultimately aiding the future design of functional materials.

J Am Chem Soc ; 141(7): 3024-3036, 2019 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676032


The Earth's transition zone, at depths of 410-660 km, while being composed of nominally anhydrous magnesium silicate minerals, may be subject to significant hydration. Little is known about the mechanism of hydration, despite the vital role this plays in the physical and chemical properties of the mantle, leading to a need for improved structural characterization. Here we present an ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) investigation of semihydrous (1.65 wt % H2O) and fully hydrous (3.3 wt % H2O) wadsleyite. Following the AIRSS process, k-means clustering was used to select sets of structures with duplicates removed, which were then subjected to further geometry optimization with tighter constraints prior to NMR calculations. Semihydrous models identify a ground-state structure (Mg3 vacancies, O1-H hydroxyls) that aligns with a number of previous experimental observations. However, predicted NMR parameters fail to reproduce low-intensity signals observed in solid-state NMR spectra. In contrast, the fully hydrous models produced by AIRSS, which enable both isolated and clustered defects, are able to explain observed NMR signals via just four low-enthalpy structures: (i) a ground state, with isolated Mg3 vacancies and O1-H hydroxyls; (ii/iii) edge-sharing Mg3 vacancies with O1-H and O3-H species; and (iv) edge-sharing Mg1 and Mg3 vacancies with O1-H, O3-H, and O4-H hydroxyls. Thus, the combination of advanced structure searching approaches and solid-state NMR spectroscopy is able to provide new and detailed insight into the structure of this important mantle mineral.

Magn Reson Chem ; 57(5): 176-190, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30105879


The 31 P chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) offers a potential source of new information to help determine the structures of aluminophosphate (AlPO) framework materials. We investigate how to measure the CSAs, which are small (span of ~20-30 ppm) for AlPOs, demonstrating the need for CSA-amplification experiments (often in conjunction with 27 Al and/or 1 H decoupling) at high magnetic field (20.0 T) to obtain accurate values. We show that the most shielded component of the chemical shift tensor, δ33 , is related to the length of the shortest P─O bond, whereas the more deshielded components, δ11 and δ22 can be related more readily to the mean P─O bond lengths and P─O─Al angles. Using the case of Mg-doped STA-2 as an example, the CSA is shown to be much larger for P(OAl)4-n (OMg)n environments, primarily owing to a much shorter P─O(Mg) bond affecting δ33 , however, because the mean P─O bond lengths and P─O─T (T = Al, Mg) bond angles do not change significantly between P(OAl)4 and P(OAl)4-n (OMg)n sites, the isotropic chemical shifts for these species are similar, leading to overlapped spectral lines. When the CSA information is included, spectral assignment becomes unambiguous, therefore, although the specialist conditions required might preclude the routine measurement of 31 P CSAs in AlPOs, in some cases (particularly doped materials), the experiments can still provide valuable additional information for spectral assignment.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(15): 10173-81, 2016 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27020937


The structural chemistry of materials containing low levels of nonstoichiometric hydrogen is difficult to determine, and producing structural models is challenging where hydrogen has no fixed crystallographic site. Here we demonstrate a computational approach employing ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) to generate a series of candidate structures for hydrous wadsleyite (ß-Mg2SiO4 with 1.6 wt% H2O), a high-pressure mineral proposed as a repository for water in the Earth's transition zone. Aligning with previous experimental work, we solely consider models with Mg3 (over Mg1, Mg2 or Si) vacancies. We adapt the AIRSS method by starting with anhydrous wadsleyite, removing a single Mg(2+) and randomly placing two H(+) in a unit cell model, generating 819 candidate structures. 103 geometries were then subjected to more accurate optimisation under periodic DFT. Using this approach, we find the most favourable hydration mechanism involves protonation of two O1 sites around the Mg3 vacancy. The formation of silanol groups on O3 or O4 sites (with loss of stable O1-H hydroxyls) coincides with an increase in total enthalpy. Importantly, the approach we employ allows observables such as NMR parameters to be computed for each structure. We consider hydrous wadsleyite (∼1.6 wt%) to be dominated by protonated O1 sites, with O3/O4-H silanol groups present as defects, a model that maps well onto experimental studies at higher levels of hydration (J. M. Griffin et al., Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 1523). The AIRSS approach adopted herein provides the crucial link between atomic-scale structure and experimental studies.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(14): 9049-59, 2015 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25754713


A combination of (89)Y and (119)Sn NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations are used to investigate phase evolution, local structure and disorder in Y2Zr2-xSnxO7 ceramics, where a phase change is predicted, from pyrochlore to defect fluorite, with increasing Zr content. The ability of NMR to effectively probe materials that exhibit positional and compositional disorder provides insight into the atomic-scale structure in both ordered and disordered phases and, by exploiting the quantitative nature of the technique, we are able to determine detailed information on the composition of the phase(s) present and the average coordination number (and next-nearest neighbour environment) of the cations. In contrast to previous studies, a more complex picture of the phase variation with composition emerges, with single-phase pyrochlore found only for the Sn end member, and a single defect fluorite phase only for x = 0 to 0.6. A broad two-phase region is observed, from x = 1.8 to 0.8, but the two phases present have very different composition, with a maximum of 13% Zr incorporated into the pyrochlore phase, whereas the composition of the defect fluorite phase varies throughout. Preferential ordering of the anion vacancies in the defect fluorite phase is observed, with Sn only ever found in a six-coordinate environment, while remaining vacancies are shown to be more likely to be associated with Zr than Y. Our findings are then discussed in the light of those from previous studies, many of which utilize diffraction-based approaches, where, in most cases, a single phase of fixed composition has been assumed for the refinement procedure. The significant and surprising differences encountered demonstrate the need for complementary approaches to be considered for a detailed and accurate picture of both the long- and short-range structure of a solid to be achieved.

RSC Adv ; 8(13): 7089-7101, 2018 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29568509


The potential of 17O NMR spectroscopy for the investigation of A2B2O7 ceramic oxides important in the encapsulation of radioactive waste is demonstrated, with post-synthetic enrichment by exchange with 17O2 gas. For Y2Sn2O7, Y2Ti2O7 and La2Sn2O7 pyrochlores, enrichment of the two distinct O species is clearly non quantitative at lower temperatures (∼700 °C and below) and at shorter times, despite these being used in prior work, with preferential enrichment of OA2B2 favoured over that of OA4. At higher temperatures, the 17O NMR spectra suggest that quantitative enrichment has been achieved, but the integrated signal intensities do not reflect the crystallographic 1 : 6 (O1 : O2) ratio until corrected for differences in T1 relaxation rates and, more importantly, the contribution of the satellite transitions. 17O NMR spectra of Y2Zr2O7 and Y2Hf2O7 defect fluorites showed little difference with any variation in enrichment temperature or time, although an increase in the absolute level of enrichment (up to ∼7.5%) was observed at higher temperature. DFT calculations show that the six distinct resonances observed cannot be assigned unambiguously, as each has contributions from more than one of the five possible next nearest neighbour environments. For La2Ti2O7, which adopts a layered perovskite-like structure, little difference in the spectral intensities is observed with enrichment time or temperature, although the highest absolute levels of enrichment (∼13%) were obtained at higher temperature. This work demonstrates that 17O NMR has the potential to be a powerful probe of local structure and disorder in oxides, but that considerable care must be taken both in choosing the conditions for 17O enrichment and the experimental acquisition parameters if the necessary quantitative measurements are to be obtained for more complex systems.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 121(28): 15198-15210, 2017 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28751927


NMR crystallography has recently been applied to great effect for silica zeolites. Here we investigate whether it is possible to extend the structural information available from routine NMR spectra via a simple structure-spectrum relationship. Unlike previous empirically derived relationships that have compared experimental crystal structures for (often disordered) silicates with experimental NMR spectra, where the structure may not be an accurate representation of the material studied experimentally, we use NMR parameters calculated by density functional theory (DFT) for both model Si(OSi(OH)3)4 clusters and also extended zeolitic SiO2 frameworks, for which the input structure corresponding to the NMR parameters is known exactly. We arrive at a structure-spectrum relationship dependent on the mean Si-O bond length, mean Si-O-Si bond angle, and the standard deviations of both parameters, which can predict to within 1.3 ppm the 29Si isotropic magnetic shielding that should be obtained from a DFT calculation. While this semiempirical relationship will never supersede DFT where this is possible, it does open up the possibility of a rapid estimation of the outcome of a DFT calculation where the actual calculation would be prohibitively costly or otherwise challenging. We also investigate the structural optimization of SiO2 zeolites using DFT, demonstrating that the mean Si-O bond lengths all tend to 1.62 Å and the distortion index tends to <2.0°, suggesting that these metrics may be suitable for rapid validation of whether a given crystal structure represents a realistic local geometry around Si, or merely a bulk average with contributions from several different local geometries.

J Appl Lab Med ; 1(5): 595-597, 2017 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379798