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J Adolesc ; 37(4): 359-66, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24793382


Prosocial behaviors, actions intended to help others, may serve a protective function against association with deviant peers and subsequent delinquent and antisocial behaviors. The present study examined the relations among specific types of prosocial behaviors, deviant peer affiliation, and delinquent and aggressive behaviors. Six hundred and sixty-six adolescents (46% girls; M age = 15.33, SD = .47) from Valencia, Spain completed questionnaires of prosocial behaviors, affiliation with deviant peers, antisocial behaviors, and aggression. Results showed that antisocial behaviors were negatively related only to specific forms of prosocial behaviors. Further analyses showed that deviant peer affiliation mediated the relations between compliant prosocial behavior and delinquency and aggression. Although altruism was not directly related to delinquency and aggression, it was indirectly linked to the behaviors via deviant peer affiliation. Discussion focuses on the relevance of specific forms of prosocial behaviors to antisocial behaviors and the risk of deviant peers for prosocial youth.

Grupo Associado , Comportamento Social , Adaptação Psicológica , Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Ajustamento Social
J Lat Psychol ; 6(3): 175-189, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34337352


Researchers have demonstrated mixed associations between acculturative stress and prosocial behaviors (actions intended to benefit others) among Latino/a adolescents and emerging adults. The current study aimed to examine the relations between acculturative stress and Latino/a young adults' prosocial behaviors via familism values and emotion reappraisal. Participants were 1,527 Latino/a college students (M age = 20.35 years, SD = 3.88; 75.2% women) from universities across the United States. The results demonstrated direct and indirect links between acculturative stress and prosocial behaviors. Specifically, acculturative stress was positively related to familism values, which in turn were positively associated with multiple forms of prosocial behaviors. Additionally, emotion reappraisal was positively associated with specific forms of prosocial behaviors. There was also evidence that familism and emotion reappraisals moderated the associations between acculturative stress and specific forms of prosocial behaviors. Discussion focuses on the interplay of culture-related and emotion-regulation processes associated with Latino/a young adults' positive social outcomes.

Investigadores han demostrado relaciones mixtas entre estrés de aculturación y comportamientos prosociales (acciones que benefician a otros) en adolecentes y adultos jóvenes Latino/as. Esta investigación examino las relaciones entre estrés de aculturación y comportamientos prosociales de parte de valores de la familia y reevaluaciones de emociones. Los sujetos eran 1,527 estudiantes universitarios de patrimonio Latino/a (M edad = 20.35 años, SD = 3.88; 75.2% mujeres) en universidades en los Estados Unidos. Los resultados demostraron asociaciones directas y indirectas entre estrés de aculturación y comportamientos prosociales. Específicamente, estrés de aculturación estaba asociado positivamente con varias formas de comportamientos prosociales. Además, reevaluaciones de emociones estaba relacionado positivamente con especificas formas de comportamientos prosociales. Había también evidencia que valores de la familia y reevaluaciones de emociones moderaron las asociaciones entre estrés de aculturación y especificas formas de comportamientos prosociales. La discusión se enfoca en la interacción de procesos culturales y regulación de emociones asociadas con los éxitos sociales positivos en adultos jóvenes Latino/as.